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通过对1992~2008年间各期观测资料进行全时空扫描,分析华北地区网区重力场的演化特征,总结震前异常的形态、持续时间和变化幅度,指出重力场空间变化易于发生地震的部位,并对一些问题进行讨论。结果显示:华北地区重力场总体变化不具明确规律性;大量测点存在明显的背景性趋势性异常变化;重力场变化与网区及周边地区中强地震的活动联系密切,较明显的重力场异常反应多发生在震前2年左右时间,且常伴有大面积高值异常区出现。重力变化0线、高梯度带、异常中心(含极值)附近是重力场空间变化易于发震的部位。  相似文献   
元素地球化学分类探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在评述已有经典分类基础上给予了元素地球化学亲合性的明确概念。强调了阳离子与阴离子或与络阴离子(酸根)之间的选择结合的重要地球化学意义,并以其做为元素地球化学分类的依据,提出了分类的新方案。该分类方案将元素划分为:亲石元素、亲氧元素、亲硫元素、阴离子及两性元素和氢及惰性气体元素五个类。阐述了各类元素亲合规律的基本特征和元素亲合性与地质环境的关系。  相似文献   
朱艺峰  林霞  徐同成 《海洋学报》2006,28(5):101-106
实验设置了一直投喂、周期性饥饿1,2,3,4d和一直饥饿6个处理组,采用轮虫单个体培养,检验周期性饥饿对褶皱臂尾轮虫(Brachionus plicatilis)实验种群特征参数的影响.结果表明:一直投喂组的生殖价最高,对轮虫种群的潜在增长最有利,随饥饿强度的增大,生殖价减小.不同处理下,轮虫个体寿命与其生殖期之间存在显著的正相关(r=0.747).轮虫在受到饥饿后,寿命略有增长,但不同处理对轮虫的平均寿命(10.8~13.1d)和生殖期(6.3~8.3d)均未达到显著差异(P>0.05).饥饿强度增大时,轮虫个体的总产幼数、总产卵量显著下降(P<0.05),产第1幼、最后1幼、第1卵、最后1卵时间显著延长(P<0.05);同时,种群参数的世代时间(T)随饥饿强度增加而增大,内禀增长率(rm)、周限增长率(λ)和净生殖率(R0)却明显下降.  相似文献   
In rainfall–runoff studies, it is often necessary to change the duration of a given unit hydrograph. Nash's Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (IUH) is an ideal method that eliminates the hydrograph duration. This paper presents the results of the application of search algorithms, namely a genetic algorithm and hill climbing, to develop the IUH that minimizes the error between the observed and generated hydrographs. Also the performance of these methods has been compared with that of the classical method used for estimation of IUH, namely the method of moments. The genetic algorithm is a popular search procedure for function optimization that applies the mechanics of natural genetics and natural selection to explore a given search space. Hill climbing is an optimization technique that belongs to the family of local search and algorithms can be used to solve problems that have many solutions, with some solutions better than others. The results obtained from both the genetic algorithm and hill climbing algorithm for estimation of Nash's IUH parameters were compared with the results obtained by the method of moments for storms from two river basins that are located in different climatic regions. It was found that both the genetic algorithm and hill climbing provided improved and consistent results. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
R&D投入的区位模式与区域经济发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于对中国R&D投入的区位模式的实证检验,从投入一产出绩效的角度认为集中投入的区位模式具有较强的适宜性。利用聚类分析技术,按照R&D的投入强度和及其对经济的带动效应、科技化效应、产业化效应将中国各省区划分为6类地区,具有代表性的是科技化模式和产业化模式。其中前者适合于技术存置较高的少数地区,而后者具有较强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
通过对包头6.4级地震临震前动物、地下水等宏观异常时、空、强分布特征的研究,提出了利用动物、地下水震前宏观异常加强短临追综研究,进行短临预报的思路和方法。  相似文献   
A new equation to assess hillslope sediment production, based on physical and probabilistic approaches, is presented. The equation, which allows the computation of the delivery ratio for every event, considers the physical variables of travel distance, stream power, settling velocity and gross erosion. The probability density function that arises from the new formulation is solved using the principle of maximum entropy. Based on data from five watersheds in both tropical and temperate zones, the new delivery parameter Kv is calibrated and associated with vegetation cover and conservation practice. The proposed equation is rationally based in relation to parameter Kv. The entropy‐based equation was applied to assess sediment yield in two other experimental watersheds, showing good predictability for the set (mean absolute error of 20·8%). No systematic error was found in the analysed data. The entropy‐based equation showed good predictability for long‐term sets of data and for high‐erosivity events, but did not perform well for the low‐erosivity ones. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
辽宁省凤城市四道门沟铁矿床地质特征及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁士鹏 《吉林地质》2012,31(2):55-57,79
辽宁省凤城市四道门沟铁矿床位于辽东铁、硼成矿带内。以下元古界辽河群变质岩系最为发育,褶皱构造是直接控制本区变质层控铁硼矿的重要控矿条件,其控制着矿体的产出空间位置,并控制着区内铁矿体的展布特征。该区的铁矿属于火山沉积变质-超变质热液迭生层控矿床,矿石自然类型为磁铁矿-透闪石型,局部有磁铁矿-蛇纹石型和磁铁矿-硼镁铁矿型。  相似文献   
六家立井地区位于平庄盆地北缘,白垩系下统阜新组上段是该区砂岩型铀矿床目标层位,具有较好找铀前景。为深入了解该区砂体的岩石学特征,通过野外钻探工作、岩心编录、样品采集及岩矿测试方法,详细研究了目标层碎屑岩类型、碎屑岩成分、结构构造等岩石学方面特征。结果表明目标层碎屑岩成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较低,具有搬运距离短、沉积速度快的特点,其物源较单一,初步判断物源来自盆地东北部和西北部隆起带酸性花岗岩,同时也为铀成矿提供了良好的铀源。  相似文献   
采用基础摩擦隔震房屋高宽比限值的研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
大量的试验结果和地震经验表明,采用基础隔震方法能有效地提高建筑物的抗震能力,但建筑物的高度在什么范围,即建筑物的高宽比在什么范围内才适合采用这种方法,仍然是一个有待解决的课题。本文对采用基础滑移隔震多层砌体房屋在实际地震作用下的抗倾覆高宽比限值进行了研究,利用Wilson-θ数值积分方法计算,得到了多层砌体房屋的高宽比限值的统计值。其数值结果可供编制建筑隔震设计规程参考。  相似文献   
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