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江西信江盆地晚白垩世风成沙丘的发现及其古风向   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
长期以来,江西信江盆地晚白垩世圭峰群塘边组(K2t)均定为水成沉积,本文的研究结果则认为属风成沉积.沉积结构、构造和石英沙颗粒表面特征研究结果表明,该组的主体岩性为紫红色中-细粒净砂岩,基本不含泥质和云母等悬移质,大型高角度平板状交错层理发育,层系厚度巨大,风成沙丘前积层特征明显,石英沙磨圆度好,在电子显微镜下普遍可见风成沙特有的碟形撞击坑、新月形撞击坑和毛玻璃化表面特征,属于风成沙丘沉积.古流向恢复表明,信江盆地以西风为主,东北风为次,同时见有少量东南风与西北风.根据当时的古地理格局及地表风带模式判断,研究区位于当时的北半球西风带和东北信风带之中,同时可能存在东南向和西北向的古季风.  相似文献   
Magnetic susceptibility (MS) of surface sediment varies systematically across the Loess Plateau in central China, decreasing exponentially from >200×10−8 m3/kg at the northern margin of the Qinling Shan to ≤30×10−8 m3/kg near the southern margin of the Mu Us Desert. MS correlates highly with loess median grain size (r2=0.79), which decreases south-southeastward across the plateau. It also correlates with mean annual temperature (MAT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP) (r2=0.58 and 0.60, respectively), and with their product MAT×MAP (r2=0.83), which is considered a measure of potential pedogenic activity. Because regional isopleths depicting grain size and the primary meteorological parameters are nearly parallel, it is difficult to determine their relative influence on MS. A simple MS model, based on the observed spatial variation in loess thickness, permits quantitative assessment of the effect of the dust accumulation rate on the MS signal of surface sediment and isolates the likely role of climate in the production of magnetic minerals. The model suggests that 84% of the loess MS variance is dictated by the diluting effect of dust and 10–11% is associated with meteorological factors, primarily precipitation. The observed and modeled relationships support hypotheses that attribute variations in MS in the loess-paleosol succession to varying rates of dust deposition and in situ production of magnetic minerals in the accretionary soils, both of which are controlled by monsoon climate.  相似文献   
风沙运动理论体系的创建与研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
孙显科 《中国沙漠》2004,24(2):129-135
确定风、沙源、风沙流、下垫面和沙地地表形态是构成风沙运动体系的5个基本要素。确定风速的强弱、沙粒的走停、气流含沙量的盈亏、下垫面的扬抑作用和沙地地表的蚀积变化是这些基本要素各自参与风沙运动的主要表现特征。这些表现特征都能一分为二, 于是10个对立侧面的相互作用构成了风沙运动发展变化的总体。系统地研究这些侧面的组合关系、揭示它们相互促进相互制约的演变机理, 进而依其内在联系进行排序, 将其串联成一体, 并绘出图式, 这样便形成了名之曰"强、弱、扬、抑、走、停、盈、亏、蚀、积十纲辩证"的风沙运动理论体系。其中"强、弱、走、停、盈、亏、蚀、积八纲辩证"是本理论体系的核心。  相似文献   
