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煤层自燃是中国北方煤田中普遍存在的灾害现象,它不但烧掉了大量的煤炭资源,而且还污染了环境。实践证明,利用遥感影像判别火区位置、圈定火区范围和对火区进行动态监测,及时为灭火工程提供信息,是一项经济和社会意义很大的工作。由于受多种因素的制约,不同地区、不同波段、不同时相、不同空间分辨率的遥感图像,其影像特征(含与煤层自燃有关的热异常影像特征)都有较大的差异,因而从图像上分析和提取地物的热红外辐射特征时,需要考虑遥感图像类型、成像时间、地形条件、气象条件和岩性特征等因素的影响。本文着重讨论了地表辐射温度与上述各项因素之间的关系。  相似文献   
周粉粉  郭蒙  钟超  常禹  于方冰 《地理科学》2022,42(10):1838-1847
以Fire_CCI51为主要数据源,应用GIS空间分析技术对呼伦贝尔地区2001—2019年草原火的时空分布进行了研究,结果发现:呼伦贝尔草原火时间上具有年际波动较大、循环周期不定和春、秋两季双峰式集中的特点;空间上集中分布在东部森林草原、边境线附近,呈现出东多西少、北多南少的格局。利用相关分析方法对主要气象因子(平均降水量、最高气温、最小相对湿度、最大风速)与草原火之间的关系进行了深入分析,发现气象因子与草原火之间不存在显著相关;通过对呼伦贝尔市1981—2015年的草原起火原因统计数据分析发现,人类活动是导致草原火发生的主要因素。应用空间分析方法对边境线20 km缓冲区内的草原火进行了提取,发现境外过火面积远高于境内而且俄罗斯的过火面积远高于蒙古和中国。  相似文献   
缪婷婷  沈润平 《测绘科学》2013,38(5):49-50,60
本文在火点提取算法中加入了背景信息,减少了伪火点,提高了火点提取算法的准确性和可靠性。通过选取江西省武宁县为实验区,应用MODIS数据进行了火点的提取,实现了从数据的处理到火点的自动提取。经实验验证后,发现改进后的算法火点提取精度较高,能很好地满足林火监测要求。  相似文献   
基于多普勒天气雷达的火情自动识别系统   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
黄克慧  朱景  黄以平  周必高  钟建峰 《气象》2013,39(2):241-248
新一代多普勒天气雷达(CINRAD-SA)具有探测森林火灾的能力,由于火灾雷达回波的空间尺度仅为降水回波的几分之一甚至小几个量级,且混合在杂波中,因此难以被及早发现.为了使雷达自动识别火情(火灾)成为可能,文章提出并详细讨论了自动识别火灾回波的“火灾杂波过滤法”,以及利用非零速度距离库数和反射率距离库数来过滤降水回波的“降水回波过滤法”,并在此基础上研制了基于多普勒天气雷达的火情自动识别系统.在长达一年半时间的试运行中,系统监测到温州辖区内近百起火情,它对火情预警的命中率(POD)、误警率(FAR)和临界成功指数(CSI)分别为79%、4%和76%.在有效监测范围(距离雷达站半径约110 km)内,该系统能对森林(草原)火情进行自动识别、定位和报警,并提供每6 min一次的连续跟踪监测.这种新的火情自动识别和监测方法可为森林消防指挥部门提供更为及时、准确的火情动态信息,也为多普勒天气雷达拓展了新的应用领域.  相似文献   
The Kings River Experimental Watersheds (KREW) were established in 2002 to expand our knowledge of catchment physical, chemical, and biological processes in Sierra Nevada headwater forests, and to better understand the impacts of prescribed burning and forest thinning on these processes. Two elevation strata (high and low) were selected for the KREW sites, with four independent catchments and one nested catchment within each stratum. Both high and low elevation study areas were instrumented for continuous measurements of meteorology, streamflow, and turbidity. Atmospheric and stream chemistry, suspended sediment concentration, and bedload sediment delivery were measured on a regular schedule. Soil chemical and physical properties and vegetation were systematically sampled before and after the initial thinning and prescribed burning treatments, which were implemented between 2012 and 2016. Post-treatment data collection continues today as we explore opportunities for the second round of possible treatments. The critical research infrastructure and long-term baseline data collection has been instrumental in building partnerships with downstream managers, end users, non-governmental organizations, academic researchers, and national research programmes. Contributions to date include fundamental understanding of magnitude and variability of nutrient deposition; carbon, nutrient, and major ion dynamics in headwater streams; aquatic algae and macroinvertebrate populations; vegetation composition and structure; and streamflow responses to precipitation in the two elevation strata. Data from the experimental watersheds also support calibration and validation of diverse hydrologic models used for water resources planning.  相似文献   
Predictions of post-wildfire flooding and debris flows are needed, typically with short lead times. Measurements of soil-hydraulic properties necessary for model parameterization are, however, seldom available. This study quantified soil-hydraulic properties, soil-water retention, and selected soil physical properties within the perimeter of the 2017 Thomas Fire in California. The Thomas Fire burn scar produced catastrophic debris flows in January 2018, highlighting the need for improved prediction capability. Soil-hydraulic properties were also indirectly estimated using relations tied to soil-water retention. These measurements and estimates are examined in the context of parameterizing post-wildfire hydrologic models. Tension infiltrometer measurements showed significant decreases (p < .05) in field-saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs) and sorptivity (S) in burned areas relative to unburned areas. Wildfire effects