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我国极端干旱区边缘阿羌砂尘堆积剖面的地质时代   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
李保生  李森 《地质学报》1998,72(1):83-92
根据对昆仑山北麓阿羌地区第四纪风成砂尘沉积物的调查、地层对比和107组古地磁标本(321块样品)的测定结果认为,阿羌地层剖面记录了Brunhes时以来我国极端干旱区最完整的风成砂尘堆积序列;剖面中间冰期形成的生草层1PE和细粒风尘堆积29FGL、31FGL、33FGL、35FGL、37FGL、39FGL、42FGL在形成的地质时代上可依次与黄土高原古土壤S_0、S_1、S_2、S_3、S_4、S_5、S_6、S_7进行对比,而与1PE和细粒风尘堆积29FGL、……、42FGL互为叠覆的冰期气候形成的风成极细砂和粗粒风尘堆积则可与黄土高原黄土L_1、……、L_8进行对比。此外,在阿羌剖面砂尘堆积底部42FGL层中发现有0.7 Ma B P前的宇宙尘埃物质,这对于该地风成砂尘下限年代的确定、研究极端干旱区气候的发展历史和晚新生代地外灾变事件的对比具有重要意义。  相似文献   
We analyse spectra of slightly reddened, early-type stars in which the major diffuse interstellar bands at 5870 and 5797 Å are either strong or weak in relation to E(B – V) . It is demonstrated that among the low E(B – V) objects one can find stars obscured by 'sigma' as well as 'zeta' type clouds. The profiles of the diffuse bands seem not to be dependent on the total opacities of the interstellar clouds. We also discuss the physical conditions leading to the formation of the diffuse band carriers in low-opacity interstellar clouds; the carriers are apparently formed in media in which one can observe complex velocity fields.  相似文献   
We present the analysis of three-colour optical/near-infrared images, in IJK , taken for the DEep Near Infrared Southern Sky Survey (DENIS) project. The region considered covers 17.4 deg2 and lies within <5°, b <1.°5. The adopted methods for deriving photometry and astrometry in these crowded images, together with an analysis of the deficiencies nevertheless remaining, are presented. The numbers of objects extracted in I , J and K are 748 000, 851 000 and 659 000 respectively, to magnitude limits of 17, 15 and 13. Eighty per cent completeness levels typically fall at magnitudes 16, 13 and 10 respectively, fainter by about 2 mag than the usual DENIS limits as a result of the crowded nature of these fields. A simple model to describe the disc contribution to the number counts is constructed, and parameters for the dust layer are derived. We find that a formal fit of parameters for the dust plane, from these data in limited directions, gives a scalelength and scaleheight of 3.4±1.0 kpc and 40±5 pc respectively, and a solar position 14.0±2.5 pc below the plane. This latter value is likely to be affected by localized dust asymmetries. We convolve a detailed model of the systematic and random errors in the photometry with a simple model of the Galactic disc and dust distribution to simulate expected colourmagnitude diagrams. These are in good agreement with the observed diagrams, allowing us to isolate those stars from the inner disc and bulge. After correcting for local dust-induced asymmetries, we find evidence for longitude-dependent asymmetries in the distant J and K sources, consistent with the general predictions of some Galactic bar models. We consider complementary L -band observations in the companion paper.  相似文献   
We suggest that the abrupt switch, from hierarchical clustering on scales ≳ 0.04 pc, to binary (and occasionally higher multiple) systems on smaller scales, which Larson has deduced from his analysis of the grouping of pre-main-sequence stars in Taurus, arises because pre-protostellar gas becomes thermally coupled to dust at sufficiently high densities. The resulting change — from gas cooling by molecular lines at low densities to gas cooling by dust at high densities — enables the matter to radiate much more efficiently, and hence to undergo dynamical fragmentation. We derive the domain in which gas cooling by dust facilitates dynamical fragmentation. Low-mass (∼ M⊙) clumps — those supported mainly by thermal pressure — can probably access this domain spontaneously, albeit rather quasi-statically, provided that they exist in a region in which external perturbations are few and far between. More massive clumps probably require an impulsive external perturbation, for instance a supersonic collision with another clump, in order for the gas to reach sufficiently high density to couple thermally to the dust. Impulsive external perturbations should promote fragmentation, by generating highly non-linear substructures which can then be amplified by gravity during the subsequent collapse.  相似文献   
中国北方沙尘灾害特点及其下垫面状况的遥感监测   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
2000年春季,中国北方地区多次受到沙尘灾害的影响,对生产、生活活动造成了多方面的不利影响。采用遥感和GIS技术进行沙尘灾害的过程监测、空间特点分析和下垫面状况分析是一个有效的技术方法,通过对沙尘灾害发生、发展的环境条件的了解,可以减轻沙尘天气的危害、防治等一系列决策措施的制定、实施提供客观、及时的空间信息,有助于制定和实施区域生态环境保护措施,以便减少沙尘天气的次数和减轻灾害性天气的危害程度。  相似文献   
We present illustrative models for the UV to millimetre emission of starburst galaxies which are treated as an ensemble of optically thick giant molecular clouds (GMCs) centrally illuminated by recently formed stars. The models follow the evolution of the GMCs owing to the ionization-induced expansion of the H  ii regions and the evolution of the stellar population within the GMC according to the Bruzual & Charlot stellar population synthesis models. The effect of transiently heated dust grains/PAHs on the radiative transfer, as well as multiple scattering, is taken into account.
