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岩浆矽卡岩及其矿床   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
岩浆矽卡岩是由钙硅酸盐熔(流)体或钙矽卡岩质岩浆贯入结晶或/和隐爆团结(结晶)形成的。主要呈脉状体,少数呈角砾岩筒(带),受断裂、裂隙构造控制,可产于各类不同岩石(层)中。岩浆矽卡岩与富碱中基-中酸性侵入岩密切共生,两者在主化学成分上具共轭、互补关系,组成特征的岩浆矽卡岩 -富碱(中基-中酸)侵入岩对。它们是深部高位岩浆房受钙质强烈混染的富碱闪长质岩浆发生不混溶分 离所衍生的两种不同性质的熔(流)体或岩浆的产物。与岩浆矽卡岩有关的各类矿床,主要是含同生铁氧 化物/硫化物液体的钙矽卡岩(矿)浆,伴随其成岩演变的产物,并构成了一个特殊的(岩)浆矽卡岩矿床系列。  相似文献   
太原盆地洪山第四纪剖面的发现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
洪山剖面是太原盆地东南边缘一湖积台地上的第四纪中晚期沉积剖面 ,该剖面中的湖相层典型特征是 :质地均一的灰绿、黄绿色粉砂粘土层与含碳酸钙结晶体的沉积层呈互层分布。利用地层连续追踪及铀系测年法分析 ,剖面中的湖相层是在 S5古土壤发育晚期至 S1 古土壤发育早期这一时间段内沉积而成的 ,剖面当时所处的位置正位于太原古湖盆的湖岸地带 ,沉积环境受着气候干湿变化的强烈影响。当气候湿润时 ,湖面升高 ,湖盆扩大 ,剖面点被湖水淹没 ,接受着湖相粉砂粘土层的沉积 ;干旱时 ,湖盆变化则相反 ,剖面点出露气下 ,并因地下水毛管作用的结果在沉积层表面产生碳酸钙结晶体。该剖面的研究结果同时还表明 :由第四纪气候的干湿变化对太原盆地这样大的湖盆 ,只能产生数米的湖面升降波动 ;与构造因素引起的湖盆变化相比 ,这种波动是小幅度的  相似文献   
Four techniques (pattern recognition, Fourier transformation, cross-correlation, and multiple linear regression) have been used to recognize nontectonic environmental factors affecting groundwater radon data collected by the Caltech automated geochemical network. Several factors, including air temperature, rainfall, water level, carbon dioxide concentration in the water, and barometric pressure, were found to correlate with radon level at some stations in the network. For example, approximately 60% of the variance in radon signal at one site studied (Pacoima) could be accounted for by nontectonic influences. However, it was not possible to correlate all the observed changes in radon concentration with nontectonic environmental variables. Some of the observed radon anomalies did appear to be related to either regional changes in tectonic strain or some individual earthquakes. A model is developed to account for spike-like increases in radon caused by carbon dioxide emission.  相似文献   
Fourier and wavelet analyses were used to reveal the dominant trends and coherence of a more than one‐century‐long time series of precipitation and discharge in several watersheds in Sweden, two of which were subjected to hydropower and intensive agriculture. During the 20th century, there was a gradual, significant drift of the dominant discharge periodicity in agricultural watersheds. This study shows that the steepness of the Fourier spectrum of runoff from the May to October period each year increased gradually during the century, which suggests a more predictable intra‐annual runoff pattern (more apart from white‐noise). In the agricultural watershed, the coherence spectrum of precipitation and runoff is generally high with a consistent white‐noise relationship for precipitation during the 20th century, indicating that precipitation is not controlling the drift of the discharge spectrum. In the hydropower regulated watershed, there was a sudden decrease of the discharge spectrum slope when regulation commenced in the 1920s. This study develops a new theory in which the runoff spectrum is related to the hydraulic and hydro‐morphological characteristics of the watershed. Using this theory, we explain the changes in runoff spectra in the two watersheds by the anthropogenic change in surface water volume and, hence, changes in kinematic wave celerity and water transit times. The reduced water volume in the agricultural watershed would also contribute to decreasing evaporation, which could explain a slightly increasing mean discharge during the 20th century despite the fact that precipitation was statistically constant in the area. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We discuss the claim that the Amazon River has been subjected to a noticeable increase in suspended sediment transport (SST) in response to both climate and land-use changes. To study this, both satellite imagery and in situ data were compiled to produce a 32-year time series (1984–2016) of suspended sediment concentration. Both parametric and nonparametric statistics were applied to examine the SST time trend. The results indicate that there has been no statistically significant increase in SST in the last 32 years, independent of the statistical approach. The results indicate that, over the last 32 years at the Óbidos station, in Brazil, a recurring pattern of increase and decrease in SST has occurred, rather than a unidirectional systematic trend. This further explains the increasing trend reported in the literature and indicates that short time series are not recommended for time trend analyses due to the large inter-annual variability.  相似文献   
