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伊通盆地莫里青断陷地温地压系统与油气成藏关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于地温和地压实测数据及声波测井资料等,利用地温-地压系统的原理,对伊通盆地莫里青断陷的地温场、压力场及温压系统特征进行了剖析,并从油气生成、保存及分布角度探讨了温压系统与油气成藏的关系。研究表明,断陷内各区带地温梯度较高,有利于有机质的成熟与烃类生成;泥岩欠压实段主要出现在双阳组,强化了油气的封闭作用;斜坡带泥岩不发育异常压力,以毛细管压力封闭为主;莫里青断陷发育弱高压型复式温压系统,上下2套温压系统流体能量相差较小,油气垂向运聚活动很少,深部弱高压型温压系统内部最有利于油气富集成藏,双阳组含油气系统是最重要的勘探对象。  相似文献   
Magnetic and gravity data collected during a GLORIA survey of the Indus Fan provide new information on the earliest sea-floor spreading history of the Arabian Sea. A negative gravity anomaly correlates with the buried Laxmi Ridge. This ridge is interpreted here to be a sliver of continental crust adjacent to the oceancontinent transition which bounds thinned, probably intruded, transitional crust to the NE. The oldest sea-floor spreading anomaly is anomaly 28 (65-66 Ma), breakup occurring at the time of the Deccan Traps volcanic event. The earliest oceanic crust formed from two phases of rift propagation which accommodates the angular disparity between the E-W trending anomalies in the western Arabian Sea and the NE-SW trending western part of the Laxmi Ridge. Flow-line projection shows that the Laxmi ridge forms the conjugate structure to the northern Mascarene Plateau margin.  相似文献   
A combined study of major and trace elements, Nd isotopes, and U-Pb systematics has been conducted for the early Palaeoproterozoic (Sumian) volcanic rocks and granites localized in different portions of the Karelian Craton. SHRIMP dating of zircons from the Sumian basalts indicates an emplacement age of 2423 ± 31 Ma, which constrains the lower age boundary of the early Palaeoproterozoic sequence at the Karelian Craton. The early Palaeoproterozoic mafic volcanic rocks of the Karelian Craton show practically no lateral geochemical and isotope-geochemical variations. The rocks bear signs of crustal contamination, in particular Nb and Ti negative anomalies, light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, and nonradiogenic Nd isotope composition. However, some correlations between incompatible element ratios suggest that the crustal signatures were mainly inherited from mantle sources metasomatized during a previous subduction event. En route to the surface, melts presumably experienced only insignificant contamination by crustal material. Felsic rocks do not define common trends with mafic rocks and were formed independently. They exhibit higher REE contents, large-ion lithophile element (LILE) enrichment, and extremely wide variations in Nd isotope composition, which clearly demonstrates a considerable contribution of heterogeneous basement to their formation. Geochemically, the felsic rocks of the Karelian Craton correspond to A2-type granites and were formed by melting of crustal rocks in an anorogenic setting. Their possible sources are Archaean sanukitoid-type granitoids and Archaean granite gneisses. The high Yb content and pronounced Eu anomaly imply that they were generated from a garnet-free pyroxene – plagioclase source at shallow depths. By the Palaeoproterozoic, the older Vodlozero block was colder than the Central Domain, which facilitated the development of the brittle deformations and faulting and, correspondingly, rapid magma ascent to the surface without melting of crustal rocks. This resulted in the absence of felsic rocks and the formation of more primitive basalts in this area.  相似文献   
