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自2009年以来,一种新兴的虾类疾病-急性肝胰脏坏死病(AHPND),对全球对虾养殖业造成了巨大的损失。已有研究表明,该病病原是一类含有特殊毒力因子的弧菌,主要是副溶血性弧菌(VPAHPND)。本文将从该病的发生与流行、病原、检测方法、防控措施等方面的最新研究成果进行阶段性的总结,以期为该病症的防控技术提供参考。  相似文献   
小兴安岭针叶凋落物的分解与土壤动物的作用   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
应用不同网孔分解样袋、排除不同类型土壤动物的作用的方法,对比研究土壤动物对针对凋落物的分解作用,结果表明,在各类土壤动物作用下的大孔网袋样品的分解速度明显快于只有中小型土壤动物作用的中孔网的分解样品,快于尽量排除土壤动物作用条件下的小孔网袋的分解洋;凋落物分解过程中,凋落物失重量与土壤动物个体数量之间的相关性不明显,土壤动物对质地较软的凋落物作用程度较质地较硬的凋落物高;土壤动物的多样性指数分析表明,土壤动物的多样性随样品分解时间的增长无明显的规律性变化。  相似文献   
对1966年3月8日邢台6.8级地震后的异常进行了逐项分析与讨论,发现有些震后异常与后续7.2级主震有比较可信的内在联系。本文在归纳邢台震后异常特征的基础上,提出了6条可能在同类条件下对预报后续地震具有普遍意义的意见。  相似文献   

林家遗址是在山东曲阜地区发现的一处重要的夏商时期聚落。本研究对该遗址2013年度发掘出土的570件岳石文化晚期和中商时期动物骨骼进行了鉴定和定量分析。结果表明, 遗址动物群构成包括黄牛(Bos taurus)、羊(Caprinae)、猪(Sus scrofa domesticus)、狗(Canis familiaris)、狗獾(Meles meles)和梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)等, 以家养动物为主, 野生动物仅作为补充。从动物构成的历时性变化来看, 岳石文化晚期, 先民利用最多的动物为黄牛, 家猪次之; 排除掉特殊埋藏的完整动物遗存, 家猪是中商时期先民利用最多的动物, 其次是黄牛和野生鹿科动物。将研究视野扩展到海岱地区, 大多数遗址的先民主要通过饲养以猪为主的家养动物来获取肉食资源, 家养动物构成相对比较稳定, 包括猪、黄牛、羊和狗。只有少量商代遗址, 如李屋遗址, 出土的野生动物比例较高, 且野生动物种属繁杂, 这与遗址所处的特殊地理位置及遗址的特殊性有关。另外, 林家遗址岳石文化晚期以黄牛为主的动物群特征可能与遗址的性质或发掘区在聚落中所处的位置有关。

黑土肥力质量评价的生物指标研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
房娜娜  刘凯  刘国栋  许江  张一鹤  杨泽  陈江  戴慧敏 《地质与资源》2020,29(6):518-524, 542
由于受到自然因素和人类掠夺式开发利用的影响,黑土肥力下降不断加剧,对国家粮食安全构成重大威胁,黑土肥力质量评价指标已成为当今土壤学的研究热点.传统的研究涉及较多化学和物理指标,近年来生物检测技术迅猛发展,土壤生物指标因其灵敏性较高已逐渐成为土壤肥力质量评价的重要参数,但还没有形成统一的标准,因此有必要梳理一下土壤生物指标.本文对近些年土壤微生物、酶活性及动物等土壤肥力质量评价的生物指标的研究进展进行了综述,为黑土肥力质量评价提供新的研究思路和手段.  相似文献   
采用目标取样法,对饲养于抗风浪网箱中的4只南瓶鼻海豚(Tursiops aduncus)的行为进行了观察和记录,最终定义了南瓶鼻海豚的7种姿势和70种行为.在此基础上,根据行为发生时的姿势、动作、环境以及可能具有的功能,将这些行为划分为水面运动行为、空中行为、社群行为、索食、性行为、玩耍、休息及杂类等8个行为模式,从而初步构建了南瓶鼻海豚的行为谱.还进一步对某些行为,如社会行为的生物学和生态学意义进行了探讨.  相似文献   
In New Caledonia wildfires and invasive mammals (deer and wild pigs) constitute the major agents of land surface degradation. Our study reveals the linkage between land cover and water balance on the northeast coast of New Caledonia (2400 mm annual rainfall) located on a micaschist basement. The hydrological regime of characteristic and representative land surfaces is assessed using a 1-year record from three 100 m2 plots each, located in a forest area degraded by an invasive fauna, in a woody savannah which is regularly burned, and in a healthy forest area. The three plots present highly contrasting hydrological regimes, with annual and maximum runoff/rain ratios during a rain event of, respectively, 0.82, 0.16, 0.03, and 2.7, 0.7, 0.2, for the degraded forest, the savannah and the healthy forest. Such results suggest that subsurface flow originating from the contributing area above the degraded forest plot should exfiltrate inside the plot. A conceptual model for the degraded forest plot shows that water exfiltrating inside the plot represents 61% of the observed runoff. In savannahs, water should mainly be transferred downstream by subsurface flow within a thick organic soil layer limited by an impervious clay layer at a 20–30 cm depth. Savannahs are generally located above forests and generate the transfer of rainwater to downslope forests. Exfiltration into the forests can be the result of this transfer and depends on the thickness and permeability of the forest topsoils and on topographic gradients. Water exfiltration in forest areas highly degraded by pigs and deer enhances erosion and increases further degradation. It probably also limits percolation in the areas located downstream by increasing the amount of superficial runoff concentrated in gullies.  相似文献   
Fishmeal is a critically important feed ingredient for use in animal (e.g., poultry and pigs) and aquaculture production (e.g., salmon, trout and shrimp). There is great concern that increasing demand for fishmeal will place stress on the world's pelagic fisheries and may undermine the sustainability of aquaculture systems. Our research shows that after 1998 the fishmeal sector changed. The change has increased costs for animal and fish producers, which seems to have acted as a stimulus for innovation. The results have considerable implications for the management and health of pelagic fisheries.  相似文献   
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