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为探究长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)壳黑选育品系规模化繁育适宜的培育密度和投饵量,本研究以长牡蛎野生群体幼虫为对照组,分析了不同培育密度(3、7和15个/mL)和不同初始投饵量(0.4、0.8和1.6×10~3cells·ind-1·d-1)对长牡蛎壳黑选育品系幼虫生长、存活及附着的影响。研究显示,培育密度和投饵量对长牡蛎幼虫的生长速率、存活率和附着率有显著交互作用(P<0.05)。在培育密度3和7个/mL实验组,长牡蛎幼虫生长速率随投饵量增加而显著增大(P<0.05),并在培育密度7个/mL、投饵量1.6×10~3cells·ind-1·d-1实验组达到最大值。而在培育密度15个/mL实验组,投饵量增加对长牡蛎幼虫的生长速率无显著影响(P> 0.05)。且在培育密度15个/mL、投饵量1.6×10~3cells·ind-1·d-1实验组长牡蛎壳黑品系幼虫存活率和附着率最低。但在培育密度15个/mL实验组长牡蛎壳黑选育品系幼虫的壳高始终高于野生群体幼虫。且除投饵量0.4×10~3cells·ind-1·d-1实验组外,长牡蛎壳黑选育品系幼虫生长速率、存活率和附着率均高于野生群体幼虫。研究结果表明,长牡蛎壳黑选育品系幼虫最适培育条件为培育密度7个/mL、投饵量1.6×10~3cells·ind-1·d-1,增加投饵量可促进长牡蛎幼虫生长,但过高的培育密度会与投饵量产生拮抗作用,抑制幼虫生长,不利于幼虫存活和附着。与长牡蛎野生群体相比,壳黑选育品系幼虫能适应更高的培育密度环境,在饵料充足的条件下,其幼虫的生长、存活及附着性状均优于野生群体。  相似文献   
We conducted a laser-equipped analog experiment aimed at quasi-continuously monitoring the growth of a dense population of normal faults in homogeneous conditions. To further understand the way geological faults progressively gain in slip and length as they accumulate more strain, we measured with great precision the incremental slip and length changes that the analog faults sustain as they grow. These measurements show that the analog faults share common features with the natural ones. In particular, during their growth, the faults develop and maintain cumulative slip profiles that are generally triangular and asymmetric. The growth takes place through two distinct phases: an initial, short period of rapid lateral lengthening, followed by a longer phase of slip accumulation with little or no lengthening. The incremental slip is found to be highly variable in both space (along the faults) and time, resulting in variable slip rates. In particular, ‘short- and long-term’ slip rates are markedly different. We also find that slip measurements at local points on fault traces do not contain clear information on the slip increment repeat mode. Finally, while the fault growth process is highly heterogeneous when considered at the scale of a few slip events, it appears homogeneous and self-similar at longer time scales which integrate many slip increments. This is likely to be the result of a feedback between stress heterogeneities and slip development. The long-term scale homogeneity also implies that the long-term faulting process is primarily insensitive to the short-term heterogeneities that are rapidly smoothed or redistributed. We propose a new conceptual scenario of fault growth that integrates the above observations and we suggest that faults grow in a bimodal way as a result of a self-driven and self-sustaining process.  相似文献   
本项研究选取适宜于西宁盆地及其周边地区生长的2种优势草本植物垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans Griseb)和细茎冰草(Agropyron trachycaulum (Linn.) Gaertn.)作为供试种,通过室内种植培育方式,采用浓度梯度分别为50mmol/L、100mmol/L、150mmol/L、200mmol/L的Na2SO4溶液对2种植物进行盐胁迫处理。在盐胁迫试验处理后的第15d、30d和45d时,分别测定2种植物单根抗拉力和单根抗拉强度。试验结果表明:相同盐胁迫浓度时,2种植物单根抗拉力随生长期增长呈逐渐增大,单根抗拉强度随生长期增加表现为逐渐降低的变化规律;相同生长期时,2种植物单根抗拉力随着胁迫液浓度由0mmol/L增加至200mmol/L时表现为逐渐减小趋势,单根抗拉强度则随着胁迫液浓度增加呈逐渐增大的变化规律;进一步研究表明,在相同胁迫浓度和相同生长期条件下,细茎冰草单根抗拉力和单根抗拉强度分别较垂穗披碱草高0.008N~0.025N和9.646MPa~72.807MPa;2种草本植物单根抗拉力与根径之间呈指数函数关系;2种草本单根抗拉强度分别随根径的增加而逐渐减小,且均与根径呈幂函数关系。本该研究成果对于进一步探讨寒旱环境盐胁迫条件下,草本植物根系力学强度特征及其变化规律具有重要理论研究价值,同时对于有效防治研究区水土流失、浅层滑坡等地质灾害的发生具有实际指导意义。  相似文献   
