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The seaweed Sargassum hemiphyllum is widely distributed throughout the coastal waters of Asia and has high commercial value.In recent years,its natural biomass has declined due to over-exploitation and environmental pollution.To seek for a feasible way to culture this seaweed efficiently,we designed a simple long-line system in a shrimp pond for the culture during winter,and the growth and nutritional composition of the seaweed were examined.Results show that the culture system was durable and flexible allowing S.hemiphyllum to grow vertically off the muddy bottom of the pond.Although the length of pondcultured S.hemiphyllum was inhibited by water depth,the weight-specific growth rate((1.65±0.17)%/d) was nearly three times higher than that of wild plants((0.62±0.19)%/d).The crude protein(6.92%±0.88%) and ash content(21.52%±0.07%) of the pond-cultured seaweed were significantly lower than those of the wild plants(9.38%±0.43% and 26.93%±0.07%,respectively);however,crude fat(1.01%±0.04%) was significantly higher than that of the wild plants(0.87%±0.02%).In addition,the nutritional composition of both pond-cultured and wild S.hemiphyllum was comparable to or even higher than those of other common seaweeds being used as food and/or aquaculture fodder.Future studies shall be focused on the impact of environmental parameters on its growth and nutritional composition.  相似文献   
利用阿尔泰山中东部两个样点(AYS、SYK)的西伯利亚落叶松(Larix sibirica)树轮资料,采用新疆西伯利亚落叶松一元材积式获得1969-2011年材积生长量序列。利用相关分析和回归分析等方法对生长量数据和气象资料进行分析,研究气温要素与生长量的关系及树木生长对气温和降水变化的响应。结果表明:近50 a来,西伯利亚落叶松材积生长量表现出显著增加趋势,且与生长季气温有较好的相关性;与当年6月降水量呈负相关趋势,8月降水量呈正相关趋势;生长季平均气温在19~20.9℃时,西伯利亚落叶松生长量最大;SYK样点西伯利亚落叶松生长对气温变化的敏感性高,气温每升高1℃生长量增加0.936 mm3·棵-1;AYS样点西伯利亚落叶松生长对气温变化的敏感性较低,气温每升高1℃生长量增加0.661 mm3·棵-1。  相似文献   
对不同有效群体大小(Ne=2、4、8、16、32、200)的蛤仔F1代生长和存活性状进行了比较。结果表明:浮游期,各试验组幼虫壳长均未表现出显著性差异(P0.05),实验组Ne=200的存活率低于其他各实验组,并随着日龄的增长,差异越来越显著;稚贝期,各实验组的壳长和存活率的变化规律和浮游期基本一致。对壳长变异情况分析表明,浮游期,随着群体有效含量的增大,子代开始出现小型个体和大型个体,壳长分布变异逐渐明显;稚贝期,各试验组组内壳长变异进一步加剧,除Ne=2试验组稚贝壳长介于400μm和600μm之间外,其他各试验组均出现明显的小型和大型个体,表现为有效群体越大,组内稚贝壳长变异越为明显。  相似文献   
江西大湖塘地区是江南造山带中段九岭矿集区内近年查明的世界级超大型钨矿产地,白钨矿体主要呈细脉浸染状缓倾于中粗粒黑云母花岗闪长岩中。位于区内一矿带的成矿母岩顶部发育完好的似伟晶岩壳,壳层的组构特征明显,由母岩向含矿围岩,依次为似斑状黑云母花岗岩→长英质细晶岩→石英长石似伟晶岩→长石石英似伟晶岩→含白钨矿黑云母花岗闪长岩。壳内石英的阴极发光岩相学研究显示,石英巨晶、斑晶、基质和石英脉大多经历了早阶段主晶石英,中阶段扩散交代石英和晚阶段渗滤充填石英3个生长阶段。微量元素研究表明,早阶段石英的生长是一个流体加速沉淀的过程,中阶段和晚阶段流体对主晶石英均有叠加改造,其微量元素呈降低趋势。各类石英均表现为富碱金属元素、中高温(≥483℃)、低Li/Al(0.01~0.50,大多小于0.24)的地球化学特征,反映了成矿流体为岩浆水来源,石英的生长具有岩浆—热液过渡性质。综合研究表明,大湖塘一矿带似伟晶岩壳是初始含矿岩浆流体出溶的产物,其形成过程中动态的物理化学条件促进了成矿元素W由母岩向围岩搬运富集。