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A novel conceptual model of the mechanics of sands is developed within an elastic–plastic framework. Central to this model is the realization that volume changes in anisotropic granular materials occur as a result of two fundamentally different mechanisms. The first is purely kinematic, dilative, and is the result of the changes in anisotropic fabric. There is also a second volume change in granular media that occurs as a direct response to changes in stress as in a standard elastic/plastic continuum. The inclusion of the two sources of volume change results in three important datum states. When subjected to isotropic strains, the resulting stress state in granular materials is not isotropic but lies upon the kinematic normal consolidation line. There exists a state at which the fabric‐induced volumetric strain rate becomes equal to the stress‐induced volumetric strain rate making the total plastic volumetric strain rate equal to zero. Granular response changes from contractive to dilative at this phase transformation line. The third datum state is the one in which the stress‐induced volumetric strain rate is zero. The sand, however, continues to dilate at this state with the difference between stress and dilation ratio a constant as predicted by Taylor's stress–dilatancy rule. These predictions are shown in accordance with experimental data from a series of drained tests and undrained on Ottawa sand. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
热带玛珥湖湖水动力条件的变化,是反映区域有效降雨量的重要指标,为探测有效降雨的时空分布特征及其机制提供了良好的基础素材。对位于雷琼半岛的双池岭和湖光岩两个玛珥湖进行沉积物磁组构的分析,结果表明尽管湖泊沉积物磁面理发育、磁线理值很小,玛珥湖的水动力条件比较微弱,但各向异性度P 和水流速度函数Fs 呈现向上递减的长期趋势,与湖泊草本植物孢粉含量向上增加、有机碳含量减低、沉积物颜色从黑褐色向青灰色过渡的特征一致,反映了大约9cal.kaB.P.以来,华南区域有效降雨量逐渐增加、湖水平面上升的过程。这种变化的机理可能是当夏季风减弱时,热带辐合带(ITCZ)南移、ENSO活动加强的结果。  相似文献   

青藏高原东北部新生代构造演化对理解高原隆升和变形模式具有重要意义, 而目前对于该地区挤压应力方向转变过程仍存在很大争议.本文对柴北缘逆冲带北西部骆驼泉剖面新生代地层开展系统磁组构(本文特指磁化率各项异性)研究, 以揭示该地区挤压应力方向的转变特征.系统岩石磁学结果表明, 骆驼泉剖面新生代样品中主要磁性矿物是顺磁性组分和赤铁矿以及少量磁铁矿.通过对磁组构特征分析及其与古水流方向对比表明, 骆驼泉剖面新生代地层磁组构主要为初始变形磁组构, 可用于指示沉积成岩时期的挤压应力方向.磁组构结果揭示, 骆驼泉地区挤压应力方向在上干柴沟组下部沉积时期为NNE-SSW向, 而上干柴沟组上部和油砂山组沉积时期转变为NE-SW向.结合柴北缘逆冲带已有磁组构结果指出, 该地区早期N-S向或NNE-SSW向挤压应力可能与印度—欧亚板块早新生代以来近N-S向碰撞挤压过程有关, 指示印度—欧亚碰撞的挤压应力自下干柴沟组下部沉积时期就已传播至高原东北部地区; 而后期NE-SW向挤压应力方向与该地区现今GPS揭示的上地壳运动方向一致, 可能与该时段高原东北部巨型走滑断裂构造体系(尤其是阿尔金断裂)有关.此外, 柴北缘逆冲带新生代挤压应力方向转变在其北西部起始于上干柴沟组下部沉积时期, 而南东部起始于上油砂山组下部沉积时期, 与地震反射剖面揭示的断裂活动等地质证据共同揭示柴北缘逆冲带新生代的构造活动自靠近阿尔金断裂的北西部向南东部传播和扩展.综合分析青藏高原东北部地区挤压应力方向转变和其他地质证据发现, 挤压应力方向转变显示出自柴北缘逆冲带北西部向东、西和南向扩展特征, 与阿尔金断裂在上干柴沟组下部-上油砂山组下部沉积时期剪切应力集中于断裂本身, 而上油砂山组下部沉积以来开始散布于高原东北部内部地区的两阶段走滑活动相关.

