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Interglacial lake deposits at Tye Green, Stansted, resting on unweathered till and overlain by a weathered diamicton are correlated with the temperate Hoxnian Stage. The sediments represent the infilling of an isolated kettle-hole type of lake basin formed at the end of the cold Anglian Stage. Through the temperate period this basin was infilled by inorganic and organic sediments that record the development and decline of deciduous forest. Later periglacial conditions are indicated by the final infilling of the basin by reworked till. The sedimentary sequence and vegetational development recorded in the sediments at Tye Green are compared with other Hoxnian sites in eastern England. Changes in deposition rates are interpreted as representing water-table fluctuations resulting from changes in precipitation. The deposits at Tye Green provide a useful stratigraphical marker in the glacial sequence of the district. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Proterozoic mafic dykes from the southwestern Vestfold Block experienced heterogeneous granulite facies metamorphism, characterized by spotted or fractured garnet‐bearing aggregates in garnet‐absent groundmass. The garnet‐absent groundmass typically preserves an ophitic texture composed of lathy plagioclase, intergranular clinopyroxene and Fe–Ti oxides. Garnet‐bearing domains consist mainly of a metamorphic assemblage of garnet, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, hornblende, biotite, plagioclase, K‐feldspar, quartz and Fe–Ti oxides. Chemical compositions and textural relationships suggest that these metamorphic minerals reached local equilibrium in the centre of the garnet‐bearing domains. Pseudosection calculations in the model system NCFMASHTO (Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3) yield PT estimates of 820–870 °C and 8.4–9.7 kbar. Ion microprobe U–Pb zircon dating reveals that the NW‐ and N‐trending mafic dykes were emplaced at 1764 ± 25 and 1232 ± 12 Ma, respectively, whereas their metamorphic ages cluster between 957 ± 7 and 938 ± 9 Ma. The identification of granulite facies mineral inclusions in metamorphic zircon domains is also consistent with early Neoproterozoic metamorphism. Therefore, the southwestern margin of the Vestfold Block is inferred to have been buried to depths of ~30–35 km beneath the Rayner orogen during the late stage of the late Mesoproterozoic/early Neoproterozoic collision between the Indian craton and east Antarctica (i.e. the Lambert Terrane or the Ruker craton including the Lambert Terrane). The lack of penetrative deformation and intensive fluid–rock interaction in the rigid Vestfold Block prevented the nucleation and growth of garnet and resulted in the heterogeneous granulite facies metamorphism of the mafic dykes.  相似文献   
我国目前公开招标的页岩气区块多数位于四川盆地东南缘高陡构造带,地形复杂,断裂发育,造成区块内页岩气的勘探和开发均存在一定难度.与盆地内覆盖区的页岩气早期勘探不同,复杂山地内的页岩气早期勘探需考虑地表地貌因素,加强早期研究,降低勘探风险和成本.利用湖南保靖地区的页岩气招标区块的遥感数据,与DEM数据相结合,考虑坡度、高程2个因素,优选研究区页岩气勘探的地貌有利区,为下一步页岩气的勘探和后期施工提供参考.  相似文献   
通过福建华安玉野外地质观察、室内显微镜下观察、矿物电子探针分析和X射线粉末衍射分析,研究了华安玉的结构构造和矿物组成,结果表明: 华安玉显示出不同艳丽的条带,实质上是不同矿物分带的体现,绿-墨绿色条带主要由铁次透辉石组成,红色或淡肉红色条带主要由钾长石组成,灰白色或乳白色条带主要由石英、方解石等矿物组成。并对华安玉的形成构造环境和成因进行了初步研究,认为其形成于被动大陆边缘的潮坪泻湖环境,原岩主要是钙质粉砂岩、泥灰岩、硅质岩等,燕山期强烈的构造岩浆活动对其进行了多期热接触变质或交代作用,钙质粉砂岩、泥灰岩、硅质岩等经变质成为透辉石角岩。  相似文献   
陈海杰  于兆水  邢夏 《物探与化探》2014,(2):393-395,401
为了简化测量植物中汞含量的方法,提高灵敏度及结果的可信度,实验采用微波消解植物样品的办法,使样品经氯化亚锡还原,再用冷原子荧光测定出植物样品中汞的含量。确定了消解样品的方法和微波消解样品的条件,优化了仪器的最佳工作参数。方法检出限0.30×10-9(稀释因子100倍),精密度(n=12)在2.09%~6.05%,加标回收率94.1%~105.5%,方法经生物国家一级标准物质验证方法准确可靠。  相似文献   

2022年1月8日1时45分青海省海北州门源县发生6.9级地震, 周边地区普遍有感, 并导致多条高铁线路临时停运. 本文利用这次地震获取的大量烈度计加速度记录, 基于正在进行系统研发的机器学习地震预警方法模块, 对地震预警震级估计与现地阈值报警进行了回溯验证. 结果表明: 在地震发生后3.1 s, 震级估计为6.5级, 且震级估计误差不受信噪比和震中距变化的影响, 随着首台触发后时间的增加, 震级估计逐渐接近实际震级. 对于现地地震动速度峰值PGV(Peak Ground Velocity)预测, 各个台站在P波到达后3 s时, 预测PGV与观测PGV呈现1:1线性关系, 随着P波到达后时间窗的增加, 预测PGV逐步接近观测PGV, 且PGV预测误差不受信噪比和震中距变化的影响. 现地台站仪器烈度阈值设置为Ⅵ度时, 报警成功、误报、漏报的百分比分别为99.53%、0%、0.47%, 平均预警时间为19.62 s, 且地震烈度Ⅵ度区内没有发生误报和漏报; 现地台站仪器烈度阈值设置为Ⅶ度时, 报警成功、误报、漏报的百分比分别为99.77%、0%、0.23%, 平均预警时间为9.69 s, 且地震烈度Ⅶ度区内没有发生误报和漏报. 此次回溯验证结果表明: 机器学习方法在这次地震中可以得到鲁棒的震级估计和现地阈值报警结果, 并为该方法的在线测试以及中国地震预警系统升级提供可行性依据; 其次, 在这次地震事件中, 烈度计可为预警提供额外的作用, 这也为烈度计在未来地震预警的研究和应用中提供了更多的可能性.