The Koraput Alkaline Complex in the high-grade Eastern Ghats Belt, India, is synkinematically emplaced in a pull-apart structure and far from the Bastar cratonic margin. The suite comprises four distinct members, namely, mafic syenite, felsic syenite, nepheline syenite and perthite syenite. Fe-rich orthopyroxene rims on olivine in mafic syenite indicate iron-enrichment in the early stage of differentiation. With plagioclase of andesine composition it could be described as alkali-norite, the plutonic equivalent of hawiite. Felsic syenite with both alkali-feldspars and plagioclase of oligoclase composition could be described as two-feldspar syenite, the plutonic equivalent of mugearite. Albitic rims on nepheline indicates subsolvus reaction. Chemical trends in amphiboles and plagioclase feldspars, progressively more ferroan and more sodic respectively, are strong indications of mineral fractionation in the Koraput suite. Chemical trends in the variation diagrams are compatible with feldspar fractionation in the Koraput suite. A weak Fe-enrichment trend in the early stage of differentiation, as observed in the AFM diagram, is compatible with that of the alkali-basalt series. Nb anomalies, both positive and negative, are indicative of crustal contamination as expected in synkinematic plutons. In terms of Gondwana assembly and break up, the alkaline complexes are supposed to represent rift-related magmatism along the continental margin. In spite of petrological evidence of the magmatic character of the Koraput Complex, anorogenic setting is contra-indicated by mesoscopic and microscopic fabrics, more akin to synkinematic intrusion during F 2 folding in the host country rocks. The Proterozoic alkaline complexes in the Eastern Ghats Belt, could alternatively trace the path of moving Gondwana continent over mantle plumes.  相似文献   
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By using the technique for evolutionary power spectrum proposed by Nakayama and with reference to the Kameda formula, an evolutionary spectrum prediction model for given earthquake magnitude and distance is established based on the 80 near-source acceleration records at rock surface with large magnitude from the ground motion database of western U.S.. Then a new iteration method is developed for generation of random accelerograms non-stationary both in amplitude and frequency which are compatible with target evolutionary spectrum. The phase spectra of those simulated accelerograms are also non-stationary in time and frequency domains since the interaction between amplitude and phase angle has been considered during the generation. Furthermore, the sign of the phase spectrum increment is identified to accelerate the iteration. With the proposed statistical model for predicting evolutionary power spectra and the new method for generating compatible time history, the artificial random earthquake accelerograms non-stationary both in amplitude and frequency for certain magnitude and distance can be provided.  相似文献   
A method for the computation of phase velocities of surface waves from microtremor waveforms is shown. The technique starts from simultaneous three-component records obtained in a circular array without a central station. Then, Fourier spectra of vertical, radial and tangential components of motion are calculated for each station and considered as complex-valuated functions of the azimuthal coordinate. A couple of intermediate real physical quantities, B and C , can be defined from the 0- and ±1-order coefficients of the Fourier series expansion of such functions. Finally, phase velocities of Rayleigh and Love waves can be retrieved from B and C by solving respective one-unknown equations. The basic assumption is the possibility of expanding the wavefield as a sum of plane surface waves with Rayleigh and Love wavenumbers being univocal functions of the circular frequency. The method is tested in synthetic ambient noise wavefields confirming its reliability and robustness for passive seismic surveying.  相似文献   
In this paper, the feasibility of using evolutionary computing for solving some complex problems in geotechnical engineering is investigated. The paper presents a relatively new technique, i.e. evolutionary polynomial regression (EPR), for modelling three practical applications in geotechnical engineering including the settlement of shallow foundations on cohesionless soils, pullout capacity of small ground anchors and ultimate bearing capacity of pile foundations. The prediction results from the proposed EPR models are compared with those obtained from artificial neural network (ANN) models previously developed by the author, as well as some of the most commonly available methods. The results indicate that the proposed EPR models agree well with (or better than) the ANN models and significantly outperform the other existing methods. The advantage of EPR technique over ANNs is that EPR generates transparent and well-structured models in the form of simple and easy-to-use hand calculation formulae that can be readily used by practising engineers.  相似文献   
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