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In the Shoalhaven River Gorge, in the eastern Lachlan Fold Belt, the Ordovician quartz‐turbidite succession (Adaminaby Group) is affected by one major phase of deformation with northerly trending, gently plunging, upright, close to tight folds (F1) characterised by a range in half wavelengths up to 3 km. Several anticlinoria and synclinoria are developed and folds occur in at least four orders; these characteristics are consistent with buckling occurring at several scales and are controlled by the thickness of competent units in the multilayered succession. F1 folding is thick‐skinned in style with the whole crust probably having been affected by deformation. D1 occurred during the Silurian to Middle Devonian interval and was associated with crustal thickening and the shallowing of depositional environments over time. Locally, F1 is overprinted by south‐southeast‐trending, steeply to moderately inclined F2 that reorients F1 to recumbent attitudes. D2 is of Early to Middle Carboniferous age. Both deformations are related to convergence in an intra‐arc to backarc region and occurred inboard of a subduction zone, remnants of which occur in the New England Fold Belt.  相似文献   
《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(4):157-163
The Terena Formation is located in the central part of the Ossa-Morena Zone (OMZ) and outcrops in the core of a latter (D3) first order syncline. This Formation is a Lower Devonian flysch and shows an unusual “Z” shape, with a central sector trending nearly N-S, and the tips trending NW-SE. This central sector is crossed by the cleavage (NW-SE) showing an apparent dextral (clockwise) transection pattern, anomalous and opposite to the regional widespread sinistral (anti-clockwise) transpression. The same sector with cartographic dextral transection, shows at outcrop scale, mesoscopic folds with a sinistral transection. During the Lower Devonian a N-S trending basin was developed as an effect of an early tectonic deformation phase. This trough was filled with turbidites and its elongated geometry determined the shape of the main syncline. We propose that the dextral transection pattern, at cartographic scale, result from the superposition of the NW-SE upright S3 cleavage on this major regional structure controlled by a sedimentary trough. The mesoscopic folds, observed on the upper levels of the sedimentary sequence were not influenced by the topographic anisotropy of the basin, and therefore they developed a left transection, according to the regional deformation mechanisms.

The “Z” shape of the syncline could be explained as a consequence of two major tectonic shear zones situated along the north and south boundaries of the OMZ, respectively the Tomar-Badajoz-Cordoba Shear Zone and the South Iberian Suture, lined by the Beja-Acebuches Ophiolitic Complex. Both shear zones have a sinistral transpressive character and were active during late Variscan tectonic events.  相似文献   
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987113000030   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Dabashan orocline is situated in the northwestern margin of the central Yangtze block,central China.Previous studies have defined the orthogonal superposed folds growing in its central-western segment thereby confirming its two-stage tectonic evolution history.Geological mapping has revealed that more types of superposed folds have developed in the eastern segment of the orocline,which probably provides more clues for probing the structure and tectonic history of the Dabashan orocline.In this paper,based on geological mapping,structural measurements and analyses of deformation,we have identified three groups of folds with different trends (e.g.NW-,NE-and nearly E-trending folds) and three types of structural patterns of superposed folds in the eastern Dabashan foreland (e.g.syn-axial,oblique,and conjunctional superposed folds).In combination with geochronological data,we propose that the synaxial superposed folds are due to two stages of ~N-S shortening in the west and north of the Shennongjia massif,and that oblique superposed folds have been resulted from the superposition of the NW-and NE-trending folds onto the early ~ E-W folds in the east of the Shennongjia massif in the late Jurassic to early Cretaceous.The conjunctional folds are composed of the NW-and NE-trending folds,corresponding to the regional-scale dual-orocline in the eastern Sichuan as a result of the southwestward expansion of the Dabashan foreland during late Jurassic to early Cretaceous,coeval with the northwestward propagation of the Xuefengshan foreland.Integration of the structure and geochronology of the belt shows that the Dabashan orocline is a combined deformation belt primarily experiencing a twostage tectonic evolution history in Mesozoic,initiation of the Dabashan orocline as a foreland basin along the front of the Qinling orogen in late Triassic to early Jurassic due to collisional orogeny,and the final formation of the Dabashan orocline owing to the southwestward propagation of the Qinling orogen during late Jurassic to early Cretaceous intra-continental orogeny.Our studies provide some evidences for understanding the structure and deformation of the Dabashan orocline.  相似文献   
