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近场P波频谱分布及震级确定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈晓佳  薛兵 《地震》2018,38(3):123-133
通过研究国内12个4~7级地震的近场P波前3秒加速度波形记录的频谱分布, 我们发现, 对于较大的地震, 近场通常接收到的低频信息比较稳定, 尤其是1 Hz以下的信号。 通过对3秒初至P波震相加速度记录的低频窄带滤波及对传统震级公式的改造, 我们得到了4个低频段的震级计算公式M1, M2, M3, M4及预警震级计算结果Mn。 将其应用到日本13个4~7级的地震中, 并对比目前主流Pd震级计算方法, 我们的结果离散度与可靠性更好。 因此, 可认为我们得到的震级公式是较可靠的一种估算近场震级的方法, 并且可以应用到地震预警中。  相似文献   
为了解和探讨3~5环PAHs对海水鱼类胚胎发育的毒性及作用方式,比较研究了菲(phenanthrene,Phe)、芘(pyrene,Py)、苯并(a)芘(benzo(a)pyrene,BaP)单一暴露和三者各自与α-萘黄酮(α-naphthoflavone,ANF)联合暴露对海水青鳉(marine medaka, Oryzias melastigma)胚胎发育的毒性效应。胚胎体内EROD活性、发育畸形、孵化率和心律等毒性指标被测定,结果显示:Phe,Py和BaP对海水青鳉胚胎体内EROD活性的诱导能力大小为BaP>Py>Phe,各化合物对EROD诱导与发育畸形之间的关系较为复杂,除Phe所引起的EROD诱导与畸形指数之间呈显著相关(r=0.95,p=0.015)外,Py和BaP均无相关性;在100 μg/dm3 ANF影响下,CYP1A活性诱导被抑制,但胚胎发育的畸形指数被显著提高,ANF分别与Phe,Py和BaP的联合暴露对胚胎发育呈潜在的协同作用。本文研究初步表明,3~5环PAHs化合物对海水青鳉胚胎发育的毒性作用方式可能不同;CYP1A活性抑制在PAHs混合物对海水青鳉胚胎发育的毒性作用过程中未起到缓解毒性的作用,CYP1A抑制剂与PAH型CYP1A诱导剂的混合物对鱼类胚胎发育具有潜在的协同毒性作用,现有的PAHs混合物毒性风险评价方法可能低估了实际环境中PAHs的风险;海水青鳉早期生活阶段的心脏发育对PAHs混合物暴露较为敏感,可推荐其作为生物标志物指示PAHs或溢油污染。  相似文献   
为提高河北省地震预警示范系统试运行月报产出质量,加快产出速度,减轻人员负担,基于JAVA技术,设计月报产出软件,通过对烈度计台站延迟数据和运行数据的分析,借助POI工具、MYSQL数据库和JFreeChart,实现月报产出、历史数据查询、数据可视化展示等功能,解决了月报产出周期长、历史数据查询不便、数据展示模式单一等问题,为地震预警示范系统试运行提供有力支持。  相似文献   
The Meso-Tethyan oceanic plateaus are becoming conspicuous as giant units on the oceanic floor and have played important roles in both continental marginal orogenesis and Tethys oceanic evolution. In this study, we present mineralogical, geochronological, geochemical and Sm–Nd isotopic data for basaltic lavas from the Namco ophiolite and a high-Mg pillow lava–dyke–gabbro association from the Pengco ophiolite in central Tibet. Zircon U–Pb and Ar–Ar dating reveals that the Namco lavas erupted at ∼181 Ma while the Pengco boninitic association formed at ∼164 Ma. The Namco lavas display nearly flat rare-earth element (REE) patterns with no Nb–Ta depletions as well as high εNd values, characteristic of oceanic plateau lava. In contrast, the Pengco high-Mg rocks exhibit low REE concentrations below the normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB), ubiquitous Nb–Ta depletions and low εNd values, and the dykes and gabbros are characterized by U-shape REE patterns, indicating that they could have derived from a depleted mantle source that was contaminated by sedimentary flux and marking a mid-Jurassic initial intra-oceanic arc magmatism erupted on the Early Jurassic Meso-Tethyan oceanic plateau represented by the Namco ophiolite. Our Pengco boninitic rocks, along with the literature data, indicate a 167–160 Ma boninitic-like initial intra-oceanic arc within the Bangong Meso-Tethys, running from the Shiquanhe area to the Naqu area with a length of ∼1000 km, which was uniformly built on the Early Jurassic Meso-Tethyan oceanic plateau. Our literature investigation also indicates a ∼175 Ma accretionary orogeny with distinct signature of the oceanic plateau involvements along the southern Qiangtang continental margin, which is manifested by regional metamorphic, magmatic and depositional records. We thus suggest that the accretion of the Early Jurassic Meso-Tethyan oceanic plateau onto the southern Qiangtang continental margin resulted in the extensive orogeny along the continental margin, jammed the subduction zone at ∼175 Ma and induced intra-oceanic subduction initiation as well as the intra-oceanic infant arc magmatism in the Meso-Tethys at ∼164 Ma.  相似文献   
统计分析2008—2017年造成福建暴雨的早台风个例,得到其基本统计特征:早台风生成及其对福建的影响主要集中于6月中旬至7月上旬;生成于南海的近海早台风导致福建暴雨的概率最高;影响福建的早台风强度不强,生命史最强强度大多为台风级至热带风暴级;造成福建暴雨的早台风以南海北上或转向登陆华南沿海最多;早台风暴雨影响程度与台风登陆地点以及登陆后路径密切相关。  相似文献   