可持续旅游发展的区域产业合理规模探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
区域旅游产业规模是一定时期一定区域层面上的旅游产业的资本存量,是区域经济资本存量体系中重要的属性资本。产业资本存量结构是区域产业结构系统的直接体现。旅游产业资本扩张与同期区域资本总量和其它产业资本之间匹配发展是旅游产业可持续发展的重要理论问题,文章从理论上探讨了可持续旅游发展的合理规模的确定标准和均衡条件,同时对理论规模在实践中的修订因素进行了初步分析。  相似文献   
Cave air PCO2 at two Irish sites varied dramatically on daily to seasonal timescales, potentially affecting the timing of calcite deposition and consequently climate proxy records derived from stalagmites collected at the same sites. Temperature-dependent biochemical processes in the soil control CO2 production, resulting in high summer PCO2 values and low winter values at both sites. Large Large-amplitude, high-frequency variations superimposed on this seasonal cycle reflect cave air circulation. Here we model stalagmite growth rates, which are controlled partly by CO2 degassing rates from drip water, by considering both the seasonal and high-frequency cave air PCO2 variations. Modeled hourly growth rates for stalagmite CC-Bil from Crag Cave in SW Ireland reach maxima in late December (0.063 μm h− 1) and minima in late June/early July (0.033 μm h− 1). For well-mixed ‘diffuse flow’ cave drips such as those that feed CC-Bil, high summer cave air PCO2 depresses summer calcite deposition, while low winter PCO2 promotes degassing and enhances deposition rates. In stalagmites fed by well-mixed drips lacking seasonal variations in δ18O, integrated annual stalagmite calcite δ18O is unaffected; however, seasonality in cave air PCO2 may influence non-conservative geochemical climate proxies (e.g., δ13C, Sr/Ca). Stalagmites fed by ‘seasonal’ drips whose hydrochemical properties vary in response to seasonality may have higher growth rates in summer because soil air PCO2 may increase relative to cave air PCO2 due to higher soil temperatures. This in turn may bias stalagmite calcite δ18O records towards isotopically heavier summer drip water δ18O values, resulting in elevated calcite δ18O values compared to the ‘equilibrium’ values predicted by calcite–water isotope fractionation equations. Interpretations of stalagmite-based paleoclimate proxies should therefore consider the consequences of cave air PCO2 variability and the resulting intra-annual variability in calcite deposition rates.  相似文献   
提出了一种确定海洋平台钢裂纹扩展曲线的快速方法。该方法可以综合利用以往的经验数据和当前试验数据确定表面疲劳裂纹扩展速率曲线。与传统的只能利用当前试验数据确定表面疲劳裂纹扩展速率曲线相比。其可利用信息量大幅度增加,所以在精度相同的情况下,可以节省大量试件;而且在试样数一定的情况下。又可大大提高预测精度。文中还给出了海洋平台钢试验对比实例。  相似文献   
城市异速标度研究的起源、困境和复兴   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈彦光 《地理研究》2013,32(6):1033-1045
系统总结了城市异速标度研究的学术源流、量纲困境和现状特征,重点探讨了城市化异速标度分析的前景和意义。异速标度是城市研究的基本理论方法之一,该方法起源于20世纪50年代的生物学和一般系统论。由于量纲难题,城市异速分析经过一段时间的研究热潮之后趋于冷落;由于分维概念的引入,异速标度关系摆脱了量纲困境;由于相关领域的推动,城市异速分析方法复兴。异速生长和异速标度分析在城市形态、城市生态、城市性态、城市动态以及城市体系等诸多领域都有应用。如今,异速生长正在与分形和自组织网络理论相互融合,发展成为基于一般标度律的城市过程和格局的集成分析方法。由于城市化与城市形态、城市体系等方面的密切相关,异速标度分析极有前景的一个发展方向可能是城市化研究。城市化异速分析可望将不同类型的城市异速标度研究成果组织成一个完整的逻辑框架。  相似文献   
