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Precipitation episodes in the form of freezing rain and ice pellets represent natural hazards affecting eastern Canada during the cold season. These types of precipitation mainly occur in the St. Lawrence River valley and the Atlantic provinces of Canada. This study aims to evaluate the ability of the fifth-generation Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5), using a 0.11° horizontal grid mesh, to hindcast mixed precipitation when driven by reanalyses produced by the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ERA-Interim) for a 35-year period. In general, the CRCM5 simulation slightly overestimates the occurrence of freezing rain, but the geographical distribution is well reproduced. The duration of freezing rain events and accompanying surface winds in the Montréal region are reproduced by CRCM5. A case study is performed for an especially catastrophic freezing-rain event in January 1998; the model succeeds in simulating the intensity and duration of the episode, as well as the propitious meteorological environment. Overall, the model is also able to reproduce the climatology and a specific event of freezing rain and ice pellets.  相似文献   
许典葵  钱龙兵  卜安 《江苏地质》2023,47(4):369-374
锡矿是粤东优势矿种之一。在收集分析粤东莲花山地区61个锡矿床(点)成矿特征的基础上,对该地区锡矿床(点)矿产类型进行划分归类,建立了粤东莲花山地区锡矿工业类型,主要有为锡石-硫化物型、锡石-硅酸盐型、锡石-石英脉型、斑岩型4类;对4种不同类型锡矿床所具有的矿物组合进行归纳,并开展各类型代表性矿床综合研究,初步构建了4个类型代表性矿区的成矿模式图,为粤东地区锡矿研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   
Orogenic gold (Au) deposits are the most important type, accounting for more than half of the world's proven Au reserves. They are mainly controlled by three key factors: (1) abundant andesitic rocks (SiO2 of 55–60 wt.%) at depth, which have systematically higher Au contents than other rock types; (2) a pervasive transition from greenschist facies to amphibolite facies metamorphism within a short period, which releases S2?-rich fluids that may scavenge Au from host rocks; and (3) deformation and fracturing under a compressive/transpressive tectonic regime. Orogenic belts at convergent margins are the best places for such mineralization because convergent margins are rich in andesites; the transition from greenschist to amphibolite facies recrystallization commonly occurs as a result of collision, compression, and thickening at convergent margins, forming large amounts of Au-rich fluids within a short period of time; and strong deformation and fracturing during orogenic processes provide channels for fluid transportation. Moreover, the overlying plate is injected and enriched by auriferous fluids released during amphibolite facies metamorphism of the subducting plate. The Pacific plate changed course by ~80° (from SW to NW) at approximately 125–122 Ma, reflecting an altered thermal structure and the elevation of the South Pacific plate attending the appearance of the plume head that formed the Ontong Java large igneous province. Consequently, the tectonic regime changed from extension to compressive/transpressive in eastern China, causing deformation, thickening, and metamorphism of the overriding plate, especially along weak crustal belts (e.g. overlying plates of palaeosutures), which resulted in world-class mineralization of orogenic Au deposits. During this process, pyrite changed to pyrrhotite during the transition from greenschist to amphibolite facies, releasing sulphur. Sulphur mobilized and scavenged Au and other chalcophile elements into metamorphic ore-forming fluids. A series of NE-trending compressive faults were formed at ?120 Ma as a result of continuous compression of the