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地震应急救援演练是检验应对地震突发事件处置能力的有效途径。如何解决地震应急救援演练中容易出现的"演为看"和"练与用脱节"等现象,厦门市地震局大胆探索、勇于实践,积累了一套科学有效的地震应急救援办法。本文结合实例,从理论与实践相结合的高度,紧紧围绕组织地震应急救援演练要做到"四真",即设置情况真、应急响应真、演练内容真、组织保障真;以及在应对地震突发事件要拧紧"四股劲",即敢于同传统观念"较劲"、敢于同自己短处"较劲"、敢于同难点难题"较劲"、敢于同突破创新"较劲"等8个方面,对如何做好新形势下的地震应急救援工作做了很好的诠释,具有较强的针对性、操作性和有效性,能够帮助人们提高对地震应急救援工作重要性的认识,促进地震应急救援工作的扎实深入开展。  相似文献   
尼泊尔地震灾害及应急救援   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了2015年4月25日尼泊尔发生的MS8.1地震灾害、受灾国政府应急响应、国际应急响应以及我国西藏受灾区应急救援的情况。总结了尼泊尔地震灾害和应急救援的经验与教训。  相似文献   
2010年4月14日青海玉树地震破裂过程快速反演   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
张勇  许力生  陈运泰 《地震学报》2010,32(3):361-365
基于远震资料的破裂过程反演方法,通过反演2010年4月14日玉树地震的全球宽频带地震垂直向P波波形记录,先后4次反演得到了玉树地震的破裂过程,并比较和讨论了这4次结果.结果表明,玉树地震的破裂过程具有如下基本特征:①地震主要由两次子事件组成,分别对应于震中附近以及震中东南方向上的两块滑动量集中的破裂区域,其中与第2次子事件对应的震中东南方向上滑动集中的区域破裂贯穿至地表;②最大滑动量和最大滑动速率分别为2.1m和1.1m/s,断层滑动速率较大;③玉树地震总体上是一次单侧破裂事件,破裂从初始破裂点(即仪器测定的震源位置)开始,主要向震中东南方向扩展,由"地震多普勒效应"导致在震中东南方向上产生强烈能量聚焦,是玉树城区遭受严重破坏在震源方面的主要原因.  相似文献   
运用地震破裂过程快速反演方法,在2009年9月29日萨摩亚群岛地区地震发生后,采用全球地震台网(GSN)的宽频带地震资料,快速反演了这次地震的破裂过程,并于震后3.5小时内得出了这次地震破裂过程的反演结果.结果表明,这次萨摩亚群岛地区地震的破裂过程具有如下基本特征:①矩震级约为MW8.0;②地震主要破裂持续时间约为138s;③滑动量在断层面上的分布比较复杂,整个地震破裂包含至少2个滑动量较大的区域;④这次地震基本上是一次单侧破裂事件,破裂主要朝向西北方向.  相似文献   
介绍了2009年12月19日台湾花莲海域发生6.7级地震基本情况及厦门市地震局应急处理过程。并讨论了如何完善应急对策。对厦门市今后的地震应急工作有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
基于应急基础数据库的城市防震减灾能力评价指标研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市防震减灾能力是一个涉及因素众多的复杂体系,对它的评估也是涉及到地震科学、社会科学和经济科学的交叉学科问题。对城市承受地震灾害能力进行科学合理的评估并有针对性的加强其薄弱环节是减轻城市地震灾害的有效方法之一。在已有的防震减灾能力评价体系研究的基础上,利用现有的地震应急基础数据库数据项,提出一个简化的城市防震减灾能力指标体系,快速评估城市的防震减灾能力。  相似文献   
Four results of the rupture process of 14 April 2010 Yushu, Qinghai, earthquake, obtained by inverting the broadband seismic data of Global Seismographic Network (GSN) based on the inversion method of earthquake rupture process, were compared and discussed. It is found that the Yushu earthquake has several basic characteristics as follows: ① There exist two principal sub-events which correspond to two slip-concentrated patches being located near the hypocenter and to the southeast of the epicenter. The rupture of the slip-concentrated patch to the southeast of the epicenter broke though the ground surface; ② The peak slip and peak slip-rate are about 2.1 m and 1.1 m/s, respectively, indicating that the Yushu earthquake is an event with large slip-rate on the fault plane; ③ Overall the Yushu earthquake is a unilateral rupture event with the rupture mainly propagating southeastward. The strong focusing of the seismic energy in the southeast of the epicenter due to the "seismic Doppler effect" reasonably accounts for the tremendous damage in the Yushu city.  相似文献   