Economic growth commonly occurs at the expense of environmental quality, but there are exceptions. Here we use satellite data to identify places where exceptional economic growth and exceptional environmental improvement co-occurred between 1990 and 2015. We term as “bright spots of green growth” those spatial clusters with the most cells above the 95th percentile within their world region in both economic growth (as proxied by increase in nighttime lights) and one aspect of environmental improvement (forest area). Because the locations of bright spots are sensitive to methodological choices, we applied two different approaches to identifying bright spots. The two approaches differed in their choice of nighttime lights data (DSMP-OLS in Approach A vs. DSMP-VIIRS composite in Approach B); choice of forest area data (forest cover vs. forest land-use); time period (2000–2010 vs. 1990–2015); and clustering technique (visual inspection vs. HDBSCAN algorithm). We identified the top five bright spots in each of ten world regions using each of two approaches, for a total of 100 global bright spots of green growth. We then tested the extent to which the attributes of bright spots were consistent with four non-mutually exclusive theories of green growth. Of the bright spots we identified, around two-thirds (65% using Approach A; 71% using Approach B) had significantly higher-than-regional-average growth in the share of labor employed in services, consistent with sectoral shift and “tertiarization.” Fewer than half (38%; 46%) had significantly higher growth in income, consistent with the “Environmental Kuznets Curve” theory. Some (54%; 29%) had significantly higher growth in timber plantation area, consistent with “eco-industry”-driven rural development. Few (0%; 10%) had significantly higher growth in protected area coverage, consistent with public policy-induced forest conservation. Our findings suggest sectoral shift toward services, rather than rising income per se, may be a promising pathway for other regions seeking to combine economic growth and environmental improvement.  相似文献   
Measurements of aerosol physical, chemical and optical parameterswere carried out in Guangzhou, China from 1 July to 31 July 2006 during thePearl River Delta Campaign. The dry aerosol scattering coefficient was measuredusing an integrating nephelometer and the aerosol scattering coefficient forwet conditions was determined by subtracting the sum of the aerosol absorptioncoefficient, gas scattering coefficient and gas absorption coefficient from theatmospheric extinction coefficient. Following this, the aerosol hygroscopicgrowth factor, f(RH), was calculated as the ratio of wet and dry aerosolscattering coefficients. Measurements of size-resolved chemical composition,relative humidity (RH), and published functional relationships between particlechemical composition and water uptake were likewise used to find the aerosolscattering coefficients in wet and dry conditions using Mie theory forinternally- or externally-mixed particle species [(NH4)2SO4, NH4NO3, NaCl, POM, EC and residue]. Closure was obtained by comparingthe measured f(RH) values from the nephelometer and other in situ opticalinstruments with those computed from chemical composition and thermodynamics.Results show that the model can represent the observed f(RH) and isappropriate for use as a component in other higher-order models.  相似文献   
Zintl化合物是以Edward Zintl命名的化合物,是一类由电正性的碱金属或碱土金属与电负性的13族或14族元素形成的特殊金属间化合物。其价键模式可以是离子键、金属键和共价键共存,其中的准金属可以共价键的形式形成各种形式的离子簇,因而其结构复杂多样。这类化合物的部分阴离子簇不仅具有稳定的笼状、层状和链状结构,并且具有特殊的光、电、磁等性能,使得在半导体、催化、电极材料等方面都有应用的前景和发展潜力。介绍了几个特殊Zintl化合物体系,盐湖丰产元素在Zintl化合物中的作用,指出了含有盐湖丰产元素的Zintl化合物的应用前景和方向。  相似文献   
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