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三峡库区劳动就业态势与对策   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
陈国阶  李鼎甲 《地理学报》1996,51(2):97-103
本文首先详细分析了三峡库区的人口特点和库区劳动力资源及就业现状。在此基础上,本文探讨了库区劳动力就业与转移的对策,提出应发展乡镇企业,提高城市化水平,发展第三产业与市场农业,另外还应提高劳动者素质,组织劳务输出和建立库区劳动市场。  相似文献   
Restructuring the Polish countryside is a complex and urgent task. Adapting agriculture for EU entry will mean a considerable reduction in employment and rural diversification is needed because other sectors of the national economy will not be able to absorb all the displaced people if they arrive in the towns. However, providing non-agricultural employment in rural areas depends to a large extent on the technical infrastructure available: running water, sewerage systems, gas supply and telecommunications. The paper deals with voivodeships in southern and southwestern Poland (formerly Galicia) and shows that while much progress has been made since the end of the communist period, the inherited inequalities are being perpetuated and in some cases increased. However, even where the infrastructure is satisfactory, private business does not develop at a uniform rate and action is needed to stimulate communities in remoter rural areas, particularly in the eastern part of the study region. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
节能和就业导向下中国中部地区产业结构优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产业结构优化是人文—经济地理学重要的研究对象,也是政府部门加强宏观调控的作用对象,更是近年来中国步入“新常态”面临的现实问题。研究采用多区域投入产出模型,结合线性规划,构建了节能和就业导向下产业结构整体最优的模型和优化度模型。结果表明:① 节能导向下,安徽的产业结构优化度最高(0.763),山西的产业结构优化度最低(0.662);就业导向下,江西的产业结构优化度最高(0.768),山西的产业结构优化度最低(0.659)。② 节能导向下,产业结构优化度与单位产值能耗、重工业比重负相关;就业导向下,产业结构优化度与国有经济比重、大型企业比重负相关。③ 如果考虑节能和就业不同的目标导向,中国中部6省之间产业结构优化的方向存在明显的差异。④ 整体看,中国中部地区应保持不变或适度提高资源型产业比重,较大提高交通运输设备制造业、通信设备、计算机及其他电子设备制造业等现代制造业的比重,适度降低金属冶炼及压延加工业、非金属矿物制品业等比重。在服务业方面,较大提高燃气及水的生产和供应业、旅游业等比重,适度降低或较大降低批发零售业和餐饮业的比重,保持不变或适度降低交通运输及仓储业的比重。  相似文献   
Achieving the international 2 °C limit climate policy requires stringent reductions in GHG emissions by mid-century, with some countries simultaneously facing development-related challenges. South Africa is a middle-income developing country with high rates of unemployment and high levels of poverty, as well as an emissions-intensive economy. South Africa takes into account an assessment of what a fair contribution to reducing global emissions might be, and is committed to a ‘peak, plateau and decline' emissions trajectory with absolute emissions specified for 2025 and 2030, while noting the need to address development imperatives. This work utilizes an economy-wide computable general equilibrium model (e-SAGE) linked to an energy-system optimization model (TIMES) to explore improving development metrics within a 14 GtCO2e cumulative energy sector carbon constraint through to 2050 for South Africa. The electricity sector decarbonizes by retiring coal-fired power plants or replacing with concentrated solar power, solar photovoltaics and wind generation. Industry and tertiary-sector growth remains strong throughout the time period, with reduced energy intensity via fuel-switching and efficiency improvements. From 2010 to 2050, the model results in the unemployment rate decreasing from 25% to 12%, and the percentage of people living below the poverty line decreasing from 49% to 18%. Total energy GHG emissions were reduced by 39% and per capita emissions decreased by 62%.

