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To assess the contamination trends and potential bio-availability of sediment-bound heavy metals, concentrations of heavy metals in acid-leaching fraction and in bulk sediments from the two typical bays (the Meiliang Bay and Xuhu Bay) of the Taihu Lake, East China, were studied. Pb and Zn showed elevated concentrations in the sediments from both areas, although sedimentation history and degree of pollution are different between the two bays. In the Meiliang Bay, both Pb and Zn pollutions started in the late 1970’s, the same time as the beginning of eutrophication of the lake, while the in the Xuhu Bay the metal contamination started since recent 10 years. The concentrations of acid-leachable Pb in the sediments from the Meiliang Bay are correlated with the historical eutrophication process. Before the eutrophication and heavy metal pollution, the chemical properties of the lake sediments were the same as the source compositions of the Xiashu loess. Both Pb and Zn in the sediments mainly occur in leachable forms by nitric or hydrochloric acid, whilst most of Cu is in residual fraction. The results indicate that both Pb and Zn may have higher mobility and bioavailability in water and biology than Cu.  相似文献   
Abundant perfectly-preserved phosphatic microspherules have been discovered across the Frasnian-Famennian(F-F)transition from the Yangdi section in Guilin,Guangxi,South China.They are mostly spherical or elliptical in shape and about 150μm in diameter with smooth exterior surfaces.Each microspherule consistently possesses a small dimple on the surface.The internal texture of microspherules consists of concentric light-colored apatite and dark-colored organic matter bands alternating around a central core.Conodonts have also been found preserved together with phosphatic microspherules in the same horizon,and the abundance of the former is obviously higher than that of the latter.Laser Raman spectral studies show close similarities in spectral patterns between the outer shells of phosphatic microspherules and the blade of the conodont genus Palmatolepis sp.,as well as between the microspherule nucleus and the platform of the same conodont genus.Furthermore,the statistical results and geochemical data demonstrate that the elevated abundance of phosphatic microspherules roughly coincides with the blooms of bacteria and algae,but is later than the sharp increase of oceanic nutrients.The phosphatic microspherules are interpreted here to be the‘otoliths’secreted by conodont animals based on the compositional similarities between phosphatic microspherules and conodonts and their interrelated abundances.In addition,an analogous study reveals morphological and textural similarities between fish otoliths and phosphatic microspherules.The formation of phosphatic microspherules is probably related to seawater eutrophication.We speculate that the explosive growth of bacteria and algae is probably caused by the enrichment of nutrients that is most likely associated with the increase of terrestrial inputs,submarine hydrothermal activities or the upwelling anoxic bottom waters in the late Devonian,which would stimulate the conodont animals to secrete phosphatic microspherules—the‘otoliths’of conodont animals.This study reveals the coupling relationship between organisms and environments from the perspective of phosphatic microspherules and provides new evidence for the cause of faunal crisis during the Late Devonian F-F transition.  相似文献   
原生动物纤毛虫对太湖梅梁湾水质富营养化的响应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
蔡后建 《湖泊科学》1998,10(3):43-48
1993年4月-1994年1月研究了太湖梅梁湾湖区纤毛虫的群落分布,共检出7目19属,根据TSI指标,该湖区可分为富营养型和中营养型水域,在富营养型水域中分布着特有的纤毛虫种类。  相似文献   
对福建省水温分层型富营养化山仔水库夏季大坝断面垂向水体的物理化学参数进行了监测分析,并应用荧光分析法结合显微镜细胞计数法,对垂向分层水体和沉积物中的浮游植物生物量、群落组成及丰度进行了分析.结果表明,水库的水温分层能够引起水化学指标的分层.夏季大坝断面水体中的浮游植物以蓝藻门微囊藻属占绝对优势,垂向分布表现为表层的浮游植物细胞数量高于底层,温跃层以下细胞数急剧减少,水温分层可能决定着浮游植物的垂向分布,底泥中的浮游植物将为水体的水华提供"种源".  相似文献   
基于富营养化阈值的松花湖水环境容量分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对松花湖水体中浮游植物的绝对优势种——铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)单藻株生长与磷、氮定量关系的室内模拟研究,得出松花湖富营养化发生的阈值为:总磷浓度0.065 mg/L,总氮浓度0.843 mg/L.利用风险分析理论和蒙特卡罗随机模拟方法,在分析2002-2004年松花湖水体中总磷和总氮浓度实际分布规律的基础上,提出了计算湖、库总磷和总氮水环境容量的不确定性方法.通过对松花湖磷、氮水环境容量的计算,得出松花湖流域总磷和总氮的最大允许排放量为2123.78 t/a和7018.82 t/a,为了使松花湖富营养化发生的概率在0.001以下,总磷和总氮需要分别削减3208.34 t/a和18648.91 t/a.  相似文献   
