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基于三亚湾及周边海域73个表层沉积物样品重金属元素Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr、As、Cd和Hg的化学测试分析,运用多种技术方法,查明重金属分布特征,探讨重金属来源及影响因素,并对其开展生态风险评价。结果表明:研究区Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr、As、Cd、Hg的平均含量分别为12.77、60.11、21.11、43.84、7.05、0.067、0.022 μg/g。As含量高值区为西瑁洲北侧海域,其他重金属分布大体上为沿岸低,向海的方向逐渐增高。Cr和Hg相对背景值亏损,其他重金属相对背景值少量富集;Zn、Pb、Cr分布符合“粒度控制效应”规律,物质来源为陆源碎屑的风化剥蚀。Cu除了来自陆源剥蚀外还可能受到人类活动的影响。Cd和Hg主要来自于沿岸生活污水的排放。As主要来自生活污水排放、农业施药、网箱水产养殖等;重金属总体属于低程度污染,总体平均潜在生态风险程度处于低等级水平,反映研究区总体较好的底质生态环境,且沿岸优于离岸海域。单项重金属平均污染程度排序为Cd>Pb>Zn>As=Cu>Cr>Hg,Cd和Pb属于中等程度污染,其他重金属属于低程度污染。单项重金属平均潜在生态风险程度均为低等级,排序为Cd>Hg>As>Pb>Cu>Cr>Zn;Cd为研究区污染程度和潜在生态风险程度最大的重金属元素,需加强对其的防控与治理。  相似文献   
根据2008年9月~2009年2月在胶州湾中部海域进行的逐月定点底拖网调查,对该海域秋、冬季大型无脊椎动物群落结构及多样性变化进行了初步研究.结果表明,胶州湾秋、冬季共捕获大型无脊椎动物60种,其中甲壳动物和软体动物是主要的无脊椎动物类群;优势种组成具有较明显的月间变化,主要为口虾蛄Oratosquilla oratoria、短蛸Octopus ocellatus、脊腹褐虾Crangon affinis等湾内定居性种类及洄游性较小的种类.Margalef种类丰富度指数范围为1.998~4.669,自9月起逐月递减,11月达到最低值,随后又逐月升高,2月达到最高值;Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数范围分别为1.325~2.500和0.422~0.693,逐月变化趋势与物种丰富度指数基本一致.多样性指数与海域温度、盐度和深度等环境因子均无显著性相关.多元统计分析表明,胶州湾中部海域秋、冬季大型无脊椎动物群落可划分为2个时间组群;组群间群落种类组成结构差异不显著.  相似文献   
The results of an investigation carried out during June 2005 to May 2007 on physico-chemical parameters,species composition and community structure of phytoplankton including Chlorophyll a(Chl-a) at the Coleroon coastal waters(Southeast coast of India) are reported.Air and surface water temperatures(°C) varied from 25.1 to 30.1 and from 24.5 to 28.5 respectively.Salinity values varied from 6 to 28.5 and the pH ranged between 7.0 and 8.3.Variation in dissolved oxygen content was from 3.1 to 7.5 mg/dm-3 while the light extinction coefficient values(LEC) ranged between 3.1 and 10.1 cm.The ranges of inorganic nutrients(μmol/dm-3) viz.,nitrate,nitrite,phosphate and silicate were 10.1-23.4,1.2-8.9,0.2-3.1 and 55-125,respectively.The ranges of Chlorophyll a(μg/dm-3) values was 2.0-7.5.Presently,124 phytoplankton species representing different classes viz:Bacillariophyceae(77),Dinophyceae(19),Cyanophyceae(15),Chlorophyceae(10) and Chrysophyceae(3) were recorded.The phytoplankton cell abundance varied from 0.290 to 111.662 cells/cm-3,with peak diversity(3.38 bits/ind.) during summer season.The maximum abundance was found during summer season coinciding with the stable hydrographical conditions.The seasonal distribution and abundance of phytoplankton are discussed in relation to hydrographical parameters.Canonical Correspondence Analysis(CCA) was applied in this paper for discriminating environmental factors having effect on phytoplankton community at species level.Coleroon coastal water is subjected to long term fluctuations in physico-chemical parameters depending upon the seasonal tidal amplitude and freshwater influx resulting in a continuous exchange of organic,inorganic,plant and animal matters.  相似文献   
The thiarid snail Melanoides tuberculata (Müller, 1774), native to the Middle East and East Africa, is recorded from the wild in New Zealand for the first time from a geothermally influenced stream at Golden Springs, near Taupo. Introduction was most likely the result of one or more releases from tropical aquaria, although the timing of release is uncertain. Specimens were collected at temperatures of 29.0 and 30.4°C, and survival at these sites is likely dependent on the elevated stream temperatures. The possible spread of this species to other habitats, and potential effects on native thermal water communities, are discussed.  相似文献   
