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The distribution of mineral zones, hydrothermal alteration assemblages and ore associations are important geological attributes of the Chuquicamata Porphyry Cu–Mo deposit. The development and morphology of these attributes were influenced by syn‐mineralization structures with later modification of post‐mineralization tectonism to yield the present day form. In this work we evaluate the elemental mass transfer index due to hydrothermalism by using Pearce Element Ratios, using a database of 1110 samples consisting of elemental concentrations by chemical analysis. We study the relationship of the aforementioned index with the geological attributes in the porphyry as well as evaluate the type of information that the index provides according to its distribution, magnitude and variability. The magnitudes of the alteration index are organized into deciles, each of which represents a source of information, or macrostate. Within these, the geological attribute, or microstate, has a probability to participate that depends on the possible categorization of a particular attributes. The amount of information or uncertainty that each geological attribute provides to each decile of the distribution of the alteration index is determined by measuring the value of entropy. The results indicate that this distribution is controlled by the geometric–kinematic properties of syn‐mineralization structures that generate the primary pattern related to potassic alteration that develops in the hanging wall of the East Shear Zone. Subsequently the shape of the potassic alteration is modified by the kinematic effect imposed by the Americana and Estanques Blancos faults, and this broadly defines the geometry of the Qz–Mo event and the shape of the phyllic alteration. In addition, the sinistral‐inverse shear of the West Fault Zone allows the construction of an enriched blanket and also generates the drag fold that is characteristically observed in the south wall of the mine. All of the above events combine to yield the final geometry of the geological attributes that controls the shape and magnitude of the alteration index in the porphyry. The magnitude of the alteration index is mainly driven by the potassic and phyllic alteration stages. Potassic alteration is dominant in the first four deciles, while phyllic alteration is dominant in the last six deciles. Supergene mineralization attributes contribute discreetly to the average magnitude of the alteration index for each decile. The distribution of the probability of participation of the geological attributes in the distribution of the alteration index suggests that in the potassic alteration, biotite and green‐gray sericite facies contribute to strengthen the index in an associated manner, while in the phyllic alteration, the Qz–Ser textural type is the most significant.  相似文献   
Gas-bearing deposits in the Lower Mingyuefeng Formation of Paleogene, Lishui Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin consist of shoreface sandstones of the highstand systems tract (HST) and transgressive systems tract (TST), and deltaic sandstones of the lowstand systems tract (LST) and falling stage systems tract (FSST). Detailed petrographic observations suggest that the diagenetic features and related evolution of these deposits cannot be simply characterized and demonstrated in the depth domain. However, the occurrence of diagenetic minerals systematically depends on the studied interval within the HST, TST, LST, and FSST; therefore, diagenesis in this region can be better constrained when studied in the context of the depositional environments and sequence stratigraphic framework. The eogenetic processes in such settings include: (1) microcrystalline siderite precipitated as concretions in almost all environments and systems tracts, which inhibited further mechanical compaction; (2) grain dissolution and kaolinitization occurred in shoreface HST sandstones and deltaic LST and FSST sandstones; (3) glaucony was locally observed, which did not clearly reflect the controls of facies or sequence stratigraphy; and (4) cementation by pyrite aggregates occurred in the shoreface HST sandstones and deltaic LST sandstones. The mesogenetic diagenesis includes: (1) partial conversion of kaolinite into dickite in deltaic LST sandstones, and minor chlorite cementation in deltaic FSST sandstones; (2) transformation of kaolinite into illite and quartz cementation in deltaic LST and FSST sandstones; (3) frequent precipitation of ankerite