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Three Cenozoic basins-the Qaidam basin, the Weihe graben-type basin and the North China plain-which are different in climatic conditions, geological settings and run-off types, are selected for the study. Based on an analysis of background information of the transect along the middle-latitude region, studies of groundwater dynamics, geochemistry, simulation of water circulation of the main elements as well as isotopic chronology, the information on global changes is collected, the formation of groundwater circulation systems and their evolution under stacked impacts of natural conditions and human activities are discussed, and a correlation is made between the evolutionary features of the above systems in these basins since 25 ka B.P. All these have laid a good foundation for further generalizing the evolutionary model of land water in northern China.  相似文献   
海洋生态产品价值实现对推进海洋生态文明建设与海洋经济高质量发展具有重要意义。目前,海洋生态产品价值实现存在市场化程度不高、公众参与度低、实现不充分等问题。本文通过构建海洋生态产品价值实现参与主体(企业、政府和社会公众)的演化博弈模型,探究各方主体的策略稳定性规律,探讨三方博弈系统的均衡点及其稳定性,并运用Matlab仿真分析不同参数变化对系统演化的影响,最后依据博弈分析结果为探索“政府+市场”的海洋生态产品价值实现路径提供对策建议。结果表明,政府是海洋生态产品价值实现的引导者与推动者,管控成本和社会收益是影响其策略选择的主要因素,加强政府的奖惩力度、增加企业提供海洋生态产品的潜在收益、降低供给成本对企业参与海洋生态产品价值实现具有正向作用,社会公众购买海洋生态产品所获效用的提升与监督成本的减少有利于促进社会公众参与海洋生态产品价值实现。  相似文献   
推进城乡一体化协调发展是事关海南自由贸易港建设成效的重点任务之一,新的发展环境及政策框架正促使海南省城乡关系快速转型。采用变异系数法、耦合协调度模型、回归模型,从城乡空间、经济和社会等维度,分析了建省办特区以来海南省城乡关系演化特征及驱动机制。结果表明:①建省办特区以来,海南省城乡协调综合指数呈现明显的先降后升态势,由1988年的0.319 9到1993年的0.153 9,2019年达0.851 9;②海南省城乡各子系统耦合度和耦合协调度均呈波动上升态势,耦合度主要处于磨合和高水平耦合阶段,耦合协调度由轻度失调转变为初级协调,最后达到中级协调,城乡各子系统间相互作用增强;③海南省城乡关系演化经历城乡二元加剧、城乡二元固化、城乡关系趋缓和城乡一体化初期四个阶段,低水平城乡均衡发展是重要特征,高质量推进城乡一体化协调发展是关键;④经济发展对城乡协调发展影响最为明显,但呈负相关,其次为市场消费、产业结构、乡村发展、交通通达性、城镇发展和政府行为,对外开放对城乡关系演化影响相对较弱;⑤制度创新、对外合作、产业优化、城镇建设和乡村振兴是推进城乡融合发展的重要路径。  相似文献   
Systematic extinctions can leave major morphological gaps between living crown-group clades. Such morphological gaps would be perceived, from a neontological point of view, as major evolutionary transitions. In order to fill these morphological gaps and to map the evolutionary steps toward major evolutionary transitions, we need to integrate extinct stem-group taxa in phylogenetic studies. However, the recognition of stem group has not been widely adopted in the study of early animal fossils, despite that all fossils are stem groups at one level or another. Part of the difficulty is that stem groups may not have all features that collectively diagnose the respective crown group, and they can have unique (autapomorphic) features, making them tantalizingly similar to and frustratingly different from the crown group (e.g., stem-group eukaryotes can be prokaryotic and stem-group animals can be protistan). The need to embrace stem groups and to implement the PhyloCode, in order to achieve phylogenetic clarity and to offer key paleontological insights into the origin and early animal evolution, is illustrated in debates on several controversial Ediacaran and Cambrian fossils.  相似文献   
Abstract The northern Guangxi region is an important rare metal, rare earth metal and polymetallic metallogenic province. In the region there exist five metallogenic series and two metallogenic subseries, whose metallogenesis shows features of polycyclic spiral evolution throughout the geological history. As far as various cycles are concerned, mantle-derived ore substances were reduced while crust-derived ore substances increased from early to late times; in the whole geological evolutionary history, mantle-derived substances decreased gradually while crust-derived ones increased. Meanwhile ore element associations became more and more varied. In terms of space, mineralization migrated from the old basement outwards, i.e. from west to east during the Precambrian, and from north to south during the Phanerozoic, and again from east to west during the Yanshanian.  相似文献   
