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The Bay of Bengal remains one of the least studied of the world's oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). Here we offer a detailed investigation of the macrobenthos relative to oxygen minimum zone [OMZ – DO (dissolved oxygen), concentration <0.5 ml·1?1] at 110 stations off the North East Indian margin (160 and 200 N) featuring coastal, shelf and slope settings (10–1004 m). Macrobenthos (>0.5 mm) composition, abundance and diversity were studied in relation to variations in depth, dissolved oxygen, sediment texture and organic carbon. Using multivariate procedures powered by SIMPROF analysis we identified distinct OMZ core sites (depth 150–280 m; DO 0.37 ml·1?1) that exhibited dense populations of surface‐feeding polychaetes (mean 2188 ind. m?2) represented by spionids and cossurids (96%). Molluscs and crustaceans were poorly represented except for ampeliscid amphipods. The lower OMZ sites (DO > 0.55 ml·l?1) supported a different assemblage of polychaetes (cirratulids, amphinomids, eunicids, orbinids, paraonids), crustaceans and molluscs, albeit with low population densities (mean 343 ind. m?2). Species richness [E(S100)], diversity (Margalef d; H’) and evenness (J’) were lower and dominance was higher within the OMZ core region. Multiple regression analysis showed that a combination of sand, clay, organic carbon, and dissolved oxygen explained 62–78% of the observed variance in macrobenthos species richness and diversity: E(S100) and H’. For polychaetes, clay and oxygen proved important. At low oxygen sites (DO <1 ml·l?1), depth accounted for most variance. Residual analysis (after removing depth effects) revealed that dissolved oxygen and sediment organic matter influenced 50–62% of residual variation in E(S100), H’ and d for total macrofauna. Of this, oxygen alone influenced up to ~50–62%. When only polychaetes were evaluated, oxygen and organic matter explained up to 58–63%. For low oxygen sites, organic matter alone had the explanatory power when dominance among polychaetes was considered. Overall, macrobenthic patterns in the Bay of Bengal were consistent with those reported for other upwelling margins. However, the compression of faunal gradients at shallower depths was most similar to the Chile/Peru margin, and different from the Arabian Sea, where the depth range of the OMZ is two times greater. The Bay of Bengal patterns may take on added significance as OMZs shoal globally.  相似文献   
Shore-based surveys of migrating humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae were undertaken from Cape Vidal, northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, each year between 1988 and 1991, and in 2002. Daily observations of migrating whale groups were carried out from an approx. 60 m-high platform during all surveys. Whale groups were tracked by position-fixing on surfacing bouts using survey theodolites, to determine swimming speeds and headings and distance offshore, while group size estimation was carried out at each theodolite measurement. Numbers of whales observed or projected (at tracked speeds) to cross the midline of the survey area within the observation period each day were tallied in each of three distance bins. These counts were adjusted to account for daily sighting effort and for proportions that were likely to have been missed on account of their distance offshore or poor sighting conditions to produce daily sighting rates. Such daily tallies were summed over the survey period to estimate the number of whales passing Cape Vidal each year, with counts from days of <2.5 h of observation effort (due to weather or sighting condition restraints) replaced by the mean of the previous and following days. The numbers passing to the north of Cape Vidal during coincident periods of 17 days over the 1988–2002 surveys (6–22 July) and 25 days over the 1990, 1991 and 2002 surveys (6–30 July) provide statistically significant increase rates of 11.5% (SE 2.8) and 9.0% (SE 2.7) per annum respectively.  相似文献   
