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运用层序地层学理论和工作方法,对柴达木盆地西北部第三地层进行了详细研究,识别出4个层序。在层序体系域、沉积体系研究的基础上,分析了层序与铀成矿的关系,进而指出寻找层间氧化带可地浸砂岩型铀矿产出的有利层位和有利地区,为今后该地区铀矿找矿工作指明方向。  相似文献   
An instrument which measures the velocity and direction of benthic water currents at depths of up to 80 m is described. Characteristics of this meter include: (i) readings are not affected by water flow during sinking or retrieval; (ii) it is portable; (iii) it operates unattended; (iv) it is inexpensive; and (v) it requires only simple maintenance. A timing circuit which operates two time periods in succession is used to activate and de-activate a revolution counter and a fluidfilled compass which are mounted on a special frame and vane system. In the field, the instrument accurately measured average current velocities of up to 6 m s−1. Data are presented which illustrate the usefulness of this instrument in describing the velocity and direction of benthic currents along the east coast of Australia and demonstrate a positive correlation between benthic current velocity and catch rates of the commercially-exploited spanner crab Ranina ranina.  相似文献   
陈宇坤  聂永安 《地震学报》2000,22(6):596-605
通过对坚固体孕震模型应变能密度场动态变化的模拟研究,对地震孕育过程、初始破裂、始裂条件和破裂的传播方向等问题取得了进一步的认识.结果表明:孕震过程初期,软弱体部位应变能密度水平很高,但在孕震过程后期,其应变能密度增量水平变小,坚固体及其与直立断层交汇部位的应变能密度增量迅速变大,成为应变能密度增量最大的地方,从而使弹性模量比较大的坚固体与直立断层交汇处成为最先破裂发震的部位.破裂在直立断层端部的坚固体内沿着与断层成近于直交的方向传播,这样,理论上确定的破裂方向与实际计算的破裂方向得到了很好的统一.  相似文献   
2012年6月13日和7月10日华东地区部分地磁台垂直分量日变形态出现双低点异常,首次异常出现后37天,于7月20日发生江苏扬州M 4.9地震,震中位于低点位移分界线附近。分析认为,在强震前由于应力变化,引起孕震体环境中介质电导率等电磁性质发生改变,区域地磁场垂直分量日变曲线出现相位和幅度变化,说明地磁垂直分量日变双低点异常与地震的孕育和发生相关。  相似文献   
The Plio-Pleistocene succession of the Venice area represents part of the infill of a foreland region located between three mountain chains: the Northern Apennines, the Southern Alps and the Dinarides. This structural setting favored the development of a complex stratigraphic architecture of the succession, mostly due to the conveying of sediments from the Southern Alps to the north and the Northern Apennines to the south, in particular since the activation of strong subsidence related to the NE-ward migration of the Apennine foredeep in the early Pleistocene. Accordingly, the studied succession is composed of five third-order sequences mostly controlled by tectonics, the most recent of which display complex patterns due to the interfingering of sedimentary bodies showing contrasting directions of progradation and pinch-out. Despite this, the sequence stratigraphic method still can be applied in the present context, allowing to recognize diagnostic stratal architectures and reconstruct the relative sea-level history of the region. Moreover, the recognized peculiar stratigraphic architecture of the basin fill may serve as an analogue that needs to be taken into account to predict the distribution of porous coarse-grained sedimentary units in similar contexts, aiding for a profitable exploration and production of reservoirs and source/sealing rocks.  相似文献   
Drying of deformable porous media results in their shrinkage, and it may cause cracking provided that shrinkage deformations are hindered by kinematic constraints. This is the motivation to develop a thermodynamics‐based microporoelasticity model for the assessment of cracking risk in partially saturated porous geomaterials. The study refers to 3D representative volume elements of porous media, including a two‐scale double‐porosity material with a pore network comprising (at the mesoscale) 3D mesocracks in the form of oblate spheroids, and (at the microscale) spherical micropores of different sizes. Surface tensions prevailing in all interfaces between solid, liquid, and gaseous matters are taken into account. To establish a thermodynamics‐based crack propagation criterion for a two‐scale double‐porosity material, the potential energy of the solid is derived, accounting—in particular—for mesocrack geometry changes (main original contribution) and for effective micropore pressures, which depend (due to surface tensions) on the pore radius. Differentiating the potential energy with respect to crack density parameter yields the thermodynamical driving force for crack propagation, which is shown to be governed by an effective macrostrain. It is found that drying‐related stresses in partially saturated mesocracks reduce the cracking risk. The drying‐related effective underpressures in spherical micropores, in turn, result in a tensile eigenstress of the matrix in which the mesocracks are embedded. This way, micropores increase the mesocracking risk. Model application to the assessment of cracking risk during drying of argillite is the topic of the companion paper (Part II). Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
针对在恶劣观测环境下每个GNSS系统只观测到较少的几颗卫星,采用标准双差模型很难实现整周模糊度固定的问题,该文对GPS/BDS系统间混合双差模型进行研究,利用该模型计算出GPS/BDS系统偏差。在此基础上,利用实验分别对模拟和真实恶劣观测环境下的模糊度固定性能进行分析,实验结果表明,恶劣环境下GPS/BDS系统间混合双差模型表现良好,相较于经典的双差模型可将模糊度固定平均所需时间分别缩短43%和33%,模糊度固定成功率分别提高107%和31%。  相似文献   
李响  徐永健 《海洋科学》2016,40(5):76-81
利用自制的鱼类游泳能力测定装置,观察了大海马垂直和水平方向的最大临界游速,描述了大海马的游泳行为,并评估其游泳能力。结果表明:水温25.5℃±1.0℃条件下,体长6 cm个体水平方向的临界游速达到峰值为4.23 cm/s±0.23 cm/s;随体长的增加和减少,临界游速都有所下降,体长至约10 cm时临界游速为2.86 cm/s±0.02 cm/s。该物种在水平游泳时,游泳速度与尾部的倾斜角度有关,倾角越大,速度越大,当倾角达到55°时,速度达到最大值,而大于该角度,身体就失去平衡不能进行逆水流游动。大海马体长在6 cm时达到垂直方向的临界游速峰值,为0.372 cm/s±0.014 cm/s,此时的绝对临界速度为0.085 BL/s±0.010 BL/s。至体长增长到13 cm时,基本趋于稳定,与水平方向游速变化趋势相似。  相似文献   
焦森 《地质论评》2021,67(Z1):67z1143-67z1145
正研究区位于福建省邵武市大坪—张厝一带,区内断裂构造发育,萤石矿化强烈,物化探异常明显,萤石矿床(点)众多。综合区内成矿地质特征及成矿规律,区内萤石矿找矿潜力大,新发现的张厝、新坪萤石矿通过进一步工作,有望达到中大型萤石矿床规模。1 区域地质  相似文献   
针对InSAR技术研究地表三维形变时监测信息不足的问题,以GPS监测信息为先验信息,建立附有随机模型约束的地表三维形变模型。考虑到SAR卫星极轨方式运行导致LOS向观测量对南北向形变不敏感的问题,以GPS南北向形变观测值作为强约束,构建三维形变解算的函数约束条件。模拟数据与西安地区实测数据的计算结果表明,基于随机模型与函数模型共同约束的地表三维形变参数最小二乘解的精度优于仅有函数模型约束或仅有随机模型约束及无任何约束的参数解精度。  相似文献   
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