and ferroan calcite in shoreface TST sandstones and early HST sandstones, forming baffles and barriers for fluid flow, with common calcite in shoreface HST sandstones as a late diagenetic cement; and (4) formation of dawsonite in the deltaic LST and FSST sandstones, which is interpreted to be a product of the invasion of a CO2-rich fluid, and acts as a good indicator of CO2-bearing reservoirs. This study has thus constructed a reliable conceptual model to describe the spatial and temporal distribution of diagenetic alterations. The results may provide an entirely new conceptual framework and methodology for successful gas exploration in the continental margins of offshore China, thus allowing us to predict and unravel the distribution and quality evolution of clastic reservoirs at a more detailed and reliable scale.  相似文献   
Citlaltépetl volcano is the easternmost stratovolcano in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. Situated within 110 km of Veracruz, it has experienced two major collapse events and, subsequent to its last collapse, rebuilt a massive, symmetrical summit cone. To enhance hazard mitigation efforts we assess the stability of Citlaltépetl's summit cone, the area thought most likely to fail during a potential massive collapse event. Through geologic mapping, alteration mineralogy, geotechnical studies, and stability modeling we provide important constraints on the likelihood, location, and size of a potential collapse event. The volcano's summit cone is young, highly fractured, and hydrothermally altered. Fractures are most abundant within 5–20-m wide zones defined by multiple parallel to subparallel fractures. Alteration is most pervasive within the fracture systems and includes acid sulfate, advanced argillic, argillic, and silicification ranks. Fractured and altered rocks both have significantly reduced rock strengths, representing likely bounding surfaces for future collapse events. The fracture systems and altered rock masses occur non-uniformly, as an orthogonal set with N–S and E–W trends. Because these surfaces occur non-uniformly, hazards associated with collapse are unevenly distributed about the volcano. Depending on uncertainties in bounding surfaces, but constrained by detailed field studies, potential failure volumes are estimated to range between 0.04–0.5 km3. Stability modeling was used to assess potential edifice failure events. Modeled failure of the outer portion of the cone initially occurs as an "intact block" bounded by steeply dipping joints and outwardly dipping flow contacts. As collapse progresses, more of the inner cone fails and the outer "intact" block transforms into a collection of smaller blocks. Eventually, a steep face develops in the uppermost and central portion of the cone. This modeled failure morphology mimics collapse amphitheaters present at many of the world's stratovolcanoes that have experienced massive failure events.Editorial responsibility: H. Shinohara  相似文献   
Using the concept of bleaching in optical dating, a new index of sediment sample bleaching percentage (BLP‐2) was developed and applied to evaluate sand grain transport from riverine to deep‐marine environments. As bleached grains in modern sediments have no optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)/infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signal, bleached and unbleached feldspar grains are distinguished by IRSL intensity. The BLP‐2 distribution of present deposits around the Kumano area, on the Pacific coast of central Japan, suggests that sand grains in surface turbidites obtained from the bottom of the Kumano Trough are of flood/storm origin rather than seismogenic origin. The distribution of BLP‐2 tentatively suggests sand grain erosion–transport–depositional processes; for example, origin and transport agencies of shelf sand, and influence of coastal erosion on the beach deposit. Although the present BLP analysis is not yet supported by a rigorous statistical test, it is useful to distinguish recent deposition and remobilization of sand grains. Furthermore, if the depositional age and the luminescence age of sand grains are accurately estimated, sand grain transport processes of old (late Quaternary) sediments may be estimated by the methodology similar to that of the present study.  相似文献   
在围岩蚀变类型丰富、成矿作用复杂的甘肃省鹰嘴山金矿区,依据矿化蚀变岩与其围岩的波谱特征差异,通过对地面实测光 谱数据及其岩矿石多元数据的统计分析,建立混合蚀变遥感模型。选择最佳变量图像或变量图像组合,最终提取出该地区的混合蚀变 遥感异常信息。实践证明,该方法在矿化信息的提取上效果显著。  相似文献   
