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Two different Pan-African tectono-metamorphic events are recognised in the Taita Hill Tsavo East National Park/Galana river area, SE-Kenya (Mozambique belt) based on petrographic and geothermobarometric evidence. Structurally, this area can be subdivided into four units: (1) the easternmost part of the basement along the Galana river is characterized by subhorizontal slightly to the west and east dipping foliation planes. Migmatic paragneisses with intercalated marbles, calcsilicates and metapelites and bands of amphibolites are the dominant rock type. (2) The western part of the Galana river within the Tsavo East National Park is a ca. 25 km wide shear zone with subvertical foliation planes. The eastern part shows similar rocks as observed in unit 1, while towards west, metasedimentary units become rare and the main rock types are tonalitic gneisses with intercalated amphibolites. (3) A 10 km wide zone (Sagala Hills zone) between the strike slip zone (unit 2) and the Taita Hills (unit 4) is developed. This zone is characterized by elongated and folded felsic migmatic amphibole and garnet bearing orthogneiss bodies with intercalated bands of mafic rocks. (4) The Taita Hills are a slightly to the N dipping nappe stack. The main rock type in the Taita Hills are amphibole–biotite–plagioclase–quartz ± garnet ± clinopyroxene ± scapolite bearing migmatic gneisses with mafic bands. In the southern part, metapelites, marbles and some amphibolites are common.Although the geological structures are different in units 1 and 2, the calculated PT conditions are similar with peak PT of 760–820 °C and 7.5–9.5 kbar. Temperatures in unit 3 (Sagalla Hills zone) and unit 4 (Taita Hills) are slightly higher ca. 760–840 °C, but pressure is significantly higher, ranging from 10 to 12 kbar. Sillimanite growth around kyanite, garnet zonation pattern, mineral reaction textures, and PT calculations constrain a “clock-wise” PT-path with near isobaric cooling following the peak of metamorphism. The different PT conditions, tectonic setting, and a different age of metamorphism are evidence that units 1 and 2 (Galana river) belong to a different tectono-metamorphic event than unit 3 (Sagala Hills zone) and 4 (Taita Hills). The major shear zone (unit 2) marks a tectonic suture dividing the two different tectono-metamorphic domains. It is also likely that it played an important role during exhumation of the granulite facies rocks from units 3 and 4.  相似文献   
湖南大地构造单元划分及其地球物理场特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
谢湘雄 《湖南地质》1992,11(4):334-342
不同大地构造单元,具有不同的地球物理场特征,这些特征,显然是划分不同构造单元的准则之一。湖南大地构造分区的焦点,是江南地轴的归属问题,本文根据地震和重磁资料等,论述了它隶属于扬子准地台的合理性。指出省内两个一级构造单元的分界应在江南地轴东南缘,其南西段与传统界线一致,北东段有重大改变,应将衡阳盆地和浏阳隆起包容到江南地轴区。最后,本文突出地球物理场特征,在前人工作的基础上对我省Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ级构造单元进行了划分。  相似文献   
梅雨锋对引发暴雨的中尺度对流系统发生发展影响的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
赵玉春 《大气科学》2011,35(1):81-94
针对梅雨锋(湿度锋)上或附近偏南暖湿气流一侧中尺度对流系统不断发生发展和长时间维持而引发长江流域暴雨的观测事实,利用中尺度数值预报模式WRF(V3.1.1)设计了一系列三维理想数值试验,研究了梅雨锋两侧自身水汽差异效应,探讨了基本气流和风垂直切变对梅雨锋上中尺度对流系统发生发展的影响,揭示了梅雨锋对中尺度对流系统的组织...  相似文献   
Tectonic Evolution of the Himalayan Collision Belt   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper discusses the tectonic divisions of the Himalayan collision belt anddeals with the tectonic evolution of the collision belt in the context of crustal accretion in thefront of the collision belt, deep diapirism and thermal-uplift extension and deep material flow-ing of the lithosphere-backflowing. Finally it proposes a model of the tectonic evolution-progressive intracontinental deformation model-of the Himalayan belt.  相似文献   
通过对我国东南象限冬、春季雨带的相关分析,发现当冬、春季之间地气形势稳定时,约有68%的春雨带位于冬雨带南方50~300 km的范围内,此统计结果可作为预报春雨的指标;当冬季地气形势出现“双跳型”时,冬、春季之间的雨带可相距500 km以上,此时冬、春季的地震时空变化有可能作为春雨位置的预报指标。  相似文献   
