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淮南板集煤矿F512断层导水性分析及地面注浆加固   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
板集煤矿F512断层落差70m,存在着导通上覆新生界松散层水与下伏太原组岩溶水的威胁,同时,断层带的破碎岩体也将对巷道掘进和支护带来困难。该矿先后施工了3个水文地质钻孔进行抽水和压水试验,根据岩心鉴定成果和岩石RQD值,认为断层带的岩心较为破碎;依据抽水过程中的流量变化、水位降深值和水位恢复值等指标及压水试验中透水率分析,发现该断层的导水性较差,具有弱渗透性。参考相邻矿区的经验,决定对断层破碎岩体采用地面注浆方法进行加固。整个工种注入水泥浆1 600m3,破碎岩体得到了有效加固,巷道掘进顺利通过了F512断层。  相似文献   
水下岩质边坡稳定性的模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜海西  沈明荣  程石  肖汝诚 《岩土力学》2009,30(7):1993-1999
随着三峡水利建设工程的进行,许多原本位于水面以上且已趋于稳定的人工或自然岩质边坡将被淹没,导致边坡稳定性降低,而水的压力、冲击、渗流和侵蚀等综合作用,给下岩质边坡的稳定性带来大量的不确定性。基于已有的水下土质边坡稳定性试验和水下岩质边坡有限元分析,进行水下岩质边坡模型试验研究,探讨在水位升降水过程中和波浪作用下水下岩质边坡的稳定性和破坏机制。将结构面为30°和50°的两种岩质边坡模型布置在人工水槽中,采用波流系统进行水位升降水波浪冲击试验,量测岩质边坡的应力变化。通过分析边坡各测点应力变化,得出了一些有意义的结论:(1)把边坡前部岩体划分成3个区域,每个区域内应力变化规律相同;(2)水下岩质边坡坡脚处应力集中最大,破坏始于坡脚,并由此产生的塑性区沿结构面逐渐同坡顶发展,这与一般边坡从坡顶逐渐向下发展的开裂破坏形式完全不同;(3)波浪对水下岩质边坡结构面的影响,将随其倾角的变小而减弱。  相似文献   
动力作用下砂土的残余体变及其时域连续模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈文化  门福录 《岩土力学》2003,24(6):947-951
通过对砂土动力剪切荷载作用过程中的土骨架的弹性和塑性分析,研究了土骨架接触面部分可能发生的弹性恢复和永久变形以及破碎引起的最剧烈的塑性变形;并且,提出了可以通过液化前后颗粒粒径的质量百分含量的对比试验,来验证破碎模型的合理性;为进行砂土动力非线性变形和液化的数值模拟,结合砂土的剪切非线性的本构,总结了更为简化的时域连续的函数经验公式,使得在时域内进行土壤动力特性和动力非线性反应分析,以及用剪胀性理论解释动力液化和变形问题易于进行。  相似文献   
地震条件下挡土墙主动土压力及其分布的统一解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙勇 《岩土力学》2012,33(1):255-261
在非地震主动土压力公式的基础上,用微分薄层法给出了地震条件下主动土压力公式,其中填土面倾斜、墙背倾斜、填土为黏性土、墙背与填土间同时存在凝聚力c和内摩擦角? 作用、墙后破裂体存在水平向和竖向的地震加速度,目前所见的地震情况下和非地震情况下的主动土压力均是此公式的特例。对上述同一条件下的挡墙用过墙踵的整块破裂体作静力平衡分析(如库仑分析),得到的总土压力与文中微分薄层法得到的总土压力大小相等,但微分薄层法作用点位置明显增加,研究表明:设计抗震和非抗震各类挡墙时要引起足够的重视。  相似文献   
SWDC数码航摄区域网控制点布设的精度试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了SWDC数码航摄影像的技术基础和其应用于航空摄影测量的优越性,鉴于SWDC像幅的特殊性,在保证量测精度的前提下,为减少外业作业的工作量,通过以不同基线的区域网像片控制点布设方案的精度试验,证明了控制点按照8条基线布设可满足内业生产及大比例尺地形图的需要。  相似文献   
动荷载作用下海底粉土的孔压响应及其动强度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文选用近海分布较广的粉土为研究对象 ,利用室内动三轴试验结果 ,找出动荷载作用下粉土的动应力应变关系 ,分析模拟波浪荷载作用下粉土中的孔压响应、临界循环次数 ,确定波浪作用下粉土的应力状态、破坏临界循环次数 ,判断不同深度处的粉土发生液化的可能性及发生液化所需要的时间 ;研究粉土在动荷载作用下的强度降低 ,为海上工程设计和施工提供科学依据。  相似文献   
深部资源开发中地下洞室围岩稳定控制必须面对峰后碎裂岩体的变形和破坏问题,目前深部多裂隙岩体开挖强卸荷引起的围岩变形破坏规律尚不清楚,常导致大体积塌方、大变形等重大工程事故。采用大尺度三维模型相似试验系统,分析具有不同倾角的多层节理的岩体在高地应力下开挖变形破坏规律。试验结果表明:裂隙倾角较小时,隧道上、下侧围岩主要发生大变形,左、右侧围岩呈现分层破裂现象,随着裂隙倾角增大,破裂区从洞室左、右两侧逐渐扩展到洞室全周,顶部岩体越容易发生大体积滑塌;隧道围岩由内向外应力和位移值呈波动状分布;洞周塑性区范围随裂隙倾角增大而增大,裂隙倾角越大,洞周塑性区越容易与洞室上、下侧裂隙面连通。该研究为保障深部工程的安全修建与运营提供了试验基础。  相似文献   
In order to investigate the dynamic mechanical properties of amphibolite and sericite-quartz schist under confi ning pressure, two rocks are subjected to impact loadings with different strain rates and confi ning pressures by using split Hopkinson pressure bar equipment with a confi ning pressure device. Based on the experimental results, the stress-strain curves are analyzed and the effects of confi ning pressure and strain rates on the dynamic compressive strength, peak strain and failure mode are summarized. The results show that:(1) The characteristics of two rocks in the ascent stage of the stressstrain curve are basically the same, but in the descent stage, the rocks gradually show plastic deformation characteristics as the confi ning pressure increases.