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采用FY-3B/IRAS亮温资料进行广义变分同化研究。广义变分同化结合了经典变分同化和稳健M-估计两者的优点。区别于经典变分同化依赖于先前的质量控制并要求误差服从高斯分布,把M-估计法耦合到经典变分同化框架中,得到广义变分同化,其弱化了同化前的质量控制和误差服从高斯分布这两个条件。目标能量泛函包含M-估计以保证对离群值具有稳健性,从而能够得到较好的同化结果。对比变分同化前后的FNL资料湿度与GDAS湿度相关系数作为同化结果检验评价。具体操作过程在FNL作为背景场的基础上分别采用经典和M-估计不同的权重因子变分同化FY3B/IRAS资料,把得到的分析场与GDAS进行相关性比较,由于湿度具有较强的非高斯性,文中首先评估了安徽省13个站GPS/PWV和积分相关湿度廓线得到大气可降水量(即GDAS/PWV和FNL/PWV资料)的相关性,进一步基于信息熵自由度思想进行了近一个月IRAS 20个通道对分析场的影响贡献率诊断研究。  相似文献   
Whilst all ecosystems must obey the second law of thermodynamics, these physical bounds and controls on ecosystem evolution and development are largely ignored across the ecohydrological literature. To unravel the importance of these underlying restraints on ecosystem form and function, and their power to inform our scientific understanding, we have calculated the entropy budget of a range of peat ecosystems. We hypothesize that less disturbed peatlands are ‘near equilibrium’ with respect to the second law of thermodynamics and thus respond to change by minimizing entropy production. This ‘near equilibrium’ state is best achieved by limiting evaporative losses. Alternatively, peatlands ‘far-from-equilibrium’ respond to a change in energy inputs by maximizing entropy production which is best achieved by increasing evapotranspiration. To test these alternatives this study examined the energy balance time series from seven peatlands across a disturbance gradient. We estimate the entropy budgets for each and determine how a change in net radiation (ΔRn) was transferred to a change in latent heat flux (ΔλE). The study showed that: (i) The transfer of net radiation to latent heat differed significantly between peatlands. One group transferred up to 64% of the change in net radiation to a change in latent heat flux, while the second transferred as little as 27%. (ii) Sites that transferred the most energy to latent heat flux were those that produced the greatest entropy. The study shows that an ecosystem could be ‘near equilibrium’ rather than ‘far from equilibrium’.  相似文献   

The well-established physical and mathematical principle of maximum entropy (ME), is used to explain the distributional and autocorrelation properties of hydrological processes, including the scaling behaviour both in state and in time. In this context, maximum entropy is interpreted as maximum uncertainty. The conditions used for the maximization of entropy are as simple as possible, i.e. that hydrological processes are non-negative with specified coefficients of variation (CV) and lag one autocorrelation. In this first part of the study, the marginal distributional properties of hydrological variables and the state scaling behaviour are investigated. Application of the ME principle under these very simple conditions results in the truncated normal distribution for small values of CV and in a nonexponential type (Pareto) distribution for high values of CV. In addition, the normal and the exponential distributions appear as limiting cases of these two distributions. Testing of these theoretical results with numerous hydrological data sets on several scales validates the applicability of the ME principle, thus emphasizing the dominance of uncertainty in hydrological processes. Both theoretical and empirical results show that the state scaling is only an approximation for the high return periods, which is merely valid when processes have high variation on small time scales. In other cases the normal distributional behaviour, which does not have state scaling properties, is a more appropriate approximation. Interestingly however, as discussed in the second part of the study, the normal distribution combined with positive autocorrelation of a process, results in time scaling behaviour due to the ME principle.  相似文献   