Wind shear reflects that the wind field is not uniform, which is one of the primary factors which make the retrieval of the wind field difficult. Based on volume velocity process(VVP) wind field retrieval technique, the intensity of wind shear is identified in this paper. After analyzing the traditional techniques that rely on the difference of radial velocity to identify wind shear, a fixed difference among radial velocities that may cause false identification in a uniform wind field was found. Because of the non-uniformity in wind shear areas, the difference of retrieved results between surrounding analysis volumes can be used as a measurement to show how strong the wind shear is. According to the analysis of a severe convective weather process that occurred in Guangzhou, it can be found that the areas of wind shear appeared with the strength significantly larger than in other regions and the magnitude generally larger than4.5 m/(s·km). Besides, by comparing the variation of wind shear strength during the convection, it can be found that new cells will be more likely to generate when the strength is above 3.0 m/(s·km). Therefore, the analysis of strong wind shear's movement and development is helpful to forecasting severe convections.  相似文献   
乌鲁木齐国际机场一次强东南大风天气分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对乌鲁木齐国际机场2003年11月12日出现的强东南大风天气过程,利用常规天气资料和机场跑道自动观测系统(AWOS)采集的实时观测资料,对机场东南大风天气形势、机场跑道附近气象要素和水平风切变演变特征、高空风垂直分布特征等方面进行了分析,给出了东南大风的成因。  相似文献   
An analogy has been established between a plane mixing layer and the atmospheric flow near the top of a vegetation canopy. It is based on a common feature, a strong inflection in the mean velocity profile, responsible for hydrodynamical instabilities that set the pattern for the coherent eddies and determine the turbulence length scales. In an earlier study, this analogy was tested using a small data set from thirteen experiments, all in near-neutral conditions. It provided a good prediction of the streamwise spacing w of the dominant canopy eddies (evaluated from time series of vertical velocity) that appears to depend on a shear length scale Ls = U(h)/U'(h), where h is canopy height, U is mean velocity and U' the vertical gradient dU/dz. The present analysis utilizes an extensive data set of approximately 700 thirty-minute runs, from six experiments on two forest sites and a maize crop, with a large range of stability conditions. w was estimated for each run using the wavelet transform as an objective, automated detection method. First, the variations of w and Ls with atmospheric stability are discussed. Neutral and unstable values exhibit a large scatter whereas in stable conditions both variables decrease with increasing stability. It is subsequently found that w is directly related to Ls, in a way close to the neutral prediction w /h = 8.1Ls/h.The Strouhal number Str = Ls /w is then shown to vary with atmospheric stability, weakly in unstable conditions, more significantly in stable conditions. Altogether these results suggest that, to some extent, the plane mixing-layer analogy can be extended to non-neutral conditions. It is argued that the primary effect of atmospheric stability, at least in stable conditions, is to modify the shear length scale Ls through changes in U(h) and U'(h), which in turn determines the streamwise spacing of the active, coherent motions.  相似文献   
利用WRF (Weather Research Forecasting)中尺度数值模式对2010年7月12—13日梅雨期影响江苏的江淮切变线大暴雨过程进行数值试验,重点研究切变线南侧水汽强度、垂直厚度和输送位置变化对降水发生、发展的影响,并揭示湿位涡对江淮切变线降水的指示性。结果表明:对流层高层水汽对降水强度和雨带分布影响较小;中层水汽对整体雨带形态的维持起了重要作用;低层水汽强度的变化主要对大暴雨区域及大暴雨中心降水强度存在影响;而水汽输送位置离切变线越近越有利于暴雨的发生发展。同时,切变线南侧水汽变化对江淮切变线和西南风低空急流发生发展,以及相关高低空散度和上升运动也存在影响,切变线南侧水汽供应越充足、水汽强度越强、水汽柱愈深厚、输送位置离切变线越近,则高低空散度发展耦合愈充分,垂直上升运动愈旺盛,切变形势及切变线上低涡越活跃,相应的降水强度越强、雨带分布越宽阔连续。分析发现湿位涡(Moist Potential Vorticity,MPV)对江淮切变线降水有较好的指示性,且以正压项MPV1的影响和指示为主。MPV1负峰值的出现指示降水峰值出现,当MPV1 <-1.5 PVU时,切变线附近有小时降水量大于20 mm的短时强降雨发生。在MPV1<0条件下,若︱MPV2︱>0.05 PVU且尤其当MPV2>0时,降水强度明显增强,而MPV1为负、MPV2为正维持时间越久、︱MPV1︱和︱MPV2︱峰值越大,则江淮切变线降水持续时间越久、强度越强。  相似文献   
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