subducting Pacific plate, releasing these ore-forming fluids. Auriferous carbonate-rich quartz veins and/or metasomatized Au-bearing wall rocks were formed due to the decompression of the ascending ore-forming fluids. Orogenic belts along the margins of the North China craton and the Jiangnan block were the most favourable regions for mineralization. Compared with the former, the latter has much smaller proven Au reserves. However, more exploration is needed along the margins of the Jiangnan block. Promising targets include accessory faults and kink points of large, NE-trending Cretaceous faults that transect greenschist facies metamorphic rocks of the Niuwu and Jingtan Groups, etc.  相似文献   
通过地质、地球化学及同位素年代学等方法,研究总结了东天山觉罗塔格地区金矿的基本特征和各类型金矿间的相互关系。发现该区的中深成热液金矿(包括韧性剪切带型及岩浆热液型)和浅成热液金矿分带相邻产出;前者受康古尔—黄山缝合线为主体的推覆隆起带控制,后者受推覆带后侧的石英滩—雅满苏同碰撞伸展带(喜马拉雅型伸展带)控制;成矿时代相互对应,都形成于碰撞造山期(295~244 Ma)。将这样的两个矿带统称为成对金矿带。  相似文献   
中国东部新生代碱性玄武岩及幔源捕虏体中的流体组成   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
张铭杰  王先彬 《地质学报》1999,73(2):162-166
中国东部新生代碱性玄武岩及其幔源二辉橄榄岩捕虏体中的流体组分存在差异,幔源二辉橄榄岩形成于以H2,CO等还原性气体为主的流体环境中,其流体组分以含H2高,挥发性气体总量低为特征;碱性玄武岩中流体组分以CO2,SO2和挥发性气体总量高为特征,在其形成演化过程中有SO2等氧化性气体的流体加入。  相似文献   
以五莲分岭山火山机构为例,运用高精度的^40Ar-^39Ar定年技术,对胶莱盆地青山组火山岩的形成年龄进行了精确测定。结果表明。青山组第一旋回中偏碱性富钾火山岩的形成年龄为109.9±0.6Ma,第二旋回酸性流纹质火山岩形成年龄为108.2±0.6Ma,据此确定胶莱盆地青山组火山岩应为早白垩世岩浆活动的产物。根据该组火山岩在空间上具有自西向东年龄渐新的演变趋势,表明中生代伊泽奈崎板块向欧亚板块碰撞俯冲应是制约区内火山活动的主要动力因素。  相似文献   
东南亚夏季风中断、过渡与活跃期的区域能量学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谭锐志 《大气科学》1994,18(5):527-534
对两次季风演变过程的能量学研究表明,季风演变具有鲜明的阶段性能量学特征。中断期,积云加热小,两个转换函数值很小;过渡期,积云加热增强明显,两个转换函数值迅速加大,边界输送作用也明显朝有利方向变化,同时,纬向平均气流变为向季风供应扰动动能;活跃期,大尺度加热变得重要,积云加热维持,两个转换函数也保持大的正值。分析表明,印度季风东传对东南亚季风活跃的触发作用是重要的,但季风活跃的维持则主要依靠区域内部能量学过程。  相似文献   
藏东波密-察隅地区新元古代-寒武纪波密群研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
藏东新元古代—寒武纪波密群由一套浅变质的活动大陆边缘浊积岩和碰撞型岛弧中酸性火山岩组成,化石稀少,缺乏时代依据。1∶20万区调和新一轮1∶25万区调修测专题研究在波密、察隅、贡山一带共采获微古植物化石21属50种,均为青、皖、浙、赣及滇中地区新元古代青白口纪、震旦纪及部分寒武纪早期较原始类型的常见分子。区域上可与高喜马拉雅的肉切村群,滇西的勐统群、公养河群和缅甸的Chaung Magyi群相对比。上述波密群活动大陆边缘浊积岩、碰撞型岛弧火山岩在经历了泛非末期壳源重熔花岗岩侵位(500~600Ma)和褶皱变质作用(644~664Ma)之后,成为冈瓦纳大陆北缘增生褶皱变质基底的一部分。  相似文献   
东海海底地形分区特征和成因研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
东海一直以其特殊的大地构造地位受到国内外地学界的关注,但作为主要受构造控制的东海海底地形的研究,以往简单趋势性描述居多,专门深入系统的研究尚不多见。不久前完成的高精度、全覆盖多波束海底地形勘测覆盖了东海部分外陆架、大陆坡全部、冲绳海槽和东部岛坡的一部分,取得了海量的测深数据。据此编绘的勘测多波束水深图和结合测区外的传统资料编绘的海底地形图使我们有机会可以重新审视和系统研究东海的海底地形特征。在定量确定了陆架坡折线、陆坡坡脚线和东部槽坡坡脚线的基础上划分出了大陆架、大陆坡、冲绳海槽平原和东部岛坡4大地形区,继之对各区的海底地形特征进行了研究和描述,并在区内选取了有代表性的5条剖面进行了剖析。另外,从地球内营力和外营力两方面分析了影响东海海底地形发育的因素。调查分析表明:整个东海地形分带明显,地形类型多样:大陆架十分宽阔,总体北宽南窄,从大陆向海平缓倾斜,发育了广泛的NW-SE向沙脊群,自大陆向东南呈扇形发散;大陆坡呈NE-SW向条带展布,海底地形陡峻,呈阶梯状下掉,总体北缓南陡,其上峡谷密布,上穿切外陆架,下直达海槽,同时坡麓上海台沟谷伴生发育;冲绳海槽北浅南深,其内在平坦的背景上发育了众多的海山和海丘,其中心又有槽中槽地形;东槽坡地形复杂,发育了  相似文献   
This study provides a detailed magnetostratigraphic record of subsidence in the Linxia Basin, documenting a 27 Myr long sedimentary record from the northeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. Deposition in the Linxia Basin began at 29 Ma and continued nearly uninterruptedly until 1.7 Ma. Increasing rates of subsidence between 29 and 6 Ma in the Linxia Basin suggest deposition in the foredeep portion of a flexural basin and constrain the timing of shortening in the northeastern margin of the plateau to Late Oligocene–Late Miocene time. By Late Miocene–Early Pliocene time, a decrease in subsidence rates in the Linxia Basin associated with thrust faulting and a 10° clockwise rotation in the basin indicates that the deformation front of the Tibetan plateau had propagated into the currently deforming region northeast of the plateau.  相似文献   
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