The effects of root systems on soil detachment by overland flow are closely related to vegetation types. The objective of this study was to quantify the effects of two gramineous roots (Paspalum mandiocanum with shallow roots and Pennisetum giganteum with deep roots) on soil detachment capacity, rill erodibility, and critical shear stress on alluvial fans of benggang in south-east China. A 4-m-long and 0.12-m-wide flume was used. Slope steepness ranged from 9% to 27%, and unit flow discharge ranged from 1.39 × 10−3 to 4.19 × 10−3 m2 s−1. The mean detachment capacities of P. mandiocanum and P. giganteum lands were 18% and 38% lower than that of bare land, respectively, and the effects of root on reducing soil detachment were mainly reflected in the 0- to 5-cm soil layer. The most important factors in characterizing soil detachment capacity were root length density and soil cohesion, and soil detachment capacity of the two grass lands could be estimated using flow shear stress, soil cohesion, and root length density (NSE = 0.90). With the increase in soil depth, rill erodibility increased, whereas shear stress decreased. The mean rill erodibilities of P. mandiocanum and P. giganteum lands were 81% and 61% as much as that of bare land, respectively. Additionally, rill erodibilities of the two grass lands could be estimated as an exponential function by root length density and soil cohesion (NSE = 0.88). The mean critical shear stress of P. mandiocanum and P. giganteum lands was 1.29 and 1.39 times that of bare land, respectively, and it could be estimated with a linear function by root length density (NSE = 0.76). This study demonstrated that planting of the two grasses P. mandiocanum and P. giganteum could effectively reduce soil detachment and enhance soil resistance to erosion on alluvial fans, with the deep roots of P. giganteum being more effective than the shallow roots of P. mandiocanum. The results are helpful for understanding the influencing mechanism of root systems on soil detachment process.  相似文献   
Polysiphonia urceolata is one type of potential commercial red seaweeds used for breeding and cultivation, because of its significant biochemical and biomedical application. However, the information of breeding and seedling incubation for cultivation is limited, especially the early development. In this study, tetrasporohyte and gametophyte of P. urceolata were taken as the study materials in Huiquan Bay, Qingdao, China. The cleaned and sterilized tetrasporophytes and gametophytes were pre-cultured in sterilized seawater, then nurtured at 18°C, 25 μmol photons m−2 s−1 in 12:12 h (light:dark) photoperiod. Continuous observation under microscope showed that the early development consists of bipolar division stage and seedling stage. In the division stage, tetraspores germinate into bipolar sporelings that further differentiate into a colorless rhizoidal portion and a lightly pigmented upright shoot. The lightly pigmented rhizoidal cell develops to a rhizoid and the larger pigmented cell transforms to an erect axis. In the seedling stage, several quasi-protuberances appear on the erect axis and form juvenile seedlings. The results demonstrate the culture of P. urceolata from tetraspores under laboratory conditions. Supported by National Key Technology Support Program, Development Program of China (No.2006AA09Z21), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40618001 and N_CUHK438/06) and Shandong Agricultural Seed Stock Breeding Project  相似文献   
黄金可以入药,历代本草均有记载。但因不溶性金被人体吸收极微,内服有一定毒性,加之其价格昂贵及一些药理学和比较复杂的检测处理与技术加工问题,不能普遍应用。自然界许多动植物都是聚金能手,特别是生长于富金岩石及金矿床风化土壤中的植物含金一般较高,部分动物因以含金植物为食,体内也含一定量的金,并且有些动植物本身就是中药材和食物。据此建议采取一定手段将含金较高、但未达工业品级的岩石,通过生物循环把金聚集至动、植物体内,金与动植物体内蛋白质等有机质结合成金的有机络合物,将此类动植物用于医疗或食疗,既可减小金的毒性,便于人体吸收,又可把未达工业品级的含金岩石利用起来。豫西某构造蚀变岩金矿,其上覆土壤中生长着含金植物,这些植物灰分中含金4×10-9~98×10-9,其中以野苋菜的籽和叶灰分中含金最高(含金75×10-9~98×10-9),看来在本区用野苋菜籽和叶灰分中金含量进行找矿是可行的  相似文献   
将环境植物样品在400─500℃灰化,用硝酸、氢氟酸和高氯酸分解,用盐酸(1+1)提取,控制2%─3%的盐酸介质,用火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定环境植物样品中的微量铜、铅、锌、铁、锰。该方法简单、快速、可靠。对环境植物标准样品的测定结果理想。  相似文献   
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