The expansion of the H  ii regions and the formation of a narrow neutral shell naturally explain why the emission from PAHs dominates over that from hot dust in the near- to mid-infrared, an emerging characteristic of the infrared spectra of starburst galaxies.
The models allow us to relate the observed properties of a galaxy to its age and star formation history. We find that exponentially decaying 107–108 yr old bursts can explain the IRAS colours of starburst galaxies. The models are also shown to account satisfactorily for the multiwavelength data on the prototypical starburst galaxy M82 and NGC 6090, a starburst galaxy recently observed by ISO . In M82 we find evidence for two bursts separated by 107 yr. In NGC 6090 we find that at least part of the far-infrared excess may be due to the age of the burst (6.4×107 yr). We also make predictions about the evolution of the luminosity of starbursts at different wavelengths which indicate that far-infrared surveys may preferentially detect older starbursts than mid-infrared surveys.  相似文献   
干旱区湖泊沉积可以有效记录区域湿度变化及粉尘活动历史,位于柴达木盆地德令哈南部的咸水封闭湖泊尕海具有恢复区域环境变化的潜力.该地区的长序列环境演变研究已开展了较多的工作,但缺乏短尺度、高分辨率的近代以来的环境变化湖泊记录.通过对尕海深水区短钻岩芯放射性核素210Pb和137Cs的年代测定和沉积物各指标分析,认为尕海沉积物碳酸盐含量可以反映区域湿度变化;而粗颗粒组分(66.9μm)主要由风力搬运入湖,其含量可以指示区域粉尘活动历史.区域近400 a的环境变化可划分为3个阶段:1633 1750 AD:各指标出现大幅度波动,表现出该时期气候环境的不稳定和干湿交替,其中1650 1720 AD的变化波动尤为显著,这与太阳活动进入Maunder极小期存在一定的联系.1750 1950 AD:区域气候环境无明显波动,碳酸盐含量逐渐降低,湿度增加.1950 2010 AD:各指标变动剧烈,区域虽降水增多,但由于蒸发加强,湿度降低;1974 AD以后粗颗粒组分含量急剧上升,表现出高强度尘暴事件.  相似文献   
中国利用星载激光雷达开展沙尘和污染研究的综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
激光雷达作为一种新兴的主动遥感探测工具,被广泛应用于大气遥感、环境监测等领域。星载激光雷达由于其较广的探测范围、较高的时空分辨率、可获得连续的廓线数据等优势,已经成为全球及区域气溶胶和云特性观测研究的强有力工具。本文总结了自2006年CALIPSO卫星发射以来,中国科学家在利用其开展沙尘气溶胶及污染研究方面的工作,重点阐述了沙尘气溶胶的时空分布、远距离传输、分类识别、光学特性、沙尘释放、辐射与气候效应,以及灰霾和烟尘特性等方面的最新研究成果。对以上研究成果的梳理,有助于深入理解中国在利用星载激光雷达开展沙尘与污染研究的水平,也为未来开拓中国自主研发星载激光雷达的遥感应用领域奠定了基础。  相似文献   
西北地区一次沙尘天气的数值诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王川  李韬  侯建忠 《气象科技》2008,36(5):581-586
利用实况资料和WRF模式预报场.对2006年4月9~11日西北地区一次大范围沙尘天气进行动力诊断及数值模拟分析.结果表明;此次过程属于蒙古冷槽型,地面强冷空气的爆发直接导致了沙尘天气的发生,沙尘发生在冷锋后及锋面过境时;高空急流的发展、移动对沙尘天气有预示作用;沙尘发生区次级环流在过程发展中有明显变化,下沉气流和上升气流并存;有利的散度场促进了上升及下沉运动的加强;涡度场的变化影响蒙古气旋,对沙尘天气的发生发展有指示意义;稳定的大气层结和近地层较大的垂直风切变是两个特征;WRF模式对此次沙尘天气有较好的模拟能力.  相似文献   
沙尘气溶胶光学厚度的全球分布及分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用全球气溶胶数据GADS(Global Aerosol Data Set)计算了冬夏两季4种类型(积聚型、核型、粗粒型和传输型)沙尘气溶胶0.55μm光学厚度的全球分布。通过分析得出,气溶胶的消光系数和垂直厚度对光学厚度的影响很大。全球沙尘气溶胶分布具有明显的季节和地理差异,4个沙尘暴多发区,分别位于北非、中亚地区、澳大利亚西部和北美西部。中亚地区冬季沙尘气溶胶强度和范围比夏季大,北美和澳大利亚地区则相反,冬季光学厚度最大值位于北非的中部地区,而夏季其最大值位于非洲北部靠近大西洋的地区。沙尘气溶胶对<8μm的辐射吸收作用很弱,散射能力较强;对于>8μm的辐射吸收能力很强,吸收带位主要于8~11μm范围内。  相似文献   
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