The grazing turbinid gastropod Lunella smaragda was sampled regularly over 3.5 y from precise sites of different microtopography and height on the platform shore at Goat Island Beach near Leigh, Northland, New Zealand. Growth is linear for over 3 y, and the year‐classes distinct. The position of the different size‐classes is related to both the shelter afforded by the microtopography, and to the height on the shore. The populations in the mid‐eulittoral turf flats, low eulittoral bare rock areas, and the sublittoral fringe are distinct, and there is a general movement down the shore with age and size. Wave action apparently dislodges the animals from higher areas when they grow to a critical size and transports them to sites lower on the shore, where wave disturbance is less. Field experiments with marked animals and laboratory studies with a wave tank confirm that the wave‐effected distribution is size related. However measurements showed that the ratio of foot attachment area to the shell area presented to the wave does not vary with animal size. The possible benefits of wave dislodgment and wave‐effected distribution are considered.  相似文献   
Few workers have used enclosures specifically to study interactions between zoo‐plankton and cyanobacteria. Differences among studies in enclosure size, nutrient level, plankton abundance and species composition, presence or absence of fish, and length of experiments make generalisations difficult. Zooplankton had no direct effect on the growth of ungrazed cyanobacteria (Anabaena flos‐aquae, Aphanizomenon flos‐aquae, large Microcystis colonies) in short‐term (<5 days) and long‐term (> 1 month) enclosure studies. When large cyanobacteria were abundant, some Daphnia spp. snowed reduced reproduction and development. When large grazers were abundant they suppressed the growth of edible, colonial cyanobacteria (Aphanizomenon elenkinii, small Microcystis colonies). By altering the ambient light and nutrient environment, large zooplankton may suppress cyanobacteria; evidence for the importance of grazers in promoting cyanobacterial dominance by removing competing phytoplankton species is equivocal. Zooplankton may suppress nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria through ammonia excretion and may promote a change in dominance from diatoms to cyanobacteria through recycling phosphorus but not silicon.  相似文献   
2019年夏季对沿黄、东海至西太平洋跨越黑潮一个断面(122°E~145°E)的表层砂壳纤毛虫群落进行调查,研究了黑潮中砂壳纤毛虫与相邻水体的差异.根据水文环境及各站位所处的空间位置,我们将研究区域划分为大洋边缘区域、黑潮区域和大洋区域.各站位砂壳纤毛虫的丰度范围为3.95~31.94 ind·L–1,种丰富度范围为6...  相似文献   
丛集球虫(顶复亚门:类锥体纲:丛集球虫科)是头足类消化道中一类常见寄生虫,在福建连江海域以及浙江南麂岛周边海域采捕到的中华蛸(Octopussinensis)盲囊及肠组织内发现一丛集球虫新种,命名为多刺丛集球虫Aggregata octaculeata sp. nov.。光学显微镜和扫描电镜下观察发现,中华蛸体内的多刺丛集球虫存在配子生殖阶段和孢子生殖阶段,其中,孢子生殖阶段成熟卵囊呈近球形或椭球形,长径653.6—806.5μm,短径588.1—787.1μm。孢子囊为卵球形或椭球形,长径22.4—26.1μm,短径20.5—24.6μm,孢子囊壁为双层,外部光滑,内层多刺。孢子囊内子孢子呈卷曲状,数目范围8—13个,子孢子长度为22.2—28.6μm,宽度为3.0—5.0μm。基于18SrRNA基因构建的系统发育树进一步证实该物种隶属于丛集球虫属,并高度支持了属内[(中华丛集球虫A. sinensis+A. octopiana)+A. eberthi]+多刺丛集球虫A. octaculeata的系统发生关系。  相似文献   
基于系统聚类分析的西部地区环境污染程度评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着社会经济的不断发展,环境污染问题在西部地区经济发展中越来越凸显出来,不同省区受到不同程度的影响.同时,不同地区的环境污染问题有一定的相似性.应用系统聚类分析方法,通过提炼选取11类指标,对西部地区12省区环境污染程度的距离相似情况进行了评价.结果表明:贵州、甘肃、广西、云南、重庆和陕西等省区的距离相似归为第一类聚类;内蒙古和四川归为第二类聚类;西藏、宁夏和青海等省区的距离相似属于第三类聚类;新疆归为第四类聚类.要处理好生态系统和社会经济发展之间的关系,需要对二者进行协调,并坚持走可持续发展的道路.  相似文献   
甘肃西北部黑河流域水资源对下游生态环境变化的影响阈   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从流域尺度水资源承载能力及其有限性、可变性和上下游关联性的角度,探讨了黑河流域下游区生态环境变化的影响阈,阐明了不同水文年中游区的安全引水量和不同目标下下游区的生态环境修复对水资源的需求阈.基于多年平均地表径流量37.8×108m3/a的安全引水量为13.97×108m3/a和枯水年份(95%保证率)的安全引水量为10.14×108m3/a,下游区初步改善生态环境的生态需水量为8.01×108m3/a.提出了中游区经济社会可持续发展的水资源保障阈,即未来20年生产生活安全需水量介于22×108~23×108m3/a之间.在此基础上,阐明了在中游区经济社会稳定持续发展目标约束下确保黑河流域下游区生态环境不断改善的流域水资源优化配置模式及对策.  相似文献   
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