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Radial movement of an unconfined leaky aquifer was studied with respect to hydraulic forces that are induced by well recharge and discharge. New analytic solutions in the velocity and displacement fields were found and applied to describe transient movement in an unconfined leaky aquifer. Linear momentum and mass balance of saturated porous sediments, the Darcy-Gersevanov law, and the analytic solution of hydraulic drawdown for unsteady flow within the unconfined leaky aquifer were introduced to find the new solutions. Analytic results indicate that the nonlinear relation between the initial hydraulic head (h0) and the well function has an insignificant effect on the aquifer transient movement when the drawdown s<0.02h 0. When the well function is simplified with different assumptions and pumping conditions, the new solutions correspondingly reduce to cases that are similar to the Hantush-Jacob, Muskat, and Theis transient movement of a confined leaky aquifer. It was found that large leakance is important in slowing radial movement and reducing aquifer deformation. Flow velocity in the aquifer is more responsive to leakance than to cumulative displacement within the aquifer. The zones and boundary with tensile stress can be located using the same approach applied to a confined aquifer for risk assessment of earth fissuring.
Résumé Le mouvement radial dans un aquifère semi-perméable libre a été étudié en considérant les forces hydrauliques induites par la recharge et le prélèvement au niveau d’un puits. De nouvelles solutions analytiques des champs de vitesse et de déplacement ont été trouvées et appliquées pour décrire le mouvement transitoire dans un aquifère semi-perméable libre. Pour trouver les nouvelles solutions, le moment linéaire et le bilan de masse dans les sédiments poreux saturés, la loi de Darcy-Gersevanov, et la solution analytique du rabattement hydraulique pour un écoulement transitoire dans un aquifère semi-perméable libre sont pris en compte. Les résultats analytiques montrent que la relation non-linéaire entre le potentiel hydraulique initial (h0) et la fonction de puits a un effet insignifiant sur le mouvement transitoire de l’aquifère quand le rabattements s <0.02h0. Si la fonction de puits est simplifiée en tenant compte de différentes hypothèses et conditions de pompage, les nouvelles solutions se réduisent en conséquence à des cas similaires au mouvement transitoire dans un aquifère semi-perméable captif selon Hantush-Jacob, Muskat, et Theis. Il s’est avéré qu’une drainance élevée est importante pour le ralentissement du mouvement radial et la réduction de la déformation de l’aquifère. La vitesse d’écoulement dans l’aquifère est plus sensible à la drainance qu’au déplacement cumulé dans l’aquifère. Les zones et la frontière présentant des contraintes de traction peuvent être localisées en utilisant la même approche appliquée à un aquifère captif pour l’évaluation des risques de fissuration du sol.

Resumen Se ha estudiado el movimiento radial en un acuífero no confinado con fuga en relación a las fuerzas hidráulicas que son inducidas por la descarga y recarga del pozo. Se encontraron nuevas soluciones analíticas en los campos de desplazamiento y velocidad, las cuales se aplicaron para describir el movimiento transitorio en un acuífero no confinado con fuga. Se han introducido cálculos de balance de masa y momentum lineal de los sedimentos porosos saturados, la Ley Darcy-Gersevanov, y la solución analítica de descenso hidráulico para flujo sin régimen permanente dentro del acuífero no confinado con goteo para encontrar las nuevas soluciones. Los resultados analíticos indican que la relación no lineal entre la presión hidráulica inicial (h0) y la función del pozo tiene efecto insignificante en el movimiento transitorio del acuífero cuando el descenso s < 0.02h0. Cuando se simplifica la función del pozo en base a diferentes supuestos y condiciones de bombeo se reducen las nuevas soluciones a casos que son similares a el movimiento transitorio Hantush-Jacob, Muskat, y Theis de un acuífero confinado con goteo. Se encontró que las fugas grandes son importantes en la disminución del movimiento radial y en la reducción de la deformación del acuífero. La velocidad de flujo en el acuífero responde más a las fugas que al desplazamiento acumulativo dentro del acuífero. Pueden localizarse zonas y límites con esfuerzos tensionales usando el mismo enfoque aplicado a acuíferos confinados para evaluación de riesgo de generación de fracturas en el terreno.

山西沁水煤层气田采收率预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用地质类比、等温吸附曲线及储层数值模拟 3种方法对山西沁水煤层气田主力气层———二叠系山西组 3# 煤层、石炭系太原组 15 # 煤层的煤层气采收率进行了预测 ,结果 3# 煤层的煤层气采收率为 6 2 % ,15 # 煤层的采收率为 5 5 % ,总平均采收率为 5 9%。分析对比了这 3种方法的运用条件及优缺点 ,指出煤层气采收率的预测必须采用多种方法 ,并结合具体的煤层气地质特点进行综合分析 ,才能得出合理的结论。  相似文献   
湘西南石英脉型金矿矿物流体包裹体pH值和Eh值的估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以湘西南石英脉型金矿床为例,研究p H、Eh 估算值的结果表明利用围岩蚀变反应方程以及采用碱金属离子、卤素元素离子估算pH 值是不完善的。本文根据热力学原则( 相平衡、电价中和) 提出了矿物流体包裹体成分体系计算pH 估算值的方法,并且讨论了测试包裹体时气体成分外逸是影响pH 和Eh 估算值的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

