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杨馥宁  吕萍  马芳  曹敏  肖南  顾立霞  杨迎 《中国沙漠》2023,43(1):107-115
沙丘的形态变化与移动蕴含区域风沙环境和地貌演化的关键信息,是风沙地貌研究的重要内容。以腾格里沙漠南缘的长格状和方格状沙丘为研究对象,利用风况资料和Google Earth卫星影像,监测2009—2020年两种格状沙丘的形态变化并分析其移动特征。结果表明:(1)腾格里沙漠西南缘和东南缘的主风向均为西北风,长格状沙丘分布区的次风向为东南风,方格状沙丘分布区次风向为东风和东南风,都属于低风能环境、中变率风况。西南部风能环境大于东南部,研究区近10年风动力呈衰减趋势。(2)格状沙丘的主副梁长度和间距在增加,其中,长格状沙丘高度增加,方格状沙丘高度在降低。沙丘主梁向东偏移,副梁向南偏移,形态整体保持稳定。(3)长格状沙丘平均移动速率为1.57~1.71 m·a-1,方格状沙丘平均移动速率为1.63~2.01 m·a-1,沙丘平均移动方向与合成输沙方向基本一致,沙丘的体积是造成移动速率差异的主因。  相似文献   
贾煜  汪泓  蔡宏  张磊 《测绘通报》2022,(2):121-127
西南喀斯特山区地形起伏较大,地物分布较为破碎,致使传统的光谱特征一次分类方法的精度较低。本文基于高分辨率无人机正射影像和地形指标,充分利用无人机遥感影像空间特征、光谱特征、纹理特征及地形特征,采取面向对象CART决策树算法与分层策略提取了研究区土地覆盖类型。研究表明,结合空间地形因子和分层策略的方法减少了破碎区地物间的相干扰,故具有较高的分类精度,总体分类精度达91.2%,Kappa系数为0.87,较传统一次分类精度提高了9.8%,Kappa系数提高了0.13。该方法对西南喀斯特地区土地覆盖解译精度较好,可为土地利用监测提供参考。  相似文献   
《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2014,346(5-6):119-129
The improvements of the knowledge of the seismic structure of the inner core and the complexities thereby revealed ask for a dynamical origin. Sub-solidus convection was one of the early suggestions to explain the seismic anisotropy, but it requires an unstable density gradient either from thermal or compositional origin, or from both. Temperature and composition profiles in the inner core are computed using a unidimensional model of core evolution including diffusion in the inner core and fractional crystallisation at the inner core boundary (ICB). The thermal conductivity of the core has been recently revised upwardly and, moreover, found to increase with depth. Values of the heat flow across the core mantle boundary (CMB) sufficient to maintain convection in the whole outer core are not sufficient to make the temperature in the inner core super-isentropic and therefore prone to thermal instability. An unreasonably high CMB heat flow is necessary to this end. The compositional stratification results from a competition of the increase of the concentration of light elements in the outer core with inner core growth, which makes the inner core concentration also increase, and of the decrease of the liquidus, which makes the partition coefficient decrease as well as the concentration of light elements in the solid. While the latter (destabilizing) effect dominates at small inner core sizes, the former takes over for a large inner core. The turnover point is encountered for an inner core about half its current size in the case of S, but much larger for the case of O. The combined thermal and compositional buoyancy is stabilizing and solid-state convection in the inner core appears unlikely, unless an early double-diffusive instability can set in.  相似文献   
以毛乌素沙地3种沙丘(新月形沙丘、抛物线形沙丘和反向沙丘)为研究对象,对其形态、表沙粒度特征和区域风况进行了量化分析,探讨了沙丘表沙物理运动过程及其形态对外界条件(风况和地表植被)变化的反馈,揭示了沙丘表沙粒度特征对不同沙丘形态的响应机制。结果表明:新月形沙丘表沙平均粒径由迎风坡底部向顶部逐渐变小,分选呈现逐渐变好趋势, 但粒径较小和分选较差的表沙样出现在沙丘迎风坡中部。随着地表植被覆盖度的增加,新月形沙丘逐渐向抛物线形沙丘转变,近地表输沙能力和沙丘上风向沙源的供应同样受到限制,致使抛物线形沙丘由迎风坡底部向顶部呈现表沙平均粒径变大,而分选逐渐变好的趋势。毛乌素沙地内季节性风况(春季盛行强劲西北风,夏季盛行较弱东南风)的变化不仅促进了反向沙丘的发育,并且重组了西北盛行风影响下的表沙粒度特征。在夏季反向风风蚀的作用下,沙丘落沙坡顶部出现反向堆积和脊线反向移动的现象,同时其顶部呈现平均粒径由小变大、分选逐渐变好的趋势。  相似文献   
