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黑龙江盘古-碧水韧性剪切带中段构造地球化学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
盘古-碧水韧性剪切带中段糜棱岩的叠加强度和质量平衡分析表明:剪切带在变形过程中组分发生了显著的交换。糜棱岩类总体CaO、K2O、SiO2大量带入,TiO2、MnO、FeO是带出的。随着糜棱岩化程度的提高,SiO2、K2O、MnO明显带入,CaO少量带出。以Al2O3守恒为限制条件,整个剪切带质量和体积增加了16.87%。大规模的物质带入带出发生在糜棱岩阶段。  相似文献   
本文通过对周建波等人1998年发表在本刊上的有关韧性剪切带稀土元素稳定性一文的讨论,结合国内外有关稀土元素在各地质环境中的活动性和韧性剪切带流体渗滤作用对体系中元素迁移影响的研究成果,探讨了韧性剪切变形过程中稀土元素的可变性质及其控制因素。  相似文献   
杨新库 《地质与资源》2011,20(2):111-114
白云金矿区总体构造为东西走向的线性褶皱构造,金矿体受东西向展布的脆-韧性剪切带控制.辽河群地层是矿源层,矿体赋存于辽河群大石桥组三段及盖县组地层和燕山期的岩脉中,矿化对岩石无明显选择性,矿床具有明显的韧性剪切带特征.硅、钾蚀变带加上黄铁矿化是寻找金矿的最显著标志.深部矿化连续,具较好的找矿前景.提出了深部勘探工作方向和建议.  相似文献   
A rapid reduction in sediment porosity from 60 to 70 % at seafloor to less than 10 % at several kilometers depth can play an important role in deformation and seismicity in the shallow portion of subduction zones. We conducted deformation experiments on rocks from an ancient accretionary complex, the Shimanto Belt, across the Nobeoka Thrust to understand the deformation behaviors of rocks along plate boundary faults at seismogenic depth. Our experimental results for phyllites in the hanging wall and shale‐tuff mélanges in the footwall of the Nobeoka Thrust indicate that the Shimanto Belt rocks fail brittlely accompanied by a stress drop at effective pressures < 80 MPa, whereas they exhibit strain hardening at higher effective pressures. The transition from brittle to ductile behavior in the shale–tuff mélanges lies on the same trend in effective stress–porosity space as that for clay‐rich and tuffaceous sediments subducting into the modern Nankai subduction zone. Both the absolute yield strength and the effective pressure at the brittle–ductile transition for the phyllosilicate‐rich materials are much lower than for sandstones. These results suggest that as the clay‐rich or tuffaceous sediments subduct and their porosities are reduced, their deformation behavior gradually transitions from ductile to brittle and their yield strength increases. Our results also suggest that samples of the ancient Shimanto accretionary prism can serve as an analog for underthrust rocks at seismogenic depth in the modern Nankai Trough.  相似文献   
The Yunmeng Shan metamorphic core complex (MCC) is composed of the lower plate, the upper plate and the detachment zone. The detachment zone consists of ductile shear zone (mylonite zone), chloritized microbreccias zone and the brittle fault plane. The ductile shear zone contains mylonitic rocks, protomylonites, and mylonites. Finite strain measurements of feldspar porphyroclasts from those rocks using the Rf/φ method show that the strain intensities increase from mylonitic rocks (Es=0.66–0.72) to protomylonites (Es=0.66–0.83), and to mylonites (Es=0.71–1.2). The strain type is close to flatten strain. Kinematic vorticity estimated by Polar Mohr diagrams suggest that foliations and lineation of mylonite (0.47ductile thinning estimated by finite strain measurements and estimation of Kinematic vorticity ranges from 52% to 82%, which is the minimum thining estimation. Our studies provide new evidence for mechanisms of the Yunmeng Shan MCC detachement zone.  相似文献   
中国西天山拉尔敦达坂构造解析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
拉尔敦达坂一带发育的大型复合式韧性剪切带,经解析分为水平拆离、挤压和岩浆侵入隆升、左行走滑韧性剪切三个不同阶段,变形时限分别限定在早古生代晚期至晚古生代早期、晚泥盆世和二叠-三叠纪。剪切带向东至伊连哈比尔山被“天山主干断裂”截断,向西经北本札尔特河谷的阿登布拉克沟在国境附近的阿拉爱格尔山口附近与邻国“尼古拉耶夫线”相接。该剪切带属南侧塔里木与伊犁-伊塞克两陆块碰撞缝合构造同碰撞期的次级构造带。  相似文献   
刘欢  林寿发  宋传中 《地质学报》2016,90(6):1098-1111
