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扇三角洲亚相定量划分的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沉积相的定量划分一直是沉积学中一个难以解决的问题。通过水槽实验发现扇三角洲的形成是一个不断向前缘和侧缘前积、向上加积的过程,加积层和前积层分别代表了扇三角洲的平原部分和前缘部分。从剖面上来看,自扇三角洲根部至前端,平原部分的厚度逐渐减薄,而前缘部分的厚度则逐渐增厚。提出以剖面上前积层和加积层厚度相等的点作为扇三角洲平原与前缘亚相的厘定界限,由此可以解决扇三角洲平原与前缘亚相在平面上的定量划分问题。根据陡坡带扇三角洲模拟实验发现,剖面上前积层厚度与加积层厚度相等的点随着扇体的生长而不断变化,但平原部分与扇体延伸长度的比值λ保持不变,只受原始地形坡度α和扇面坡角β的影响。扇面坡角β是一个经验值常数,因此,在勘探过程中,只要通过地层倾角测井求出原始地形坡度α,再根据地震剖面或单井资料统计确定扇体的延伸长度,就可以计算出前缘亚相的分布范围,从而为预测油气勘探的有利相带提供依据。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地西南部上三叠统长6油层组湖底扇特征   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
通过岩心观测、薄片观察和各种资料的综合分析,对鄂尔多斯盆地西南部上三叠统延长组长6油层组湖底扇的岩石类型、粒度特征、沉积构造等特征进行了详细研究。研究结果表明长6油层组浊积岩的岩石类型为长石岩屑砂岩、岩屑长石砂岩和长石砂岩;浊积砂岩的矿物成分成熟度低,结构成熟度较低,杂基含量高。粒度分析表明其具有典型的浊流特征。沉积构造可见递变粒序、底层面构造、滑塌角砾,且发育鲍马序列;反映了浊积岩具有明显的韵律性和旋回性。识别出薄层浊积岩、中层浊积岩、厚层浊积岩3种类型并分别描述其特征。在此基础上进行了亚相划分,详细描述了各亚相特征,确定了浊积岩分布在庆阳、合水、固城、安置农场地区。浊积岩的形成主要受外界的触发机制、充足的物源供给、古斜坡地形等因素控制。  相似文献   
Euler's equations, describing the rotation of an arbitrarily torqued mass asymmetric rigid body, are scaled using linear transformations that lead to a simplified set of first order ordinary differential equations without the explicit appearance of the principal moments of inertia. These scaled differential equations provide trivial access to an analytical solution and two constants of integration for the case of torque-free motion. Two additional representations for the third constant of integration are chosen to complete two new kinetic element sets that describe an osculating solution using the variation of parameters. The elements' physical representations are amplitudes and either angular displacement or initial time constant in the torque-free solution. These new kinetic elements lead to a considerably simplified variation of parameters solution to Euler's equations. The resulting variational equations are quite compact. To investigate error propagation behaviour of these new variational formulations in computer simulations, they are compared to the unmodified equations without kinematic coupling but under the influence of simulated gravity-gradient torques.  相似文献   
A practical, low order and potential-based surface panel method is presented to predict the flow around a three-dimensional rectangular foil section including the effect of boundary layer. The method is based on a boundary-integral formulation, known as the “Morino formulation” and the boundary layer effect is taken into account through a complementary thin boundary layer model. The numerical approach used in the method presents a strongly convergent solution based on the iterative wake roll-up and contraction model including the boundary layer effect. The method is applied to a three-dimensional foil section for which the velocity distribution around the foil was measured using a 2D Laser Doppler Velocimetry system in a large cavitation tunnel. Comparison of the predicted velocity distributions both inside and outside of the boundary layer of the foil as well as the boundary layer shapes obtained from the numerical model show fairly good correlation with the measurements, indicating the robustness and practical worthiness of the proposed method.  相似文献   
南盘江印支期前陆盆地中上三叠统深水浊积岩沉积特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南盘江印支期前陆盆地,于中晚三叠世发育了一套厚度较大,分布广泛的陆屑浊积岩。按照沉积结构,构造和岩性特征,可划分出四种浊积岩相类型。其沉积模式为海底扇,并具三个幕次的沉积活动,其物源来自盆地南端,即为印支板块与扬子板块碰撞形成的前陆褶冲带。经研究,百蓬期(T21)浊积盆地位于CCD面之下,而河口期(T22)和法郎期(T13)烛积盆地位于CCD面之上。  相似文献   
