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中国砂质海岸分布特征与存在问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
中国东部砂质海岸分布范围广泛,地形发育多样,风沙灾害、海岸侵蚀等地质灾害问题多发,严重影响了沿海地区的社会经济发展。了解沙质海岸的分布特征,做好砂质海岸的研究防护工作,对促进海洋经济持续稳定的发展有着十分重要的作用。  相似文献   
无定河流域不同地貌区水沙过程对比   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
王随继 《地理研究》2007,26(3):508-517
为了查明人为影响程度较低时期无定河流域内不同地貌区的水沙过程及其变化规律,选取1970年以前一段时期该流域内风沙区和黄土丘陵沟壑区河流的有关水文站的水文泥沙实测数据进行对比分析。结果表明,风沙区河流的流量变率较黄土丘陵沟壑区的小;风沙区河流的含沙量远小于黄土丘陵沟壑区河流的含沙量。黄土丘陵沟壑区河流具有极高的输沙率,而风沙区河流的输沙率微不足道。风沙区和黄土丘陵沟壑区河流的产流模数基本相近,但产沙模数非常悬殊,前者的产沙模数很小,为118.58~725.38t /km2 · a,而后者的达到1879.36~25112.15t /km2 · a。显然,无定河流域黄土丘陵沟壑区的河流是侵蚀产沙的主要来源区,因而是水土保持工作的重点区域。  相似文献   
The Guará and Botucatu formations comprise an 80 to 120 m thick continental succession that crops out on the western portion of the Rio Grande do Sul State (Southernmost Brazil). The Guará Formation (Upper Jurassic) displays a well-defined facies shift along its outcrop belt. On its northern portion it is characterised by coarse-grained to conglomeratic sandstones with trough and planar cross-bedding, as well as low-angle lamination, which are interpreted to represent braided river deposits. Southwards these fluvial facies thin out and interfinger with fine- to medium-grained sandstones with large-scale cross-stratification and horizontal lamination, interpreted as eolian dune and eolian sand sheets deposits, respectively. The Botucatu Formation is characterised by large-scale cross-strata formed by successive climbing of eolian dunes, without interdune and/or fluvial accumulation (dry eolian system). The contact between the Guará and the Botucatu formations is delineated by a basin-wide deflation surface (supersurface). The abrupt change in the depositional conditions that took place across this supersurface suggests a major climate change, from semi-arid (Upper Jurassic) to hyper-arid (Lower Cretaceous) conditions. A rearrangement of the Paraná Basin depocenters is contemporaneous to this climate change, which seems to have changed from a more restrict accumulation area in the Guará Formation to a wider sedimentary context in the Botucatu Formation.  相似文献   
萨拉乌苏河流域萨拉乌苏组沙丘砂沉积特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
萨拉乌苏河流域米浪沟湾剖面萨拉乌苏组含7层古流动沙丘砂、4层古固定-半固定沙丘砂.对这些沙丘砂的沉积构造观察以及粒度、扫描电镜和常量化学元素分析结果表明:(1)这些沙丘砂具有与现代沙丘砂相似的风成沉积构造特征;(2)粒度及其参数——Mz、σ、Sk和Kg,以及主要化学组分SiO2、Al2O3和TOFE也与现代沙丘砂相近;(3)Mz-σ、SiO2-Al2O3+TOFE散点图和概率累积曲线显示这些沙丘砂与萨拉乌苏组中的河湖相、古土壤差别明显,而与现代沙丘砂一致;(4)石英砂颗粒具有良好的磨圆以及碟形坑、新月形坑、麻坑、上翻解理薄片、硅质沉淀和硅质裂纹等表面结构特征,反映其曾受持久的风力搬运作用.沉积构造、粒度、石英砂颗粒表面结构和化学元素等多个方面具备了与现代沙丘砂类似的风成特征,证明这些沙丘砂的成因是风成的.  相似文献   
辽西金(金岭寺)-羊(羊山)盆地北部陆相红层土城子组非常发育,沉积物具有明显的旋回性。根据岩石组合、组构、沉积相及环境变化等分析,本区土城子组自下而上大体可划分为1个Ⅱ级层序、2个Ⅲ级层 序、26个Ⅳ级层序。在区域构造控制下,金-羊盆地北部在土城子期经历了两次湖扩张-湖萎缩过程,分别对应下部的冲积扇-干化湖、中部的冲积扇-风成沙漠和顶部的干化湖沉积。  相似文献   
秦皇岛昌黎黄金海岸的沙丘沉积和发育机理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
昌黎黄金海岸长40km,分布1~1.5km宽的风成沙丘。主沙丘链高30~40m,顺岸线分布,与其斜交数列新月形横向沙丘链。沙丘以中细砂组成,分选极好,层理构造十分丰富。距今3~4ka以前,沙坝形成时就开始形成沙丘;1915年滦河新三角洲发育以来增加了风沙的输沙量,增高沙丘和扩宽了沙丘带。  相似文献   