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The retreat of Nigardsbreen, an outlet glacier from the ice-cap Jostedalsbreen in south-central Norway, from its largest extent during the Little Ice Age, uncovered a proglacial lake during 1936–1967. This lake, Nigardsvatn, has been studied since 1968 in order to obtain data on solid material carried by the meltwater stream from the glacier, both in suspension and as bottom load. Between 70 and 85% of the suspended sediment has been deposited on the lake bottom, forming annual varves. The coarse material has been deposited in a delta, the formation of which started in 1968. Its growth, and hence the volume of total annual bottom load, has been surveyed annually for the past 36 years. In 1969 the entire bottom load was collected by building a fence-like net across the river. Material >3 cm was caught by this net, and formed approximately half the amount of suspended sediment transport during the same three-week period. Annual average deposition on the delta was 11800×103 kg for the period 1968–2003. This is almost the same amount as carried in suspension from the glacier on an annual mean basis for the 36-year period. If conditions remain constant, the lake will be completely filled in about 500 years. The glacier erosion is calculated to be 0.3 mm/a.  相似文献   
新疆经济增长特征与驱动力分析   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2  
分析了新疆经济增长的特征以及影响经济增长的因素,选取可能对经济增长有影响的几个指标,通过灰色系统的关联分析法,对这些因素进行定量分析,从分析结果我们可以得出投资与消费是目前新疆经济增长的第一驱动力,科学技术是新疆未来经济增长的主要驱动力,传统要素自然资源、交通、人力资本等仍然是新疆经济增长的基础驱动力,政府行政体制的作用正在慢慢下降,城市化是经济增长潜在的驱动力,环境也越来越成为新疆经济增长的制约因素,并对这些结论进行分析,剖析新疆经济增长的内在原因,对今后新疆经济的发展有一定的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   
中国环境污染变动的时空特征及其经济驱动因素   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
陈祖海  雷朱家华 《地理研究》2015,34(11):2165-2178
基于2003-2013年经济与环境污染数据,运用EKC模型、Moran's I指数、LMDI指数,将污染排放的经济因素分解为规模效应、结构效应、能源消费效应、能源开发效应、技术污染效应,探讨中国环境污染变动的时空特征。结果表明,中国环境污染总量未到达EKC曲线拐点,处于EKC曲线左侧。在时间维度上,规模效应加剧了环境污染恶化,其他效应的变化间接改善了环境状况。在空间维度上,规模效应的高值聚集区是东部地区;结构效应、能源消费效应、技术污染效应的高值聚集区主要是中西部地区,低值聚集区多为东部和东北地区;能源开发效应是全国范围的整体偏低。中国污染重心在113°E~115°E,32°N~34.5°N的区域内移动,以北京—吉林—广东—浙江等省份所构成的区域,受不同经济效应影响,在向东、向西之间“抉择移动”。  相似文献   
Base on the Os isotope stratigraphy together with the empirical growth rate models using Co concentrations, the growth ages of the ferromanganese crusts MHD79 and MP3D10 distributed in the seamount of Pacific are confirmed. Through the contrast and research on the previous achievements including ODP Leg 144 and the crusts CD29-2, N5E-06 and N1–15 of the seamount of the Central Pacific, the uniform five growth and growth hiatus periods of them are found, and closely related to the Cenozoic ocean evolvement process. In the Paleocene Carbon Isotope Maximum (PCIM), the rise of the global ocean productivity promoted the growth of the seamount crust; the first growth hiatus (I) of the ferromanganese crust finished. In the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), though the vertical exchange