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基础隔震单层偏心结构扭转地震反应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用微分型滞回恢复力模型模拟隔震支座的恢复力特性,对基础隔震单层偏心结构的扭转地震反应进行分析,研究隔震系统偏心距和上部结构偏心距对结构扭转反应的影响。结果表明,采用隔震技术可以显著降低隔震结构的扭转地震反应。  相似文献   
以6个1/2模型RCS梁柱节点拟静力试验为基础,研究不同轴压比下RCS组合件的滞回性能。试验结果表明:梁铰破坏时试件的滞回曲线饱满,耗能能力优于构造破坏;随着轴压比的增大,试件滞回环愈加丰满,初始刚度有所增加,承载力有所增大;随着加载位移的增加,刚度退化速率变慢,且梁铰破坏时随着轴压比增大,刚度退化速率变大。基于试验结果和现有恢复力模型理论,建立的三折线骨架曲线模型与实际试验骨架曲线具有较高的吻合度,能较好的反映轴压比对其滞回特性的影响,可为该RCS梁柱组合件的弹塑性分析及工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   
李骏  焉忠方  路前海 《探矿工程》2021,48(S1):339-342
钻机立柱是煤矿井下设备工作重要的承载部件,其性能直接影响整车工作的安全性和可靠性。通过建立立柱三维模型,对ZDY12000LD型定向钻机立柱的有限元分析,在最大起拔力下对立柱进行强度校核。将原立柱材料Q345钢改为Q550钢,显著提高了立柱的力学性能,立柱可承受的弯曲应力提高了43%,变形量减小4%,承载能力和安全可靠性显著提高,增强了钻机运行的稳定性、安全性和可靠性。  相似文献   
Impulsive force of debris flow on a curved dam   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Although Sabo dams are an efficient method for river and basin management, traditional Sabo dams have a great impact on ecology and landscape. Moreover, such dams are hit and often damaged by great impulsive force when they block the debris flow. Therefore, alternative shapes for Sabo dam deserve thorough investigation. In this investigation, a curved dam was designed by changing the upstream-dam-surface geometric shape to reduce the impulsive force of the debris flow, with enhanced stability and reduced concrete mass being the anticipated outcomes. In this study, the flume and laboratory facilities simulated the impulsive force of the debris flow to the Sabo dams. Three geometric forms, including vertical, slanted and curved Sabo dams, were used to determine the impulsive force. Impulsive force theories of the debris flow were derived from the momentum equation and the Bernoulli equation. In these, the impulsive force was balanced by the friction force of the Sabo dam and the opposite force of the load cell behind the dam as it was hit by the debris flow. Positive correlations were found when comparing the experimental data with the theoretical results. These findings suggest that our impulsive force theory has predictive validity with regard to the experimental data. The results from both theory and experimental data clearly show that curved darns were sustained less force than the other darns under the same debris flow. This comparison demonstrates the importance of curved geometry for a well-designed Sabo dam.  相似文献   