Many yellow silt layers have been identified in the Holocene sediments in the last lake of Lop Nur (playa), Xinjiang, northwestern China. Statistics of drill-hole cores have revealed more than one hundred layers, which exhibit regularity in time sequence. Study has further verified that these yellow silt layers were deposited through eolian processes. The time-frequency distribution diagram shows an obvious peak occurring at about 8200 a B.P., which is consistent with the dry, windy and cold climate event occurring at 8200 a in other places around the world. Therefore, this event is regarded as a response to the global climate change.  相似文献   
基于竖管法测定沉积物渗透系数的原理,设计一种以空气作为流体测定沉积物渗透率的试验方法—气动试验法,将沉积物的空气渗透率(k_a)转换成用水当做流体时测定的渗透系数(K_w)。利用气动试验法和竖管法分别测定3组沙漠砂样和7组河漫滩砂样的渗透系数。试验结果表明,气动试验法测定沉积物的渗透系数可行,与竖管法相比更加方便、快捷,可以解决竖管法耗水、耗时的局限性,可应用于干旱-半干旱地区野外沉积物渗透系数的测定。  相似文献   
文章基于X射线衍射、热分析和理化分析, 对西峰三趾马红土的粘土矿物组成进行较系统研究, 并与上覆第四纪黄土和古土壤样品进行对比。结果表明, 二者的粘土矿物类型相似, 以伊利石为主, 其次是绿泥石、蒙脱石和高岭石; 但伊利石结晶度明显低于第四纪黄土, 而与发育较好的第四纪古土壤(如S4和S5)相当; 三趾马红土中的粘土矿物组成主要为碎屑成因, 成壤作用只对伊利石结晶度有明显影响。根据现代土壤粘土矿物地带性分布规律, 三趾马红土的粘土矿物组合指示了大约6Ma以来, 我国北方黄土高原地区一直处于温带半湿润-半干润的环境条件下, 以后的气候主要在此范围内波动。但伊利石结晶度的变化指示了晚中新世-上新世总体比第四纪较高的风化成壤强度, 体现了较强的夏季风效应。  相似文献   
A new nonlinear data-analysis technique compares the typical sequences in different time or spatial series. The method quantitatively compares delay-coordinate embedded state-space plots by treating them plots as probability distributions. Thus its application is not limited to data generated by deterministic systems, and does not require knowledge of a system's dimension. In a preliminary application, comparing state-space plots of natural and model-generated eolian ripples suggests that the interactions in them have similarities with those in nature, and that this method can be of use as an additional model evaluation tool.  相似文献   
灵台风尘堆积中钙质结核的地球化学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
孙有斌  周杰  安芷生 《地球化学》2000,29(3):277-282
通过对甘肃灵台风成黄土-古土壤-红粘土序列中钙质结核的野外分布及形态特征观察,并对主元素和微量元素进行化学分析,发现结核中氧化物活动给分和惰性组分含量的比值在剖面中自下而上逐渐变大,反映了结核形成时其上覆土层所经历的淋溶程度逐渐增强;而MgO含量校正后的MgO/Cao比值则逐渐减小,批示结核形成时环境温度逐渐降低。灵台剖面自下而上不同层位结核中Sr/Ba比值及CaCO3含量的变化同氧化物含量及比值  相似文献   
在中全新世后阶段,当海岸风沙正处于始发状态,平潭西南的岗湖还是一个由多叉的山谷组成的洼地。到全新世晚期,由于全球气候的变化和优势的北北东方向风力的逐渐增强,河谷洼地与海湾相联结的地区长时间风沙的堆积而形成岚湖。  相似文献   
昆仑山北坡近5000年以来黄土堆积的环境信息*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据昆仑山北坡克里雅河上游海拔2750m的一处台地的风尘沉积剖面KMA,利用沉积物粒度、总有机质含量(TOM)、碳酸盐含量和部分孢粉记录重建了当地近5000年的环境变化历史。研究认为,研究剖面所在地区在4300cal.aB.P.前和3000~2600cal.aB.P.之间相对湿润,其余时段均表现为干旱状态; 塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘风沙活动在3400cal.aB.P. , 3000~2600cal.aB.P. ,1800cal.aB.P. , 1200cal.aB.P. , 900~650cal.aB.P.表现活跃,沙漠向南扩张,表明在KMA剖面古环境记录中塔里木盆地南部沙漠边缘和山地的降水存在着显著分异。红色噪声谱分析还显示,KMA剖面的环境记录存在多种与太阳辐射或者太阳活动相关的显著周期,可能表明研究区环境变化的主要驱动因素与太阳辐射强迫有关。  相似文献   
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