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We have measured the decorrelation frequency (f
) and decorrelation time (t
) for 15 pulsars. We show by combining our data with those of others thatfv∫ DM-1.79±0.14 andt
∫ DM-0.80±0.15 up to a dispersion measure (DM) of about 60 cm3 pc. The combined data set does not form a complete sample, but the relations obtained from our measurements on 14 pulsars,
which form almost a complete sample up to 41 cm3 pc, are consistent with the above relations, suggesting that these relations are not seriously affected by selection effects.
The relations are broadly in agreement with those expected from a homogeneous interstellar medium and are in disagreement
with earlier conclusions by others that these relations steepen even for low-DM pulsars. The agreement suggests that the local
interstellar medium is homogeneous at least up to a distance of about 2 kpc. 相似文献
J. Stuart B. Wyithe 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2008,388(4):1889-1898
Observations of damped Lyα absorbers (DLAs) indicate that the fraction of hydrogen in its neutral form (H i ) is significant by mass at all redshifts. This gas represents the reservoir of material that is available for star formation at late times. As a result, observational identification of the systems in which this neutral hydrogen resides is an important missing ingredient in models of galaxy formation. Precise identification of DLA host mass via traditional clustering studies is not practical owing to the small numbers of known systems being spread across sparsely distributed sightlines. However, following the completion of re-ionization, 21-cm surface brightness fluctuations will be dominated by neutral hydrogen in DLAs. No individual DLAs could be detected in 21-cm emission. Rather, observations of these fluctuations will measure the combined clustering signal from all DLAs within a large volume. We show that measurement of the spherically averaged power spectrum of 21-cm intensity fluctuations due to DLAs could be used to measure the galaxy bias for DLA host galaxies when combined with an independent measurement of the cosmological H i mass density from quasar absorption studies. Utilizing this technique, the low-frequency arrays now under construction could measure the characteristic DLA host mass with a statistical precision as low as 0.3 dex at z ≳ 4. In addition, high signal-to-noise ratio observations of the peculiar-motion-induced anisotropy of the power spectrum would facilitate measurement of both the DLA host mass and the cosmic H i density directly from 21-cm fluctuations. By exploiting this anisotropy, a second generation of low-frequency arrays with an order of magnitude increase in collecting area could measure the values of cosmic H i density and DLA host mass, with uncertainties of a few per cent and a few tens of per cent, respectively. 相似文献
Asantha Cooray 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2005,363(3):1049-1056
The brightness temperature fluctuations in the 21-cm background related to the neutral hydrogen distribution provide a probe of the physics related to the era of reionization, when the intergalactic medium changed from being completely neutral to partially ionized. We formulate statistics of 21-cm brightness temperature anisotropies in terms of the angular power spectrum, the bispectrum, and the trispectrum. Using the trispectrum, we estimate the covariance related to the power spectrum measurements and show that correlations resulting from non-Gaussianities are below a per cent, at most. While all-sky observations of the 21-cm background at arcminute-scale resolution can be used to measure the bispectrum with a cumulative signal-to-noise ratio of the order of a few tens, in the presence of foregrounds and instrumental noise related to first-generation interferometers, the measurement is unlikely to be feasible. For most purposes, non-Gaussianities in 21-cm fluctuations can be ignored and the distribution can be described with Gaussian statistics. Because 21-cm fluctuations are significantly contaminated by foregrounds, such as galactic synchrotron or low-frequency radio point sources, the lack of significant non-Gaussianity in the signal suggests that any significant detection of non-Gaussianity could be the result of foregrounds. Similarly, in addition to the frequency information that is now proposed to separate 21-cm fluctuations from foregrounds, if the non-Gaussian structure of foregrounds is known a priori, this additional information could potentially be used to reduce the confusion further. 相似文献
Xiao-Chun Mao 《中国天文和天体物理学报》2009,9(6)
