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邱殿明  俞保祥  徐仲元 《世界地质》2000,19(4):329-333,341
吉林省辉南地区韧性剪切带岩石变形特征复杂多样。通过对剪切带内岩石的有限应变测量和变形环境的分析,认为本区韧性剪切带发育在地壳浅层次的低温低压环境,为逆冲推覆韧性变形,其变形变质作用相当于低绿片岩相,具有独特的构造组合和岩石变形特征,差异应力值为45-54MPa,剪切位移量约为12.5km,形成时间为中元古宙。  相似文献   
高速公路中红砂岩滑坡特征及整治   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
袁从华  倪俊 《岩土力学》2004,25(5):745-748
高速公路中红砂岩切方边坡失稳普遍存在。通过对两条高速公路边坡的调查研究和整治设计可以看出,边坡失稳主要与砂岩层面顺坡向、风化及节理发育程度有关外,还与地表形态、地表水下渗条件等密切有关。分析这些因素,为以后类似边坡工程积累经验,减少边坡开挖造成滑坡,对从事类似工程的设计施工,监理人员有参考作用。  相似文献   
Two different Pan-African tectono-metamorphic events are recognised in the Taita Hill Tsavo East National Park/Galana river area, SE-Kenya (Mozambique belt) based on petrographic and geothermobarometric evidence. Structurally, this area can be subdivided into four units: (1) the easternmost part of the basement along the Galana river is characterized by subhorizontal slightly to the west and east dipping foliation planes. Migmatic paragneisses with intercalated marbles, calcsilicates and metapelites and bands of amphibolites are the dominant rock type. (2) The western part of the Galana river within the Tsavo East National Park is a ca. 25 km wide shear zone with subvertical foliation planes. The eastern part shows similar rocks as observed in unit 1, while towards west, metasedimentary units become rare and the main rock types are tonalitic gneisses with intercalated amphibolites. (3) A 10 km wide zone (Sagala Hills zone) between the strike slip zone (unit 2) and the Taita Hills (unit 4) is developed. This zone is characterized by elongated and folded felsic migmatic amphibole and garnet bearing orthogneiss bodies with intercalated bands of mafic rocks. (4) The Taita Hills are a slightly to the N dipping nappe stack. The main rock type in the Taita Hills are amphibole–biotite–plagioclase–quartz ± garnet ± clinopyroxene ± scapolite bearing migmatic gneisses with mafic bands. In the southern part, metapelites, marbles and some amphibolites are common.Although the geological structures are different in units 1 and 2, the calculated PT conditions are similar with peak PT of 760–820 °C and 7.5–9.5 kbar. Temperatures in unit 3 (Sagalla Hills zone) and unit 4 (Taita Hills) are slightly higher ca. 760–840 °C, but pressure is significantly higher, ranging from 10 to 12 kbar. Sillimanite growth around kyanite, garnet zonation pattern, mineral reaction textures, and PT calculations constrain a “clock-wise” PT-path with near isobaric cooling following the peak of metamorphism. The different PT conditions, tectonic setting, and a different age of metamorphism are evidence that units 1 and 2 (Galana river) belong to a different tectono-metamorphic event than unit 3 (Sagala Hills zone) and 4 (Taita Hills). The major shear zone (unit 2) marks a tectonic suture dividing the two different tectono-metamorphic domains. It is also likely that it played an important role during exhumation of the granulite facies rocks from units 3 and 4.  相似文献   
湖南大地构造单元划分及其地球物理场特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
谢湘雄 《湖南地质》1992,11(4):334-342
不同大地构造单元,具有不同的地球物理场特征,这些特征,显然是划分不同构造单元的准则之一。湖南大地构造分区的焦点,是江南地轴的归属问题,本文根据地震和重磁资料等,论述了它隶属于扬子准地台的合理性。指出省内两个一级构造单元的分界应在江南地轴东南缘,其南西段与传统界线一致,北东段有重大改变,应将衡阳盆地和浏阳隆起包容到江南地轴区。最后,本文突出地球物理场特征,在前人工作的基础上对我省Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ级构造单元进行了划分。  相似文献   
Tectonic Evolution of the Himalayan Collision Belt   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper discusses the tectonic divisions of the Himalayan collision belt anddeals with the tectonic evolution of the collision belt in the context of crustal accretion in thefront of the collision belt, deep diapirism and thermal-uplift extension and deep material flow-ing of the lithosphere-backflowing. Finally it proposes a model of the tectonic evolution-progressive intracontinental deformation model-of the Himalayan belt.  相似文献   