滑裂面的准确选取对挡土墙稳定性分析有重要影响。基于塑性极限分析理论,分别推导了直线和对数螺旋线滑移模式下挡土墙主动土压力的计算公式,通过算例对比分析研究了平面滑裂面和对数螺旋滑裂面主动土压力的特点。研究结果表明:直线滑裂面为对数螺旋滑裂面的一种特例,随着滑裂面曲率增大,主动土压力合力作用点逐渐上移,主动土压力合力略有增加,但对墙趾的弯矩显著增加,不利于挡土墙稳定性;挡土墙各参数对直线滑裂面主动土压力合力作用点有不同影响,随着填土内摩擦角、挡墙倾角、填土倾角的增大而上移,随着墙土间摩擦角、黏聚力与容重挡土墙高度的乘积之比的增大而下移,合力作用点位置大致在0.2~0.4倍墙高处,说明主动土压力的非线性分布。研究结果对准确选取滑裂面形状计算挡土墙主动土压力有实际工程应用价值。  相似文献   
刘海洋  付雨鑫  殷铭徽 《地理科学》2022,42(6):1005-1014
运用ArcGIS软件及空间分析等方法,研究了东北地区234座唐朝渤海国古城遗址分布特征,探讨了古城遗址空间格局与自然条件的关系。通过对234座古城址进行分析,发现唐朝渤海国古城址主要集中在4个集聚区,即图们江?鸭绿江流域集聚区(A)、牡丹江流域集聚区(B)、松花江?辽河流域集聚区(C)、穆棱河流域集聚区(D)。其中图们江?鸭绿江流域集聚区是最主要的遗址分布区,位于研究区的南部,占遗址总量的47.43%。研究区渤海国古代城址呈北疏南密的分布特征,形成明显的“空间组群”格局。在当时的气候环境之下,水热条件等自然因素成为影响城址的主要因素,而政治、经济、军事和交通区位等人文因素则对古城遗址的数量和分布起重要导向作用。  相似文献   
泥石流中的巨石冲击是造成拦挡结构破坏的最直接因素,因此设置钢构格栅坝拦截大石块,对减小泥石流冲击破坏有十分重要的作用。本文就钢构格栅坝结构模型,利用国际通用计算动力荷载的非线性有限元软件ANSYS/LSDYNA进行数值模拟。用钢球模拟巨石,分别在格栅坝中间榀顶层梁柱节点和中间榀顶层柱中部施加冲击荷载,分析在冲击荷载作用下结构的动力响应。结果表明:作用在结构上的冲击力大小与被冲击构件刚度大小密切相关,被冲击构件刚度越大,结构受到的冲击力越大,反之,冲击力越小;钢构格栅坝在冲击作用下,冲击作用部位、结构支座部位及梁柱节点部位响应较大,设计时应予以加强;且钢构格栅坝不同位置遭受冲击作用时结构响应完全不同,与冲击力作用在梁柱节点时相比较,冲击力作用在构件中部时结构整体响应明显较小。该结果为泥石流拦挡工程中钢构格栅坝的设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

马家窑文化是甘青地区仰韶文化晚期阶段一个重要的文化遗存类型,其以精美的彩陶闻名于世,对于马家窑文化彩陶的交流传播研究受到了学术界的广泛关注。本文运用X-荧光光谱分析法对甘青地区5个典型马家窑文化早期阶段遗址出土的92件彩陶陶片样品和各遗址附近采集的42份红粘土及黄土样品进行化学元素组成分析,追溯彩陶的产源地及贸易。同时基于陶器的起源传播理论,收集整理马家窑文化区遗址出土的粟(Setaria italica)、黍(Panicum miliaceum)农作物以及动物骨骼遗存鉴定资料,探讨马家窑彩陶贸易的动力。Ti/Al-Na/K和主成分分析结果显示宗日文化区宗日遗址的马家窑文化彩陶元素组成特征和马家窑文化主体区域的彩陶一致,表明宗日遗址马家窑类型彩陶是从马家窑文化主体区域贸易而来;马家窑文化彩陶的传播和该地区粟黍农作物的交流传播具有时空一致性,粟黍农业人群沿黄河上游谷地向共和盆地的扩散带来了新的文化元素;宗日文化区和马家窑文化核心区生业模式的差异带来了跨区域间文化交流的动力,这也可能是马家窑文化彩陶贸易的动力。

There is a pressing need to determine the relationships between driving variables and landscape transformations. Human activities shape landscapes and turn them into complex assemblages of highly diverse structures. Other factors, including climate and topography, also play significant roles in landscape transitions, and identifying the interactions among the variables is critical to environmental management. This study analyzed the configurations and spatial-temporal processes of landscape changes from 1998 to 2011 under different anthropogenic disturbances, identified the main variables that determine the landscape patterns and transitions, and quantified the relationships between pairs of driver sets. Landsat images of Baicheng and Tekes from 1998, 2006 and 2011 were used to classify landscapes by supervised classification. Redundancy analysis (RDA) and variation partitioning were performed to identify the main driving forces and to quantify the unique, shared, and total explained variation of the sets of variables. The results indicate that the proportions of otherwise identical landscapes in Baicheng and Tekes were very different. The area of the grassland in Tekes was much larger than that of the cropland; however, the differences between the grassland and cropland in Baicheng were not as pronounced. Much of the grassland in Tekes was located in an area that was near residents, whereas most of the grassland in Baicheng was far from residents. The slope, elevation, annual precipitation, annual temperature, and distance to the nearest resident were strong driving forces influencing the patterns and transitions of the landscapes. The results of the variation partitioning indicated complex interrelationships among all of the pairs of driver sets. All of the variable sets had significant explanatory roles, most of which had both unique and shared variations with the others. The results of this study can assist policy makers and planners in implementing sustainable landscape management and effective protection strategies.  相似文献   
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