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洋底特殊环境的限制使数值模拟成为研究海底热液对流与成矿机制的有效方法.本文通过数值模拟的方法,研究洋壳渗透率单因素变化对热液对流系统的形态和输出参数(热液喷发温度和热流值)进行研究.模拟结果表明,洋壳平均渗透率分别与热液喷发温度和热量输出呈反相关和正相关关系,符合达西流体热对流的基本解析规律.另外,洋壳渗透率的垂向变化不会使洋壳内部的对流系统产生明显的横向偏移,只使热液羽规模在垂向上产生规律性变化,且渗透率越大,热液羽规模越小.渗透率在水平方向的变化则是引发热液羽和热液喷发位置横向偏移的主要因素,且只有在特定的渗透率水平变化率范围内,上涌热液羽才会发生向高渗区的明显偏移,这也从一定程度上解释了现今拆离断层相关的热液系统均未发育于断层终止线上的事实.以大西洋Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse(TAG)热液区为例,断裂带高渗区必然影响相邻洋壳内部热液的上涌路径,但受区内拆离断裂带周缘的渗透率水平变化规律的影响,上涌热液羽不至于完全偏移至断裂带,从而产生拆离断层上盘的热液活动.

The Soil Atmosphere Boundary, Accurate Evaluation of Heat and Water (SABAE-HW) model is a multilayered, one-dimensional, physically based version of the Canadian Land Surface Scheme (CLASS) and uses the same methodologies as CLASS, version 2.6. SABAE provides an improved interface for groundwater modelling to simulate soil moisture, soil temperature, energy fluxes and snow depth for a wide range of soil and vegetation. This paper reports the results of the first field comparison of SABAE-HW using an extensive ten-year dataset from the Boreal Ecosystem Atmosphere Study (BOREAS) and the Boreal Ecosystem Research and Monitoring Sites (BERMS) project, an area in central Saskatchewan, Canada, rich in terms of hydrological and meteorological data. The model is also independently tested and verified with the Simultaneous Heat and Water (SHAW) model, which is an unsaturated-zone transport model. Two boundary conditions are considered at the bottom of the soil profile: a water table boundary condition and a unit gradient boundary condition. There was substantial agreement between the results of the simulations and observations in terms of snow depth and soil temperature. Snow depth and soil temperature were simulated reasonably well by SABAE, with correlation values of 0.96 and 0.98, respectively. However, there were some discrepancies for simulated soil temperature in winter. General agreement was obtained in terms of unfrozen soil moisture results, especially at greater depths, but there were general similarities in observed and simulated soil moisture trends in winter. An average correlation of 0.55 was found for SABAE while the correlation for SHAW was much smaller (less than 0.30), which indicates a better fit between simulated and field data by SABAE. Although a unit gradient boundary condition does not influence soil moisture, it was found that unit gradient boundary runs resulted in increased bias towards overestimation of the soil temperature. Thus, a safer and more accurate approach, we believe, is to adopt a first type boundary (i.e., water table) condition at the bottom of the domain. This has implications for climate and weather modelling in general. The result of this field testing demonstrated the potential and high accuracy of SABAE-HW as a Canadian model capable of simulating snow depth, snow temperature, soil moisture, energy fluxes, and we believe it is now appropriate to include this land surface scheme with its counterparts.

