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Physically based and spatially distributed modelling of catchment hydrology involves the estimation of block or whole-hillslope permeabilities. Invariably these estimates are derived by calibration against rainfall–runoff response. Rarely are these estimates rigorously compared with parameter measurements made at the small scale. This study uses a parametrically simple model, TOPMODEL, and an uncertainty framework to derive permeability at the catchment scale. The utility of expert knowledge of the internal catchment dynamics (i.e. extent of saturated area) in constraining parameter uncertainty is demonstrated. Model-derived estimates are then compared with core-based measurements of permeability appropriately up-scaled. The observed differences between the permeability estimates derived by the two methods might be attributed to the role of intermediate scale features (natural soil pipes). An alternative method of determining block permeabilities at the intermediate or hillslope scale is described. This method uses pulse-wave tests and explicitly incorporates the resultant effects of phenomena such as soil piping and kinematic wave migration. The study aims to highlight issues associated with parameterizing or validating distributed models, rather than to provide a definitive solution. The fact that the permeability distribution within the Borneo study catchment is comparatively simple, assists the comparisons. The field data were collected in terrain covered by equatorial rainforest. Combined field measurement and modelling programmes are rare within such environments. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this study, attempts are made to investigate the effects of inertial soil–structure interaction (SSI) on damping coefficients subjected to pulse-like near-fault ground motions. To this end, a suit of 91 pulse-like near-fault ground motions is adopted. The soil and superstructure are idealized employing cone model and single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) oscillator, respectively. The results demonstrate that soil flexibility reduces and amplifies the damping coefficients for structural viscous damping levels higher and lower than 5%, respectively. The coefficients reach one for both acceleration and displacement responses in cases of dominant SSI effects. The effect of structure dimensions on damping confidents are found insignificant. Moreover, damping coefficients of displacement responses are higher than those of acceleration responses for both fixed-base and flexible-base systems. Evaluation of damping correction factor introduced by FEMA 440 shows its inefficiency to predict acceleration response of soil–structure systems under pulse-like near-fault ground motions. Soil flexibility makes the damping correction factor of moderate earthquakes more pronounced and a distinctive peak value is reported for cases with dominant SSI effects.  相似文献   
土钉墙与压密注浆在复杂地质条件下基坑中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过上海长途客运公司恒丰路高速客运站基坑土钉支护工程实例,阐明了土钉支护在复杂地质条件下的适用性及灵活性,并提出了相应处理措施,说明了只有有效地结合其他多种施工方法,才能更好地处理复杂情况。  相似文献   
P. Vidon  P. E. Cuadra 《水文研究》2010,24(13):1821-1833