Cetacean research, in terms of the number of papers, and areas for which data are available, has expanded considerably in the southern African subregion in the past decade, especially in the South-West Indian Ocean. We review cetacean research within this subregion from the 1800s to the present to provide an overview of findings, investigate trends and identify knowledge gaps. Data are presented separately for large whales (those subject to commercial whaling) and smaller cetaceans, and are separated by era and ocean basin. Over 550 peer-reviewed papers and books were identified relating to research on cetaceans within the subregion. More than half (284) have been produced since 1990 and 193 relate specifically to South African waters. The most-studied species are those that are most accessible due to their coastal distributions (southern right whale Eubalaena australis: 45 papers, humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae: 31 papers, killer whales Orcinus orca: 27 papers, Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin Tursiops aduncus: 30 papers, Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin Sousa chinensis (plumbea form): 25 papers) and/or were hunted commercially (sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus: 25 papers). Identified conservation concerns vary throughout the subregion, but include bycatch and directed hunts, oil and gas development, ecotourism activities, shifts in prey resources, and noise and chemical pollution. The inshore stocks of Bryde's whales Balaenoptera edeni, the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin and the Atlantic humpback dolphin S. teuszii were identified as the populations of highest conservation concern, although there are considerable knowledge gaps relating to deep-water species and almost no data (even on species occurrence) are available for several areas and countries.  相似文献   
晚更新世以来的活动构造与现代地质灾害密切相关,目前针对陆域活动构造的定量研究成果卓著,而在海域方面研究薄弱。本文综述了国内外有关海域活动构造的研究进展,提出了目前国内海域活动构造定量研究存在的主要问题。在研究实践的基础上,阐述了海域活动构造的主要研究方法、其定量研究的关键问题及解决方案,重点总结了海域活动构造区地震危险性定量评价的研究方案,并进一步探讨了海域活动构造自身因素的危险性定量评价的研究思路。  相似文献   
西北印度洋中脊玄武岩源区地幔特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用全球岩石地球化学数据库(Pet DB)中有关卡尔斯伯格洋脊(CR)、北中印度洋脊(NCIR)及南中印度洋脊(SCIR)玄武岩的微量元素及同位素组成数据,分析了玄武岩的元素地球化学特征及其沿脊轴的变化,旨在探讨玄武岩源区地幔的(不)均一性及岩浆作用过程的差异。初步研究结果表明:CR、NCIR及SCIR玄武岩组成相近,仅在个别脊段表现有微量稀土元素和同位素组成上的差异,玄武岩整体与N-MORB组成特征相近,与先前通常认为的典型印度洋中脊玄武岩不同。玄武质岩浆主要源自尖晶石二辉橄榄岩地幔的熔融,岩浆源区主要由两个地幔端元构成,即以亏损型地幔(DMM)为主(69%),其次为富集型地幔(EMⅡ,27%)。富集组分可能源自古老陆壳物质的混染。自CR经NCIR到SCIR整个印度洋中脊西北分支玄武岩的Sr、Nd及Pb同位素组成表现出均一性,表明岩浆源区地幔组成相近。在SCIR 19°S附近脊段岩浆源区地幔存在有不均一性,有EMⅡ型地幔端元混入的迹象。在CR 3.5°N附近脊段,玄武岩明显富集K、Ba、La及U等微量元素,但由于缺少同位素数据,源区地幔特征有待进一步研究。在上述研究成果的基础上,提出了该区大比例尺的调查填图及密集采样和精细室内分析是CR深入研究的基础,同时加强Sr、Nd、Pb及Re、Os、Be等同位素分析测试,可提供揭示CR地幔不均一性的可靠依据,而厘清印度洋型地幔对CR的影响程度则有助于深入认识地幔不均一性的成因及地幔动力学过程。  相似文献   
In the northern Bay of Bengal, the existence of intense temperature inversion during winter is a widely accepted phenomenon. However, occurrences of temperature inversion during other seasons and the spatial distribution within and adjacent to the Bay of Bengal are not well understood. In this study, a higher resolution spatiotemporal variation of temperature inversion and its mechanisms are examined with mixed layer heat and salt budget analysis utilizing long-term Argo(2004 to 2020) and RAMA(2...  相似文献   
南极印度洋扇区分布了许多南极底层水的生成区,此海域海水盐度变化对全球的气候变化有着深远影响。本文采用EN4再分析数据、实测海豹资料和WOD18数据,结合大气再分析和海冰密集度数据,对南极印度洋扇区表面盐度长期变化及其对大尺度环流异常的响应进行探究。2008年以来,南极沿岸出现显著的海表面持续性高盐异常,其中印度洋扇区变化最为显著,表层高盐水主要集中在达恩利冰间湖附近与沙克尔顿冰架以北的海域。沿岸海域的高盐陆架水向北扩张且影响深度不断加深,高盐的绕极深层水上涌也更加明显。此高盐异常与南极涛动(Antarctic Oscillation,AAO)、印度洋偶极子(Indian Ocean Dipole,IOD)两种大尺度环流密切相关。AAO与IOD正位相下,西风显著增强,促进海冰大量生成,为海表面提供了大量的盐通量。同时,海表面出现更显著的风场旋度负异常与低压异常,促进高盐深层水上涌,对高盐异常有重要维持作用。此外,纬向风剪切与蒸发增强也是影响该高盐异常的重要局地过程。  相似文献   
北祁连山东段新元古代火山岩的年代学证据   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在1∶5万石门川幅、老龙湾幅区域地质调查时发现,北祁连山东段上吊吊坡地区存在一套不同于下奥陶统阴沟群的火山岩,经全岩样品Sm-Nd同位素测定,获得Sm-Nd等时线年龄为(723±25.0)Ma,表明其形成时代为新元古代。地球化学特征表明该套火山岩形成于岛弧环境,说明当时北祁连东段仍处于洋壳俯冲挤压环境。  相似文献   
窦衍光  李军  杨守业 《海洋学报》2012,34(1):109-119
通过对山东半岛东部海域表层沉积物常量、微量元素、有机碳(TOC)以及碳酸盐(CaCO3)等指标的分析,研究了该海域表层沉积物元素组成特征及其控制因素,并对物质来源进行了探讨。结果表明,山东半岛东部海域表层沉积物元素的平均组成与上陆壳(UCC)相比Al,K,Na,Mg,Fe,Ca,Cu和Zn等元素,相对较低,而Mn,Co,Ni,Cr以及REE元素含量较高,Si和Ti与UCC的含量相当。研究区砂粒级沉积物轻重稀土分异明显,(La/Yb)N值与韩国河流的非常相近;其余粒级沉积物LREE分异较弱,标准化曲线与黄河沉积物的具有相似性。研究区沉积物的元素含量主要受控于源岩组成,存在明显的"粒级效应"。除此之外,Fe-Mn氧化物、生物碳酸盐等因素对元素组成产生一定影响。沉积物物源判别结果显示,山东半岛近岸及其东南部沉积物主要来源于黄河,该区域沉积物分布受山东半岛沿岸流及近岸潮流影响。研究区东北部为残留砂,其沉积物元素组成特征与朝鲜半岛和鸭绿江沉积物组成相近,表明研究区东北部砂质区沉积物代末次冰期低海平面时可能由朝鲜半岛或鸭绿江供应。  相似文献   
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