Changes in vegetation cover within dune fields can play a major role in how dune fields evolve. To better understand the linkage between dune field evolution and interdune vegetation changes, we modified Werner's (Geology, 23, 1995: 1107–1110) dune field evolution model to account for the stabilizing effects of vegetation. Model results indicate that changes in the density of interdune vegetation strongly influence subsequent trends in the height and area of eolian dunes. We applied the model to interpreting the recent evolution of Jockey's Ridge, North Carolina, where repeat LiDAR surveys and historical aerial photographs and maps provide an unusually detailed record of recent dune field evolution. In the absence of interdune vegetation, the model predicts that dunes at Jockey's Ridge evolve towards taller, more closely‐spaced, barchanoid dunes, with smaller dunes generally migrating faster than larger dunes. Conversely, the establishment of interdune vegetation causes dunes to evolve towards shorter, more widely‐spaced, parabolic forms. These results provide a basis for understanding the increase in dune height at Jockey's Ridge during the early part of the twentieth century, when interdune vegetation was sparse, followed by the decrease in dune height and establishment of parabolic forms from 1953‐present when interdune vegetation density increased. These results provide a conceptual model that may be applicable at other sites with increasing interdune vegetation cover, and they illustrate the power of using numerical modeling to model decadal variations in eolian dune field evolution. We also describe model results designed to test the relative efficacy of alternative strategies for mitigating dune migration and deflation. Installing sand‐trapping fences and/or promoting vegetation growth on the stoss sides of dunes are found to be the most effective strategies for limiting dune advance, but these strategies must be weighed against the desire of many park visitors to maintain the natural state of the dunes. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
李希霍芬与黄土的风成学说   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
孙继敏 《第四纪研究》2005,25(4):438-442
第四纪古气候重建在最近半个世纪的时间里取得了前所未有的进展,这在很大程度上与对陆相黄土地层,特别是中国黄土-古土壤序列的研究,以及对深海沉积氧同位素的研究密不可分。现在我们已经可以在黄土-古土壤序列的基础上,建立起260万年来地球轨道尺度的古气候变化。一个不容否认的事实是,这些进展都是在黄土风成成因的基础上,结合土壤地层学、年代学、磁性地层学、古生物学等方面的进展逐渐发展起来的。只有解决了黄土的风成成因,才可能将堆积于各地的黄土,通过搬运粉尘的风力系统与区域、甚至全球的古气候变化联系起来。文章回忆了黄土的早期研究历史,回顾了黄土风成成因的奠基人李希霍芬教授在黄土成因方面的杰出贡献以及其后黄土成因的完善与发展。  相似文献   
毛乌素沙地北缘泊江海子剖面粒度特征及环境意义   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4  
隆浩  王乃昂  李育  王晨华 《中国沙漠》2007,27(2):187-193
通过毛乌素沙地现代风成沙的粒度与泊江海子剖面沉积物粒度特征对比分析,确定了剖面中4个层位(290—210 cm、190—160 cm 、153.5—123.5 cm、50—40 cm)基本属于风成砂沉积,并且这些风成砂中间夹杂着三次湖相沉积,结合14C年代测定,我们认为此区域在4 000—5 000 a BP存在以下沉积(气候)旋回:至(4 958±84)a BP,沉积风成砂,反映该时期风沙活动强烈,气候干燥,冬季风强盛;(4 958±84)a BP前后,沉积物为灰绿色湖相层,表明这一时期存在短暂的湖面扩展,沙漠退缩;(4 958±84)—(4 793±74)a BP,沉积风成砂,反映了湖泊的退缩和沙漠的扩展;(4 793±74)—(4 536±70)a BP,湖相沉积物,反映了流域降水量的增多;(4 536±70)—(4 085±67)a BP沉积风成砂后,(4 085±67)a BP前后又出现了短暂的湖相沉积,之后又是风成砂沙沉积。  相似文献   
河北平原南部曲周地区一河间洼地剖面中240cm,160cm和80cm深度处的AMS14C测年结果分别为10210±80aB.P.,8270±70aB.P.和6500±60aB.P.。由这3个测年数据和代用指标数据相结合推测的曲周地区全新世古环境状况及其变化与其他研究者在其他地区,尤为河北平原其他地区所获的结果是相同或相似的,并且在时间上是吻合的。由这3个数据推导的沉积物的埋深、厚度、堆积速率以及岩性等特征大都是这一剖面所处沉积环境和构造活动部位的反映,与前人有关河间洼地沉积的基本特征及其影响因素的阐述是相符的。充分认识河间洼地沉积物的特征,尤为其与河道沉积等的差别,对于更全面、深入地了解河流系统可能是有益的  相似文献   
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