在砂岩储层中进行构造裂缝发育规律的研究,对储层预测具有一定的现实意义。文中以库车坳陷东部地区砂岩中发 育的断层转折褶皱和断层传播褶皱为研究对象,统计分析构造裂缝密度大小与断层距离的关系,探讨断层相关褶皱对裂缝 发育程度的规律性认识。分析结果发现:在断层相关褶皱中,构造裂缝的密度随着距断层距离的增大而减小,二者存在明 显的指数关系;并且在靠近断层和转折端的附近,存在一个构造裂缝密度骤减的范围,定义这个范围为“断层 - 转折端共 控构造裂缝带”。断层相关褶皱带内“断层 - 转折端共控构造裂缝带”的发现与认识,对构造裂缝的定量化研究以及油藏数 值模拟等都具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
The Hastings Block is a weakly cleaved and complexly folded and faulted terrain made up of Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The map pattern of bedding suggests a major boundary exists that divides the Hastings Block into northern and southern parts. Bedding north of this boundary defines an upright box-like Parrabel Anticline that plunges gently northwest. Four cleavage/fold populations are recognised namely: E–W-striking, steeply dipping cleavage S1 that is axial surface to gently to moderately E- or W-plunging; F1 folds that were re-oriented during the formation of the Parrabel Anticline with less common N–S-trending, steeply dipping cleavage S2, axial surface to gently to moderately N-plunging F2 folds; poorly developed NW–SE-striking, steeply dipping cleavage S3 axial surface to mesoscopic, mainly NW-plunging F3 folds; and finally, a weakly developed NE–SW-striking, steeply dipping S4 cleavage formed axial surface to mainly NE-plunging F4. The Parrabel Anticline is considered to have formed during the D3 deformation. The more intense development of S2 and S3 on the western margin of the Northern Hastings Block reflects increasing strain related to major shortening of the sequences adjacent to the Tablelands Complex during the Hunter–Bowen Orogeny. The pattern of multiple deformation we have recorded is inconsistent with previous suggestions that the Hastings Block is part of an S-shaped orocline folded about near vertically plunging axes.  相似文献   
Fold-thrust belts formed above a ductile detachment typically contain detachment folds, whereas those formed above frictional detachments contain fault-related fold complexes, such as imbricate thrust systems. Analog models, using silica sand to represent sediments and silicone gel to represent salt were conducted to study the fold geometry, fold-fault relations, and sequential development of structures formed in each setting and at the boundaries between the two settings. The results showed a relatively thinner wedge above a ductile detachment, so that the deformation front propagated farther forward than that above a frictional detachment. The thrust front connects across the two settings with a significant change in position and a resulting change in orientation. The geometry of the deformation front is strongly controlled by that of the detachment boundary, so that an oblique detachment boundary results in an oblique thrust front in the transition zone. Modifications in the taper geometry also result from the presence of a frictional belt behind a ductile belt, the width of the ductile detachment which limits the location of the deformation front, and the lateral propagation of thrust faults between the two regimes. The experimental models can be used to explain observed geometries in natural examples of fold-thrust belts marked by transitions between frictional and ductile detachments.  相似文献   
早期碰撞造山带的研究是探索板块构造早期体制的前缘领域。五台山地貌高差巨大(达2437m)、山体雄伟、地质露头连续完整,是我国早前寒武纪地质研究的经典地区和认识大陆克拉通早期地壳演化的窗口,已成为世界早前寒武纪碰撞造山带的典型实例。围绕五台山构造样式的深入研究,对于揭示早期板块构造演化及中浅地壳构造层次具有重要的地质意义。 大量的野外地质调查及构造横剖面研究表明,五台山东冶亚群为华北克拉通的早期沉积盖层,它以开阔复式向形为特征,不整合于造山杂岩及其前陆冲断带和前陆盆地之上。区域变质相的分布及豆村亚群主期褶皱枢纽指示,五台山花岗岩—绿岩区向西南掀斜,出露了新太古代碰撞造山带不同构造单元(造山杂岩及前陆冲断带和前陆盆地)中浅层次上连续而完整的构造剖面。前陆冲断带以沉积岩系大规模平卧褶皱和逆断层、蛇绿岩混杂带和基底构造活化为特征。造山杂岩发育低角度逆断层和复杂叠加褶皱,伴随不同时期花岗岩类的侵位。从浅部层次向深部,绿岩带复式褶皱逐渐被与TTG杂岩构造叠置的表壳岩构造岩片取代,构造面理由陡立趋于平缓。与世界其他花岗岩—绿岩区相比,五台山区完好保留了造山带挤压构造及其前陆盆地沉积,指示早期碰撞造山过程的强烈构造缩短和大规模地壳隆升作用,是研究早期板块碰撞造山过程的重要例证。  相似文献   
Detailed micro-meso to macroscopic structural analyses reveal two deformation phases in the western limb of the Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis(HKS). Bulk top to NW shearing transformed initially symmetrical NNE-SSW trending meso to macroscopic folds from asymmetric to overturned ones without changing their trend. Sigmoidal en-echelon tension gashes developed during this deformation,that were oblique to bedding parallel worm burrows and bedding planes themselves. Strain analyses of deformed elliptical ooids using the R_f/φ method constrain the internal strain patterns of the NNE-SSW structures. The principal stretching axis(S_3) defined by deformed elliptical ooids is oriented N27°E at right angles to WNW-ESE shortening. The deformed elliptical ooids in sub-vertical bedding vertical planes contain ooids that plunge ~70° SE due to NW-directed tectonic transport. Finite strain ratios are1.45(R_(xy)) parallel to bedding plane and 1.46(R_(yz)) for the vertical plane. From these 2D strain values, we derive an oblate strain ellipsoidal in 3D using the Flinn and Hsu/Nadai techniques. Strains calculated from deformed elliptical ooids average-18.10% parallel to bedding and-18.47% in the vertical plane.However, a balanced cross-section through the study area indicates a minimum of~-28% shortening.Consequently, regional shortening was only partially accommodated by internal deformation.  相似文献   
在西秦岭泥盆纪、三叠纪地层中普遍存在着叠加褶皱,由于覆盖和两期褶皱的近共轴特征,使得这种叠加褶皱的识别和填绘长期未能得到合理解决。多期面理的识别和空间关系、小褶皱枢纽和轴面产状统计,为叠加褶皱的存在提供了依据。地质体平面形态的透镜化和走向弯曲,是两期叠加褶皱干涉图象的平面特征。有效解析叠加褶皱,合理建立构造模型,不仅对区域构造发展的历史具有重大意义,在指导地质填图工作的进行方面也具有不可替代的作用。甘肃西秦岭地区大面积分布的泥盆纪西汉水群和三叠纪隆务河群,以浅变质和砂板岩夹灰岩的沉积建造为特点,地质填图中厚度巨大的假象是叠加褶皱构造叠置所成,是构造复合的结果。多期面理关系的研究和小褶皱枢纽产状的统计分析,认为有两期近共轴、小角度的褶皱叠加。  相似文献   
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