高分二号的沈阳市黑臭水体遥感识别   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
中国城市黑臭水体情况严重,基于遥感监测黑臭水体刚刚起步,很多问题待解决。以沈阳市城市建成区内主要河流为研究区,于2015年—2016年开展地面调查,获取了浑河和蒲河46个一般水体的样点,和辉山明渠、满堂河、细河以及微山湖路附近、丁香湖北部50个黑臭水体的样点数据,包括水面光谱和主要水质参数。分析了黑臭水体与一般水体的光谱特征,发现城市黑臭水体反射率光谱在绿光—红光波段变化比一般水体平缓,基于这一特点提出了一种基于反射率光谱指数BOI(Black and Odorous water Index)的黑臭水体识别模型,并将其与红绿波段比值指数进行对比,具有更好的识别精度。结果表明:(1)基于遥感反射率(Rrs)计算的BOI小于0.065时,可判为黑臭水体。(2)由于GF2水体图像精确大气校正存在困难,可以利用瑞利散射校正反射率(Rrc)替代R_(rs),BOI小于阈值0.05时,可判别为黑臭水体;同时模拟证明,当气溶胶光学厚度逐渐增大时,黑臭水体与一般水体的光谱差异将逐渐减小,因此这种方法主要适用于比较清晰的图像、气溶胶光学厚度比较小(如AOT(550)≤0.5时)。(3)基于R_(rc)的BOI模型可以较好的应用于GF2图像上,具有较好的识别精度。对2015年—2016年3景GF-2影像提取的结果显示,满堂河和新开河黑臭现象得到逐步改善,辉山明渠黑臭现象依然严峻。本文发展的黑臭水体遥感识别算法主要是基于沈阳黑臭水体的光谱特征,仅在沈阳市进行了验证,将来还需在其他城市进一步验证,并且需要更多地考虑多种因素对水体反射率的影响。  相似文献   
文章提出地勘单位断了“皇粮”后,要生存和发展,唯一的出路是成为具有“四自”机制的竞争主体,参与市场竞争;改革的实践证明,在没有触及投资主体的改革,产权关系模糊的状况下,在地勘单位无法形成“四自”机制,因此改革的重点是通过改革投资主体,明晰产权关系,建立企业法人财产制度,向企业化发展和建立现代企业制度。改革的难点在于地勘单位的人、财、物、产、供、销都是计划经济的产物,难以与市场经济接轨。对策是国家尽快制定改革地勘单位投资主体的操作办法,并在政策上、资金上给予必要的扶持和投入,促使其成为投资主体明确、具有“四自”机制的新型地勘单位  相似文献   
博兴洼陷西部沙三段有利储集砂体分布探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
博兴洼陷油气勘探已进入隐蔽油气藏为主的勘探阶段,储集砂体的分布,尤其是能够形成地层岩性油藏的有利储集砂体的分布,是油气勘探的关键.研究区主要发育有浊积扇、辫状三角洲前缘和近岸水下扇三种类型的储集砂体,其中浊积扇扇体是岩性圈闭勘探的最有利砂体.通过已发现油气藏的地层位置分析,发现MSC8、MSC7、MSC6、MSC5、MSC2旋回的上升半旋回是有利储集砂体发育的主要层段,浊积扇砂体发育,且具有有利的油气成藏条件.平面上,MSC8旋回的有利储集砂体主要发育在高青断层东南侧的狭长区域内,MSC5、MSC6、MSC7旋回的有利储集砂体发育在坡折带之下的洼陷区.综合上述分析,预测了坡折带下部洼陷区、高青断裂下降盘和高24-高27井间区域3个岩性和构造-岩性圈闭勘探有利区.  相似文献   
扇三角洲为陆相沉积盆地中的一个重要沉积体系,多数具有良好的油气储集能力。通常情况下,盆地中发育的扇三角洲具有相近的物性,扇三角洲前缘分流河道储层物性好,席状砂物性较差。然而,达尔其油田相邻的2个扇三角洲的物性出现了较大差异,达尔其西扇三角洲出现了分流河道物性差异与相控储层理论相悖的现象。利用偏光显微镜镜下薄片观察、岩芯物性分析与测井等资料,研究了该区储层岩石的孔隙类型以及成岩过程中压实和胶结作用对储层物性的影响,分析2个相邻扇三角洲储层物性差异及达尔其西扇三角洲河道物性差的原因,认为干旱气候和地壳抬升作用、盐湖沉积阶段和盐类沉积时间差异是形成2个扇三角洲物性差异的关键因素。研究成果为解释达尔其油田2个扇三角洲储层物性剧烈变化和差异提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
Two types of microtopographic features (plant scar mounds and plant scar depressions) on surfaces of barren desert pavements provide a unique record of the former presence of large perennial plants. Evidence of bioturbation by burrowing animals extends more than 1 m beneath each type of plant scar, indicating that both features originated as large bioturbation mounds. Formation of bioturbation mounds in desertscrub environments is generally restricted to areas beneath widely separated, large perennial plants. The contrasting forms of plant scars (mounds vs. depressions) represent time-dependent changes following disappearance of the large plants and eventual cessation of bioturbation. Plant scar mounds represent a geologically recent episode of plant mortality, whereas plant scar depressions represent the disappearance of plants at a considerably earlier time, possibly at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. Contrasting spatial distributions of the two kinds of plant scars indicate that vegetation on alluvial fans has progressively contracted from a more diffuse, former vegetation cover, yielding the wide, barren pavement surfaces present today. In less arid portions of the Sonoran Desert, spatial distribution of recent plant mortality due to persistent, severe drought provides an analog of the progressive loss of plants from different parts of the landscape in the past.  相似文献   
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