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Kela 2 Gas Field, with high formation pressure (74.35MPa), high pressure coefficient (2.022) and difficulty of potential test and evaluation, is the largest integrated proved dry gas reservoir in China so far and the principal source for West-East Gas Development Project. In order to correctly evaluate the elastic-plastic deformation of rocks caused by the pressure decline during production, some researches, as the experiment on reservoir sensitivity to stress of gas filed with abnormal high pressure, are made. By testing the rock mechanic properties, porosities and permeabilities at different temperature and pressure of 342 core samples from 5 wells in this area, the variations of petro-physical properties at changing pressure are analyzed, and the applicable inspection relationship is concluded. The average productivity curve with the reservoir sensitivity to stress is plotted on the basis of the research, integrated with the field-wide productivity equation. The knowledge lays a foundation for the gas well productivity evaluation in the field and the gas field development plan, and provides effective techniques and measures for basic research on the development of similar gas fields.  相似文献   
压力式水位计在水文自动测报系统中很难推广的主要原因是泥沙对传感器的影响,泥沙不但会使传感器测量精度达不到测验要求,而且由于泥沙淤积还会给水位计的日常维护带来很大不便。目前进口传感器测量精度高、稳定性能好,但仍避免不了泥沙的影响。针对这一问题,提出了一种新型压力式水位计———液压传感间接测量水位计,该水位计解决了泥沙对压力式水位计的影响,是一种具有很大发展前景的水位测量仪器。  相似文献   
笔者等通过电子背散射、二次成像和能谱分析,结合薄片和反射显微镜观察,发现松辽盆地古龙凹陷青山口组页岩中发育了大量由生排烃扩张形成的微米孔和微米缝。生排烃高压扩张微米孔的特点有:①一般只发育在超高压的页岩油储层中;②一般只发育在黏土质长英页岩中,纯黏土岩少见;③多为近圆形或半圆形,直径多在0. 5 μm到数微米,一般1~2 μm,最大可达8 μm;④孔缘一般为以绿泥石为主的黏土,形成不连续的圈环;圈环上缘的黏土多呈弧形或眉状,绿泥石化明显,在背散射图像中呈亮色;⑤孔内多有自生的纳米级葡萄状或豆渣状黏土,是构成封存油气的物质基础;⑥生排烃高压扩张微米孔可以组合成4种类型:即垂向联结成垂直的排烃烟囱型、垂向联结成倾斜的排烃烟囱型、水平联结成顺层的排烃管型和竖面上联结成更大的片状大孔型。排烃烟囱直或微曲,直立或倾斜;宽1~3 μm,最宽可达200 μm;高十几到30 μm,最大可达1500 μm;顶部多与顺层微米缝(或毫米缝)联结,是排烃烟囱的最终泄压和泄油气的总库;生排烃扩张微米孔孔隙度变化大,面孔率一般在5%~6%,局部面孔率最高可达39. 66%。生排烃高压扩张微米缝的特点有:①一般只发育在超高压的页岩油储层中;②一般只发育在黏土质长英页岩中,纯黏土岩少见;③多以顺页理为主的微米缝为主;④略曲的张性缝,多呈锯齿状,绕过刚性矿物;⑤宽度多在0. 5 μm到数十微米;最宽可达150 μm;⑥多与黄铁矿、白云石、磷灰石等自生矿物伴生;⑦多与生排烃扩张微米孔和排烃烟囱相连。生排烃扩张微米孔缝的形成动力主要有两种:一种是烃类流体的高压扩张力;第二种是烃类流体的化学溶蚀力。笔者等计算了形成这种生排烃微米孔和微米缝的压力,形成生排烃扩张微米孔从1500 m的44. 74 MPa到2500 m深的74. 81 MPa;形成生排烃扩张微米缝的排烃压力稍大,在相同深度比形成生排烃扩张微米孔大3 MPa。生排烃扩张微米孔缝与其他孔缝相连构成了一个储运网络,使储层的储集能力和渗透性大幅增加,是可动用储量的主要贡献者,为古龙页岩油的开发创造了有利条件。生排烃扩张微米孔缝的发现对于古龙页岩油的勘探开发具有重要意义,同时对于页岩油储层的研究具有启发作用。  相似文献   
Pore water pressure has an important influence on mechanical properties of soil. The authors studied the characteristics of pore water pressure dissipating of mucky soil under consolidated-drained condition by using refitted triaxial instrument and analyzed the variation of pore pressure coefficient with consolidation pressure. The results show that the dissipating of pore water pressure behaves in different ways depends on different styles of loading. What is more, the pore water pressure coefficient of mucky soil is less than 1. As the compactness of soil increases and moisture content reduces, the value of B reduces. There is a staggered dissipating in the process of consolidation, in which it is a mutate point when U/P is 80%. It is helpful to establish the pore water pressure model and study the strength-deformation of soil in process of consolidation.  相似文献   
针对柴里煤矿374①综放工作面坚硬顶板初次放顶难的问题,采取了强制放顶措施,同时进行矿压观测,了解初次放顶过程中矿压显现规律,采取有效安全措施,减少初次放顶带来的危害。  相似文献   
夏伟  符文熹  赵敏  周勇 《岩土力学》2016,37(11):3175-3183
岩体通常是以孔隙岩石为基质并包含各种成因的裂隙和溶隙的复杂多空隙组合地质材料。为研究孔隙-裂隙-溶隙多空隙组合介质的渗流特性,在简要介绍多孔介质渗流Darcy定律、平板窄缝流Poiseuille定律和圆形管道流Darcy-Weibach理论的基础上,分析了几种孔隙-裂隙-溶隙组合情况的多空隙介质渗流特性,推导出相应组合的等效渗透系数KE,给出了描述多空隙组合介质KE的一般表达式,讨论了影响各种空隙组合KE的主要因素。以普通砖模拟岩石基质,通过砖身钻孔填充及砖间缝隙填充,试验模拟了岩溶岩体和裂隙岩体中溶孔和裂隙填充后的渗透情况。试验结果与所推求理论公式计算出的KE在同一量级且误差很小,很好地验证了所推导的多空隙组合介质渗透系数表达式的有效性。  相似文献   
