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?????????????????????????1985??2006?????????????????????α??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????6???????????????????????????????????????????????????????л??????????????5??????????????????  相似文献   
辽宁沿海经济带工业环境效率分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
环境效率是生态效率的重要组成部分。基于环境效率对于指导区域经济与环境协调发展的重要意义,以重工业基地辽宁沿海经济带为例作环境效率研究,应用数据包络分析(DEA)和随机前沿分析(SFA)测算辽宁沿海经济带2001~2009年工业环境效率和产出弹性。在此基础上利用Tobit模型构建多元线性回归,分析工业环境效率的关键影响因素。结果表明:2001~2009年辽宁沿海经济带工业环境效率有大幅提高,但与理想状况仍有一定差距。其中大连的工业经济增长主要依靠劳动力推动,对环境成本的依赖正在减小,丹东、营口和葫芦岛3市的工业增长需要牺牲更多的环境成本。重工业化、资本密集化和高新技术化不利于工业环境效率提高,经济发展水平的提高则极大地促进了工业环境效率的提高。所有制结构、生产规模、外商投资和环境管理力度等因素因其作用的两面性,对工业环境效率无有效影响。  相似文献   
李霞  胡秀清  崔彩霞  李娟 《中国沙漠》2005,25(4):488-495
依据气溶胶光学厚度测量原理,利用布设于塔里木盆地腹地塔中和盆地西南边缘和田气象站的2部CE318自动跟踪太阳光度计于2002年6月至2003年11月期间的探测结果,结合地面气象实测资料,分析了南疆盆地大气气溶胶的光学特性。同时结合我国已有的沙尘气溶胶光学特性的研究成果,初步提出了依据气溶胶光学厚度判断沙尘天气强度的标准。结果表明:塔中、和田气溶胶光学厚度随波长的增大多呈现减小趋势,塔中个别季节有些例外;2站气溶胶光学厚度的日变化基本保持对称的抛物线形,在春、夏季尤为明显;Angstrom浑浊度系数β的拟合曲线显示β随能见度增大而减小,波长指数α随能见度的变化趋势说明弱沙尘天气下,大气中主要弥漫着小粒径的气溶胶颗粒,而强沙尘天气则以大粒径为主;沙尘气溶胶光学厚度随晴空、浮尘、扬沙、沙尘暴依次增加;沙尘天气发生时,气溶胶光学厚度的临界值基本为晴空值的两倍,沙漠地区气溶胶光学厚度≥1.1206,北京≥0.3174。而发生沙尘暴的阈值则有很大不同,沙漠区气溶胶光学厚度至少 > 3.0,北京由于大气污染等因素,其判断沙尘暴发生的阈值为1.9982。另外笔者认为AOD与水平能见度之比值能够较全面地考虑水平和垂直两个方向的要素变化,衡量沙尘天气强度更具有合理意义,值得更深一步的探讨。  相似文献   
CIMISS中气象观测资料处理入库效率优化方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
气象资料种类多、海量、格式多样复杂,造成综合气象信息共享系统(CIMISS)巨大的处理压力。以高空L波段数据作为个例,进行详细的分析,在数据库表设计上,通过"键-要素"的拆分方式减少数据库冗余,建立合理的索引和分区提高数据表访问效率。在处理流程方面,通过简约化流程减少系统间消息交互和IO,从而优化系统的存储效率。同时简约流程中对比PRO*C和OCI两种入库方式,PRO*C简单高效便于开发,而OCI功能全面但相对复杂,通过比较两种入库方式的效率,系统采用PRO*C方式。高空L波段数据实际运行效果表明,平均28s完成一份数据的处理。对比高空探测数据的处理,简约流程比原流程入库更快。  相似文献   
对未来1年内发生强震的预测在做好备灾应急准备和防震减灾工作上具有重要的现实需求.为反映近年来国际上关于1年尺度地震预测模型研究的进展,本文系统地整理了地震的统计概率预测模型、物理预测模型和混合预测模型,并从方法原理、预测效能评价、部署应用等角度进行了梳理.研究表明,目前国际上发展的1年尺度地震预测模型及其效能评价使用的参考模型的总体数量较少、建模原理主要基于G-R关系等统计学基本定律,显示该领域在基础理论架构、关键技术体系上并未足够成熟,这可能与相应的地震发生机理解释尚不完善、建立数理化的预测模型尚有困难等因素有关.  相似文献   
Microsatellite markers have become one kind of the most important molecular tools used in various researches. A large number of microsatellite markers are required for the whole genome survey in the fields of molecular ecology, quantitative genetics and genomics. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to select several versatile, low-cost, efficient and time- and labor-saving methods to develop a large panel of microsatellite markers. In this study, we used Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri) as the target species to compare the efficiency of the five methods derived from three strategies for microsatellite marker development. The results showed that the strategy of constructing small insert genomic DNA library resulted in poor efficiency, while the microsatellite-enriched strategy highly improved the isolation efficiency. Although the mining public database strategy is time- and cost-saving, it is difficult to obtain a large number of microsatellite markers, mainly due to the limited sequence data of non-model species deposited in public databases. Based on the results in this study, we recommend two methods, microsatellite-enriched library construction method and FIASCO-colony hybridization method, for large-scale microsatellite marker development. Both methods were derived from the mi-crosatellite-enriched strategy. The experimental results obtained from Zhikong scallop also provide the reference for microsatellite marker development in other species with large genomes.  相似文献   