of seawater was weakened, the strong terrestrial chemical weathering led to the input of a great amount of the terrigenous nutrients, which made the bioproductivity rise, so there were no crust hiatuses. During 52–50 Ma, the Early Eocene Optimum Climate (EECO), the two poles were warm, the latitudinal temperature gradient was small, the wind-driven sea circulation and upwelling activity were weak, the terrestrial weathering was also weakened, the open ocean bioproductivity decreased, and the ferromanganese crust had growth hiatus again (II). From early Middle Eocene-Late Eocene, Oligocene, it was a long-term gradually cooling process, the strengthening of the sea circulation and upwelling led to a rise of bioproductivity, and increase of the content of the hydrogenous element Fe, Mn and Co and the biogenous element Cu, Zn, so that was the most favorable stage for the growth of ferromanganese crust (growth periods III and IV) in the studied area. The hiatus III corresponded with the Eocene- Oligocene boundary, is inferred to relate with the global climate transformation, celestial body impact event in the Eocene-Oligocene transition. From the early to the middle Miocene, a large-scale growth hiatus (hiatus period IV) of the ferromanganese crust in the studied area is inferred to relate with temporary warm up climate and ephemeral withdrawal of Antarctic bottom water in the early Miocene. After that, the Antarctic ice sheets extended, the bottom water circumfluence strengthened, the ocean fertility increased, and the once interrupted crust continued to grow in the late Miocene (growth period V). Supported by China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association “10th Five Year” Topic (Grant No. DY105-01-04-14)  相似文献   
研究了土壤含水量和磷肥对马铃薯生长发育及抗旱生理的影响,结果显示:(1)土壤含水量的下降导致马铃薯幼苗叶片含水量和叶绿素含量降低,可溶性糖、脯氨酸、丙二醛(MDA)含量、相对电导率(REC)及超氧阴离子(O2)产生速率升高,抗氧化酶活性增强,株高、茎粗、根长、匍匐茎数、地上部分干重降低,马铃薯块茎重量及块茎淀粉、蛋白质、Vc含量下降;(2)不同水分条件下增施适量磷肥,显著提高了马铃薯叶片含水量、叶绿素含量,相对增强了抗氧化酶活性,降低了相对电导率、MDA含量和活性氧水平,且马铃薯块茎重量及块茎淀粉、蛋白质和Vc含量显著增加。(3)比较包括对照在内的6种磷肥增施量,增施15.3 g·m-2磷肥对马铃薯幼苗抗旱性及生长发育的促进效果最佳。综上所述,干旱胁迫显著抑制了马铃薯幼苗生长发育,而增施适量磷肥可通过提高渗透调节物质含量和抗氧化酶活性,有效缓解干旱胁迫下马铃薯幼苗叶片的脂质过氧化程度及细胞膜损伤,减轻干旱对生长发育的抑制,增强植株整体抗旱性。  相似文献   
旅游产业生长点的SGGT模式与空间演化——以张家界为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
麻学锋  孙根年 《地理研究》2013,32(10):1923-1936
界定了旅游产业生长点的概念,借鉴“路径依赖”理论重新诠释旅游地产业成长路径,提出具有普遍性SGGT模式,以张家界旅游产业生长点为例,具体分析了SGGT和空间演化过程及其动力机制。结果发现:①历史与现实是武陵源旅游生长点形成的基础,需求与培育是旅游生长点萌发的关键因素,创新与拓展是旅游生长点成长的保证,蜕变促进了旅游生长点成为旅游产业增长极;②张家界国家森林公园、天子山和索溪峪三个旅游生长点,通过“路径创造”,实现了行政管辖权的统一,后被列为世界遗产地,成为张家界旅游产业的核心生长点;③在旅游产业“集聚力”和世界遗产地管控的驱动下,天门山成为张家界新的生长点;④武陵源和天门山两个生长点的形成,是张家界旅游产业集聚和“路径创造”共同作用的结果,也拓展了张家界旅游产业的成长空间。本文有利于为旅游地政府和企业从旅游产业生长点视角理解旅游产业成长路径,更为世界遗产地旅游产业可持续发展提供科学指导。  相似文献   
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