Coexisting melt (MI), fluid-melt (FMI) and fluid (FI) inclusions in quartz from the Oktaybrskaya pegmatite, central Transbaikalia, have been studied and the thermodynamic modeling of PVTX-properties of aqueous orthoboric-acid fluids has been carried out to define the conditions of pocket formation. At room temperature, FMI in early pocket quartz and in quartz from the coarse-grained quartz–oligoclase host pegmatite contain crystalline aggregates and an orthoboric-acid fluid. The portion of FMI in inclusion assemblages decreases and the volume of fluid in inclusions increases from the early to the late growth zones in the pocket quartz. No FMI have been found in the late growth zones. Significant variations of solid/fluid ratios in the neighboring FMI result from heterogeneous entrapment of coexisting melts and fluids by a host mineral. Raman spectroscopy, SEM EDS and EMPA indicate that the crystalline aggregates in FMI are dominated by mica minerals of the boron-rich muscovite–nanpingite CsAl2[AlSi3O10](OH,F)2 series as well as lepidolite. Topaz, quartz, potassium feldspar and several unidentified minerals occur in much lower amounts. Fluid isolations in FMI and FI have similar total salinity (4–8 wt.% NaCl eq.) and H3BO3 contents (12–16 wt.%). The melt inclusions in host-pegmatite quartz homogenize at 570–600 °C. The silicate crystalline aggregates in large inclusions in pocket quartz completely melt at 615 °C. However, even after those inclusions were significantly overheated at 650±10 °C and 2.5 kbar during 24 h they remained non-homogeneous and displayed two types: (i) glass+unmelted crystals and (ii) fluid+glass. The FMI glasses contain 1.94–2.73 wt.% F, 2.51 wt.% B2O3, 3.64–5.20 wt.% Cs2O, 0.54 wt.% Li2O, 0.57 wt.% Ta2O5, 0.10 wt.% Nb2O5, 0.12 wt.% BeO. The H2O content of the glass could exceed 12 wt.%. Such compositions suggest that the residual melts of the latest magmatic stage were strongly enriched in H2O, B, F, Cs and contained elevated concentrations of Li, Be, Ta, and Nb. FMI microthermometry showed that those melts could have crystallized at 615–550 °C.

Crystallization of quartz–feldspar pegmatite matrix leads to the formation of H2O-, B- and F-enriched residual melts and associated fluids (prototypes of pockets). Fluids of different compositions and residual melts of different liquidus–solidus PT-conditions would form pockets with various internal fluid pressures. During crystallization, those melts release more aqueous fluids resulting in a further increase of the fluid pressure in pockets. A significant overpressure and a possible pressure gradient between the neighboring pockets would induce fracturing of pockets and “fluid explosions”. The fracturing commonly results in the crushing of pocket walls, formation of new fractures connecting adjacent pockets, heterogenization and mixing of pocket fluids. Such newly formed fluids would interact with a primary pegmatite matrix along the fractures and cause autometasomatic alteration, recrystallization, leaching and formation of “primary–secondary” pockets.  相似文献   

The pressure dependence of the zirconium-in-rutile thermometer   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
The solubility of ZrO2 in rutile is strongly temperature-dependent and has been identified as a potentially powerful thermometer when the rutile coexists with an appropriate buffer assemblage, e.g. zircon + quartz. In combination with experimental data at 10 kbar, previous consideration of data on natural rutile has not identified a pressure dependence for the thermometer. However, the expected volume change as a result of substitution of the larger Zr4+ cation for Ti4+ suggests that the Zr content of rutile should decrease with increasing pressure. To investigate the pressure dependence of the thermometer, piston cylinder (at 10, 20 & 30 kbar) and 1 atm furnace experiments were performed in the system ZrO2-TiO2-SiO2. The solubility of ZrO2 in rutile, in the presence of zircon and quartz was reversed at each pressure value. From these experiments, the thermodynamics of the end-member reaction ZrSiO4 = SiO2 + ZrO2 (in rutile) have been determined. There is a secondary pressure effect accompanying the primary temperature dependence of the Zr content of rutile. New thermometer equations are, in the α -quartz field: in the β -quartz field and in the coesite field in which φ is ppm Zr, P is in kbar and R is the gas constant, 0.0083144 kJ K−1. Thermometric results using these equations are shown for a range of geological settings.  相似文献   
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