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利用19612013年河南烟区64个气象站逐日0 cm地表温度资料和20032012年烤烟化学成分数据,通过数理统计方法分析了烤烟生育期地表温度日较差(简称地温差)的变化对烤烟化学品质指标的影响。结果表明,河南省烟区烤烟化学成分与生育期地温差关系密切。河南烟区烤烟生育期地温差整体呈显著缩小趋势,下降趋势明显区域主要出现在三门峡、洛阳、平顶山、许昌、漯河和南阳。仅烤烟大田期和旺长期地温差存在突变点,且突变点基本上出现在20世纪80年代初期前后,地温差在显著突变前对烤烟化学成分影响显著。河南烟区烤烟下部叶化学品质指标的变异系数较大,空间差异更为显著。未来可能进一步缩小的地温日较差,将会导致上部叶总糖、还原糖、蛋白质含量减少,钾氯比含量增加;中部叶的氮碱比、糖碱比减少,烟碱、钾含量增加;下部叶两糖比增加。  相似文献   
There has been an obvious diurnal asymmetrical warming effect as a result of the overall climate warming in the Tibetan Plateau. To reduce the uncertainty caused by the diurnal asymmetrical warming effect on future food security predictions in the Tibetan Plateau, this study used winter highland barley (var. Dongqing No. 1) for the experimental materials, and the FATI (Free Air Temperature Increase) field open heating system to carry out a simulated diurnal asymmetrical warming experiment (AW: All-day warming, DW: Daytime warming, NW: Nighttime warming, CK: Control) for two growing seasons (2018-2019 and 2019-2020) at the Lhasa Agroecosystem Research Station. The growth characteristics and yield of Tibetan winter highland barley were investigated in this study. Compared to the control, all the AW, DW and NW treatments had significant effects on the phenological period of winter highland barley, with the advancement of the phenological phase and shortening of the whole growth period. The degree of influence was AW>NW>DW, and all the AW, DW and NW treatments shortened the interval from sowing to heading of winter highland barley and increased the interval from heading to maturity. The effect on the phenological phase was the most obvious for AW and reached a statistically significant level (P<0.05). During the generative growth phase, the biomass above-ground and plant height of winter highland barley had an increasing tendency under the different warming conditions. In the late growth period, the biomass above-ground and plant height of the NW treatment were significantly higher than those of the other treatments. In addition, the warming caused a decrease in the dry matter distribution proportions of leaves and stems at the mature stage, and an increase in the distribution ratios of roots and spikes; and the AW, NW and DW treatments increased grain yields by 16.4%, 24.6% and 9.5%, respectively, on average in the two years. The increasing effect on grain yields of the NW treatment reached a significant