山西地震带历史地震序列的统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彭美煊 《地震》1993,(5):40-46
在工程地震工作中需要知道某地震带或某地区未来100年内的地震活动水平,以便适当选择历史地震的统计时段,从而得到和地震活动水平相适应的不同潜在震源区的各级地震的年平均发生率。 本文利用极值理论、最大熵原理、马尔可夫模型的方法、莫尔纳方法和伯努里模型方法计算了山西地震带未来100年内中强震的年平均发生率、平均重现期大于等于某级地震的个数和发震概率,计算结果表明,山西地震带未来百年内将发生≥6.0级地震3次,发震概率为0.94左右;将发生≥6.5级地震1—2次,发震概率为0.84左右;有可能发生≥7.0级地震,发震概率为0.53左右;发生≥7.5级地震的可能性不大,发震概率为0.32左右;发生≥8.0级地震的可能性很小,发震概率为0.15左右。  相似文献   
论证“熵气象学”就是应用热力学第二定律的动力气象,是不足是统计出来的规律,所以它是气象学的发展。  相似文献   
近年来,利用最大熵功率谱法计算磁性体深度受到了地球物理界的重视。本文利用该方法求取东北地学断面磁性层顶、底界面深度,并结合航磁ΔTa异常图及相应滤波图,判定了该断面几条主干断裂的位置与展布,其结果有的与地质推断基本一致,有的则有较大差异。  相似文献   
地震时间序列的周期图分析方法和极大熵谱分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用华北地震区的地震资料(1000~1977),对地震时间序列进行了周期图分析和极大熵谱分析,提取了隐含在随机噪声中的隐含周期。结果表明,这两种方法所得结果很接近,地震应变能√Ei;释放的隐含周期利用周期图分析提取的主要周期是30年、245年和305年,极大熵谱分析方法提取的主要周期是30年、240年和300年。这三个主要周期存在“倍30”的关系,240年和300年周期是30年周期的整数倍。30年周期反映了各活跃幕中的幕式活动规律,300年周期同各活跃期高潮时段之间的时间差的平均值相符,华北自1000年以来的四个活跃期高潮时段之间的时间差平均值是300年。  相似文献   
江苏省近百年汛期旱涝变化的诊断分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
本文应用历史气候资料和现代降水记录,对近百年来汛期江苏省各区域各年代进行旱涝诊断分析,采用滑动平均方法探讨其变化趋势,并用最大搞谱方法提取显著周期。得出以下三个比较有意义的结论:(1)近百年来,汛期全省较易发生旱的灾害,20-30年代为旱灾濒发期;(2)淮北地区近年有向早年发展的趋势,江淮之间及苏南地区进入90年代以来向旱年发展的趋势则愈来愈明显;(3)全省具有2-3年、5-6年的旱涝周期。  相似文献   
A new equation to assess hillslope sediment production, based on physical and probabilistic approaches, is presented. The equation, which allows the computation of the delivery ratio for every event, considers the physical variables of travel distance, stream power, settling velocity and gross erosion. The probability density function that arises from the new formulation is solved using the principle of maximum entropy. Based on data from five watersheds in both tropical and temperate zones, the new delivery parameter Kv is calibrated and associated with vegetation cover and conservation practice. The proposed equation is rationally based in relation to parameter Kv. The entropy‐based equation was applied to assess sediment yield in two other experimental watersheds, showing good predictability for the set (mean absolute error of 20·8%). No systematic error was found in the analysed data. The entropy‐based equation showed good predictability for long‐term sets of data and for high‐erosivity events, but did not perform well for the low‐erosivity ones. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Recently, groundwater vulnerability assessment of coastal aquifers using the GALDIT framework has been widely used to investigate the process of groundwater contamination. This study proposes multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) entropy and Wilcoxon non-parametric statistical test methods to improve the vulnerability index of coastal aquifers. The rates and weights of this framework were modified using Wilcoxon non-parametric and entropy methods, respectively, and a combined framework of GALDIT-entropy, Wilcoxon-GALDIT, and Wilcoxon-entropy was obtained. Pearson correlation coefficients between the mentioned vulnerability indices and total-dissolved solids (TDS) of 0.51, 0.66 and 0.75, respectively, were obtained. According to the results, the Wilcoxon-entropy index had the highest correlation with TDS. Generally, it can be concluded that the proposed frameworks provide a more accurate estimation of vulnerability distribution in coastal aquifers.  相似文献   
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