R ésumé ?[Traduit par la rédaction] Le modèle Soil Atmosphere Boundary, Accurate Evaluation of Heat and Water (SABAE-HW) est une version multicouche, à une dimension, basée sur la physique du schéma CLASS (Canadian Land Surface Scheme) qui utilise les mêmes méthodologies que le CLASS version 2.6. Le SABAE offre une interface améliorée pour la modélisation des eaux sous-terraines permettant de simuler l'humidité du sol, la température du sol, les flux d'énergie et l'épaisseur de la neige pour une grande variété de sols et de végétation. Cet article présente les résultats de la première comparaison terrain du SABAE-HW en utilisant une base de données étendue de dix ans de l'Étude de l'atmosphère et des écosystèmes boréaux (BOREAS) et du projet des Sites de recherche et de surveillance des écosystèmes boréaux (BERMS), une région du centre de la Saskatchewan, au Canada, riche en données hydrologiques et météorologiques. Le modèle est aussi indépendamment testé et vérifié à l'aide du Simultaneous Heat and Water (SHAW), un modèle de transport en zone non saturée. Deux conditions aux limites sont supposées au fond du profil du sol : une condition aux limites de nappe phréatique et une condition aux limites de gradient unitaire. On a trouvé une concordance importante entre les résultats des simulations et les observations en ce qui a trait à l'épaisseur de la neige et à la température du sol. L'épaisseur de la neige et la température du sol ont été raisonnablement bien simulées par le modèle SABAE, avec des corrélations de 0,96 et 0,98, respectivement. Cependant, il y avait certaines divergences pour la température simulée du sol en hiver. Pour ce qui est des résultats concernant l'humidité du sol non gelé, ils s'accordaient généralement, surtout pour les plus grandes profondeurs, mais il y avait des similarités générales dans les tendances observées et simulées de l'humidité du sol en hiver. Nous avons trouvé une corrélation moyenne de 0,55 pour le SABAE alors que la corrélation pour le SHAW était beaucoup plus faible (0,30), ce qui indique un meilleur ajustement des données simulées aux données de terrain pour le SABAE. Même si une condition aux limites de gradient unitaire n'influence pas l'humidité du sol, il ressort que des passes faites avec un gradient unitaire aux limites ont produit un biais accru vers la surestimation de la température du sol. Donc, nous croyons qu'une approche plus sûre et plus précise serait d'adopter une condition aux limites de Dirichlet (c.-à-d. une nappe phréatique) au fond du domaine. Ceci a des répercussions sur la modélisation du climat et du temps en général. Le résultat de cet essai sur le terrain a démontré le potentiel et la grande exactitude du SABAE-HW en tant que modèle canadien capable de simuler l'épaisseur de la neige, la température du sol, l'humidité du sol et les flux d'énergie et nous croyons qu'il est maintenant approprié d'inclure ce schéma de surface avec ses contreparties.  相似文献   
Spray profile measurements can be used to calculate the underflow rate, and consequently, be related to hydrocyclone performance. The flow geometry of the spray discharge is found to arise from velocity patterns at the outlet orifice. Through a videographic example of an industrial hydrocyclone, it is shown that underflow profiles are typically parabolic, a feature which is indicative of the velocity at which the fluid exits. The inclusion of gravity in this model clearly highlights deficiencies in currently used models. Moreover, an intimate knowledge of factors affecting the profiles of the underflow of a cyclone is essential for the correct interpretation of videographic images. Subsequently, image data are used to estimate outlet velocities, which give an excellent insight into various fluid mechanical phenomena that are not appreciated by analysing basic operational variables. The exit velocities are used to calculate underflow rates, which are related to mass recovery in the underflow.  相似文献   
Highly variable distributions of yttrium and rare earth elements (Y+REEs) are documented in pelitic garnet from the Picuris Mountains, New Mexico, and from Passo del Sole, Switzerland, and in mafic garnet from the Franciscan Complex, California. The wide variety of these Y+REE zoning patterns, and those described previously in other occurrences, imply diverse origins linked to differing degrees of mobility of these elements through the intergranular medium during garnet growth. In the Picuris Mountains, large, early‐nucleating crystals have radial profiles of Y+REE dominated by central peaks and annular maxima, in patterns that vary systematically with atomic number. Superimposed on these features are narrow spikes in HREEs and MREEs, located progressively rimward with decreasing atomic number. In contrast, profiles in small, late‐nucleating crystals contain only broad central maxima for all Y+REEs. In garnet from Passo del Sole, Y+REE zoning varies radically from sample to sample: in some rocks, crystals of all sizes display only central peaks for all Y+REEs; in others, profiles exhibit irregular fluctuations in Y+REE contents that match up with small‐scale patchy zoning in Y and Ca X‐ray maps. In the Franciscan Complex, Y+REE in garnet cores fluctuate unsystematically, but mantles and rims