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本文对主要取自于西太平洋我国调查区内不同海山、不同水深、不同产状的13个磷酸盐样品进行了常量、微量和稀土元素测定,以探讨与大洋富钴结壳密切伴生的磷酸盐的常、微量和稀土元素地球化学的特征。分析结果表明,调查区磷酸盐中主要氧化物的平均值与赤道太平洋的相近,暗示两者可能有相似的形成环境和形成机制。磷酸盐中微量元素Sr、Ba、Co、Cu、Ni及U丰度分别变化于862×10~(-6)~2181×10~(-6)、29×10~(-6)~3429×10~(-6)、6.3×10~(-6)~115×10~(-6)、23×10~(-6)~263×10~(-6)、12×10~(-6)~825×10~(-6)及4×10~(-6)~11×10~(-6),丰度多数低于泥质岩平均值,其CaO/P_2O_5、F/CO_2、Sr/P_2O_5值及常量、微量元素间的相关关系,清晰地显示了磷酸盐的种类、成分与结构、形成的地质背景和元素的主要组合特征。磷酸盐的稀土丰度为136.50×10~(-6)~853.70×10~(-6);Ce~*变化于0.01~0.18之间;(Ce/Yb)_N值变化于0.01~0.21之间。研究证实,不同产状磷酸盐的稀土元素配分模式基本一致,曲线相互平行,基本不呈现交叉现象,均呈Ce强烈亏损,轻、重稀土分馏程度大及重稀土富集的型式。调查区、赤道太平洋、中太平洋磷酸盐的稀土元素丰度、Ce~*、Ce/Yb值以及它们与海水稀土元素配分模式相似的特征,也进一步显  相似文献   
远洋沉积物是多金属结核赖以生长的场所,本文系统地研究了沉积物中主要成矿元素水成组分在不同地球化学场和不同沉积阶段的地球化学特征,以及水成组分的含量比与成矿作用的相互关系。研究表明,Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu都是一些比较活泼的元素,它们共处于多金属结核、沉积物和大洋水的统一体系中,当结核形成时,Mn、Fe、Ni、Cu在结核与沉积物中的含量呈负相关,而Co含量呈正相关。研究区东部结核以富含Mn、Ni、Cu贫Fe、Co为特征,其伴生沉积物相对贫Mn、Ni、Cu、Co,而富Fe,可称之为贫化的地球化学场。研究区西部结核富含Fe、Co而贫Mn、Ni、Cu,其伴生沉积物则相应贫Fe,而富Mn、Ni、Cu、和Co,可称之为富化的地球化学场。可以看出,贫化的沉积物地球化学场,恰恰是寻找富矿结核的最佳场所。早中新世以来的沉积物,根据水成组分的含量或含量比,也可相应于结核的形成分为三大沉积阶段,其中的第Ⅱ阶段具有贫化的地球化学特征,是多金属结核形成的最有利时期  相似文献   
我国太平洋深海沉积研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了我国对太平洋深海沉积物组成、分布、形成及深海沉积中宇宙尘、海洋沉积通量、铁锰结核的研究成果,指出了在全球变化研究中太平洋深海沉积的研究课题。  相似文献   
To verify the hypothesis that the growth of phytoplankton in the Western Subarctic Gyre (WSG), which is located in the northwest subarctic Pacific, is suppressed by low iron (Fe) availability, an in situ Fe fertilization experiment was carried out in the summer of 2001. Changes over time in the abundance and community structure of phytoplankton were examined inside and outside an Fe patch using phytoplankton pigment markers analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and flow cytometry (FCM). In addition, the abundance of heterotrophic bacteria was also investigated by FCM. The chlorophyll a concentration was initially ca. 0.9 μg l−1 in the surface mixed layer where diatoms and chlorophyll b-containing green algae (prasinophytes and chlorophytes) were predominant in the chlorophyll biomass. After the iron enrichment, the chlorophyll a concentration increased up to 9.1 μg l−1 in the upper 10 m inside the Fe patch on Day 13. At the same time, the concentration of fucoxanthin (a diatom marker) increased 45-fold in the Fe patch, and diatoms accounted for a maximum 69% of the chlorophyll biomass. This result was consistent with a microscopic observation showing that the diatom Chaetoceros debilis had bloomed inside the Fe patch. However, chlorophyllide a concentrations also increased in the Fe patch with time, and reached a maximum of 2.2 μg l−1 at 5 m depth on Day 13, suggesting that a marked abundance of senescent algal cells existed at the end of the experiment. The concentration of peridinin (a dinoflagellate marker) also reached a maximum 24-fold, and dinoflagellates had contributed significantly (>15%) to the chlorophyll biomass inside the Fe patch by the end of the experiment. Concentrations of 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin (a prymnesiophyte marker), 19′-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin (a pelagophyte marker), and alloxanthin (a cryptophyte marker) were only incremented a few-fold increment inside the Fe patch. On the contrary, chlorophyll b concentration reduced to almost half of the initial level in the upper 10 m water column inside the Fe patch at the end of the experiment. A decrease with time in the abundance of eukaryotic ultraphytoplankton (<ca. 5 μm in size), in which chlorophyll b-containing green algae were possibly included was also observed by FCM. Overall, our results indicate that Fe supply can dramatically alter the abundance and community structure of phytoplankton in the WSG. On the other hand, cell density of heterotrophic bacteria inside the Fe patch was maximum at only ca. 1.5-fold higher than that outside the Fe patch. This indicates that heterotrophic bacteria abundance was little respondent to the Fe enrichment.  相似文献   