A general shift towards higher mineralogical and textural maturity changes the reservoir character across the Triassic–Jurassic transition in the southwestern Barents Sea basin (SWBSB), largely affecting the hydrocarbon prospectivity in the region. Petrographic and geochronological provenance data presented in this paper suggest that the shift from mineralogically immature to mature sandstones initiated during the deposition of the Norian–Rhaetian Fruholmen Formation, and varies with basin location. Strong contrasts between the Fruholmen Formation and underlying formations are associated with proximity to the rejuvenated Caledonian and Fennoscandian hinterlands and are mainly restricted to the southern basin margins. In the basin interior, subtle petrographic variations between the Fruholmen Formation and older Triassic sandstones reflect a distal position relative to the southern hinterland. The long-lived misconception of a regional compositional contrast in the Arctic at the turn of the Norian can be attributed to higher sampling frequency associated with hydrocarbon exploration activity along the southern basin margins, and masking by increased annual precipitation and subsequent reworking during the Jurassic. Geothermal signatures and rearrangement of ferric clay material across the Carnian–Norian transition support a recycled origin for the Fruholmen Formation in the basin interior. As the closest tectonically active region at the time, the Novaya Zemlya fold-and-thrust belt represents the best provenance candidate for polycyclic components in Norian–Rhaetian strata. In addition to recycling in the hinterland during the Late Triassic, local erosion of exposed intrabasinal highs and platforms at the Triassic–Jurassic transition represents a second process where thermodynamically unstable mineral components originally sourced from the Uralides may be removed. Textural and mineralogical modification may also have occurred in marginal-marine depositional environments during periods with elevated sea level. Mature sediment supply from the rejuvenated hinterland in the south, multiple cycles of reworking and gradual accumulation of polycyclic grains have likely led to the extreme compositional maturity registered in the Tubåen, Nordmela and Stø formations in the SWBSB. It is likely that increased annual precipitation since the latest Carnian had an amplifying effect on sandstone maturation across the Triassic–Jurassic boundary, but we consider the effect to be inferior compared to provenance shifts and reworking. Findings from this study are important for understanding compositional and textural maturity enhancement processes in siliciclastic sedimentary basins.  相似文献   
通过对研究区中生代地层典型剖面或代表性剖面系统考察和综合研究,对上侏罗统及其上覆、下伏岩石地层进行进一步系统清理和修订:(1)将济阳坳陷原上侏罗统蒙阴组划归下白垩统,与之相对应的是鲁西南地区为杨家庄组;将山东地区中—上侏罗统三台组界定为中侏罗统;(2)将皖北地区合肥盆地圆筒山组划入中—上侏罗统;原上侏罗统周公山组认为是跨时代地层单元(J3K1)。(3)大别山北麓北淮阳六安、金寨地区的凤凰台组、三尖铺组定为晚侏罗世早期。在此基础上建立了中国东部地区准确可行的地层对比关系,提出了与国际接轨的地层划分与对比表。对比结果表明中国东部晚侏罗世除了在南北缘存在沉积外,整个地区缺失上侏罗统。该现象表明中国东部在晚侏罗世仍为挤压应力环境甚至比早中侏罗世更为强烈,甚至一直维持到早白垩世初。  相似文献   
X-射线衍射和扫描电镜观察表明,采自南海北部琼东南盆地的沉积物样品中有天然气水合物和甲烷渗漏指示意义的自生碳酸盐、硫酸盐和草莓状framboids黄铁矿,自生矿物组合和显微结构特征与冷泉沉积物类似,属微生物成因。沉积物孔隙水化学组分分析结果显示,随着埋藏深度加深,SO42-,Ca2+,Mg2+和Sr2+浓度明显降低,Mg2+浓度与Ca2+浓度和Sr2+浓度与Ca2+浓度的比值急剧增加,这些地球化学特征与世界上天然气水合物产区的浅表层沉积物孔隙水中离子浓度异常吻合较好,暗示采样站位深部可能有油气或天然气水合物藏。  相似文献   
层序地层学预测隐蔽油气藏的原理和方法   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
动用层序地层学进行隐蔽油气藏预测是目前油气勘探的热门课题和重要的发展方向。本文以吐哈盆地SB地区侏罗系为例,探讨了层序地层学与隐蔽油气藏的关系。总结了运用层序地层学进行隐蔽油气藏预测的工作流程和研究思路。  相似文献   
By employing the CCM1(R15L12)long-range spectral model, study is undertaken of the effects of sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) for tropical Indian ocean on circulation transformation in the early summer in East Asia in 1991. The results indicate that warmer SSTA contributes to the increasing of the temperature over the Plateau in early summer, resulting in the intensification of tropical easterly jet on 100 hPa and northward shift of Northern Hemisphere subtropical westerly jet in May. It is obviously favorable for the subtropical high enhancement over western Pacific Ocean in May and subtropical westerly jet maintaining at 35~40 °N in June, making the Mei-Yu come earlier and stay over the Changjiang basin in 1991. Furthermore, warmer SSTA is also advantageous to averaged temperature rise in East Asia land region and Nanhai monsoon development. These roles are helpful in accelerating the seasonal transition for East Asia in early summer.  相似文献   
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