Field geological data of the Pantelleria Island, a large Late Quaternary volcano located in the Sicily Channel rift zone, integrated with offshore geophysical information, are used to derive the structural setting of the Island and the surrounding region, and to analyse the relationships between tectonics and magmatism. Field work shows that the principal faults exposed on the Island fall into two systems trending NNE–SSW and NW–SE. Mapped faults from offshore multichannel seismic profiles show similar trends, and some of them represent the offshore extension of the Pantelleria Island structures. The NW–SE faults bound the Pantelleria Graben, one of the three main depressions formed since the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene within the African continental platform, which compose the Sicily Channel rift zone. A 3-D Moho depth geometry, derived from inversion of Bouguer gravity data, shows a significant uplift of the discontinuity up to 16–17 km beneath the westernmost part of the Pantelleria Graben and beneath the Pantelleria Island; it lows rapidly to 24–25 km away from the graben north-eastward and south-westward. The Moho uplift could explain the presence of a shallow magma chamber in the southern part of the Island, where processes of magmatic differentiation are documented. Geological and geophysical data suggest that the northwestern part of the Sicily Channel is presently dominated by a roughly E–W directed extensional regime. Crustal cracking feeding the Quaternary volcanism could be also related to this extensional field that would be further responsible for the development of the N–S trending volcanic belt that extends in the Sicily Channel from Lampedusa Island to the Graham Bank. This mode of deformation is confirmed also by geodetic data. This implies that in the northwestern part of the Sicily Channel, the E–W extension replaced the NE–SW crustal stretching that originated the NW-trending tectonic depressions constituting the rift zone.  相似文献   
若尔盖-九寨沟地区产有30余处金矿床(点),另有铜、锑、铁等金属矿产;金矿石分石英脉型和微细浸染型,成因类型可分为构造热液型和构造岩浆热液接触交代型.金成矿与裂谷的演化息息相关,金矿主赋于裂谷强烈期的三叠系地层中,分布受裂谷带控制,金矿化具明显的岩性-岩相选择并与一定的围岩蚀变相伴产出.  相似文献   
Coarse-grained subaqueous fans are vital oil and gas exploration targets in the Bohai Bay basin, China. The insufficient understanding of their sedimentary processes, depositional patterns, and controlling factors restricts efficient exploration and development. Coarse-grained subaqueous fans in the Yong′an area, Dongying Depression, are investigated in this study. These fans include nearshore subaqueous fans, and sublacustrine fans, and their sedimentary processes, depositional patterns and distribution characteristics are mainly controlled by tectonic activity and paleogeomorphology. Nearshore subaqueous fans developed near the boundary fault during the early–middle deposition stage due to strong tectonic activity and large topographic subsidence. Early sublacustrine fans developed at the front of the nearshore subaqueous fans in the area where the topography changed from gentle to steep along the source direction. While the topography was gentle, sublacustrine fans did not develop. During the late weak tectonic activity stage, late sublacustrine fans developed with multiple stages superimposed. Frequent fault activity and related earthquakes steepened the basin margin, and the boundary fault slopes were 25.9°–34°. During the early–middle deposition stage, hyperpycnal flows triggered by outburst floods developed. During the late deposition stage, with weak tectonic activity, seasonal floods triggered hyperpycnal flows, and hybrid event beds developed distally.  相似文献   
