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The North China Plain, which is critical for food production in China, is encountering serious water shortage due to heavy agricultural water requirement. The accurate modelling of carbon dioxide flux and evapotranspiration (ET) in croplands is thus essential for yield prediction and water resources management. The land surface model is powerful in simulating energy and carbon dioxide fluxes between land and atmosphere. Some key processes in the Simple Biosphere Model (Version 2, SiB2) were parameterized based on the observations. The simulated fluxes were tested against the eddy covariance flux measurements over two typical winter wheat/maize double cropping fields. A simple diagnostic parameterisation of soil respiration, not included in SiB2, was added and calibrated using the observations to model the carbon budget. The Ball‐Berry stomatal conductance model was calibrated using observed leaf gas exchange rate, showing that the original SiB2 could significantly underpredict the ET in the wheat field. SiB2 significantly underpredicted soil resistance at the Weishan site, leading to overpredict the ET. Overall, there was a close agreement between the simulated and observed latent heat fluxes and net CO2 exchange using the re‐parameterized SiB2. These findings are important when the model is used for the regional simulation in the North China Plain. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The classic Sverdrup theory suggests that the water movement in the central subtropical gyre of North Pa-cific be slowly westward or southwestward.In the late sixties of the20th century,the existence of a peculiar eastward narrow flow between20°N and25°N in spring was theoretically predicted.It was named the Subtropical Countercurrent(STCC),although direct observational evidences were not yet sufficient to con-firm whether or not such eastward flow between20°N and25°N was a persistent…  相似文献   
本文通过涡度方法、时频分析等方法,研究了岷县漳县6.6级地震前,震中区域(102.50°E~105.50°E,33.50°N~37.50°N)红外遥感OLR时空分布特征,结果显示:(1)岷县漳县6.6级地震前震中区域涡度场存在显著增强的异常现象;(2)震中区格点OLR涡度值时序曲线一般情况下随机波动,但在震前存在明显异常变化,其时频结果也显示在地震前存在能量密度增强现象,异常期间谱结构不断变化。  相似文献   
针对精确航天器姿态问题,采用修正罗德里格参数(MRPs)表示姿态,用动力学方程进行角速率的传播,分别基于等价协方差和观测残差统计特性的协方差调整方法,实现UKF算法的抗差效果,并通过仿真验证该方法的有效性。仿真结果表明:在含有粗差的情况下,两种抗差UKF算法均能得到稳定的状态估计值,而第二种方法计算效率更高。  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of disjunctive kriging applied to a supergene iron ore deposit of Bailadila Range of India. Disjunctive kriging is applied firstly to compare estimates of the blocks by ordinary kriging and secondly to estimate benchwise local recoverable reserves of the orebody. Good agreement exists between block estimates by ordinary kriging and disjunctive kriging except for peripheral blocks with less borehole information. Estimation of benchwise reserves shows that the behavior of the distribution of grades is different in various benches. The study shows that disjunctive kriging can be applied successfully for estimation of local recoverable reserves in the case of a good grade hematite iron ore deposit.  相似文献   
The conventional parameter identification process generally assumes that parameters remain constant. However, under extreme loading conditions, structures may exhibit nonlinear behavior, and parameters could demonstrate time-variant characteristics. The unscented Kalman filter (UKF), as an efficient online recursive estimator, is widely used for identifying parameters of nonlinear systems. Nevertheless, it exhibits limitations when attempting to identify time-variant parameters. To address this issue, this paper proposes a covariance matching technique that produces an array of adaptive UKF algorithms. Firstly, the sensitivity parameter η is defined to identify the instant when the parameter change occurs, and its threshold is calculated based on the sensitivity parameter time history curve. Secondly, an adaptive forgetting factor is introduced to simultaneously update the innovation, cross, and state covariance matrices when the kth-step sensitive parameter surpasses the threshold. Finally, a secondary correction forgetting factor (SCFF) is employed to further re-update the state covariance values at the identified damage locations. This creative step enhances the adaptive capability and optimizes the identification accuracy of the proposed algorithms. Both the numerical simulations and shaking table test demonstrate that the proposed adaptive algorithms can efficiently identify the time-variant stiffness-type parameters, and accurately capture their time-variant characteristics.  相似文献   
三维斜压模式对冬季南海环流的数值计算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
用一个三维、自由表面、原始方程模式对南海环流进行了计算.计算结果表明:黑潮在巴士海峡以西呈一反气旋弯曲流动路径,有一相对高温高盐的水舌从巴士海峡伸入南海,表明有部分黑潮水侵入南海.冬季南海的一些观测事实在模式结果里得到了很好的反映,像冬季逆风向东北方向流动的“南海暖流”和一些中尺度涡旋.同时还分析了巴士海峡沿120.75°E断面的流速和盐度的垂直结构,并同观测结果进行了比较.根据模式结果,我们还进一步讨论了“南海暖流”的形成和驱动机制.  相似文献   
湍流数值模拟中封闭模式应用的局限性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对琼州海峡的潮流场特征进行数值模拟,指出了选择不同的特征混合长度表达式对数值模拟结果的影响,表明了基于特征混合长度理论的流封闭模式在近海湍流数值模拟中应用的局限性。  相似文献   
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