土壤分层信息,特别是表土层结构,对土地生产力具有重要影响,是评价土壤质量的一个重要指标。为了快速、准确地获取土壤分层信息,本文利用探地雷达对分层土壤进行了回波信号采集,并分别在时域和频域分析土壤层位置和层厚信息。首先在信号预处理的基础上,借助包络检波方法确定在土壤分层界面在时域上的位置;然后获取电磁波速度,得到土壤分层厚度。考虑到土壤介电常数与电磁波在土壤中传播速度的相关性,采用短时傅里叶变换方法(Short-time Fourier Transform,STFT)获取各土壤层时频域特征值,并利用回归分析建立特征值与介电常数之间的数学关系,实现对各土壤层的介电常数估算,从而计算出电磁波传播速度,进而确定土壤各层厚度。为验证算法的有效性,分别对理想模拟实验环境和农田环境进行了探地雷达实验,结果表明利用包络检波对探地雷达回波信息进行分析,土壤层检出率达到94.5%,借助STFT谱分析进行探地雷达回波速度估计,对于70 cm深度以上土层厚度计算误差大都保持在10%以下,但随着土壤深度的增加,误差变大。总体来说,本方法能有效识别浅层土壤的分层信息,可应用于实际生产中耕层厚度的估测。  相似文献   
A stratification parameter ,defined as theamount of mechanical energy required to bring about vertical mixing, has been calculated for theYellow Sea using available data over the past ten years.T he monthly distributions of Log are obtained to explain the features of the Yellow Sea stratification.Fronts of the shallow shelf sea are often inseparably related with its stratifications. The front of the Yellow Sea in the warm half-year is generated in May and disappears in November. The shelf front moves shoreward and becomes strong in the heating season, but becomes weak in the cooling season upon return.  相似文献   
Grain‐size characteristics of dune networks in the Tengger Desert of northwestern China were investigated. Grain‐size parameters (mean, standard deviation, skew, and kurtosis) were determined on dune surfaces at windward toe, stoss, crest and leeward toe locations. Multiple discriminant analyses were applied to distinguish deposition environments. Results indicated that the aeolian sediment is mainly composed of very fine and fine sand in the dune networks of the Tengger Desert. Sorting improves as grain size becomes finer. However, the relationships between mean grain size, skew, and kurtosis vary in space. There is a negative relationship between skew and sorting; similarly, the relationships between sorting and skew, and skew and kurtosis change in space. The sediment deposition environment includes aeolian sediment and lacustrine sediment. The lacustrine sediment provides the source material for dune windward toe and stoss formation and development, but the aeolian sediment provides the source material for dune crest and leeward toe formation and development. According to the log‐probability of grain size distributions, aeolian sediments in dune networks are composed of two distinct saltation populations.  相似文献   
杭州市典型雨转雪天气成因及预报模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李进  陈勇明  毛则剑  周娟 《气象科技》2020,48(3):396-405
利用2008—2018年的NCEP(1°×1°)再分析资料、常规气象观测资料和降雪加密观测资料,选出杭州地区10次典型的雨转雪天气过程,从大尺度环流背景和动力、水汽以及热力因子等物理量场结构方面展开研究,最终得出杭州冬季典型雨转雪天气的预报模型:①大尺度环流配置需满足能为雨转雪天气的形成提供有利的水汽、动力抬升以及中低层上暖下冷的逆温或等温层结条件;②水汽和动力因子等物理量须满足产生纯雪的特定条件;③杭州温度层结须为T_(2m)≤1.5℃、T_(925)≤-4.0℃、T_(850)≤0℃、T_(700)≤-1.0℃和T_(500)≤-10.0℃。此外,进一步补充了杭州可能产生大雪甚至暴雪量级降雪的特定条件。最终选取2019年初的2次典型降水过程进行预报回报检验。  相似文献   
The systematic discrepancies in both tsunami arrival time and leading negative phase (LNP) were identified for the recent transoceanic tsunami on 16 September 2015 in Illapel, Chile by examining the wave characteristics from the tsunami records at 21 Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami (DART) sites and 29 coastal tide gauge stations. The results revealed systematic travel time delay of as much as 22 min (approximately 1.7% of the total travel time) relative to the simulated long waves from the 2015 Chilean tsunami. The delay discrepancy was found to increase with travel time. It was difficult to