on soil water-retention were dominated by significant decreases in saturated soil-water content (θS). The van Genuchten parameters α, N, and residual water content did not show significant wildfire effects. The impacts of the wildfire on hydraulic and physical soil properties were greatest in the top 1 cm, emphasizing that measurements of post-fire soil properties should focus on the near-surface. Reductions in Kfs, θs, and soil-water retention in burned soils were attributed to fire-induced decreases in soil structure evidenced by increases in dry bulk density. Sorptivity reductions in burned soils were attributed to increases in soil-water repellency. Rapid post-fire assessments of flash flood and debris flow hazards using physically-based hydrologic models are facilitated by similarities between Kfs, S, and the Green–Ampt wetting front potential (ψf) with measurements at other southern CA burned sites. We suggest that ratios of burned to unburned Kfs (0.37), S (0.36), and ψf (0.66) could be used to scale unburned values for model parameterization. Alternatively, typical burned values (Kfs = 20 mm hr−1; S = 6 mm hr−0.5; ψf = 1.6 mm) could be used for model parameterization.  相似文献   
本文围绕着减少或杜绝硫铁矿山火灾事故的发生,认真分析了硫铁矿山火灾事故发生的外因、内因,并针对各类原因提出了不同的预防措施。确认抓好火灾预防工作的重点是监测和发现内因火灾的苗头,重点介绍了内因火灾的识别方法、预防措施。  相似文献   
Rapid response to fire incidents is critical as delays in the departure and arrival at the scene can have significant consequences in terms of damage, injury and death. Research on the dynamics of residential fire incident response times has barely begun, a situation arguably underpinned by limited access to disaggregate command and control data. In this paper we draw on unit record data and employ quantile regression to examine the role that socio-demographic, infrastructure characteristics and temporal factors play on response times. Results reveal that response times are slower during the winter, in locales with larger numbers of children (aged 14 years and below) and low socioeconomic households, and in areas that have more complex street layouts. We conclude through emphasising the importance of these findings in their capacity to contribute to a new evidence base to inform policy decisions from a resource allocation perspective through the spatial allocation of finite fire resources.  相似文献   
The Indian reserve of coking coal is mainly located in the Jharia coal field in Jharkhand. Although air pollution due to oxides and dioxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur is reported to have increased in this area due to large-scale opencast mining and coal fires, no significant study on the possible impact of coal fires on the stratospheric ozone concentration has been reported so far. The possible impact of coal fires, which have been burning for more than 90 years on the current stratospheric ozone concentration has been investigated using satellite based data obtained from Upper Atmospheric Research Satellite (UARS MLS), Earth Observing System Microwave Limb Sounder (EOS MLS) and Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) in this paper. The stratospheric ozone values for the years 1992–2007, in the 28–36 km altitude range near Jharia and places to its north are found to be consistently lower than those of places lying to its south (up to a radius of 1000 km around Jharia) by 4.0–20%. This low stratospheric ozone level around Jharia is being observed and reported for the first time. However, due to lack of systematic ground-based measurements of tropospheric ozone and vertical ozone profiles at Jharia and other far off places in different directions, it is difficult to conclude strongly on the existence of a relationship between pollution from coal fires and stratospheric ozone depletion.  相似文献   
潜孔锤钻进是以压缩空气代替传统的泥浆作为循环介质,解决了煤田火区勘察钻孔中高温水爆、烧变岩疏松裂隙发育、不稳定易坍塌的问题、突破了坚硬岩层硬钻探效率低的难题。分析了煤田火区与工程勘察的工程特点,给出了用潜孔锤钻进的钻井参数,对钻探工艺和效益进行了评价,同时对煤田火区潜孔锤钻探和常规的泥浆或清水钻探的时效与费用进行了对比。从对比结果来看,潜孔锤钻探具有设备简便,油料消耗少,用人少,时效高,经济效益明显的优点.特别适用于西北中高山缺水地区勘查钻孔的施工,具有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   
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