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时空特征分析对全面掌握水质变异规律具有重要意义,但现有的水质时空特征分析方法仍存在水质变异次序不分、水质变幅极值不清、水质评价特征值不明等不足。为更加清晰地探析水质时空特征信息,以秦淮河为研究对象,参考工程水文学经验频率法,建立“水文频率-水质”拟合曲线用于探索流域内高/低活动区不同时间段和丰/枯水期不同河段水质变异特征,并与传统的箱线图法进行对比。结果表明:与箱线图相比,“水文频率-水质”拟合曲线可量化关键水质评判点与特征值信息,使水质时空变异过程更为清晰。在时间上“水文频率-水质”拟合曲线的最佳形式为线性曲线,水质浓度一般不会发生突变;在空间上“水文频率-水质”拟合曲线的最佳形式为指数曲线,水质浓度有较大可能发生突增。各时间段高活动区氮磷浓度大于低活动区,各水体断面丰水期氮磷浓度低于枯水期。该方法分析过程简单方便,结果直观有序,能将水质信息以统计规律自动反映出来,在水质采样点、采样时间和采样频率典型时可作为优选方法用于河流水质时空特征研究。  相似文献   
中国海岸带分布规律及其海部要素变化检测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在海岸带图测绘完成后,海部要素的变化是导致海岸带图使用价值降低的重要因素.根据我国海岸的组成物质将其归纳为淤泥质海岸、沙砾质海岸、基岩海岸、红树海岸和珊瑚海岸,并归纳总结了每一种海岸的空间分布规律.分析了影响海岸线、干出滩以及近海水深等海部要素变化的主要因素,海岸要素变化的因素和变化规律,进而提出了海部要素实质性变化的检测统计方法,对提高海岸带图测绘效率、缩短成图周期、确定更新周期和制定更新方案都具有重要的意义.  相似文献   
利用1°×1°NCEP再分析资料和探空资料,对2009年6月3日发生在黄淮流域的强飑线天气过程进行诊断分析,并采用WRF模式进行天气过程模拟和进一步研究。结果表明:本次飑线天气是东北冷涡后部横槽引导冷空气南下与南方暖湿气流相遇引发的。地面干线附近是雷暴和飑线的高发区。这次飑线天气发生在高空急流减弱之际、低空急流建立之前。高低空急流的U、V风分量变化对飑线有一定的指示意义。不同阶段的飑线降水和大风出现位置不同。  相似文献   
西北干旱区夏半年深厚的混合层与干旱气候形成   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
为了更好地理解西北干旱区大气混合层(ML)厚度的变化特征及其对当地干旱气候形成的影响,我们利用张掖和民勤站夏季及相关月的实测探空资料及T-log P图解法,首先计算了该两地逐日ML厚度,然后分析并讨论了它的时空间变化特征、与干湿天气气候的关系,以及夏半年的深厚ML,对加剧当地干旱气候的影响.结果表明:(1)河西中东部ML厚度的年变化及地区差异明显.冬季最浅薄,夏半年深厚(特别是5、6月),4月及10月分别是ML急剧增厚及变薄的过渡期;同时,更靠近西北干旱区中心的河西西部及北部的ML更深厚.(2)夏季干(湿)天气通过加强(减弱)地气间的感热交换和干对流,而明显影响当地的ML厚度.平均而言,以高温日最深厚,千日次之,小雨日再次之,而中强雨日最浅薄.千年夏季的ML厚度平均比湿年的对应值增厚300 m左右.夏季典型千日的ML厚度比雨日厚3000 m,典型干日的ML厚度昼宿变化不大.(3)反过来夏半年深厚的ML也通过增加雨滴蒸发损耗,减少了干旱区的降水,加剧了当地干旱的程度,因此夏半年深厚的ML也是形成干旱气候背景的成因之一.  相似文献   
为研究高温岩体储留层注水过程中缝网间距对储留层岩体温度的影响规律,建立了考虑热对流和热传导效应的热流固耦合力学模型。以水平井多簇缝网地热开发为例,将缝网及其周围岩体简化为等效的多孔介质,利用ABAQUS二次开发功能实现了流固耦合和热对流耦合。模拟结果表明:储留层岩体温度的变化按注水持续时间分为3个阶段:初温保持阶段,该阶段储留层岩体温度保持原始温度,缝网间距的不同对储留层岩体整体温度无影响;快速降温阶段,该阶段储留层岩体温度下降随注水时间呈现负指数变化规律,缝网间距与储留层岩体温度呈正相关关系;温度缓慢下降平稳阶段,该阶段初期缝网间距与储留层岩体温度的关系和快速降温阶段一致,但后期缝网间距与储留层岩体温度呈负相关关系。空间上,在岩体温度高的区域,缝网间距越小,岩体温度变化梯度越大;在岩体温度较低的区域,缝网间距越小,岩体温度变化梯度越小。  相似文献   

The mechanical characteristics of calcareous silt interlayers play an important role in the stability of island-reef foundations. Direct shear and consolidation tests were performed to study the relationship between the mechanical properties and the physical parameters of calcareous silt. Based on the consolidation test results and analysis of the settling examples, different calculation methods for soil settling were compared. The results show the following. (1) The relationship between the cohesion and water content of calcareous silt can be represented by an M-shaped curve. The water contents corresponding to the two peaks of the M-type curve increase with increasing dry density. (2) When the dry density is less than 1.33?g/cm3, increasing the density significantly improves the internal friction angle of calcareous silts. When the dry density of the calcareous silt is greater than 1.33?g/cm3, the internal friction angle is affected by both the dry density and the water content. (3) The shear strength decreases when the water content exceeds the optimum level. (4) The compressive modulus of calcareous silt is larger than that of terrigenous silt. Specifically, it decreases with decreasing dry density and increasing water content. (5) The stepwise loading method should be used to estimate the soil settling before fill engineering construction.  相似文献   
