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柱状岩体崩塌具有分布范围广、破坏能力强、影响范围大的特点。2004年8月12号,重庆甑子岩W12危岩体发生崩塌,崩塌体运动距离约600 m,形成显著超前空气冲击效应,激起浮尘高度约150 m。文章基于MatDEM离散元软件对甑子岩崩塌动力特征与破碎规律进行了研究,建立了按照实际节理分布的崩塌模型,实现了崩塌全过程的模拟,并结合影像资料验证了模型的有效性,在此基础上对MatDEM进行二次开发,统计分析了崩塌过程中岩块粒径演化规律,确定了崩塌过程中的四个显著颗粒破碎时刻,分别为崩塌源区底部岩体受压破碎、中上部岩体撞击低速三角区、中部岩体撞击斜坡地面与上部岩体撞击斜坡地面。引入分形维数与双参数Weibull分布模型分析了崩塌前后颗粒破碎规律,结果显示崩塌后颗粒破碎明显,细粒颗粒占比显著增加。文章为岩体崩塌的动力特征与破碎规律的研究提供了依据。  相似文献   
The streaming transfer method which makes data immediately available application during the progress of transfer becomes a welcome transfer way over Web. The progressive transmission of map data provides the users witha self-adaptive strategy to access remote data. It not only speeds up the Web transfer but also offers an efficient navigation guide in information acquisition. The key technology in this transmission is the efficient multiple representation of spatial data and pre-organization on server site. This paper aims at vector data offering a new multiple representation model called changes accumulation model, which considers the spatial representation from one scale to another scale as an accumulation of set of changes. The difference between two consecutive representations is recorded in a linear index and through gradually addition or subtraction realizes the progressive transmission. As an example, the progressive transmission of area feature based on changes accumulation model is investigated in the paper. The model is built by hierarchical decomposition of polygon into series of convex hulls or bounding rectangles and through component of the decomposed elements to accomplish the progressive transmission.  相似文献   
局部剪切破坏模式下的无重地基承载力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨扬  卢坤林  朱大勇 《岩土力学》2014,35(1):232-237
局部剪切破坏是一种常见的地基破坏模式,该破坏模式下的地基承载力理论计算方法尚不完善,对无重地基局部剪切破坏的极限承载力理论进行了研究。首先从破坏时破裂面延伸位置的角度完善了浅基础3种破坏模式的划分标准。对于局部剪切破坏,土体强度并未完全发挥出来,潜在破坏区处于非极限状态,所以将土体强度逐渐发挥的概念引入地基承载力中,通过适当的假设,建立了局部剪切破坏模式下无重介质地基承载力的理论计算方法,并与已有的经典成果进行比较分析,印证了该方法的合理性。研究成果为解决局部剪切破坏模式下地基承载力的计算提供了理论参考。  相似文献   
在现代媒体深深介入文学领域并困绕既往的文学习惯,造成文学困境的时候,希利斯.米勒提起的“文学终结”论无疑引起人们思想上的波动,并让人深省造成文学困境的原因。事实上,造成困境是多种力量合力的产物,而不能仅仅归源于现代媒体,文学创作者与文学研究者对大众群体文学接受视野某种程度上的漠视,也负有不可推卸的责任。  相似文献   
地震系统实现与政府相关应急部门的单路点对点视频会议,为满足双方双路甚至多路的视频会议需求,采用编解码器的模数/数模转化技术,通过增加音视频切换器模块、音视频分配器模块和双绞线传输器模块,最终实现地震局值班室与应急办、指挥大厅与应急办的双路点对点视频会议,同时实现上海市地震局多路视频源信号与应急办传输功能,拓展沟通渠道,丰富通讯信息,保证信息传输及时有效.  相似文献   
Interpreting Dual Laterolog Fracture Data in Fractured Carbonate Formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The estimation of fractures is key to evaluating fractured carbonate reservoirs. It is difficult to evaluate this kind of reservoir because of its heterogeneously distributed fractures and anisotropy, A three-dimensional numerical model was used to simulate the responses of the dual laterolog (DLL) in a fractured formation based on a macro-isotropic anisotropic model, Accordingly, a fast fracture computing method was developed. First, the apparent conductivity of the DLL is linearly related to the porosity of the fracture and the conductivity of pore fluid. Second, the amplitude difference of the deep and shallow apparent resistivity logs is mainly dependent on the dip angle of the fracture. Then the response of the DLL to a formation with dip angle fractures is approximately depicted as a function of the bulk resistivity of the rock, the porosity of the fractures and the conductivity of fracture fluid. This function can be used to compute the porosity of fracture quickly. The actual data show that the fracture parameters determined by the DLL closely coincide with the formation micro imager log.  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a multiscale technique for the simulation of porous media flows in a flow-based coordinate system. A flow-based coordinate system allows us to simplify the scale interaction and derive the upscaled equations for purely hyperbolic transport equations. We discuss the applications of the method to two-phase flows in heterogeneous porous media. For two-phase flow simulations, the use of a flow-based coordinate system requires limited global information, such as the solution of single-phase flow. Numerical results show that one can achieve accurate upscaling results using a flow-based coordinate system.  相似文献   
含裂隙煤层的地震记录模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用线性滑移(Linear Slip Deformation)裂隙介质模型、各向异性弹性波模拟方法,对含裂隙煤层进行了2D2C(二维二分量)单炮记录模拟与分析。结果表明:煤层含裂隙后与不含裂隙时相比,反射时差的变化已不足以识别,但由于波速的改变会使煤层顶底界面的波阻抗发生变化,从而引起波的动力学特征的改变,AVO现象尤其明显。当裂隙为非垂直时,炮点两侧的反射波能量和振幅出现不对称现象。x分量和z分量的特征明显不同,转换波主要记录在x分量上,横波在x分量上有不可忽视的能量。因此,应用各向异性理论、利用多分量转换波研究煤层裂隙的特征是可能的。  相似文献   
以城市中心变迁和阶层居住分化为研究视角,探究了非洲近代、现代2个时期的城市二元社会空间结构特征与模式。结果表明:不同时期,非洲城市内部的二元社会空间结构存在显著差异。随着欧洲殖民进程的结束,社会空间结构从旧二元向新二元转变。近代时期,非洲城市空间形态表现出典型的双城模式,殖民者与本地人的居住空间被严格区分;现代时期,非洲城市表现出新旧中心并存模式,中上阶层与贫民居住空间存在明显分异。政治、经济、人口与社会等因素是城市二元社会空间结构形成的重要驱动力。最后,为促进非洲城市社会空间的可持续发展提出了建议。  相似文献   
在互联网应用高度发达的背景下,印刷出版领域的新型应用也逐渐发展,以致于印刷出版领域现有的信息处理技术逐渐不能适应新的应用模式需求,“点对点”传版模式对就近异地印刷、按需印刷就无法提供技术支撑.通过介绍印刷出版行业中现有的远程传版应用方式以及其存在的问题,提出了基于互联网、中心节点平台以及喷墨印刷的远程传版应用模式,并设计出相应的远程传版系统.该模式的应用不仅能够很好地为按需印刷应用模式提供技术基础,而且能够为出版内容的集中、安全监管提供技术平台.  相似文献   
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