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A three-dimensional GIS-based groundwater flow model for the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer in the eastern Sahara was developed and calibrated under steady-state and transient conditions. The model was used to simulate the response of the aquifer to climatic changes that occurred during the last 25,000 years. The simulation results indicated that the groundwater in this aquifer was formed by infiltration during the wet periods 20,000 and 5,000 years b.p. The recharge of groundwater due to regional groundwater flow from more humid areas in the south was excluded. It also indicates that the Nubian Aquifer System is a fossil aquifer, which had been in an unsteady state condition for the last 3,000 years.
Resumen Fue desarrollado un modelo de flujo de agua subterránea en tres dimensiones, basado en un SIG, para el Acuífero Arenisca Nubian en el Sahara Oriental, el cual fue calibrado para condiciones de estado estacionario y transitorio. El modelo se usó para simular la respuesta del acuífero a los cambios climáticos que ocurrieron durante los últimos 25000 años. Los resultados de esta simulación indicaron que el agua subterránea en este acuífero, se formó por infiltración, durante los períodos húmedos que hubo hace 20000 y 5000 años, antes del presente. Fue excluida la recarga del acuífero debida a un flujo regional de agua subterránea proveniente de áreas con un clima más húmedo en el sur. El modelo también muestra, que el Sistema Acuífero Nubian es un acuífero fósil, el cual ha permanecido en una condición de estado no estacionario, durante los últimos tres mil años.

Résumé Pour laquifère gréseux Nubien de Sahara -Est on a mis au points un modèle tridimensionnel, basé sur GIS. Le modèle a été calibré tant pour lécoulement stationnaire que pour lécoulement transitoire. On a simulé après la réponse de laquifère aux changements climatiques des derniers 25000 ans. Les résultats des simulations indiquent que la nappe a été rechargée par des infiltrations pendant une période humide qui sétend 5000 et 20000 ans, dès temps actuel. On na pas pris en compte la recharge de laquifère par la zone plus humide située dans sa partie sud. Le modèle indique aussi que leau de laquifère Nubien est une eau fossile qui a eu un écoulement transitoire pendant les derniers 3000 ans.
Acoustic transducer is an important part of acoustic well logging tool. In this paper,ANSYS software package is used to design acoustic dipole transducer and simulate vibrating mode of the dipole transducer in different mechanical boundary conditions. The results show that boundary conditions influence the number of vibrating mode in the same frequency band and the frequency value of the same vibrating mode. Several acoustic dipole transducers are designed according to the results of numerical simulation and laboratory measurements. The basic frequency of vibrating mode of experi-ment has good agreement with that of simulation. The numerical simulation plays a good guidance role in designing,producing and correctly installing the acoustic dipole transducer.  相似文献   
Monitoring of subsurface fluid (underground fluid) is an important part of efforts for earthquake prediction in China. The nationwide network, which monitors groundwater level, water temperature, and radon and mercury in groundwater, has been constructed in the last decades. Large amounts of abnormal fluid changes before and after major earthquakes have been recorded, providing precious data for research in earthquake sciences. Many studies have been done in earthquake fluid hydrogeology in order to probe the nature of the earthquake. Much progress in earthquake fluid hydrogeology has been made in the last decades. The paper provides a review of the advances in research on earthquake fluid hydrogeology over the last 40 years in China. It deals with the following five aspects: (1) an introduction to the development history of monitoring networks construction; (2) cases of different subsurface fluid changes recorded before some major earthquakes which occurred in the last decades; (3) characteristics of subsurface fluid changes following major earthquakes; (4) mechanism of subsurface fluid changes before and following earthquakes; (5) application of earthquake fluids in the hydrogeology field.  相似文献   
川南煤田古叙矿区煤层气勘探选层的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
川南煤田煤炭资源占四川省煤炭资源的60%以上,评价的煤层气资源最占80%以上。通过煤炭资源勘查、煤层气参数外资料分析,认为将龙潭组全段作为一个目的层段研究,将有助于全方位客观评价四川省煤层气的勘探开发前景。根据煤层间距小、储层参数差异小、含气量高等条件提出了以C12-C14、C15-C21、C23-24C、C25煤层群(组)作为目的煤层的观点,并提出必须加大施工排量、多打铺垫液、提高加砂浓度的压裂改造等建议,以期对南方小盆地多煤层的煤层气开发提供新的思路。  相似文献   
景北科 《地震》1995,(2):161-165
西影井水位自1974-1978年三次井溢后,1989年9月以来又出现了一次大起大落的特异变化。很多学者都十分关注这罕见的现象,并认为是区域应力增强所致的。经过多年的调查与分析,笔者认为是大量抽取地下水引起的地面沉降与地裂并由此导致地下岩层的层间错动与井管变形破坏的结果。  相似文献   
因子分析结果受样品数量的影响,同一件样品的因子计量也随之发生变化,使传统因子计量方法在地球化学数据处理中的应用受到一定的限制。因子计量模型法综合了因子计量的优点和利用模型找矿的思路,通过选定的某一典型地质单元计算因子计量系数矩阵,建立因子计量模型,用模型类比未知区。该方法使因子计量图的地球化学意义更加明确,并且可节省重新处理数据的工作量。因子计量模型方法和传统因子计量方法应用于某地区1:20万水系沉积物地球化学数据处理,因子计量模型法得出的地球化学异常规律性更为明显,更好地反映了区域地质构造与异常的关联性,有利于异常的解释和评价。  相似文献   
张文阁  迟恭财等 《地震》1995,(2):157-160
兴1井是辽宁省内最早建成的静水位观测井,已有近20年的观测历史。系统分析预测以来的资料,发现该井水位有很强的映震能力并有一定的映震规律,可进行单井水位异常预报地震震级与发震时间的科学试验。  相似文献   
宁夏月亮山西麓找矿远景预测中的重磁资料应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
这里对月亮山西麓重磁资料进行了处理解释,研究了磁异常、重力异常和地球化学组合的异常特征。通过对成矿地质背景条件的分析,解释了研究区磁异常很可能是隐伏的中基性潜火山岩,或是与其相关的铁-铜多金属所为,同时还预测了车路湾南、赵家佬、泉儿湾、王民北磁异常为研究区重要的找矿远景靶区。  相似文献   
结合黔西地区煤层群赋存的地质特点和钻井难点,从工程实际和储层保护出发,分析了现有煤层气参数井、预探井井身结构的地质适应性,划分出4种地层(含煤体)结构条件;提出了不同条件下设计与施工优化的4类8种配套井身结构变化形式,并对其优缺点和适用范围进行了分析评价,以期为复杂地质条件下煤层气探井的井身结构设计提供新的思路。  相似文献   
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