Excessive inputs of phosphorus and nitrogen are the main reasons of eutrophication of inland waters and coastal areas. Large efforts have been made to control phosphorus, but the measures to reduce nitrogen emissions failed at least partly. While it was possible to reduce nitrogen emissions from industry and municipal wastewater treatment plants, diffuse sources are showing only very minor decline. Examples of limnetic, marine and coastal systems are given to review the current knowledge about nitrogen transformation and the effects of nitrate in the environment. When N is the limiting nutrient in a particular water body, this does not necessarily mean that phytoplankton is controllable by NO3 removal. In systems with problems due to a high redox‐sensitive internal phosphorus load and under certain constraints, nitrate may be used as an ecotechnological measure to prevent anaerobic phosphorus release from sediments. Model simulations are used to demonstrate this. A schematic model of redox‐mediated temporal phosphorus storage in riverine lake sediments with short retention time is proposed. We conclude that while anthropogenic nitrogen emissions are a global problem, no fast and simple single solution exists. Additional nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment will have no effect, as long as diffuse sources and nitrate concentrations in groundwater remain at a high level. Emission reductions should be achieved in an integrated way, taking direct and indirect effects into account. In this sense, case by case decisions and a new definition of “sensitive areas” are required.  相似文献   
洱海富营养化影响因素分析   总被引:16,自引:8,他引:16  
水质富营养化评价表明,洱海现属中营养水平,根据全年平均状态下的某些单项指标评分或近年来某些时段的全湖营养类型综合评分,将洱海评价为从中营养状态向营养营养状态过渡型的湖泊可能更为适宜。与历史资料相比,80年代至今富营养化进程料快,主要营养盐守趋势。  相似文献   
Tolo Harbour has received massive discharges of municipal sewage, agricultural wastes and cottage industrial effluents, via three river systems, in the past two decades before the mid Eighties. The Harbour is almost land locked and poorly flushed. The soft sediment acted as a sink for nutrients and organic pollutants. After a decade of efforts in establishing and enforcing water pollution control legislations and upgrading wastewater treatment facilities, the sediments have turned into sources of nutrients and exert a measurable oxygen demand upon the overlying waters. In vitro measurements showed that the sediments oxygen demand (SOD) was between 17.6 and 54.3 mgo2 · m-2 · h-1. The maximum rates of release of ortho-phosphate phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen were 15.0 and 206.0 mg · m-2 · h-1, respectively.  相似文献   
Quantifying land use heterogeneity helps better understand how it influences biophysical systems. Land use area proportions have been used conventionally to predict water quality variables. Lacking an insight into the combined effect of various spatial characteristics could lead to the statistical bias and confused understanding in previous studies. In this study, using spatial techniques and mathematical models, a diagnostic model was developed and applied for quantifying and incorporating three spatial components, namely, slope, distance to sampling spots, and arrangement. The upper catchment of Miyun Reservoir was studied as the test area. Total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and chemical oxygen demand of water samples from field measurements were used to characterize the surface water quality in 52 sub-watersheds. Using parameter calibrations and determinations, combined spatial characteristics were explored and detected. Adjusted land use proportions were calculated by spatial weights of discriminating the relative contribution of each location to water quality and used to build the integrated models. Compared with traditional methods only using area proportions, our model increased the explanatory power of land use and quantified the effects of spatial information on water quality. This can guide the optimization of land use configuration to control water eutrophication.  相似文献   
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