Understanding the variables regulating tile‐flow response to precipitation in the US Midwest is critical for water quality management. This study (1) investigates the relationship between precipitation characteristics, antecedent water table depth and tile‐flow response at a high temporal resolution during storms; and (2) determines the relative importance of macropore flow versus matrix flow in tile flow in a tile‐drained soya bean field in Indiana. In spring, although variations in antecedent water table depth imparted some variation in tile‐flow response to precipitation, bulk precipitation was the best predictor of mean tile flow, maximum tile flow, time to peak, and run‐off ratio. The contribution of macropore flow to total flow significantly increased with precipitation amount, and macropore flow represented between 11 and 50% of total drain flow, with peak contributions between 15 and 74% of flow. For large storms (>6 cm bulk precipitation), cations data indicated a dilution of groundwater with new water as discharge peaked. Although no clear dilution or concentration patterns for Mg2+ or K+ were observed for smaller tile flow generating events (<3 cm bulk precipitation), macropore flow still contributed between 11 and 17% of the total flow for these moderate size storms. Inter‐drain comparison stressed the need to use triplicate or duplicate tile drain experiments when investigating tile drainage impact on water and N losses at the plot scale. These results significantly increase our understanding of the hydrological functioning of tile‐drained fields in spring, when most N losses to streams occur in the US Midwest. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
铁锰氧化物在污染土壤修复中的作用   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
矿物学在环境科学中的应用将是21世纪矿物学研究的一个主要方面。土壤污染作为一个制约人类社会可持续发展的基本问题正受到日益广泛的关注,污染土壤的修复已成为环境科学研究的一个重点。污染土壤的修复技术主要有物理、化学、生物等方法,但是,它们都不同程度地存在着缺陷。众所周知,铁和锰是自然界中少数但常见的变价元素。含有变价元素和带有表面电荷的铁锰氧化物具有良好的表面活性,不仅对有毒有害的无机污染物具有良好的净化功能,而且对土壤中有机污染物具有氧化降解作用。利用这些矿物来修复污染土壤,具有成本低、无二次污染等优点,体现出天然净化作用的特色,展现出广阔的环境矿物学应用前景。  相似文献   
根据在滇西燕子洞矿段的化探方法技术试验研究结果,将水化学测量作为高山峡谷区靶区三级查证的方法,并对常规水系沉积物测量、土壤测量的工作方法进行了调整.试点测量结果表明,找矿效果良好,工作效率大幅度提高.  相似文献   
文章总结了梧州市常用的沉管灌注桩、钻孔灌注桩和人工挖孔桩在以花岗岩残积土为桩基持力层时施工中的特点及容易出现的问题 ,并提出相应的解决办法  相似文献   
非饱和膨胀土边坡的稳定性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了提高非饱和膨胀土边坡的稳定,采用了土工膜覆盖边坡表面的方法.基于非饱和渗流理论,采用有限元程序对用膜覆盖和不覆盖的边坡分别进行了降雨蒸发干湿循环条件下的数值分析.在计算结果基础上,采用极限平衡法分析了边坡的稳定性.结果表明,用膜覆盖后边坡能长期保持非饱和状态,土体吸力较高,其稳定安全系数明显高于无膜保护的边坡,用复合土工膜覆盖边坡有利于提高非饱和膨胀土边坡的稳定.  相似文献   
低聚合羟基铁离子-蒙脱石复合体吸附砷的实验研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
姜浩  廖立兵  王素萍 《地球化学》2002,31(6):593-601
将提纯的钙蒙脱石与羟基铁离子溶液作用,制备了低聚合羟基铁-蒙脱石复合体,用化学分析,电子探针分析,粉晶X射线衍射分析,差热分析和穆斯堡尔谱分析等手段。对蒙脱石原样,低聚合羟基铁-蒙脱石复合体和相同条件下制备的铁的含水氧化物进行了表征。在实际土壤的酸度(pH=4-7)和温度(18-40℃)条件下,进行了低聚合羟基铁-蒙脱石复合体吸附有害元素砷的实验,探讨了复合体的砷吸附能力与pH值,温度,吸附时间,砷初始浓度,离子强度间的关系,并与蒙脱石和铁的含水氧化物的砷吸附行为进行了对比,研究表明,在实验条件下,低聚合羟基铁-蒙脱石复合体对砷具有明显的亲合力,低聚合羟基铁-蒙脱石复合体吸附砷的过程有可能是地表岩石和土壤中重要的地球化学过程,是影响砷地地表,特别是土壤中迁移,富集的重要因素。  相似文献   
李小军  侯春林  赵雷  刘爱文 《岩土力学》2008,29(5):1210-1216
在断层错动下跨断层埋地管道反应模拟方法中,壳模型有限元方法较简化索模型解析方法能更好地反映管道壳体反应特性,而目前国内外规范仍多采用便于应用的简化索模型解析方法。基于壳模型有限元方法,与索模型解析方法的对比计算分析,探讨了两类方法的管道轴向拉伸应变计算值差异及引起差异的主要因素,并在管道跨断层交角较小(小于70°)的情况下,提出了基于管道埋藏土层波速值和断层错动量两个参数的改进Newmark方法。进一步地计算分析表明,对于不同的管道跨断层交角和管材特性情况,改进的Newmark方法对壳模型方法计算结果的拟合度达到了0.87。  相似文献   
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