在计算机数字制图过程中,地图注记的配置直接影响数字地图的效果.针对地图注记配置过程中两个或多个注记之间冲突处理的问题,本文参照格式塔原则,从地图注记的易读性、位置优先性、形状相似性、地物关联性四个格式塔因子出发对地图注记的候选位置进行评价;同时根据多目标决策理论,用进化算法模拟地图注记的自动配置过程,实现了地图注记自动配置的全局优化.  相似文献   
内蒙古白云鄂博稀土-铌-铁矿床是世界上著名的巨型多金属矿床,但对其区域地质演化历史的认识至今仍不统一,而同位素年龄是解决矿床区域地质演化历史的有效手段。本文基于测年方法对白云鄂博矿床同位素年龄数据收集整理,结合矿床地质背景对矿床区域地质演化历史进行讨论:白云鄂博矿床发育在上太古界-下元古界结晶基底色尔腾山群之上,中元古代白云鄂博裂谷期的海底火山喷发-同生沉积作用发育了层状的含稀土铌铁矿层,同时发育了广泛的碳酸岩墙群和基性岩墙群,这是白云鄂博矿床最主要的成矿事件。白云鄂博矿床还经历过至少三次后期成矿热事件叠加或改造成矿,主要包括:(1)新元古代南华期热事件(约720Ma);(2)早古生代志留纪晚期叠加成矿事件(约440Ma);(3)晚古生代二叠纪岩浆岩侵入事件(约280Ma)。白云鄂博矿床是中元古代裂谷成矿事件为主并叠加了后期多次热事件的结果。  相似文献   
Nonlinear viscous dampers are supplemental devices widely used for enhancing the performance of structural systems exposed to seismic hazard. A rigorous evaluation of the effect of these damping devices on the seismic performance of a structural system should be based on a probabilistic approach and take into account the evolutionary characteristics of the earthquake input and of the corresponding system response. In this paper, an approximate analytical technique is proposed for studying the nonstationary stochastic response characteristics of hysteretic single degree of freedom systems equipped with viscous dampers subjected to a fully nonstationary random process representing the seismic input. In this regard, a stochastic averaging/linearization technique is utilized to cast the original nonlinear stochastic differential equation of motion into a simple first‐order nonlinear ordinary differential equation for the nonstationary system response variance. In comparison with standard linearization schemes, the herein proposed technique has the significant advantage that it allows to handle realistic seismic excitations with time‐varying frequency content. Further, it allows deriving a formula for determining the nonlinear system response evolutionary power spectrum. By this way, ‘moving resonance’ effects, related to both the evolutionary seismic excitation and the nonlinear system behavior, can be observed and quantified. Several applications involving various system and input properties are included. Furthermore, various response parameters of interest for the seismic performance assessment are considered as well. Comparisons with pertinent Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate the reliability of the proposed technique. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
中国早期具刺疑源类的演化及生物地层学意义   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
尹崇玉  高林志 《地质学报》1995,69(4):360-371,T002
本文以我国元古代至早寒武世梅树村阶中发现的具刺疑源类化石为基础,结合最近研究的新资料,通过对具刺疑源类化石组合特征、形态对比、微细结构和演经关系的研究,并与国内外资料广泛为对比。探讨了我国早期具刺疑源类的演化阶段、各阶段的组合特征及生物地展学意义,论证了我国早期具刺疑原类的演化发展趋势。  相似文献   
全球手机贸易网络演化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
基于复杂网络方法,运用Pajek、Ucinet、Gephi等软件,构建全球手机产业贸易网络,探究2001-2016年全球手机产业贸易网络结构及其演化过程。根据研究发现全球手机贸易网络呈现稠密化发展趋势,网络整体遵循“核心-边缘”的圈层结构,结构内部不断演化和重组;全球手机贸易网络呈现由双核主导向多核演变,空间格局上形成由欧美日发达国家向东亚发展中国家的转移趋势;全球手机贸易网络的四大子群网络板块特征明显,且随着时间的发展而发生变化。  相似文献   
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