瞬时地壳运动与地震短临预报   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
强祖基  赁常恭 《地学前缘》1995,2(2):213-225
本文在利用卫星红外扫描仪观测资料的基础上,探讨地震前低空大气的增温是地壳瞬时运动的表现,也是地球-大气耦合现象。通过分析,给出瞬时地壳运动引起增温的三种可能机制:岩石的辐射能量增加;岩层中CH_4、CO_2等气体溢出和太阳辐射导致增温;CH_4、CO_2含量增高和低空电场异常激发。并通过某些震例的增温展布形态及规律,恢复震前应力场和热增温演化特征:我国大陆东部NNE方向为主压应力方向,大陆东南沿海主压应力方向SN向,而我国大陆西部地区主压应力方向为SN向,在青藏高原的东北部派生主压应力为NE向。最后,介绍了这几年试验性预报效果检验:4年多总共预报32次,其中虚报2次,7次较准,17次较好,6次较差,漏报强震8次。最后涉及到地震孕育、发生过程中的机理的初步研究结果。  相似文献   
新疆博格达山分段及深浅构造转换关系   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
研究表明 ,天山及邻区自中生代以来一直处于热衰减状态 ,博格达山新生代再造山具有“冷隆升”性 ,盆山边界断裂多限于上地壳内 ,而非直通中地壳低速体甚至上地幔的“深大断裂”。造山带内的韧性剪切带是在古生代形成的 ,而不是再造山期的断裂 ,它对造山带隆升及盆山耦合无贡献 ,博格达山的隆升为复式背斜构造所支持。博格达山与准东的关系为背斜北翼与盆地平缓基底构成的挠曲构造 ,而不是被深大断裂分隔的断块。博格达山具有独特鲜明的分段性 ,造山带的两个弧形构造与新生代再生前陆盆地构成独特的“斜方对称”分布样式。以板条观点为指导 ,从盆山单元的平面配置关系和深浅构造转换关系入手 ,探讨了博格达山板内造山阶段的几何学和运动学分段性的成因 ,构建了盆山耦合模式  相似文献   
四川冕宁金林金矿地质特征及找矿前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金林金矿位于冕西韧性剪切带的东带。矿体赋存在燕山期变质流纹斑岩、霏细岩中。矿体受北东向断层破碎带控制,含金石英脉充填在由主断裂派生的北东、北西、近东西向三组裂隙中。该矿床属岩浆期后中一低温热液充填一交代石英脉型金矿床。矿区及其外围成矿地质条件良好,通过进一步工作可望找到较大的金矿床。  相似文献   
Retrograde metamorphism played the dominant role in changing the low-field rock magnetic properties and density of 198 specimens of variably retrograded eclogites from the main borehole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project (CCSD) and from surface outcrops in the Donghai area in the southern part of the Sulu UHP belt, China. Bulk magnetic susceptibility (κ) of unretrogressed UHP eclogite is controlled by whole-rock chemical composition and ranges from 397 to 2312 μSI with principal magnetic susceptibility carrying minerals paramagnetic garnet, omphacite, rutile and phengite. Partially retrograded eclogites show large variations in magnetic susceptibility between 804 and 24,277 μSI, with high mean magnetic susceptibility values of 4372 ± 4149 μSI caused by appreciable amounts of Fe-Ti oxide minerals such as magnetite, ilmenite and/or titanohematite produced by retrograde metamorphic reactions. Completely retrograded eclogites have lower susceptibilities of 1094 ± 600 μSI and amphibolite facies mineral assemblages lacking high magnetic susceptibility minerals. Jelínek's corrected anisotropy (Pj) of eclogites ranges from 1.001 to 1.540, and shows a positive correlation with low-field magnetic susceptibility (κ). Arithmetic mean bulk density (ρ) shows a steady decrease from 3.54 ± 0.11 g/cm3 (fresh eclogite) to 2.98 ± 0.06 g/cm3 (completely retrograded eclogite). Retrograde metamorphic changes in mineral composition during exhumation appear to be the major factor causing variations in low field magnetic susceptibility and anisotropy. Retrograde processes must be taken into account when interpreting magnetic surveys and geophysical well logs in UHP metamorphic terranes, and petrophysical properties such as density and low-field magnetic susceptibility could provide a means for semi-quantifying the degree of retrogression of eclogite during exhumation.  相似文献   
根据山西宁武煤田某煤矿2#煤层采掘及钻孔揭露情况,发现该井田中部和南部存在古河流冲刷带。通过对比基于优选的4个地震属性的四元一次、四元二次多项式回归模型与BP神经网络预测模型,决定将BP人工神经网络模型预测煤层厚度数据应用于整个测区古河流冲刷带的预判工作。首先利用GeoFrame系统和Landmark公司Poststack模块,提取2#煤层反射波的各类沿层切片,分析并圈定出2#煤层古河流冲刷带的大致范围,在此基础上,利用垂直时间剖面中2#煤层反射波的各种波形特征,进一步判别2#煤层古河流冲刷带解释的可靠性,然后结合BP神经网络预测模型获得的2#煤层厚度变化趋势图,最终解释出2#煤层古河流冲刷带范围:勘探区内2#煤层厚度变化范围0~5.3m,根据其煤层厚度变化趋势,将全区划分出一大二小3个古河流冲刷带。  相似文献   
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