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The Cretaceous system of the Kuqa depression is a regional scale (second order) depositional sequence defined by parallel unconformities or minor angular unconformities. It can be divided into four third-order sequence sets, eleven third-order sequences and tens of fourth- and fifth-order sequences. It consists generally of a regional depositional cycle from transgression to regression and is composed of three sets of facies associations: alluvial-fluvial, braided river-deltaic and lacustrine-deltaic facies associations. They represent the lowstand, transgressive and highstand facies tracts within the second-order sequence. The tectonic subsidence curve reconstructed by backstripping technique revealed that the Cretaceous Kuqa depression underwent a subsidence history from early accelerated subsidence, middle rapid subsidence and final slower subsidence phases during the Cretaceous time, with the correspondent tectonic subsidence rates being 30-35 m/Ma, 40-45 m/Ma and 5-10 m/Ma obtained from northern foredeep. This is likely attributed to the foreland dynamic process from early thrust flexural subsidence to late stress relaxation and erosion rebound uplift. The entire sedimentary history and the development of the three facies tracts are a response to the basin subsidence process. The slower subsidence foreland gentle slope was a favorable setting for the formation of braided fluvial deltaic systems during the late period of the Cretaceous, which comprise the important sandstone reservoirs in the depression. Sediment records of impermanent marine transgression were discovered in the Cretaceous and the major marine horizons are correctable to the highstands of the global sea level during the period.  相似文献   
腾冲热海火山地热区近期水热爆炸的阶段性演化特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
水热爆炸是活动性地热田的典型显示。腾冲热海火山地热区历史上曾发生过强烈的水热爆炸活动,但前期一度沉寂。1993年以来水热爆炸活动再度活跃。在过去十年间,研究区内发生过较大的爆炸喷发事件20余次,且规模越来越大。本文根据对爆炸形成泉点的选出气体化学和氦同位素组成的测试结果,研究了区内近期水热爆炸活动的演化特征。逸出气体化学和氦同位素组成特征指示,区内近期引发水热爆炸活动的气体源区有从浅层、中层向深层发展的趋势;作者认为,区内未来可能发生更大规模的爆炸活动,其危险性应引起高度关注。  相似文献   
Pollen and charcoal records from two large, shallow lakes reveal that throughout most of the past 50,000 yr Noel Kempff Mercado National Park, in northeastern lowland Bolivia (southwestern Amazon Basin), was predominantly covered by savannas and seasonally dry semideciduous forests. Lowered atmospheric CO2 concentrations, in combination with a longer dry season, caused expansion of dry forests and savannas during the last glacial period, especially at the last glacial maximum. These ecosystems persisted until the mid-Holocene, although they underwent significant species reassortment. Forest communities containing a mixture of evergreen and semideciduous species began to expand between 6000 and 3000 14C yr B.P. Humid evergreen rain forests expanded to cover most of the area within the past 2000 14C yr B.P., coincident with a reduction in fire frequencies. Comparisons between modern pollen spectra and vegetation reveal that the Moraceae-dominated rain forest pollen spectra likely have a regional source area at least 2-3 km beyond the lake shore, whereas the grass- and sedge-dominated savanna pollen spectra likely have a predominantly local source area. The Holocene vegetation changes are consistent with independent paleoprecipitation records from the Bolivian Altiplano and paleovegetation records from other parts of southwestern Amazonia. The progressive expansion in rain forests through the Holocene can be largely attributed to enhanced convective activity over Amazonia, due to greater seasonality of insolation in the Southern Hemisphere tropics driven by the precession cycle according to the Milankovitch Astronomical Theory.  相似文献   