The long-term adjustment processes of atmosphere and ocean in response to gradually increased atmospheric CO2 concentration have been analyzed in 70 and 140a integrations with NCAR fully-coupled climate system model (CSM). In these experiments the CO2 concentration has been increased to double and quadruples the initial concentration, respectively. After 70a, at the time of CO2 doubling, the model predicts surface air temperature rises by 1.2 and 1.5K for the globe and the northwestern Pacific Ocean, respectively. The behavior of the quadrupling run is similar: each global and regional mean surface air temperatures increase by 2.8 and 3.0K at the time of CO2 quadrupling. From the experiments, surface air temperature changes in the northwestern Pacific Ocean will be more distinctive compared with the global average, mainly due to exceptionally large warming and sea level change near the entrance of the Kuroshio extension.  相似文献   
Mesoscale eddies may enhance primary production (PP) in the open ocean by bringing nutrient-rich deep waters into the euphotic zone, potentially leading to increased transport of particles to depth. This hypothesis remains controversial, however, due to a paucity of direct particle export measurements. In this study, we investigated particle dynamics using 234Th–238U disequilibria within a mesoscale cold-core eddy, Cyclone Opal, which formed in the lee of the Hawaiian Islands. 234Th samples were collected along two transects across Cyclone Opal as well as during a time-series within the eddy core during a decaying diatom bloom. Particulate carbon (PC), particulate nitrogen (PN) and biogenic silica (bSiO2) fluxes at 150 m varied spatially and temporally within the eddy and strongly depended on the 234Th model formulation used (e.g., steady state versus non-steady state, inclusion of upwelling, etc.). Particle fluxes estimated from a steady state model assuming an upwelling rate of 2 m day−1 yielded the best fit to sediment-trap data. These 234Th-derived particle fluxes ranged from 332±14 to 1719±53 μmol C m−2 day−1, 27±3 to 114±12 μmol N m−2 day−1, and 33±20 to 309±73 μmol Si m−2 day−1. Although PP rates within Cyclone Opal were elevated by a factor of 2–3, PC and PN fluxes were the same, within error, inside and outside of Cyclone Opal. The ratio of PC export to PP remained surprisingly low at <0.03 and similar to those measured in surrounding waters. In contrast, bSiO2 fluxes within the eddy core were three times higher. Detailed analyses of 234Th depth profiles consistently showed excess 234Th at 100–175 m, associated with the remineralization and possible accumulation of suspended and dissolved organic matter from the surface. We suggest that strong microzooplankton grazing facilitated particulate organic matter recycling and resulted in the export of empty diatom frustules. Thus, while eddies may increase PP, they do not necessarily increase PC and PN export to deep waters. This may be a general characteristic of wind-driven cyclonic eddies of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and suggests that eddies may preferentially act as a silica pump, thereby playing an important role in promoting silicic-acid limitation in the region.  相似文献   
应用Argo资料分析西北太平洋冬、夏季水团   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用Argo剖面浮标观测的温、盐度资料,分析了西北太平洋海域冬、夏季的温、盐度分布、水团结构及其分布。首先采用T-S点聚图法分析了该海域水团分布的基本情况,由点聚分析结果可知,该海域至少存在6种以上水团;再用模糊聚类软化法对水团作进一步划分,分别计算了该海域6至11类水团的F和△F值,结果表明,冬、夏季的△F值都以划分为8类时为最大,这与大洋水团的稳定性是一致的,因此,该海域冬、夏季水团以划分为8类最佳,它们分别是北太平洋热带表层水、北太平洋次表层水、北太平洋中层水、北太平洋副热带模态水、北太平洋深层水和赤道表层水,以及南太平洋次表层水和南太平洋中层水。  相似文献   
根据2011年东太平洋赤道附近海域探捕期间采集的1178尾茎柔鱼样本,进行了茎柔鱼的生物学特性研究。结果表明:茎柔鱼胴长范围为201—421mm,平均胴长为290mm,优势胴长为260—320mm;体重范围为200—2650g,平均体重为1000g,优势体重为600—1000g;胴长与体重关系呈幂指数关系;雌、雄性比为2.59:1;性腺成熟度以I、Ⅱ期为主;缠卵腺长和缠卵腺重随着性腺的成熟而逐步增大;雌性初次性成熟胴长为397.2mm;摄食等级以0—1级为主;与其它海域相比,该海域茎柔鱼个体差异明显,主要为小型群体。  相似文献   
利用1949—2011年CMA-STI热带气旋最佳路径数据集,分析了西北太平洋累积气旋能量(ACE)的年代际变化特征。结果表明,西北太平洋热带气旋(ACE)的年代际变化主要分为1957—1967高值期、1976—1986过渡期和1998—2008低值期。其中强热带风暴(STS)、台风(TY)和超强台风(SuperTY),特别超强台风是决定成分。副热带高压偏弱,垂直风切变偏小,低纬度低空正涡度异常偏东以及低纬度海表面温度(SST)正异常偏东等背景场的年代际特征,有利于形成ACE的年代高值期。  相似文献   
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