Dolomites occur extensively in the lower Cretaceous along syn-sedimentary fault zones of the Baiyinchagan Sag, westernmost Erlian Basin, within a predominantly fluvial–lacustrine sedimentary sequence. Four types of dolomite are identified, associated with hydrothermal minerals such as natrolite, analcime and Fe-bearing magnesite. The finely-crystalline dolomites consist of anhedral to subhedral crystals (2 to 10 μm), evenly commixed with terrigenous sediments that occur either as matrix-supporting grains (Fd1) or as massive argillaceous dolostone (Fd2). Medium-crystalline (Md) dolomites are composed of subhedral to euhedral crystals aggregates (50 to 250 μm) and occur in syn-sedimentary deformation laminae/bands. Coarse-crystalline (Cd) dolomites consist of non-planar crystals (mean size >1 mm), and occur as fracture infills cross-cutting the other dolomite types. The Fd1, Md and Cd dolomites have similar values of δ18O (−20·5 to −11·0‰ Vienna PeeDee Belemnite) and δ13C (+1·4 to +4·5‰ Vienna PeeDee Belemnite), but Fd2 dolomites are isotopically distinct (δ18O −8·5 to −2·3‰ Vienna PeeDee Belemnite; δ13C +1·4 to +8·6‰ Vienna PeeDee Belemnite). Samples define three groups which differ in light rare-earth elements versus high rare-earth elements enrichment/depletion and significance of Tb, Yb and Dy anomalies. Medium-crystalline dolomites have signatures that indicate formation from brines at very high temperature, with salinities of 11·8 to 23·2 eq. wt. % NaCl and Th values of 167 to 283°C. The calculated temperatures of Fd1 and Cd dolomites extend to slightly lower values (141 to 282°C), while Fd2 dolomites are distinctly cooler (81 to 124°C). These results suggest that the dolomites formed from hydrothermal fluid during and/or penecontemporaneous with sediment deposition. Faults and fractures bounding the basin were important conduits through which high-temperature Mg-rich fluids discharged, driven by an abnormally high heat flux associated with local volcanism. It is thought that differing amounts of cooling and degassing of these hydrothermal fluids, and of mixing with lake waters, facilitated the precipitation of dolomite and associated minerals, and resulted in the petrographic and geochemical differences between the dolomites.  相似文献   
华北陆表海盆地海侵事件聚煤作用研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
在研究了陆表海盆地聚煤作用特点的基础上,提出了海侵事件成煤作用观点,分析了其机理。海侵导致了陆表海盆地沼泽环境的形成,进而形成泥炭沼泽,而随后的海侵事件导致了先形成的泥炭迅速处于深水环境最终成煤。海侵事件成煤作用形成的重要层位如煤层、海相层均具有较好的等时性。  相似文献   
杨红  刘平华  孟恩  王舫  肖玲玲  刘超辉 《岩石学报》2014,30(10):3021-3033
扬子地块西缘近年报道了大量古元古代晚期的地层和侵入岩体,这些地层和岩体的构造环境多数被认为与大陆裂谷相关,而位于扬子西缘的~1.7Ga大红山群一直缺少相关的地球化学证据。本研究对大红山群两种变质基性岩——石榴(斜长)角闪岩(A组)和绿帘斜长角闪岩(B组)的主微量元素进行了地球化学分析,并对其构造环境进行了判别。A、B两组变质基性岩基本具有相似的地球化学性质:主量元素SiO2含量集中于46%~50%,MgO含量较低(5%~6%),但A组FeOT(平均14.28%)远高于B组FeOT(平均3.26%),可能与A组后期发生铁矿化作用有关;两组角闪岩的REE配分模式较一致:A组(La/Yb)N=1.52~4.67和B组(La/Yb)N=1.34~4.50,显示LREE轻微富集,Eu异常、Ce异常均不明显:Eu/Eu*=0.82~1.24,Ce/Ce*=0.93~1.05,两组样品稀土元素特征均具有类似富集型洋中脊玄武岩(E-MORB)的特征;二者的微量元素配分模式也基本一致:相容元素Cr、Co、Ni含量变化较大,不相容元素相对富集,Nb、Ta、Ti负异常不明显,Zr、Hf轻微负异常,其微量元素配分模式区别于岛弧玄武岩和OIB,而与E-MORB较一致。大红山群变质基性岩的地球化学性质可与东川群的基性侵入岩进行类比。A、B两组变质基性岩的原岩为拉斑玄武岩,通过不活动元素构造判别图解推断其构造属性为与富集地幔有关的大陆裂谷环境。变质基性岩中未受陆壳混染样品(Nb/La≈1)的微量、稀土元素地球化学特征显示其岩浆源区可能为富集地幔,结合前人已发表的相关εNd(t)推测大红山群变质基性岩的岩浆源区为不均匀的岩石圈地幔。同样,据扬子西缘相关火山岩的εNd(t)、εHf(t)值推测,扬子西缘1.8~1.5Ga变质火成岩的岩浆源区可能为不均匀的岩石圈地幔。本研究为扬子西缘1.8~1.5Ga大陆裂谷环境的构造岩浆活动提供了新的地球化学证据,大红山群与其同时代火成岩及地层的存在,共同表明了扬子西缘曾在古-中元古代发生了一系列与大陆裂解有关的构造岩浆事件,这期事件是哥伦比亚大陆裂解在扬子西缘的响应。  相似文献   
拉伸盆地模拟理论基础与新进展   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
作为一种重要的盆地类型,拉伸盆地的理论模型和模拟研究发展迅速,已形成了较完善的系统理论。岩石圈拉伸的动力学模型主要包括:(1)瞬时或非瞬时的均匀纯剪拉伸模型;(2)双层或非均匀的纯剪拉伸模型;(3)拆离的简单剪切模型;(4)拆离-纯剪切模型;(5)简单剪切-纯剪切悬臂梁模型等。岩石圈的纯剪切和简单剪切代表了岩石圈变形的两个端元。拉伸过程中的减压熔融对盆地演化可产生重要影响。这些理论模型构成了拉伸盆地计算机模拟的理论基础。应用正演的理论模型与反演的回剥法相结合的模拟技术,可动态和定量地重塑盆地的形成演化,精确地预测沉积盆地的沉降过程、盆地构造格架、岩石圈深部结构以及热流分布等。这项研究已显示出巨大的、深远的研究和应用前景。  相似文献   
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