巴基斯坦查盖火山岩浆岩带属于特提斯成矿域的重要组成部分之一,是巴基斯坦境内最重要的斑岩型铜矿带,但目前其相关的遥感研究还较少,制约了对该成矿带的找矿潜力分析。笔者等以山达克矿床及其周边为研究区,对先进星载热辐射与反射辐射计(Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer, ASTER)数据进行RBD (Relative absorption band depth)比值假彩色合成、主成分分析、光谱角制图等处理,获得蚀变遥感异常信息分布特征,通过对蚀变特征和主要控矿要素进行遥感研究,建立了山达克矿床遥感找矿模型并开展成矿预测,为该成矿带矿产勘查提供借鉴。根据建立的遥感找矿模型,圈定了找矿预测靶区10处。对矿区东矿体和矿区北部的2个靶区进行野外验证,证实了提取结果与实际地质事实吻合较好,对矿区岩石样品进行光谱实测,表明样品实测光谱曲线与标准矿物光谱曲线的吸收特征位置高度相似,证实了研究区绢云母化、青磐岩化等蚀变较强且分布较广。结果表明本次研究提取的矿化蚀变结果可信度较高,可为后续找矿勘查工作提供参考。  相似文献   
智博铁矿床是西天山东部阿吾拉勒铁成矿带新发现的大型磁铁矿矿床之一。赋矿围岩为下石炭统大哈拉军山组火山岩及火山碎屑岩。围岩蚀变广泛发育,识别出3个阶段:第一阶段以辉石+钠长石+磁铁矿为主;第二阶段以角闪石+钾长石+绿帘石+磁铁矿+黄铁矿为主;第三阶段以绿帘石+绿泥石+方解石+石英+黄铁矿+赤铁矿±黄铜矿为主。电子探针分析表明,智博铁矿与其他岩浆-热液成因铁矿床具有类似的蚀变矿物化学成分。辉石以透辉石为主(Di=62.97%~83.56%),含少量钙铁辉石(Hd=16.44%~36.45%);火山岩中斜长石(Ab47.57-57.82An41.5-51.87Or0.56-0.68)蚀变形成钠长石(Ab77.89-99.33An0.46-2.48Or0.21-20.3);与热液作用有关的钾长石叠加改造早期蚀变矿物;角闪石主要为阳起石;晚期发育富铁绿帘石〔Fe/(Fe+Al)=0.2~0.36〕以及绿泥石蚀变矿物。与火山岩中的磁铁矿〔w(TiO2)3.08%〕相比,矿体中磁铁矿具有低w(TiO2)(0.23%)的特点,部分早期浸染状磁铁矿与火山岩中的磁铁矿w(V2O5)相当,暗示该矿化阶段的铁质部分来源于围岩。矿物学及矿物化学表明,热液交代作用对成矿具有重要的贡献。同时,智博铁矿具有一些暗示铁矿浆成因的结构特征,如块状磁铁矿与围岩呈截然接触,磁铁矿胶结围岩角砾,磁铁矿条带呈流动状分布以及板条状磁铁矿等。结合铁矿带区域地质特征,认为智博铁矿可能主要由富铁岩浆流体形成,在形成大量块状富铁矿体的同时,伴随有广泛的围岩蚀变。矿区内大量的磁铁矿矿化与晚石炭世大陆岛弧岩浆活动有密切的成因联系。  相似文献   
基于ETM,ASTER卫星遥感数据在中亚吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦及我国周边地区开展的1︰100万遥感地质矿产解译,是在前人研究成果基础上,对该区进行大地构造格架遥感解析,提取区内主要断裂构造和与成(控)矿作用相关的地层、构造、岩浆岩、蚀变信息,并根据控矿地层、控矿岩体、蚀变异常与线环构造等信息建立典型矿床遥感找矿模型;以找矿模型为指导,结合矿床类型、成矿地质背景、主要控矿和成矿要素、遥感地质解译信息、遥感异常信息等多源信息对研究区进行成矿预测及战略选区。  相似文献   
The Semna gold deposit is one of several vein-type gold occurrences in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt, where gold-bearing quartz veins are confined to shear zones close to the boundaries of small granitoid stocks. The Semna gold deposit is related to a series of sub-parallel quartz veins along steeply dipping WNW-trending shear zones, which cut through tectonized metagabbro and granodiorite rocks. The orebodies exhibit a complex structure of massive and brecciated quartz consistent with a change of the paleostress field from tensional to simple shear regimes along the pre-existing fault segments. Textural, structural and mineralogical evidence, including open space structures, quartz stockwork and alteration assemblages, constrain on vein development during an active fault system. The ore mineral assemblage includes pyrite, chalcopyrite, subordinate arsenopyrite, galena, sphalerite and gold. Hydrothermal chlorite, carbonate, pyrite, chalcopyrite and kaolinite are dominant in the altered metaggabro; whereas, quartz, sericite, pyrite, kaolinite and alunite characterize the granodiorite rocks in the alteration zones. Mixtures of alunite, vuggy silica and disseminated sulfides occupy the interstitial open spaces, common at fracture intersections. Partial recrystallization has rendered the brecciation and open space textures suggesting that the auriferous quartz veins were formed at moderately shallow depths in the transition zone between mesothermal and epithermal veins.Petrographic and microthermometric studies aided recognition of CO2-rich, H2O-rich and mixed H2O–CO2 fluid inclusions in the gold-bearing quartz veins. The H2O–CO2 inclusions are dominant over the other two types and are characterized by variable vapor: liquid ratios. These inclusions are interpreted as products of partial mixing of two immiscible carbonic and aqueous fluids. The generally light δ34S of pyrite and chalcopyrite may suggest a magmatic source of sulfur. Spread in the final homogenization temperatures and bulk inclusion densities are likely due to trapping under pressure fluctuation through repeated fracture opening and sealing. Conditions of gold deposition are estimated on basis of the fluid inclusions and sulfur isotope data as 226–267 °C and 350–1100 bar, under conditions transitional between mesothermal and epithermal systems.The Semna gold deposit can be attributed to interplay of protracted volcanic activity (Dokhan Volcanics?), fluid mixing, wallrock sulfidation and a structural setting favoring gold deposition. Gold was transported as Au-bisulfide complexes under weak acid conditions concomitant with quartz–sericite–pyrite alteration, and precipitated through a decrease in gold solubility due to fluid cooling, mixing with meteoric waters and variations in pH and fO2.  相似文献   
王静纯  陈民扬 《地质论评》1999,45(7):167-173
我国与火山作用有关的银矿床占大、中型银矿床总数的33.5 %。燕山旋回是我国与火山岩和潜火山岩有关的银矿最重要的成矿期。这类银矿几乎都产于深大断裂边缘或次级构造交汇部位、 地槽区海相火山活动地带及地台活化区陆相火山活动地带。硅化和钠化与银矿化最为密切。矿液中的Au、Pb、Sc、Mn、Cd对银的成矿作用有积极影响。银在矿石中的分布特点显示,矿石中95%以上的银呈独立银矿物存在,方铅矿、闪锌矿和黄铜矿是银的最重要载体矿物,这为银的充分回收利用提供了地质依据。  相似文献   
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