display concentric oscillatory zoning for both major elements and Y+REEs. Our interpretation of the complexity of Y+REE distributions in metamorphic garnet centres on the concept that these distributions vary primarily in response to the length scales over which these elements can equilibrate during garnet growth. Very short length scales of equilibration, due to low intergranular mobility, produce overprint zoning characterized by small‐scale irregularities. Higher but still restricted mobility yields diffusion‐controlled uptake, characterized by patterns of central peaks and annular maxima that vary with atomic number and are strongly influenced by T–t paths during garnet growth. Still greater mobility permits progressively greater, potentially rock‐wide, equilibration with major‐ and accessory‐phase assemblages, leading to mineralogical controls: an unchanging mineral assemblage during garnet growth produces bell‐shaped profiles resembling those produced by Rayleigh fractionation, whereas changes in major‐ and/or accessory‐phase assemblages produce profiles with distinct annuli and sharp discontinuities in concentration. The very high mobility associated with influxes of Y+REE‐bearing fluids can cause these element distributions to be dominated by factors external to the rock, yielding profiles characterized by abrupt shifts or oscillations that are not correlated to changes in mineral assemblages.  相似文献   
The response of a long flexible cylinder excited by random waves in a large model basin was investigated. The linear and non-linear physical mechanisms associated with the wave–cylinder interaction were analysed using system identification and modelling techniques. A third-order frequency domain Volterra model and its orthogonalized counterpart were used to analyse the relationships between wave elevations at various locations in the vicinity of the cylinder and cylinder acceleration data at various cylinder longitudinal locations. It was found that linear mechanisms dominate, particularly at the frequency band where the majority of the wave energy is located. At higher frequencies, the cubic component of the Volterra model is the main contributor to the total model coherence, i.e. the fraction of the measured output power that can be approximated by the model output, whereas the quadratic component's contribution to the total model coherence was in general quite small. This process of identification and quantification of the non-linear mechanisms of the unknown physical system can lead to the design of improved parametric models for the cylinder response, which should by design simulate non-linearities such as the ones identified by the Volterra model. The estimated linear and non-linear Volterra transfer functions were also used to predict the cylinder acceleration under excitation inputs not used in the estimation of the model transfer functions. The good match between predicted and measured output auto-power spectra suggests that the estimated transfer functions are indeed true models of the underlying physical mechanisms of the interaction. However, the latter can only be achieved if a minimum number of data segments, as determined by an error analysis involving modelling and prediction errors, is used in the estimation of the Volterra transfer functions.  相似文献   
The authors propose a new analysis method, called the macro–micro analysis method (MMAM) in a companion paper. (Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn., this issue) for strong motion prediction with higher resolution and accuracy. The MMAM takes advantage of the bounding medium theory to obtain optimistic and pessimistic estimates of the expected strong motion and the singular perturbation expansion that leads to an efficient multi‐scale analysis. The results of the numerical simulation with the MMAM are given as the sum of waves of low resolution covering the whole city and waves of high resolution for each part of the city. While the huge computation amount is reduced by the MMAM, the computation amount is huge still. For resolving this problem, this paper applies the finite element method with voxel element to numerical simulation tools after some numerical verification. To reproduce complicated material properties of surface soft deposits, fundamental hysteresis attenuation is implemented in the three‐dimensional simulation code. The proposed method is verified by carrying out the strong motion prediction with MMAM and comparing with measured data. In addition, the effect of three‐dimensional soil–structure and frequency component on the maximum velocity distribution, which is simulated by proposed method with high spatial resolution, is discussed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Analogue models are used to investigate extension of a continental lithosphere weakened by asthenospheric melts percolating through the upper mantle, a process that has been hypothesised to control the opening of the Ligurian Tethys. Models were performed in a centrifuge apparatus and reproduced, by using materials such as sand and viscous mixtures, extension of 60-km thick, three-layer continental lithosphere floating above the asthenosphere. The percolated lithospheric mantle was assumed to be characterised by a rheological