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2016—2019年高邮车逻井水位出现多次大幅波动变化。结合周边自然环境和农业活动的调查工作,对异常成因和影响水位变化的因素进行了跟踪分析。研究认为,该井水位出现的大幅波动变化异常是高邮湖水位短期大幅波动产生的荷载影响所致,与水利部门对高邮湖水位调控间关系密切,而非地震地球物理异常。  相似文献   
Tree-ring crossdates from glacially killed logs show that Tebenkof Glacier advanced into a forefield forest in the AD 710s and 720s. Recession from this First Millennium AD (FMA) advance occurred before the 950s, after which the ice margin readvanced in the 1280s to 1320s at the start of the Little Ice Age (LIA). A more extensive LIA advance was underway from the 1640s to 1670s, and the terminus stayed at or near its LIA maximum until the 1890s. These are the first absolute tree-ring crossdates for a FMA glacier advance in North America and support growing evidence from northwestern North America and Europe for a significant cool interval in the centuries around AD 500.  相似文献   
近几十年来喜马拉雅山冰川变化及其对水资源的影响   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
对近几十年来喜马拉雅山地区冰川变化的研究成果进行了综述,可以看出:气温普遍升高、冰川加剧退缩和冰川湖泊扩大是喜马拉雅山地区气候和冰川变化的主要特征和后果.冰川退缩导致冰川灾害的危险性增加并对本地区河流径流和水资源产生较长远的影响.但各段的气候、冰川变化及其影响存在区域差异,还需要对冰川变化和水资源影响方面的预估进行更广泛和深入的研究.  相似文献   
AMS 14C ages of post-glacial core sediments from the subaqueous Yangtze delta, along with sedimentary structures and distributions of grain size, pollen spores, and dinoflagellate cysts, show an estuarine depositional system from 13 to 8.4 cal ka BP and a deltaic system from 5.9 cal ka BP to the present. The estuarine system consists of intertidal to subtidal flat, estuarine, and estuarine-front facies, characterized by sand–mud couplets and a high sedimentation rate. The deltaic system includes nearshore shelf and prodelta mud featured by lower sedimentation rate, markedly fewer coastal wetland herbaceous pollens, and more dinoflagellate cysts. We explain the extremely high sedimentation rate during 9.2–8.4 cal ka BP at the study site as a result of rapid sea-level rise, high sediment load due to the unstable monsoonal climate, and subaqueous decrease of elevation from inner to outer estuary. A depositional hiatus occurred during 8.2–5.9 cal ka BP, the transition from estuarine to deltaic system, caused possibly by a shortage of sediment supply resulting from delta initiation in paleo-incised Yangtze valley and strong tidal or storm-related reworking in offshore areas. The subsequent development of deltaic system at the study site indicates accelerated progradation of Yangtze delta post-5.9 cal ka BP.  相似文献   
气流水平涡度对沙纹形成的动力作用   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
张广兴  李霞 《中国沙漠》2003,23(5):573-576
从分析沙面流体边界层特征入手,导出了与沙面平行而与气流垂直的水平涡度分量ξy和高度成倒数的关系,说明气流经过沙面是高度有旋的。因此,气流质点在做水平运动的同时做旋转运动,其结果形成类似摆线的波动。不同尺度的波相互叠加,通过自组织形成有序的波动。沙粒在波谷被风蚀,在波峰堆积,最终形成沙波和沙纹。  相似文献   
The paper presents an experimental study on critical sensitivity in rocks. Critical sensitivity means that the response of a system to external controlling variable may become significantly sensitive as the system approaches its catastrophic rupture point. It is found that the sensitivities measured by responses on three scales (sample scale, locally macroscopic scales and mesoscopic scale) display increase prior to catastrophic transition point. These experimental results do support the concept that critical sensitivity might be a common precursory feature of catastrophe. Furthermore, our previous theoretical model is extended to explore the fluctuations in critical sensitivity in the rock tests.  相似文献   
On the basis of the current measurements from the moored Long Ranger ADCP in the upper 450 m layer and the deep current measurements at 2000 and 2300 m from the moored cur-rent meters with the time series data of about 7 months at the mooring station in the northeastern South China Sea, the spectral analyses and calculation have been made. The major results are as follows: (ⅰ) From the progressive vector diagrams of the observed daily currents at the water lev-els from 50 m to 400 m, its temporal variation of velocity rotated counterclockwise in most of the observing time. This agrees basically with the result from the qualitative analysis of the sea surface height data, which was obtained from TOPEX/ERS-2 altimeter data by CCAR. The daily and monthly average velocities are both the largest in November, next in October and minimum in Au-gust. (ⅱ) At the 2000 and 2300 m levels, the daily and monthly average velocities are both the largest in January, next in September and minimum in August. From the seasonal change of cur-rents, the current velocity is the strongest in winter (January-March), next in autumn, and weak in summer. (ⅲ) There exists the variation of tidal current with the change of depth. In the upper layer, the height of diurnal peak is higher than that of semidiurnal peak. However, the semidiurnal peak is higher than the diurnal peak at the levels from 200 m to 400 m. In the layers above 450 m the clockwise component is dominant in their fluctuations. In the layers below 1500 m