level compared with the control in 2019-2020 (t=-2.541, P=0.026). In terms of yield composition, the effective spike number and 1000-grain weight tended to increase. The grain number per spike tended to increase, except for the AW treatment, while panicle length and seed setting rate tended to decrease, except for the NW treatment. Therefore, the effects of different simulated diurnal asymmetrical warming treatments on the growth characteristics and yield of winter highland barley were variable in the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
The arrangement of sediment couplets preserved in Thalassinoides shafts suggests that tides regulated the passive filling of these trace fossils and, thus, represent tubular tidalites. The thickness variation in individual layers and couplets implies a mixed diurnal, semi‐diurnal tidal signature where packages of either thick‐layered or thin‐layered couplets alternate. Calcarenitic sediment accumulated when tidal current velocity was too high to allow deposition of mud, whereas a marly mud layer is interpreted to have formed during more tranquil times of a tidal cycle (in particular, low‐tide slack water). The tidal record within the burrows covers a few weeks and the corresponding spring–neap cycles. The fill of the Thalassinoides shafts is the only known record to decipher the tidal signature from otherwise totally bioturbated sediments. These deposits accumulated in a lower‐shoreface to upper‐offshore setting during the late Miocene on a shallow shelf extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the west into northern Patagonia. The fill of all investigated burrows started around spring tide and, thus, the behaviour of the burrow producers – probably crustaceans – is speculated to have been affected by tides or the high water level because all studied burrows became abandoned around the same period of a tidal cycle.  相似文献   
本文利用南海东北部的潜标资料研究了南海东北部全日非相干内潮的特征。潜标数据的结果表明,在2010年7月下旬和8月上旬,全日非相干内潮的能量显著增强,同时全日内潮的总能量强度达到了预期(相干部分)的两倍;从能量的垂向分布上来看,非相干内潮的能量最大值出现在120 m深度附近。射线追踪模型的结果表明,此次强非相干内潮能量主要来自吕宋海峡的中部,黑潮入侵是导致非相干内潮信号增强的主要原因,全日内潮在吕宋海峡中部生成后向西传播进入南海,而黑潮改变了全日内潮的传播路径,将西向传播的内潮向北折射,导致来自多源地的内潮在潜标处叠加,引起全日非相干内潮能量的增强。本文的结果将有助于加深对非相干内潮的特征的认识和促进对其生成机制的了解。  相似文献   