identify the LNP from the near-shore observation system due to the strong background noise, but the initial negative phase feature became more obvious as the tsunami propagated away from the source area in the deep ocean. We determined that the LNP for the Chilean tsunami had an average duration of 33 min, which was close to the dominant period of the tsunami source. Most of the amplitude ratios to the first elevation phase were approximately 40%, with the largest equivalent to the first positive phase amplitude. We performed numerical analyses by applying the corrected long wave model, which accounted for the effects of seawater density stratification due to compressibility, self-attraction and loading (SAL) of the earth, and wave dispersion compared with observed tsunami waveforms. We attempted to accurately calculate the arrival time and LNP, and to understand how much of a role the physical mechanism played in the discrepancies for the moderate transoceanic tsunami event. The mainly focus of the study is to quantitatively evaluate the contribution of each secondary physical effect to the systematic discrepancies using the corrected shallow water model. Taking all of these effects into consideration, our results demonstrated good agreement between the observed and simulated waveforms. We can conclude that the corrected shallow water model can reduce the tsunami propagation speed and reproduce the LNP, which is observed for tsunamis that have propagated over long distances frequently. The travel time delay between the observed and corrected simulated waveforms is reduced to <8 min and the amplitude discrepancy between them was also markedly diminished. The incorporated effects amounted to approximately 78% of the travel time delay correction, with seawater density stratification, SAL, and Boussinesq dispersion contributing approximately 39%, 21%, and 18%, respectively. The simulated results showed that the elastic loading and Boussinesq dispersion not only affected travel time but also changed the simulated waveforms for this event. In contrast, the seawater stratification only reduced the tsunami speed, whereas the earth's elasticity loading was responsible for LNP due to the depression of the seafloor surrounding additional tsunami loading at far-field stations. This study revealed that the traditional shallow water model has inherent defects in estimating tsunami arrival, and the leading negative phase of a tsunami is a typical recognizable feature of a moderately strong transoceanic tsunami. These results also support previous theory and can help to explain the observed discrepancies.  相似文献   
以中国南方亚热带地区典型的地下水补给型水库——大龙洞水库为对象,于2018年1月、4月、7月、10月、12月分别在上、中、下游三个监测点进行采样,探究水库热结构变化对于水体无机碳及其同位素的影响过程及机理。结果表明:(1)大龙洞水库水体在一个水文年中呈现周期性的混合期—分层期—混合期的热结构变化,4月热分层开始显现,7月逐渐显著呈现完整的热分层,10月以后热分层逐渐消失,水体逐渐实现混合;(2)水体热分层是溶解无机碳(DIC)浓度与碳稳定同位素(δ13CDIC)值变化的主要驱动力。表水层中DIC主要受水—气界面二氧化碳脱气、水生生物光合作用控制,其DIC浓度与δ13CDIC值分别为3.22 mmol·L−1和−9.15‰;温跃层中DIC主要受有机质降解过程影响,其DIC浓度与δ13CDIC值分别为3.43 mmol·L−1和−9.70‰;底水层中DIC主要受碳酸盐沉淀过程影响,其DIC浓度与δ13CDIC值分别为4.32 mmol·L−1和−11.89‰;(3)三种过程伴随水库热结构的变化而变化,驱动DIC浓度及其同位素的变化梯度 G (DIC)与 G13CDIC)的变化,表现为底水层<表水层<温跃层。热分层结束进入混合期后,DIC浓度与δ13CDIC值的时空差异均逐渐消失,最终表现出DIC浓度与δ13CDIC值的均一化。  相似文献   
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