behaviour similar to that of the asthenosphere. Two sets of experiments investigated the influence on deformation of (1) the thickness of the percolated mantle and the associated strength contrast between the normal and weakened lithosphere, and (2) the lateral width of the weakened zone. Model results suggest that mantle percolation by asthenospheric melts is able to promote strong localised thinning of the continental lithosphere, provided that a significant thickness of the lithospheric mantle is weakened by migrating melts within a narrow region. Strain localisation is maximised for percolation of the whole lithospheric mantle and strong strength contrast between the normal and weakened lithosphere. Under these conditions, the thickness of the lithosphere may be reduced to less than 12 km in 3 Ma of extension. Conversely, localised thinning is strongly reduced if the thickness of the percolated zone is ≤1/3 of the thickness of the whole lithospheric mantle and/or the lithosphere is weakened over wide regions. Overall, model results support the working hypothesis that mantle percolation by asthenospheric melts is a controlling factor in the transition from distributed continental deformation to localised oceanic spreading.  相似文献   
China is one of the countries where landslides caused the most fatalities in the last decades.The threat that landslide disasters pose to people might even be greater in the future,due to climate change and the increasing urbanization of mountainous areas.A reliable national-scale rainfall induced landslide suscep-tibility model is therefore of great relevance in order to identify regions more and less prone to landslid-ing as well as to develop suitable risk mitigating strategies.However,relying on imperfect landslide data is inevitable when modelling landslide susceptibility for such a large research area.The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of incomplete landslide data on national scale statistical landslide susceptibility modeling for China.In this context,it is aimed to explore the benefit of mixed effects mod-elling to counterbalance associated bias propagations.Six influencing factors including lithology,slope,soil moisture index,mean annual precipitation,land use and geological environment regions were selected based on an initial exploratory data analysis.Three sets of influencing variables were designed to represent different solutions to deal with spatially incomplete landslide information:Set 1(disregards the presence of incomplete landslide information),Set 2(excludes factors related to the incompleteness of landslide data),Set 3(accounts for factors related to the incompleteness via random effects).The vari-able sets were then introduced in a generalized additive model(GAM:Set 1 and Set 2)and a generalized additive mixed effect model(GAMM:Set 3)to establish three national-scale statistical landslide suscep-tibility models:models 1,2 and 3.The models were evaluated using the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve(AUROC)given by spatially explicit and non-spatial cross-validation.The spatial pre-diction pattern produced by the models were also investigated.The results show that the landslide inven-tory incompleteness had a substantial impact on the outcomes of the statistical landslide susceptibility models.The cross-validation results provided evidence that the three established models performed well to predict model-independent landslide information with median AUROCs ranging from 0.8 to 0.9.However,although Model 1 reached the highest AUROCs within non-spatial cross-validation(median of 0.9),it was not associated with the most plausible representation of landslide susceptibility.The Model 1 modelling results were inconsistent with geomorphological process knowledge and reflected a large extent the underlying data bias.The Model 2 susceptibility maps provided a less biased picture of landslide susceptibility.However,a lower predicted likelihood of landslide occurrence still existed in areas known to be underrepresented in terms of landslide data(e.g.,the Kuenlun Mountains in the northern Tibetan Plateau).The non-linear mixed-effects model(Model 3)reduced the impact of these biases best by introducing bias-describing variables as random effects.Among the three models,Model 3 was selected as the best national-scale susceptibility model for China as it produced the most plausible portray of rainfall induced landslide susceptibility and the highest spatially explicit predictive perfor-mance(median AUROC of spatial cross validation 0.84)compared to the other two models(median AUROCs of 0.81 and 0.79,respectively).We conclude that ignoring landslide inventory-based incomplete-ness can entail misleading modelling results and that the application of non-linear mixed-effect models can reduce the propagation of such biases into the final results for very large areas.  相似文献   
目前对装配式结构的抗震性能研究较少,尤其对装配式地下结构的抗震性能研究尤为缺乏。鉴于此,本文以实际新型预制装配+现浇钢筋混凝土箱型框架式地铁地下车站结构为研究对象,通过建立土-地连墙-装配式地下车站结构的二维和三维两种非线性整体有限元模型,分析了该类新型车站结构的整体抗震性能。结果表明:采用带肋梁预制装配板与现浇钢筋混凝土板的叠合楼板和钢管混凝土中柱的施工工艺能够明显增强结构抗震性能;同时发现二维有限元模型的计算结果高估了车站结构中柱顶底端的地震损伤程度,而低估了车站结构纵梁与中柱连接部位的地震损伤程度。在强地震作用下,建议采用土与地下结构非线性动力相互作用的三维有限元分析模型来真实反应车站结构中柱和纵梁的抗震性能。  相似文献   
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