Soil structure-dependent parameters can vary rapidly as a consequence of perturbing events such as intense rainfall. Investigating their short-term changes is therefore essential to understand the general behaviour of a porous medium. The aim of this study is to gain insight into the effects of wetting, perturbation and recovery processes through different sequences of Beerkan infiltration experiments performed on a sandy-loam soil. Two different three-run infiltration experiments (LHL and LLL) were carried out by pouring water at low (L, non-perturbing) and high (H, perturbing) heights above the soil surface and at short time intervals (hours, days). The results demonstrate that the proposed method allows one to capture short-term variations in soil structure-dependent parameters. The developed methodology is expected to simplify the parameterization of hydrological models with temporally variable soil hydraulic properties.  相似文献   
Kaula’s rule of thumb has been used in producing geopotential models from space geodetic measurements, including the most recent models from satellite gravity missions CHAMP. Although Xu and Rummel (Manuscr Geod 20 8–20, 1994b) suggested an alternative regularization method by introducing a number of regularization parameters, no numerical tests have ever been conducted. We have compared four methods of regularization for the determination of geopotential from precise orbits of COSMIC satellites through simulations, which include Kaula’s rule of thumb, one parameter regularization and its iterative version, and multiple parameter regularization. The simulation results show that the four methods can indeed produce good gravitational models from the precise orbits of centimetre level. The three regularization methods perform much better than Kaula’s rule of thumb by a factor of 6.4 on average beyond spherical harmonic degree 5 and by a factor of 10.2 for the spherical harmonic degrees from 8 to 14 in terms of degree variations of root mean squared errors. The maximum componentwise improvement in the root mean squared error can be up to a factor of 60. The simplest version of regularization by multiplying a positive scalar with a unit matrix is sufficient to better determine the geopotential model. Although multiple parameter regularization is theoretically attractive and can indeed eliminate unnecessary regularization for some of the harmonic coefficients, we found that it only improved its one parameter version marginally in this COSMIC example in terms of the mean squared error.  相似文献   
似大地水准面的构建可以将GPS测量的高程迅速转化为正常高,极大降低高程测量的成本,提高相关工作效率。将EGM96/2008重力场模型与“移去-恢复”法相结合,在矿区内建立似大地水准面,并使用不同的插值方法,验证最优方案。结果表明,使用二次线性插值的EGM2008重力场模型拟合效果更好,模型外符合精度达到3.6 mm,更适合应用于该区域似大地水准面构建。  相似文献   
通过改造格尔谢万诺夫打桩公式,提供了夯扩桩沉管控制贯入度计算表达式,在此 ,介绍了沉积控制贯入度在夯扩桩设计和施工中的用途,并举例验证。  相似文献   
A single large volume water sample taken at the mouth of the Upper Rhone River on Lake Geneva was processed directly in parallel through two continuous flow centrifuges, a Westphalia and an Alfa-Laval. Sediment was recovered from the Westphalia, and separately from the bowl and brass core of the Alfa-Laval. The three sediment samples were analyzed for particle size and the following elements: Zn, Cu, Mn, Cr, P, Co, B, V, Be, Sr, Na, Pb, Ni, Ba, Fe, Ca, and Mg. Results indicate that the particle size recovery of both machines is similar when sediment from the brass core and bowl of the Alfa-Laval are combined, and that the recovery for all elements other than Cu, V, B, and Pb are the same when the particle size differences are taken into account. Sediment from the Alfa-Laval brass core is clearly contaminated by Cu, B and is also elevated in V and Pb but not to a significant extent. The sediment recovered from the bowl of the Alfa-Laval is contaminated only with Cu, with a 10 ppm increase over the 52 ppm recovered in the Westphalia sediment. Operating procedures involve the discarding of the brass core sediment and the mixing of the Alfa-Laval bowl sediment with that from the Westphalia. The consequent increase in Cu is estimated at less than 5 ppm or within the confidence level of the analysis. These procedures are recommended to all operators of non modified Alfa-Laval units.  相似文献   
While the notion of results based management has been devoted recent attention in the context of reforming European fisheries management, it remains unclear what it entails. A conceptual model of results based management in fisheries is proposed as a way for public authorities to delegate specific management and documentation responsibilities to resource users. The model comprises three defining features: (1) That authorities define measurable objectives for the utilization of fisheries resources; (2) that resource users are made responsible for achieving these objectives and for (3) providing documentation that allows for an audit of the extent to which they are met. Selected cases are used to illustrate these features. Rationales and prospects of introducing results based management as an alternative in a European fisheries management context are discussed, giving consideration to how it may be pursued under the reformed common fisheries policy.  相似文献   
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