(2) The dynamic compressive strength and peak strain of two rocks increase as the strain rate increases and the confi ning pressure effects are obvious.(3) Due to the effect of confi ning pressure, the normal stress on the damage surface of the rock increases correspondingly, the bearing capacity of the crack friction exceeds the material cohesion and the slippage of the fractured rock is controlled, which all lead to the compression and shear failure mode of rock. The theoretical analysis and experimental methods to study the dynamic failure mode and other related characteristics of rock are useful in developing standards for engineering practice.  相似文献   
Dacitic magma, a mixture of high-temperature (T) aphyric magma and low-T crystal-rich magma, was erupted during the 1991–1995 Mount Unzen eruptive cycle. Here, the crystallization processes of the low-T magma were examined on the basis of melt inclusion analysis and phase relationships. Variation in water content of the melt inclusions (5.1–7.2 wt% H2O) reflected the degassing history of the low-T magma ascending from deeper levels (250 MPa) to a shallow magma chamber (140 MPa). The ascent rate of the low-T magma decreased markedly towards the emplacement level as crystal content increased. Cooling of magma as well as degassing-induced undercooling drove crystallization. With the decreasing ascent rate, degassing-induced undercooling decreased in importance, and cooling became more instrumental in crystallization, causing local and rapid crystallization along the margin of the magma body. Some crystals contain scores of melt inclusions, whereas there are some crystals without any inclusions. This heterogeneous distribution suggests the variation in the crystallization rate within the magma body; it also suggests that cooling was dominant cause for melt entrapment. Numerical calculations of the cooling magma body suggest that cooling caused rapid crystal growth and enhanced melt entrapment once the magma became a crystal-rich mush with evolved interstitial melt. The rhyolitic composition of melt inclusions is consistent with this model.Editorial responsibility: H Shinohara  相似文献   
The high-temperature and pressure experimental data of garnet, sillimantite and biotite-bearing potash feldspar gneiss (SGBG, natural block rock) has shown that metamorphic reactions between garnet and melt, and mineral assemblage evolutional features are not only controlled byP-T condition, but also genetically correlate with dehydration-melting of biotite and partial melting of felsic minerals. Combining experimental data with theoretical analyses, the genetic mechanism of metamorphic reaction and its dynamic significance have been demonstrated in the process of metamorphic evolution of khondalite series on the border of Jin (Shanxi Province)-Inner Mongolia. Project supported by the Youth Geologist Foundation of Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of China, the Post-docter Foundation and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49572138).  相似文献   
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