桐柏杂岩中发育一套典型的L构造岩,其构造位置位于桐柏造山带核部,被两条近似对称的韧性剪切带所夹持,北侧剪切带左旋,南侧剪切带右旋。由于L构造岩构造位置特殊,其位于剪切带、桐柏背形、桐柏穹窿等多种构造体的交叉部位,L构造岩的构造成因解析可以为桐柏造山带的形成演化提供重要制约。通过对桐柏造山带L构造岩的构造成因机理解析和其变形温压条件的研究,同时结合前人对桐柏山其它主要构造单元的研究,我们提出,桐柏山L构造岩的形成主要受其南北两侧两条韧性剪切带控制,传统意义的桐柏杂岩体白垩纪之前与南北一体的韧性剪切带沿近似东西方向发生管状韧性剪切,剪切作用形成了一套典型的L构造岩。L构造岩的形成指示了桐柏山单元可能经历了一期中下地壳物质的管状的韧性的向东剪切流动,后期白垩纪桐柏山核部的L构造岩经历了大规模的岩浆上升与浮力增加,该L构造岩同剪切带一起发生隆升但管状剪切构造特征并未被改造,随着不均匀隆升桐柏山出现了现今的几何学特征。L构造岩反映出管状剪切形成了现今桐柏造山带近东西向线状构造样式的主体。  相似文献   
New structural and petrological data unveil a very complicated ductile deformation history of the Xiongdian-Suhe HP metamorphic unit, north-western Dabie Shun, central China. The finegrained symplectic amphibolite-facies assemblage and coronal structure enveloping eclogite-facies garnet,omphacite and phengite etc., representing strain-free decompression and retrogressive metamorphism,are considered as the main criteria to distinguish between the early-stage deformation under HP metamorphic conditions related to the continental deep subduction and collision, and the late-stage deformation under amphibolite to greenschist-facies conditions occurred in the post-eclogite exhumation processes.Two late-stages of widely developed, sequential ductile deformations D3 and D4, are recognized on the basis of penetrative fabrics and mineral aggregates in the Xiongdian-Suhe HP metamorphic unit, which shows clear, regionally, consistent overprinting relationships. D3 fabrics are best preserved in the Suhe tract of low post-D3 deformation intensity and characterized by steeply dipping layered mylonitic amphibolites associated with doubly vergent folds. They are attributed to a phase of tectonism linked to the initial exhumation of the HP rocks and involved crustal shortening with the development of upright structures and the widespread emplacement of garnet-bearing granites and felsic dikes. D4 structures are attributed to the main episode of ductile extension (D^24) with a gently dipping foliation to the north and common intrafolial, recumbent folds in the Xiongdian tract, followed by normal sense top-to-the northductile shearing (D^24) along an important tectonic boundary, the so-called Majiawa-Hexiwan fault (MHF), the westward continuation of the Balifan-Mozitan-Xiaotian fault (BMXF) of the northern Dabie Shan. It is indicated that the two stages of ductile deformation observed in the Xiongdian-Suhe HP metamorphic unit, reflecting the post-eclogite compressional or extrusion wedge formation, the subhorizontal ductile extension and crustal thinning as well as the top-to-the north shearing along the high-angle ductile shear zones responsible for exhumation of the HP unit as a coherent slab, are consistent with those recognized in the Dabie-Sulu UHP and HP metamorphic belts, suggesting that they were closely associated in time and space. The Xiongdian-Suhe HP metamorphic unit thus forms part of the Triassic(250-230 Ma) collision orogenic belt, and can not connect with the South Altun-North Qaidam-North Qinline UHP metamorphic belt formed durin~ the Early Paleozoic (500-400Ma).  相似文献   
为查明甘肃北山前红泉一带地层、岩浆岩、构造等地质特征和成矿地质条件,总结成矿规律,进行矿产资源远景评价和成矿预测,开展了 1 ∶ 5万前红泉等三幅矿产远景调查工作.通过4个年度工作,重新厘定了工作区地层系统,建立了区内岩浆岩演化序列,在构造解析的基础上探讨区域构造演化史.将"O-S"地层(敦煌岩群)解体为4个填图单元,...  相似文献   
对阜新地区主要构造旋回变质作用、变形特征的研究表明,阜平期、四堡期和燕山期为阜新地区的3个主要变质时期,分别遭受了麻粒岩相-角闪岩相、低角闪岩相-高绿片岩相及绿片岩相变质作用;阜平期分为3幕变形,四堡期分为2幕变形,燕山期分为5幕变形,构造变形具有从深层次→中浅层次→表层次的演化规律;阜平期构造运动控制了区内鞍山式铁矿的成矿,燕山期构造运动控制了区内热液型金、铜、萤石、沸石、膨润土矿产和煤、油页岩等沉积型矿产的成矿。  相似文献   
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