江苏-山东沿岸大型绿藻微观繁殖体时空分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究暴发浒苔绿潮的黄海近岸水体中大型绿藻微观繁殖体时空分布和种群演替,以及绿潮对海域繁殖体群落结构的影响,本研究在江苏-山东沿岸设置4个站位,开展周年取样调查研究。通过室内培养和分子检测结合的方法,共鉴定出6种大型绿藻:缘管浒苔(Ulva linza)、浒苔(U. prolifera)、扁浒苔(U. compressa)、孔石莼(U. pertusa)、未命名种(Ulva sp.)和盘苔(Blidingia sp.)。定量研究结果表明,各站位微观繁殖体丰度和种类组成具有明显时空变化特征,苏北浅滩与青岛近岸周年绿藻微观繁殖体丰度明显高于连云港燕尾港和日照岚山港站位;各站位丰度呈双峰型波动,春季到初夏达最高,秋季为次高峰,其他季节丰度较低。群落结构组成研究表明,苏北浅滩周年存在较高丰度的浒苔微观繁殖体(平均为77株/L),其中造成黄海大规模绿潮的"漂浮生态型"浒苔占绝对优势,年均占浒苔微观繁殖体总数的75.7%;青岛近岸微观繁殖体种类组成波动显著,在夏季大规模浒苔绿潮到达时,优势种从缘管浒苔转变成浒苔,其中,"漂浮生态型"浒苔微观繁殖体数量急剧上升,并在绿潮消退时快速消失。对比研究显示,...  相似文献   
长江口和杭州湾海域生物生产力锋面及其生态学效应   总被引:39,自引:10,他引:39  
通过分析海洋生态学资料并结合卫星遥感、渔场及赤潮等资料,发现长江口和杭州湾及其毗邻海域生物生产力的锋面,在离长江口门和杭州湾口约100 km的长江冲淡水中部海域出现蓝细菌丰度、浮游植物现存量和初级生产力以及浮游动物的最大值,该锋面的存在和位置被水色遥感所确认.光和营养盐在此呈现最佳的权衡.在该锋区悬浮体浓度小于5 mg/dm3,盐度为25~30.在该锋面的西侧高的悬浮体浓度造成了浮游植物的光限制,其东侧距长江口和杭州湾口较远,陆源营养盐被稀释,加之浮游植物的消耗,造成了营养盐的限制.夏季水体的层化,增强了水体的垂直稳定,使这种分布格局更加显著.由于细菌多附着在悬浮颗粒物的表面,细菌丰度的最大值出现在近口门区的最大浊度带,在向外海方向随着悬浮体的沉降细菌丰度迅速降低.在生物生产力锋面,浮游植物的旺发导致水体跃层之上高溶解氧浓度和低营养盐浓度,尤其是PO4被耗尽,同时浮游动物饵料的丰富,造成浮游动物旺发;由于蓝细菌的快速增殖,其流式细胞测定的细胞粒径变小.生物生产力锋面的出现产生了显著的生态学效应,一方面造成某些经济鱼类产卵和索饵场的形成,例如鲐鲹鱼、马鲛鱼等;另一方面造成赤潮多发区和底层水缺氧区.  相似文献   
利用成都地基全球定位系统(GPS)观测网2004年7~9月的观测数据,结合自动气象站获得的气象资料计算出GPS遥感的可降水量(PWV).与气象探空站观测资料算出的可降水量进行对比,确定出本次GPS遥感可降水量的精度为3.09 mm.并对成都、郫县夏季PWV的日循环特征进行了合成分析.结果表明:PWV呈明显的日循环,最小值出现在8:00(北京时间),成都和郫县分别为40.5 mm和35.0 mm;最大值出现在17:00左右,成都和郫县分别为43.5 mm和38.0 mm.白天PWV的变化较大,夜间相对稳定,日变幅为3 mm.在盛夏静稳型天气下,成都地区的PWV日循环特征与地面气温基本一致,皆受太阳辐射日变化的控制.降水日变化的一个显著特点是降水主要发生在夜间,当PWV在下午达到最大之后,主降水阶段开始,使PWV明显减少,同时使地面空气比湿迅速增大;当PWV下降到一个稳定状态后,主降水过程随之结束.大气水汽总量的积累和释放与地面降水有较好的对应关系,PWV的持续性递增和持续性递减预示着降水的开始和结束.  相似文献   
大气压力变化对武汉台站重力场观测的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗少聪  孙和平 《测绘学报》2000,29(Z1):75-79
利用全球2°×2.5°、中国及邻区域30′×30′ 气压资料和Farrell弹性地球模型负荷理论,采用数值积分方法,计算了大气压力变化对武汉台站重力场观测的影响。对1990年1月1日至12月31日的数值结果分析表明,全球大气压力变化对武汉台站重力的影响峰对峰达12微伽,大气重力导纳的年平均值为-0.260 μGal/mba(1 mba=1 hPa),这一结果同潮汐分析中由回归分析方法获得的导纳值相近。说明在利用超导重力仪观测资料应用于地球动力学研究之前,有必要作精细的全球气压变化改正。  相似文献   
掌握低纬度沿海地区海潮、理论固体潮、观测井水位观测曲线的日变特征及表现形式,使用快速傅里叶变换分离各谐波,提取优势频率,分析海潮对海南地区观测井水位观测数据的影响,发现距海岸线较近的向荣村井受海潮影响较大,水位观测曲线与海潮均表现为单峰单谷的日变特征。  相似文献   
用吹扫-捕集气相色谱法对北黄海常见的4种挥发性卤代烃(VHC)的研究表明,秋季北黄海表层海水中CHCl3,C2HCl3,CHBr2Cl和CHBr3的浓度和平均值分别为9.9~63.4(14.1±8.1),7.1~29.4(15.4±6.2),0.1~30.3(8.8±10.0)和4.2~56.4(21.6±12.2)pmol/dm3。这4种VHC在水平分布上呈现一定的空间变化,其浓度可能是陆地径流、人为活动和生物产生的影响程度不同造成的。VHC在垂直分布上受到地理位置和水文条件的不同影响,在不同站位有较大差异。周日变化研究表明,VHC具有一定的周日变化特征,受光照和潮汐等因素的共同影响最大值均出现在13:00—16:00。采用Liss和Slater双层模型理论对北黄海表层海水和大气之间CHCl3,C2HCl3和CHBr3的海-气通量进行估算,得到这3种物质在北黄海的海-气通量平均值和范围分别为14.8(0.2~104.4),23.2(1.8~93.0)和15.6(0.7~55.1)nmol/(m2.d)。结果表明,在秋季该研究海域是大气CHCl3,C2HCl3和CHBr3的源。  相似文献   
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