Policy relevance

Lower poverty and inequality are goals that cannot be subordinated to lower GHG emissions. Policy documents in South Africa outline objectives such as reducing poverty and inequality with a key focus on education and employment. In its climate policy and Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), South Africa is committed to a peak, plateau and decline GHG emissions trajectory. As in many developing countries, these policy goals require major transformations in the energy system while simultaneously increasing affordable access to safe and convenient energy services for those living in energy poverty. The modelled scenario in this work focuses on employment and poverty reduction under a carbon constraint, a novel combination with results that can provide information for a holistic climate and development policy framework. This study has focused on the long term, which is important in generating clear policy signals for the necessary large-scale investments.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. For much of the twentieth century, women in the United States found it difficult to obtain university positions in geography. Opportunities existed in other types of institutions, however, including the American Geographical Society (ags ). This article addresses ways in which the Society's mission intersected with its historical context from 1895 to 1970 to create niches for women in editorial and library work. It explores the women's origins, their perspectives and experiences with the ags , and the significance of their contributions to the discipline. It suggests the potential of a gendered social approach for enriching understanding of the histories of geographical institutions.  相似文献   
北京住宅郊区化与就业空间错位   总被引:38,自引:3,他引:35  
北京从20 世纪80 年代末开始出现郊区化,其住宅郊区化特点尤为突出。北京市住宅郊区化的驱动力与西方城市的郊区化相比既有相似之处又有明显差异,相似之处是:都是城市化水平不断提高与社会进步的必然结果,以及土地有偿使用制度的实施和城市规划的引导; 不同之处在于北京的住宅郊区化是一种被动的郊区化,居民本身并不想离开市区,但是旧城改造与市区内高昂的房价迫使居民不得不到郊区购房。随着住宅郊区化的大规模发展,北京也出现了居住与就业的空间错位问题,这种空间错位虽然与美国郊区化过程中空间错位有许多不同之处,但在本质上是一致的,都是出现居住与就业的空间分离,造成低收入阶层通勤的时间成本与经济成本增加,导致交通拥挤、社会隔离等社会问题。  相似文献   
基于社会属性的北京市居民居住与就业空间集聚特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
湛东升  孟斌 《地理学报》2013,68(12):1607-1618
制度转型期,中国城市居民社会空间发生了新的变化,居民居住和就业空间组织也变得更为复杂,并引起了广泛关注。基于2010 年问卷调查数据,采用缓冲区、最近邻层次聚类和Ripley K函数等空间分析方法对北京城市不同社会属性居民的居住和就业空间分布特征进行实证分析。研究发现:① 总体上,北京城市居民居住和就业空间圈层分异明显。在各圈层内部,不同人群的居住和就业空间分布比例亦存在相对差异;职住空间错位程度表明距市中心15 km左右是城市就业功能和居住功能主导地位转化的分界线;职住平衡度整体上呈现出由内圈层到外圈层递减的趋势,但高收入阶层和年轻白领的职住平衡度相对较低。② 不同人群居住与就业空间集聚特征存在明显差异。一般平民居住和就业均呈散点状集聚;年轻打工族居住和就业集聚区域紧邻,主要集聚在四环以内的城市东部区域;高收入阶层居住呈现“小集中、大分散”集聚特征,就业集聚区多集中在四环以内的城市东部和西北部区域;年轻白领居住集聚区呈现城市西部条带状和东部散点状相结合特征,就业集聚区主要在中关村和CBD为中心的两条轴状区域。③ 不同人群居住和就业空间集聚的尺度特征较为相似,呈现随距离增加“先增后减”变化趋势,但距离阈值存在差异。表现为高收入群体居住空间可选范围较小,一般平民就业空间可选范围较小,而年轻白领居住和就业空间可选范围均较大。  相似文献   
产业结构与就业结构关联研究——以芜湖市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以芜湖市作为案例地,从产业结构与就业结构的关系入手,探求两者的互动发展,努力寻求促使有效就业的产业发展方向,为解决迅速工业化地区社会发展问题作出有益探索。  相似文献   
中国城市非正规就业的发展特征与城市化效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在城市化过程中,大部分农村剩余劳动力并未进入城市正规部门,而进入非正规部门,但关于非正规就业对城市化的作用却不清楚.基于国际劳工组织提出的中国城市非正规就业估算方案,采用协整和误差修正模型测度与解释非正规就业对城市化的作用.自1990年以来,非正规就业已发展成为中国城市就业的主要方式和就业增长的主要来源,其空间分布总体上呈现自东部,中部到西部依次减少的特征,其在城市就业的比重与城市化水平的关系符合倒U形的规律.模型显示:尽管短期内非正规就业,正规就业和城市化之间存在波动关系,但长期看非正规就业对城市化具有显著的推动作用,非正规就业每增长1%,推动城市化水平提高0.1%.这种作用主要体现在非正规就业推动农村人口向城市地区的转移过程与劳动力在正规就业与非正规就业之间的流动过程.结论强调,中国城市化面临的挑战不仅是失业问题,而更多是如何应对处于社会保障系统以外的非正规就业问题.  相似文献   
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