After an earthquake, earthquake emergency response and rescue is one of the effective ways to reduce casualties from the earthquake. Earthquake emergency disaster information is one of crucial factors to effectively guide the rescue work. However, there is a "black box effect" on the emergency disaster information acquisition after an earthquake, which means real-time earthquake disaster information is insufficient. Hazard estimates are usually used as a substitute for the real-time disaster information in the "black box" period. However, it is subject to the accuracy and speed of the estimation. The development of the km grid technology provides good prospect to solve this problem. The paper suggests to develop earthquake disaster information pre-estimation data with the support of the km grid technology. The definition and source of the pre-estimation data are introduced and its possibility in improving the estimation speed and accuracy are analyzed theoretically. Then, we elaborate the calculation model of the pre-estimation data. The framework of the model includes disaster-bearing body data, disaster-causing factors used in calculation and calculation formula. The disaster-bearing body data in km grid format are introduced, including population data in km grid format and building data in km grid format. Then the four elements of the earthquake(earthquake occurrence time, earthquake location, earthquake magnitude and focal depth)are selected as disaster-causing factors for calculation. Map algebra method is used to realize the calculation model in which calculation parameters are associated with base map in the km grid format. So the pre-estimation data are developed by python and ArcGIS, which includes building damage dataset(100 layers), death toll dataset(10 layers)and direct economic loss dataset(5 layers). Finally, the pre-estimation data based method for earthquake emergency disaster information estimation is presented. With the support of this method, two real earthquake cases are used to validate the effect of the pre-estimation data. The validation results show the pre-estimation data can not only significantly improve the speed of the estimation but also greatly improve the accuracy of the estimation. Another good result is found in the validation process that with the support of the pre-estimation data, the estimated result can display the spatial distribution of the disaster information, which will effectively aid earthquake emergency response and rescues.  相似文献   
从新疆地区地震活动性、灾害背景及区域协同联动应急模式出发,在遵循科学性、系统优化和可操作性及区域特性等原则的基础上,采用层次分析法建立了县级行政单元的地震应急能力评价指标体系;继而建立了基于基础设施条件、基础人力物力财力、(县级)专项能力和专项经验及基础环境背景4个一类指标集的县(市)绝对地震应急能力综合评价模型,并根据新疆地区4类人员问卷调查资料,计算和分析了样本支持条件下各指标的权重及结果,将其应用在新疆地区县(市)地震应急能力等级划分中。结果表明,地震应急能力的空间分布格局的产生与区域经济发展水平和地理位置等方面所具备的优势是相适应的,安居富民工程对提升区域地震应急能力发挥了重要作用,少数民族聚集区应急能力有待加强,寒旱、高海拔地区等特殊地理因素影响不可忽视。  相似文献   
基于GIS的福州应急避难所空间格局评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日益凸显的突发性自然灾害对城市应急管理提出了更高的要求,应急避难所是其重要基础设施之一.本研究利用福州市社区尺度的人口统计数据建立高精度的人口密度分布图,根据应急避难所的容纳人数与人口密度图动态缓冲区分析计算其服务能力空间范围,对研究区内21个避难所的空间格局进行评价.结果表明,福州城区避难所建设数量不足,空间分布不均,人口服务辐射能力弱.针对福州城区避难所空间分布现状,分析了主要的影响因素,对福州城区应急避难场所选址提出了进一步优化建议,认为在人口分散区的避难所应该增加数量,适当减小规模;而在人口稠密区则可增加规模适中的避难所建设.  相似文献   
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