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The Fomopea granitic pluton is emplaced in gnessic and amphibolitic basement.These gneissic and amphibolitic basement rocks are represented in the pluton's body as sub-rounded,elongated or stretched xe...  相似文献   
大巩山西蝈堆组蚌埠期褶皱可利用含白云质大理岩透镜体的蛇纹岩作为标志层来恢复,推测其为轴面倒向北的紧密同斜褶皱,S0近南北向,枢纽西倾,地层由东向西变新。  相似文献   
三维观测系统中横向覆盖次数及CDP间隔的计算方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
总结了三维观测系统中横向覆盖次数及CDP间隔计算的综合平面图法、坐标法、Z变换公式法,指出了3种方法各自的优、缺点和适用性。  相似文献   
位场DFT算法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文推广了经典的抽样定理,并据此导出了函数有限离散傅里叶变换误差方程(简称DFT误差方程,下同)。该方程把有限离散傅里叶变换中固有的离散效应和有限效应表示为确切的数学形式。离散效应被表示为一个含整参变量(参变量取0,1,…,N-1)的复无穷级数;有限效应被表示为一个含整参变量(参变量取0,1,…,N-1)的复无穷级数的DFT。 基于DFT误差方程和位函数特点,作者提出了两种位场数值傅里叶变换新算法--移样法和等效源续尾叠样法。移样法可近百倍地提高位场数值傅里叶反变换的精度,等效源续尾叠样法可数十倍地提高正变换精度。两种算法都不需要增加资料长度和取样密度,因而基本不需要增加计算机时间和内存。文中给出了算例。  相似文献   
按照韧性剪切带的发育程度,将区内划分为迁西群分布区的弱变形域和遵化群分布区的强变形带。根据各种形变特征,认为迁西群及遵化群分别存在三次及两次叠加褶皱,其中迁西期形成的为轴面南倾的东西向线状同斜褶皱;遵化期第一幕为北东向摆动的紧密线形倒转褶皱。由于边界条件的限制,叠加在迁西群上的褶皱,轴向转为近南北向。迁西期褶皱因属同斜而具简单层状体特征,故每个单体的叠加背向形并非三斜对称,主要部分也并非穹盆构造,而为w形蛇形弯曲,不存在原生的穹隆或卵形群构造;遵化期第二幕表现为舒缓的东西向叠加褶皱。区内的主要构造样式为包括迁西群在内的由叠加褶皱及两组共轭韧性剪切带共同作用所形成的迂西-曹在卵形隆起区;遵化群的弧形褶皱群被密云-喜峰口-王厂左行平移韧性断裂带带动形成的宽城-遵化帚状构造亚区以及由遵化群形成的青龙王厂-迁安重熔片麻岩穹隆亚区。  相似文献   
Integrated geological, geodetic and marine geophysical data provide evidence of active deformation in south-western Sicily, in an area spatially coincident with the macroseismic zone of the destructive 1968 Belice earthquake sequence. Even though the sequence represents the strongest seismic event recorded in Western Sicily in historical times, focal solutions provided by different authors are inconclusive on possible faulting mechanism, which ranges from thrusting to transpression, and the seismogenic source is still undefined. Interferometric (DInSAR) observations reveal a differential ground motion on a SW–NE alignment between Campobello di Mazara and Castelvetrano (CCA), located just west of the maximum macroseismic sector. In addition, new GPS campaign-mode data acquired across the CCA alignment documents NW–SE contractional strain accumulation. Morphostructural analysis allowed to associate the alignment detected through geodetic measurements with a topographic offset of Pleistocene marine sediments. The on-land data were complemented by new high-resolution marine geophysical surveys, which indicate recent contraction on the offshore extension of the CCA alignment. The discovery of archaeological remains displaced by a thrust fault associated with the alignment provided the first likely surface evidence of coseismic and/or aseismic deformation related to a seismogenic source in the area. Results of the integrated study supports the contention that oblique thrusting and folding in response to NW–SE oriented contraction is still active. Although we are not able to associate the CCA alignment to the 1968 seismic sequence or to the historical earthquakes that destroyed the ancient Greek city of Selinunte, located on the nearby coastline, our result must be incorporated in the seismic hazard evaluation of this densely populated area of Sicily.  相似文献   
吉南早元古代集安群构造解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡国巍 《吉林地质》1994,13(3):39-45
早元古代集安群经历了三期构造变形,分别形成了三个特征各异的构造形迹组合。Ⅰ世代为层理褶皱组合,由平卧褶皱、轴面片理和韧性剪切变形带组成;Ⅱ和Ⅲ世代为片理褶皱组合,分别由各种位态的片理褶皱和轴面褶劈理、膝折面理组成;Ⅰ、Ⅱ世代的原始构造线方位均为近南北向,为近共轴叠加,但因Ⅲ世代构造的强烈改造,现今多变位为东西向。Ⅰ世代构造形迹组合的特征显示集安群的早期构造环境具有构造层次较深、以近水平韧性剪切变形作用为主导的特点。  相似文献   
1998/2000年ENSO冷事件过程诊断   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
通过对1998/2000年ENSO冷事件发展过程的诊断分析,揭示了这次事件爆发快、强度较大、结束时东太平洋海温变化突然,大气响应滞后等特点。通过与其它冷事件特征的比较,着重分析了冷事件爆发前期次表层海温及大气风场的演变特征,指出次表层冷水异常的发展和东移是本次冷事件爆发的基本条件,大气风场特征对冷事件的形成和加强起着关键作用,同时冷事件和爆发季节对事件的长度和强度有着非常重要的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper we concentrate particularly on the geomorphological indicators left by active tectonics. In the central foothills of Taiwan, we used topography, drainage pattern and structural data to perform quantitative morphometric analysis and to determine relative age of fault-related anticlines. The Tiehchen, Tatu and Pakua ridge belt is a fault-related anticline system located in the hanging wall of the Changhua fault along the western thrust front of the foothills. Geomorphic systems are analysed with intent to detect the various responses of landforms and drainage pattern to late Quaternary deformation. Topography and drainage basin register uplift and are valuable tools to discriminate lateral propagation of an active frontal fold. Geomorphic field evidence and quantitative morphometric parameters are used to define the evolution of the rising anticline ridges and to infer tectonism style along an active front. Geometry of alluvial fans, formed along the frontal side of the anticlines, and weathered terrace deposits provide relevant information on neotectonics. Knowledge concerning these younger anticline ridges, makes this area a good example of an actively forming mountain front. We discuss in detail the origin of N045°, N095 and N120° trending oblique fault scarps which delimite numerous fault blocks. The fault scarps morphology is characterized by imbricate talus facets. Steeper topography accompanied by breaks in the slope along some transverse profiles, seems to correspond to the traces of successive uplifts. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   