Active, carbonate‐mineralizing microbial mats flourish in a tropical, highly evaporative, marine‐fed lagoonal network to the south of Cayo Coco Island (Cuba). Hypersaline conditions support the development of a complex sedimentary microbial ecosystem with diverse morphologies, a variable intensity of mineralization and a potential for preservation. In this study, the role of intrinsic (i.e. microbial) and extrinsic (i.e. physicochemical) controls on microbial mat development, mineralization and preservation was investigated. The network consists of lagoons, forming in the interdune depressions of a Pleistocene aeolian substratum; they developed due to a progressive increase in sea‐level since the Holocene. The hydrological budget in the Cayo Coco lagoonal network changes from west to east, increasing the salinity. This change progressively excludes grazers and increases the saturation index of carbonate minerals, favouring the development and mineralization of microbial mats in the easternmost lagoons. Detailed mapping of the easternmost lagoon shows four zones with different flooding regimes. The microbial activity in the mats was recorded using light–dark shifts in conjunction with microelectrode O2 and HS? profiles. High rates of O2 production and consumption, in addition to substantial amounts of exopolymeric substances, are indicative of a potentially strong intrinsic control on mineralization. Seasonal, climate‐driven water fluctuations are key for mat development, mineralization, morphology and distribution. Microbial mats show no mineralization in the permanently submersed zone, and moderate mineralization in zones with alternating immersion and exposure. It is suggested that mineralization is also driven by water‐level fluctuations and evaporation. Mineralized mats are laminated and consist of alternating trapping and binding of grains and microbially induced magnesium calcite and dolomite precipitation. The macrofabrics of the mats evolve from early colonizing Flat mats to complex Cerebroid or Terrace structures. The macrofabrics are influenced by the hydrodynamic regime: wind‐driven waves inducing relief terraces in windward areas and flat morphologies on the leeward side of the lagoon. Other external drivers include: (i) storm events that either promote (for example, by bioclasts covering) or prevent (for example, by causing erosion) microbial mat preservation; and (ii) subsurface degassing, through mangrove roots and desiccation cracks covered by Flat mats (i.e. forming Hemispheroids and Cerebroidal structures). These findings provide in‐depth insights into understanding fossil microbialite morphologies that formed in lagoonal settings.  相似文献   
水成沉积与风成沉积及古土壤的磁组构特征   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
晚第四纪水成沉积、风成沉积、古土壤等的磁组构研究表明,不同成因的沉积物具有明显不同的磁组构特征。一般地,水成沉积的体积磁化率K受物源和水动力因素控制,P和F均>1.02,q<0.5;风成沉积的K受物源控制,内陆黄土的K明显高于沿海黄土及海岸风沙K,P和F均<1.02,q的平均值>0.55;古土壤的K受母质沉积类型和成土环境的氧化还原条件控制,内陆古土壤的K偏高,沿海古土壤的K偏低,内陆古土壤的K远高于沿海古土壤的K,P和F均<1.02,q的平均值在0.5左右。运用典型沉积的磁组构特征对比分析未知沉积物,可以得到未知沉积物的物源、沉积过程和环境信息。  相似文献   
An elastoplastic constitutive model is proposed for saturated sands in general stress space using the middle surface concept (MSC). In MSC, different features of stress–strain response of a material are divided into different pseudo‐yield surfaces. The true‐yield surface representing the true response is established by using various links between the yield surfaces. In this MSC sand model, several well‐known features of sand response are represented by three different pseudo‐yield surfaces, which are developed in a simple and straightforward way. These features include the critical state behaviour, the effects of state parameter, unloading and reloading plastic deformation, the influence of fabric anisotropy, and phase transformation line related behaviour. Finally, the model predictions and test results are compared for two different types of sands under a variety of loading conditions and good comparisons are obtained. The application of MSC to saturated sand modelling shows the versatility of MSC as a general concept for modelling stress–strain response of materials. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Given a set of nondirectional orientation data (fold axes, lineations, dip and dip direction of bedding, universal stage readings of crystallographic axes, etc.),the best-fit line (point maximum),plane (great circle),or cone (small circle)can be determined by minimizing the sum of the squares of the angular residuals using a simplex convergence technique. Stereoplots of the angular deviation over the complete lower hemisphere for these distributions may also be generated when consideration of the constraint on the best-fit position is important; for example in comparing different data sets of the same structural element. The routines are available as a FORTRAN coded computer program.  相似文献   
岩石的应变组构型式与岩石成分、变形环境和应变过程有着密切关系。北瓦沟地区低角闪岩相条作下的长英质岩石,表现脆性、韧性和韧脆性过渡,因而在剪切作用过程中形成了相应的应变组构型式,即脆性应变组构、韧性应变组构和脆-韧性应变组构。而且随着应变过程的发展,应变组构也表现出一定的演化规律。  相似文献   
Relation of streams, lakes, and wetlands to groundwater flow systems   总被引:24,自引:10,他引:14  
 Surface-water bodies are integral parts of groundwater flow systems. Groundwater interacts with surface water in nearly all landscapes, ranging from small streams, lakes, and wetlands in headwater areas to major river valleys and seacoasts. Although it generally is assumed that topographically high areas are groundwater recharge areas and topographically low areas are groundwater discharge areas, this is true primarily for regional flow systems. The superposition of local flow systems associated with surface-water bodies on this regional framework results in complex interactions between groundwater and surface water in all landscapes, regardless of regional topographic position. Hydrologic processes associated with the surface-water bodies themselves, such as seasonally high surface-water levels and evaporation and transpiration of groundwater from around the perimeter of surface-water bodies, are a major cause of the complex and seasonally dynamic groundwater flow fields associated with surface water. These processes have been documented at research sites in glacial, dune, coastal, mantled karst, and riverine terrains. Received, April 1998 · Revised, July 1998, August 1998 · Accepted, September 1998  相似文献   
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