Cosmic hydrogen is reionized and maintained in its highly ionized state by the ultraviolet emission attributed to an early generation of stars and quasars. The Lyα opacity observed in absorption spectra of high-redshift quasars permits more stringent constraints on the ionization state of cosmic hydrogen. Based on density perturbation and structure formation theory, we develop an analytic model to trace the evolution of the ionization state in the post-overlap epoch of reionization, in which the bias factor is taken into ac-count. For quasars, we represent an improved luminosity function by utilizing a hybrid approach for the halo formation rate that is in reasonable agreement with the published measurements at 2 z 6. Comparison with the classic Press-Schechter mass function of dark matter halos, we demonstrate that the biased mass distribution indeed enhances star formation efficiency in the overdense environment by more than 25 per cent following the overlap of ionized bubbles. In addition, an alternative way is introduced to derive robust estimates of the mean free path for ionizing photons. In our model, star-forming galax-ies are likely to dominate the ionizing background radiation beyond z = 3, and quasars contribute equally above a redshift of z ~ 2.5. From 5 ≤ z ≤ 6, the lack of evolution in photoionization rate can thus be explained by the relatively flat evolution in star formation efficiency, although the mean free path of ionizing photons increases rapidly. Moreover, in the redshift interval z ~ 2 - 6, the expected mean free path and Gunn-Peterson optical depth obviously evolve by a factor of ~ 500 and ~ 50 respectively. We find that the rel-ative values of critical overdensities for hydrogen ionization and collapse could be 430% at z ≈ 2 and 2% at z ≈ 6, suggesting a rapid overlap process in the overdense regions around instant quasars following reionization. We further illustrate that the absolute esti-mates of the fraction of neutral hydrogen computed from theoretical models may not be important because of comparable uncertainties in the computation. 相似文献
Michael R. Merrifield 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1998,294(2):347-352
If a galaxy resides in a cluster, then its passage through the pervasive intracluster medium will produce a detectable signature in the X-ray emission from the cluster. Such features have now been detected in a number of systems. The simplest kinematic information that can be extracted from this signature is the galaxy's direction of motion on the plane of the sky. This paper explores the constraints on cluster dynamics that could be derived from such information. In particular, we show that it is possible to define a projected anisotropy parameter, B ( r ), which is directly analogous to the usual orbital anisotropy parameter. We describe an estimator for this quantity, ( R ), which can be derived in a robust and straightforward manner. We present a simple dynamical model for a cluster consisting of a Michie distribution function of galaxies orbiting in a truncated singular isothermal sphere potential. Using this model, we demonstrate the ambiguity between the distribution of mass and the distribution of galaxy orbits when interpreting the traditional measures of cluster kinematics (the projected density of galaxies and their line-of-sight velocity dispersion). As an example, we show how two very different dynamical models can fit the kinematic properties of the Coma cluster. We demonstrate that the measurement of using a relatively small sample of wake directions ( N wake ≈50) would provide an effective mechanism for lifting this degeneracy. Thus, by combining X-ray measurements of wake directions with number counts and line-of-sight velocities derived from optical data, it will prove possible to measure both the orbit distribution and the form of the gravitational potential in clusters of galaxies. The requisite X-ray observations lie within reach of the soon-to-be-launched AXAF satellite. 相似文献
Nickolay Y. Gnedin 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1998,299(2):392-402
I apply the well controlled hydro-PM (HPM) approximation of Gnedin &38; Hui to model the column density distribution of the Ly α forest for 25 different flat cosmological scenarios, including variants of the standard cold dark matter (CDM), tilted CDM, CDM with a cosmological constant, and cold + hot dark matter (CHDM) models. I show that, within the accuracy of the HPM approximation, the slope of the column density distribution reflects the degree of non-linearity of the cosmic gas distribution and is a function of the rms linear density fluctuation at the characteristic filtering scale only. The amplitude of the column density distribution, expressed as the value for the ionizing intensity, is derived as a function of the cosmological parameters (to about 40 per cent accuracy). The observational data are currently consistent with the value for the ionizing intensity being constant in the redshift interval z ∼ −4. 相似文献
介绍和评述了有关星际^26Al问题的各种新星模型计算结果,阐述了我们对这一问题的研究和看法,指出了现今各种新星模型在星际^26Al问题上存在的严重困难。 相似文献
Influence functions, that permit us to determine stresses and displacements at an arbitrary point in an infinite, homogeneous, linear elastic, anisotropic medium due to different three-dimensional (3-D) stress or displacement discontinuities distributed on infinite, flat, band-type elements, are presented. Any straight-line segment on the band, which is perpendicular to its infinite side, has the same distribution of the discontinuities. Along with the functions, their Taylor series approximations are also provided. The last can be useful to analyse stresses and displacements at points distant from the elements. The functions allow us to avoid procedures of numerical integration in the Indirect Boundary Element Method and/or the Displacement Discontinuity Method computer codes that are able to solve complete plane-strain problems with 3-D boundary conditions for an elastic, anisotropic medium. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献