In this research, the regional extreme‐dry‐spell frequency in the middle reaches of the Yellow River Basin (YRB) is studied by the L‐moments method. The research area has been divided into three subregions (regions 1, 2 and 3), which have been identified as homogenous regions. The results of a goodness‐of‐fit test indicate that a generalized normal distribution is the optimal regional model for regions 1 and 2 whereas a generalized Pareto distribution is the optimal regional model for region 3. The return period analysis figures out that the maximum length‐of‐dry‐spell (MxDS) values increase from south to north in the southern part and increase from northeast to southwest in the northern part of the middle reaches of the YRB under different return periods. The increments of quantiles of dry spell under different return levels indicate that drought risk in region 1 is higher than that in regions 2 and 3. The analysis of the occurrence day of MxDS shows that MxDS mostly occurred during winter of 1998 and spring of 1999 in most stations during the considered period. By comparing summer MxDS events, it can be found that mean MxDS values have slightly increased in regions 1 and 2 during the last five decades. The maximum mean MxDS values appeared in the 2000s for regions 1 and 2 and in the 1990s for region 3. The atmospheric circulation shows that the positive anomaly centre in the west of North China, negative anomaly centre in the east of North China and the strong western Pacific subtropical high led to the decrease of precipitation in North China during the summer of 1997. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The accurate forecasting of tropical cyclones(TCs) is a challenging task. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a dry-mass conserving(DMC) hydrostatic global spectral dynamical core on TC simulation. Experiments were conducted with DMC and total(moist) mass conserving(TMC) dynamical cores. The TC forecast performance was first evaluated considering 20 TCs in the West Pacific region observed during the 2020 typhoon season. The impacts of the DMC dynamical core on forecasts o...  相似文献   
基于阿拉善荒漠中部的4个霸王(Sarcozygium xanthoxylon)样点建立的区域轮宽年表,探讨了霸王径向生长对气候变化的响应及阿拉善荒漠中部区域1902—2015年的干湿变化。结果表明:霸王的径向生长主要受到生长季及前期降水(当年4—7月和前一年10—12月降水)影响。年代际尺度上,区域年表共记录了1920s初—1930s初、1940s初以及1970s末—1980s末3个干旱时段和1900s末—1920s初、1930s、1960s中—1970s中以及1980s末—至今4个湿润时段。区域气候干湿变化以2~8、11、16~32a周期最为明显,在1970s末发生了周期性震荡。本研究所揭示的区域百余年来气候干湿变化波动状况,可为区域环境演变和荒漠化防治提供气候背景代用资料和决策依据。  相似文献   
黄河小北干流汛期和非汛期冲淤过程模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
滞后性是河流系统自动调整的重要特征之一。根据河道演变的滞后响应机制,在考虑上游来水来沙和下游侵蚀基准面(潼关高程)共同影响的基础上,建立了能够模拟河道汛期和非汛期冲淤过程的滞后响应模型,并采用黄河小北干流1960-2015年的冲淤资料进行参数率定(1960-2001年)和模型验证(2002-2015年)。结果表明该模型能较好地模拟小北干流汛期和非汛期的冲淤过程。汛期和非汛期累计冲淤量的模拟效果优于单个冲淤量;累计冲淤量和单个冲淤量的模拟效果汛期要优于非汛期。三门峡水库修建后,1960-2015年间小北干流汛期和非汛期的冲淤过程表现出时段差异。根据建立的滞后响应模型,本文分析了来水来沙和潼关高程对小北干流汛期和非汛期各个特征时段冲淤的贡献率,汛期和非汛期的第一时段(1960-1970年,1960-1968年)主要受到潼关高程的影响,但是后续时段主要受到来水来沙的影响。  相似文献   
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