F既是重要的岩浆挥发分, 又是重要的助熔剂和矿化剂, 同时也是克拉克值较大的元素之一, 并且在(铝)硅酸盐熔体中高度可溶.本文从F的常见工业矿物和主要赋存形式、分配行为的多样性、对其它元素分配行为的影响、矿化作用(即亲氟元素在热液体系中的氟化物络合形式、存在环境和沉淀机制等)、萤石和冰晶石的溶解及沉淀机制以及富F岩浆—热液体系的成矿专属性及特征6个方面探讨了F的地球化学成矿作用.结论认为: F必须有能力大量进入与花岗质或伟晶岩质熔体共存的含水流体相中才具有进一步的成矿学意义, 云英岩化、钠长石化、含黄玉—萤石石英脉、具有较高F/CaO比值的残余熔体以及F在高度演化花岗质岩浆中的过饱和等因素均可能导致含矿富F热液的出溶; 但总体上, 富F岩浆—热液体系具有成矿专属性的原因之一仍在于: F首先通过对熔体物理化学性质的影响间接支配着高场强亲氟元素如W、Sn、Nb、Ta、REE、U等的热液成矿效应.  相似文献   
矿床原生地球化学晕分带性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿床原生地球化学晕的分带性,可以反映出成矿成晕元素在成矿地球化学过程中于空间上的积聚规律,对找矿勘探、深部预测和矿床剥蚀程度的判断具有重要意义.在此以岔河锡矿为例进行分析,主要介绍和推荐关于岩浆气液矿床原生晕指示元素分带方向及分带序列的计算方法,用于勘查地球化学、矿产地质和潜在资源量预测工作中.  相似文献   
一种新型鲸鱼式潮流能发电装置的设计与试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王世明  李泽宇  申玉  陈炳 《海洋工程》2019,37(3):128-135
为了进一步提高潮流能的利用率,提出了一种新型鲸鱼式潮流能发电装置。借鉴风机叶片设计方法及水平轴水轮机的设计原理,利用结构力学、流体力学和CFD相关方法,对该装置的螺旋桨叶、导流筒和固定桩等部件进行了设计研究,从获能效果、装置可靠性和发电功率等方面进行了优化设计,并通过900 W样机试验验证了设计的有效性。试验结果显示,海流高潮期装置最大发电功率可达到980 W,一天内大约有4个缓潮期,此间发电功率明显下降,但持续时间不长,总体平均发电功率在800 W上下;同时潮流能轮机启动流速在0.41 m/s左右,有着良好的低速启动性能。  相似文献   
Using a sample of 14 prefecture-level cities in Liaoning Province, this study first explored the spatial hierarchy and structural characteristics of energy efficiency from the following three viewpoints: energy technical efficiency based on data envelopment analysis, energy consumption per unit of GDP, and energy utilization efficiency combining the previous two indexes. After measuring and analyzing the advancement, rationality, and concentration of the industrial structure in each city, we made some generalizations about the coupling features of the energy efficiency and industrial structure in Liaoning, using the coupling degree rating model. Some of our conclusions are as follows: (1) The 14 cities differ significantly in their energy efficiency, with Shenyang, Dalian, Anshan, and Jinzhou enjoying the highest energy efficiency. Northwestern Liaoning and other heavy-industrial cities such as Fushun and Benxi belong to low-efficiency and high-consumption areas. (2) In areas with higher efficiency, the spatial patterns of the energy technical efficiency, energy consumption per unit of GDP, and energy utilization efficiency are, respectively, "π"-,"Ⅱ"- and "H"- shaped. Geographically, the energy utilization efficiency shows different trends from east to west and from north to south. Factors such as the binuclear structure of economic development have a major effect on this spatial pattern of energy efficiency. (3) Southeastern Liaoning enjoys a highly advanced industrial structure. Areas with a highly rational industrial structure form an “H” shape, with Shenyang and Dalian at the two poles. The urban agglomerations in middle and southern Liaoning have a highly concentrated industrial structure. (4) Overall, the coupling between energy efficiency and industrial structure is low in Liaoning, except for Shenyang and Dalian at both ends, where the coupling between an advanced industrial structure and energy efficiency is higher than in other cities.  相似文献   
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