Tianshan is one of the longest and most active intracontinental orogenic belts in the world. Due to the collision between Indian and Eurasian plates since Cenozoic, the Tianshan has been suffering from intense compression, shortening and uplifting. With the continuous extension of deformation to the foreland direction, a series of active reverse fault fold belts have been formed. The Xihu anticline is the fourth row of active fold reverse fault zone on the leading edge of the north Tianshan foreland basin. For the north Tianshan Mountains, predecessors have carried out a lot of research on the activity of the second and third rows of the active fold-reverse faults, and achieved fruitful results. But there is no systematic study on the Quaternary activities of the Xihu anticline zone. How is the structural belt distributed in space?What are the geometric and kinematic characteristics?What are the fold types and growth mechanism?How does the deformation amount and characteristics of anticline change?In view of these problems, we chose Xihu anticline as the research object. Through the analysis of surface geology, topography and geomorphology and the interpretation of seismic reflection profile across the anticline, we studied the geometry, kinematic characteristics, fold type and growth mechanism of the structural belt, and calculated the shortening, uplift and interlayer strain of the anticline by area depth strain analysis.
In this paper, by interpreting the five seismic reflection profiles across the anticline belt, and combining the characteristics of surface geology and geomorphology, we studied the types, growth mechanism, geometry and kinematics characteristics, and deformation amount of the fold. The deformation length of Xihu anticline is more than 47km from west to east, in which the hidden length is more than 14km. The maximum deformation width of the exposed area is 8.5km. The Xihu anticline is characterized by small surface deformation, simple structural style and symmetrical occurrence. The interpretation of seismic reflection profile shows that the deep structural style of the anticline is relatively complex. In addition to the continuous development of a series of secondary faults in the interior of Xihu anticline, an anticline with small deformation amplitude(Xihubei anticline)is continuously developed in the north of Xihu anticline. The terrain high point of Xihu anticline is located about 12km west of Kuitun River. The deformation amplitude decreases rapidly to the east and decreases slowly to the west, which is consistent with the interpretation results of seismic reflection profile and the calculation results of shortening. The Xihu anticline is a detachment fold with the growth type of limb rotation. The deformation of Xihu anticline is calculated by area depth strain analysis method. The shortening of five seismic reflection sections A, B, C, D and E is(650±70) m, (1 070±70) m, (780±50) m, (200±40) m and(130±30) m, respectively. The shortening amount is the largest near the seismic reflection profile B of the anticline, and decreases gradually along the strike to the east and west ends of the anticline, with a more rapidly decrease to the east, which indicates that the topographic high point is also a structural high point. The excess area caused by the inflow of external material or outflow of internal matter is between -0.34km2 to 0.56km2. The average shortening of the Xihubei anticline is between(60±10) m and(130±40) m, and the excess area caused by the inflow of external material is between 0.50km2 and 0.74km2. The initial locations of the growth strata at the east part is about 1.9~2.0km underground, and the initial location of the growth strata at the west part is about 3.7km underground. We can see the strata overlying the Xihu anticline at 3.3km under ground, the strata above are basically not deformed, indicating that this section of the anticline is no longer active.  相似文献   
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