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The Oligo‐Miocene Caspe Formation corresponds to the middle fluvial facies of the wider Guadalope‐Matarranya fluvial fan, located in the South‐east Ebro foreland basin (North‐east Spain). At the time of the Caspe Formation deposition, this sector of the Ebro basin underwent a very continuous, moderate sedimentation rate. Lithofacies comprise deposits from channellized and unchannellized flows. Channellized flow lithofacies form multi‐storey ribbon‐like sandstone bodies that crop out as extensive sandstone ridges belonging to exhumed channel networks. Width/thickness ratios of these channel‐fill bodies average close to six. Sinuosity is usually low (most common values around 1·1), although it can be high locally (up to 2). Thicknesses range from a few metres to 15 m. Unchannellized flow lithofacies form tabular bodies that can be ascribed to overbank deposits (levées, crevasse splays and fine‐grained floodplain deposits) and also to frontal lobes, although recognition of this last case requires exceptional outcrop conditions or geophysical subsurface studies. The unchannellized flow lithofacies proportion ranges from 75% to 97·8%. Methods applied to this study include detailed three‐dimensional architectural analysis in addition to sedimentological analysis. The architecture is characterized by an intricate network of highly interconnected ribbon‐like sandstone bodies. Such bodies are connected by three kinds of connections: convergences, divergences and cross‐cuttings. Although the Caspe Formation lithofacies and architecture resemble anastomosed channels (low topographic gradient, high preservation potential, moderate aggradation rate, high lateral stability of the channels, dominance of the ribbon‐like morphologies and high proportion of floodplain to channel‐fill sediments), an unambiguous interpretation of the channel networks as anastomosed or single threaded cannot be established. Instead, the observed architecture could be considered as the product of the complex evolution of a fluvial fan segment, where different network morphologies could develop. A facies model for aggrading ephemeral fluvial systems in tectonically active, endorheic basins is proposed.  相似文献   
王文 《地质与勘探》2013,49(2):352-358
通过样品采集和室内分析,研究了成都平原区土壤中Cd高含量区的区域分布特征和形成原因。在绵远河、石亭江流域冲积物中存在Cd含量高值区。Cd高含量区域分布Ⅰ、Ⅱ级阶地-Ⅲ级-Ⅳ级或Ⅴ级阶地冲击物中Cd含量逐渐降低。发育与龙门山的河流(绵远河、石亭江)沉积物Cd含量显著高于其他水系沉积物。Cd高含量分布区与不同级次的阶地相吻合的特征表明其控制因素显著,属于地质作用的产物。这一结论与多数研究者认为的人为因素引起的具有根本区别。  相似文献   
本文充分运用地质、测井、地震资料,对塔里木盆地东河塘石炭系障岛壁岛后冲溢扇进行了研究。从岩性特征、结构、沉积构造、垂向层序、地球物理、沉积背景、古地理条件等几个方面,详细阐述了冲溢扇的沉积特征。概括总结了冲溢扇的沉积模式,并对冲溢扇含油气性进行了论述,指出冲溢扇沉积特征研究不仅可以丰富沉积学理论,而且为寻找上倾尖灭油气藏提供了新的领域  相似文献   
Differences in lithologic erodibility and sediment storage within a drainage basin affect the relationship between alluvial fan area and drainage basin area along the western White Mountains. Large fans are produced by basins underlain by resistant rocks, which have steep and narrow trunk stream canyons with little sediment in storage. Small fans are produced by basins composed of erodible lithologic units, which have wider valley floors, lower valley-side slopes, and considerably more sediment stored along trunk stream canyons than is the case in basins underlain by resistant rocks.  相似文献   
干旱—半干旱地区第四纪冲洪积扇蕴含着丰富的气候与构造信息,划分并描述不同时期的冲洪积扇单元及其地貌特征是开展第四纪冲洪积扇研究的重要步骤。野外考察等传统方法是对冲洪积扇进行描述与填图的最重要的途径之一,但在此之前对冲洪积扇进行大范围的自动化地貌初步分级则可为地貌填图提供指导,从而提高后续的野外工作效率。文中借助航空影像生成的0. 2m分辨率数字高程模型提取老虎山地区各冲洪积扇单元的起伏度与粗糙度,实现对各冲洪积扇单元的分类与差异探讨。研究表明,随着提取窗口尺寸的增大,粗糙度迅速增大,而当提取窗口增大到一定程度后粗糙度过渡为缓慢增大并达到稳定的状态。在尺寸为8m×8m的滑动取样窗口下,起伏度与粗糙度随着冲洪积扇年龄的增加,呈现先减小而后增大的趋势,这恰好反映了冲洪积扇的动态演化过程。  相似文献   
基于GIS的浑河冲洪积扇地浅层地下水防污性能评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以DRASTIC方法为基础,结合浑河冲洪积扇地区的实际情况,利用AHP法重新确定了防污性能评价指标的权重.充分借助GIS软件,进行了浅层地下水防污性能的综合评价和编图.评价结果与区域环境水文地质条件基本吻合.  相似文献   
将泥石流扇按发育历史、地貌形态、外力方式、物源组成、成因类别、人类活动等6个方面作了类型划分。论述泥石流扇类型的阶地级别、几何形状、扇面坡度、流路形态、叠置方式、排列形式、植物生态等各型的基本特征。讨论用泥石流扇地貌稳定性因素综合判别方法,确定泥石流扇地貌形态整体稳定性。即很不稳定型泥石流扇,较稳定型泥石流扇,基本稳定型泥石流扇的判别。据泥石流扇形地的土地利用现状,评述了农业耕作利用,林牧业开发利用,养殖业发展利用,村寨修建利用,城镇、工矿区综合建设利用,休闲、娱乐场建开发利用,铁路、公路线路展布利用,军用场地设置利用,临时工棚、工地房建利用,引水渠道、输电线路、输油(气)管道工程利用等各种利用模式的现状,提出泥石流扇土地开发利用的分层模型,为充分、安全开发泥石流扇的土地资源提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
冲绳海槽天然气水合物与地质构造的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
海底天然气水合物大多与通过切穿沉积盖层的断裂的上升烃类流体相关,这些高渗透带包括底辟和泥火山等侵入构造,所以海底断裂、底辟和泥火山等构造周围可能赋存天然气水合物;其次,高沉积速率和巨厚沉积层可使有机质迅速掩埋而保存起来,为天然气水合物的生成提供充足物源,因此,邻近陆坡河谷口的海底沉积扇也是天然气水合物赋存的有利地区;另外,由于陆坡区的水合物沉积层比海盆更容易受外界温压变化的影响发生失稳分解,诱发海底滑坡,所以滑坡与天然气水合物赋存之间的关系也非常密切。冲绳海槽邻近海域具有覆水深、沉积厚度大、沉积速率高和有机质丰富等有利赋存条件,目前的研究已经在该海域发现了天然气水合物赋存的地球物理证据BSR,因此,在现有研究基础上开展断裂、泥火山、海底扇、海底滑坡等与天然气水合物相关的构造研究,可以深入了解天然气水合物在不同地质构造中的分布特征与演化,为更精确地评估其资源潜力提供参考。  相似文献   
首先对水下无线电能传输技术进行了分类,然后给出了磁感应式水下无线电能传输的基本结构和工作原理,讨论了该技术的最优工作频率、传输距离、线圈结构选择、涡流损耗与频率分裂现象.随后简要给出了磁谐振式水下无线电能传输技术和电场耦合式水下无线电能传输的研究现状.最后对水下无线电能传输技术有待研究的问题进行了展望.  相似文献   
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