the diurnal peak is again higher than the semidiurnal peak. (ⅳ) There is the prominent periodic fluctuation of more than two months in the layer from 50 m to 2300 m. The period of this prominent peak is 75 d and its fluctuation is counterclockwise in the upper 450 m layers, and is 68 d and 69 d at the depths of 2000 and 2300 m, respectively, and the counterclockwise component is dominant in their fluctua-tions. (ⅴ) There are the variations of periods fluctuating with the change of depth in the upper 450 m layers. For example, when f>0, there are the prominent fluctuations of about 22 d and 15 d pe-riods at the 50 and 100 m levels. However, there are no such periods at the layer from 200 m to 400 m, where only the fluctuation of about 13 d period occurs. (ⅵ) There are the fluctuations with periods of more than one month, 23 d and 15 d at the 2000 m and 2300 m levels. (ⅶ) In the layer from 50 m to 2300 m there are the following prominent peaks: ⅰ) the fluctuation in the period range of about 4-8 d, which occurs in the weather process; ⅱ) the fluctuation with inertial period, the fluctuation is clockwise; and ⅲ) the fluctuations with short periods of about 8 h and 6 h. (ⅷ) From the cross spectral estimates between two time series, it is shown that there are significant coherence peaks with the periods of more than two months (T = 68.3 d) and more than one month between the two time series of currents at 2000 m and 2300 m depths, and also those with periods of about half a month (15.5 d), 2 d and so on between two time series of currents at 100 m and 2300 m depths.  相似文献   
黄镇国  张伟强 《热带地理》2007,27(2):97-101
夏代至清代约4000 a的历史时期,中国热带西部的气候波动比热带东部微弱。东部的5个冷期之中,周、战国至西汉、晋、唐末至南宋冷期,在西部仅有个别冷波动的实例,反而可以举出较多的暖波动现象。明清小冰期东、西部基本同步。东部的3个暖期(汉、唐、元明)在西部也有相应的表现。中国热带历史时期的冷波动与太阳活动的平静期有一定的相关。热带东、西部气候波动的差异,主要是由于东部受东亚季风的影响,而西部则受南亚季风的影响。  相似文献   
The response of radial growth of tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima) growing on the shore of West-Juyan Lake, on the Heihe River in northwestern China, to changes in the lake’s water regime was studied using tree-ring chronologies, principal components (PC) analysis, and classical correlation analysis. The first PC accounted for 53.3% of the total variance and reflected a common growth response at different sites. Correlation analysis indicated that fluctuations in the lake’s water level during the growing season (May–August) was primarily responsible for variations in the radial growth of tamarisk and explained more of the variance at low-lying sites than at higher sites. The second PC accounted for 30.7% of the total variance and revealed distinct differences in growth response between low-lying sites and those on higher ground. Total annual precipitation played an important role in radial growth of tamarisk at the higher sites. The spatial pattern in the tree-ring chronologies for different sites was performed in the temporal pattern of the tree-ring chronology at the same site. Other factors such as microtopography, soil salinity, sand activity, and browsing by herbivores also affected the radial growth of tamarisk. The diversity in responses to the maximum water table depth for tamarisk in the study area appears to have been caused by local variations in precipitation, which can compensate to some degree for the inability of a plant’s roots to reach the water table.  相似文献   
The summer discharge pattern of the Skeldal River, which drains a 560 km2 partly glacierized catchment in north‐east Greenland, is dominated by diurnal oscillations reflecting variations in the melt rate of snow and ice in the basin. Superimposed on this diurnal pattern are numerous short‐lived discharge fluctuations of irregular periodicity and magnitude. The larger fluctuations are described and attributed to both rainfall events and periodic collapse of the glacier margin damming flow from beneath the Skelbrae glacier. Other minor fluctuations are less readily explained but are associated with changes in the channelized and distributed reservoirs and possibly temporary blockage of subglacial conduits caused by ice melt with subsequent damming. Fluctuations in suspended sediment concentration (SSC) are normally associated with discharge fluctuations, although examples of ‘transient flushes’ were observed where marked increases in SSC occurred in the absence of corresponding discharge variations. A strong relationship between the event discharge increase and event SSC increase for rainfall‐induced events was established, but no such relationship existed for non‐rainfall‐induced events. There is some evidence for an exhaustion effect in the SSC patterns both at the event time‐scale and as the month proceeds. A mean suspended sediment load of 1765 ± 0·26 t day?1 was estimated for the study period, which would be equivalent to a suspended sediment yield of 732 ± 4 t km?2 year?1. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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