On the basis of about 300 earthquake wave forms observed in the Shidian M S=5.9 sequences on April 12, 2001 recorded in Kunming Digital Seismic Network, the spectra of shear wave have been used to estimate the focal parameters of these earthquake sequences. The results show that within the magnitude range of 1.5–5.3, the seismic moments are 1010–1016 N·m, the corner frequencies are 0.2–0.8 Hz, radii of the focal rupture are 200–2 500 m and the stress drops are 0.1×105–20×105Pa. Through the statistical analyses of variation of corner frequency f c and stress drop Δσ with time, it is discovered that the average corner frequency of the foreshock sequences is obviously lower than that of the aftershock sequences. Contrarily, the average stress drops Δσ of the foreshock sequences are clearly higher than that of the aftershocks. It is considered that these variation characteristics of average corner frequency and stress drops before and after the main shock have index significance to the precursory information before a strong earthquake. The higher stress drops for the foreshock sequences show that the higher shear stresses have been stored in the area of main shock. After the main shock, most of the stresses have been released, so the aftershock sequences show a rupture process of lower stresses. Foundation item: Scientific and Technological Key Project of Yunnan Province (2001NG46)  相似文献   
云南东北部拱王山末次冰期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 Introduction The Gongwang mountains constitute one of the few high m ountains of irrefutable late Pleistocene glaciation in eastern China. This area is one of the m ost extensively studied Quaternary geologicallocationsin eastern China and the interpret…  相似文献   
惠民凹陷沙三段岩性油藏勘探中地震技术的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对惠民凹陷岩性油藏勘探存在的难题,开展了岩性油藏勘探技术研究。以地震、地质资料为基础,采用井震联合及小波变换技术,完善了层序地层等时格架建立方法,确定了各三角洲的时空展布规律。应用多元综合标定、地震相划分、正演模拟和测井约束反演一系列技术,实现了不同沉积类型有利砂体的描述。形成了适合惠民凹陷沙三段岩性油藏勘探的技术系列,可以指导惠民凹陷沙三段岩性油藏的勘探。  相似文献   
齐放  贺灿飞 《地理科学进展》2022,41(7):1195-1212
城市如何实现新产品拓展,引入新的产业发展路径,是城市产业升级和跨越式发展的关键,但目前尚不清楚哪类企业更能引领这一过程。论文使用中国海关贸易数据,以企业出口产品的动态演化为切入点,从企业本地市场地位、本地存续年限、政治嵌入3个维度拆解企业本地根植性,探讨哪类企业更有可能为城市引入新产品,并探讨其时空差异。研究发现:(1)总体上本地市场地位更高、存续年限更短的企业更有可能为城市引入新产品;(2)私营企业是中国城市新产品演化的主要引导者,但私企在东部以外区域作用不显著;(3)国有企业为城市引入新产品的平均数量最多,是其他类型企业的2倍,实证结果显示国有企业的作用最稳健,在各区域以及各时间段均保持显著的正向作用;(4)对于中国东部城市,本地市场地位更高、存续年限更短的企业,以及国企和私企更有可能为城市引入新产品;(5)对于中、西和东北部城市,本地市场地位更低、本地存续年限更短的企业,以及国有企业更可能为城市引入新产品。  相似文献   
遗迹化石在层序地层学研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以济阳坳陷古近系沙河街组和塔里木盆地志留系为例,探讨了遗迹化石与层序地层学的关系,表现在3个方面:1)层序界面的识别层序界面位置发育有特征性的受基底控制的遗迹相,且界面上下遗迹组合类型发生变化;2)准层序界面的识别较深水环境中,界面上下生物扰动强度明显差异,界面之下扰动强度较大,扰动指数可达到3,而界面之上几乎没有生物扰动,且在同一准层序内部,由下至上,扰动强度逐渐增大;3)旋回层序的识别:在潮控滨线环境中,单个准层序内部,由下至上,高能环境的Skolithos遗迹组合逐渐变为中低能环境的Planolites-Palaeophycus遗迹组合和低能环境的Cochlichnus-Planolites遗迹组合,由下至上呈现旋回性变化特征。  相似文献   
辽西金羊盆地(金岭寺-羊山盆地)南部髫髻山组陆相火山岩发育,为一套以中性为主的基性、中基性、中性火山岩组合。火山岩碱度主要为钙碱性。火山岩形成环境为活动大陆边缘区,这与本区所处大地构造位置相吻合。根据当前火山岩的研究现状,尝试性地对该盆地髫髻山组火山岩进行了火山喷发旋回层序的划分,共划分了四级火山喷发旋回层序。其中 A-A′剖面Ⅰ级 1个,Ⅱ级 5个,Ⅲ级 17个,Ⅳ级 21个; B-B′剖面Ⅰ级 1个,Ⅱ级 5个,Ⅲ级 18个,Ⅳ级 24个。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地石炭系厚 0~ 6 0 0m ,属潮坪三角洲相。从鄂尔多斯沉积特征出发 ,由地表露头结合井下剖面讨论了该盆地石炭系层序地层特点。识别出两类层序界面。依层序界面特征划分出两个层序 ,分属于本溪期及太原期 ,每个层序由海进体系域和高水位体系域组成 ,缺失低水位体系域。讨论了凝缩段及体系域的分布。  相似文献   
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