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北太平洋中尺度涡时空特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郑聪聪  杨宇星  王法明 《海洋科学》2014,38(10):105-112
利用1993~2011年19 a的AVISO卫星高度计资料研究了北太平洋(10°~60°N,120°E~100°W)中尺度涡的时空分布特征,结果表明:北太平洋每年约产生1 800余个涡旋,其中气旋涡稍多。北太平洋东部沿岸、西北沿岸、黑潮延伸体北侧、副热带逆流区是中尺度涡的高发区,春、冬季是涡旋的高发季节。涡极性分布以35°N为界,北部多反气旋涡,南部多气旋涡。涡旋半径以100 km左右为主,并且基本随纬度升高而减小,涡旋数量随着周期增长而急剧下降。反气旋涡的平均半径和周期均大于气旋涡。利用Argo浮标剖面资料分析的6个个例涡旋的垂直结构显示,每个涡旋都有其独特的冷暖核结构,深度不同。研究结果对于分析北太平洋涡动能分布及传输具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
Vertical distribution (0–15 cm) of the macrobenthic community and its relationships to natural sediment characteristics and trace metal contents and bioavailability were studied at five locations in the lower Douro estuary, Portugal. An analysis of vertical metal distribution, for the interpretation of anthropogenic impact on the estuarine sediments, was also investigated. Sediment characterisation included organic matter, grain size, metals (Al, Fe, Cu, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cd, Zn and Mn), acid volatile sulphide (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM). The macrobenthic community had low diversity (14 species), was dominated by small size opportunists and seemed to be controlled mainly by natural factors such as grain size distribution, Al and Fe contents and sediment depth. The vertically heterogeneous distribution of macrobenthic community appears to affect redox status of the sediments and consequently metal bioavailability. Despite anthropogenic contamination in terms of Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr and Ni having already been detected in the north bank, the analysis of vertical distribution was essential for the identification of current anthropogenic contamination in terms of Zn, Pb and Cd in the south bank.  相似文献   
杭州湾海域春、秋季鱼类种类组成和数量分布   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用底层拖网法,用渔获率作为鱼类资源数量分布的指标,进行了杭州湾调查海域2012年5月(春季)、10月(秋季)2个季节的鱼类种类组成、区系特点、数量分布等研究。结果表明:(1)杭州湾海域春、秋两季共获得并鉴定出的鱼类有31种,隶属于9目15科,其中以石首鱼科和■虎鱼科的种类为最多,各有5种,分别占总种数的16.7%;鳀科鱼类次之,有4种,占总种数的13.3%,优势种有睛尾蝌蚪■虎鱼、龙头鱼、刀鲚、棘头梅童鱼;(2)根据鱼类适温性可将该海域的鱼类分为暖水性、暖温性和冷温性3种适温类型,以暖温性种类为主,暖水性种类次之,而冷温性种类极少,仅有1种;(3)根据其生态习性,可分为河口性、沿岸性和近海性3种生态类群;(4)渔获数量分布规律是春季在调查海域的内侧或者说中西部较高,而湾口较低,秋季则正好相反。  相似文献   
The discovery at Stewart Island of a hauling‐out ground regularly used by Hooker's sea lions (Phocarctos hooked) is described, and recent sightings of sea lions in southern New Zealand are reported. An attempted copulation between a male Hooker's sea lion and a dead female fur seal (Arctocephalus forsteri) is also described.  相似文献   
The male of Abergasilus amplexus Hewitt, 1978 is described for the first time. Previous records of A. amplexus are discussed and a new locality, Te Whanga Lagoon, Chatham Islands, is reported.  相似文献   
Pseudodiaptomus hessei is a key species in many water bodies in the Senegal River hydrosystem but it became rare or completely disappeared from two ecosystems (Lake Guiers and Dakar Bango Reservoir; Senegal, West Africa) after major hydrological changes caused by human action, mainly impoundments on the river in 1985, and the opening of a new estuary mouth in 2003. Kâ et al. [Kâ, S., Pagano, M., Ba, N., Bouvy, M., Leboulanger, C., Arfi, R., Thiaw, O.T., Ndour, E.H.M., Corbin, D., Defaye, D., Cuoc, C., Kouassi, E., 2006. Zooplankton distribution related to environmental factors and phytoplankton in a shallow tropical lake (Lake Guiers, Senegal, West Africa). International Review of Hydrobiology 91(5), 389–405] put forward several hypotheses to explain the reasons for this decline: salinity and chemical changes in the water, predation by a cyclopid predator Mesocyclops ogunnus and/or the inhibiting effects of cyanobacteria and/or diatoms (allelopathy). This study assessed these hypotheses by studying the distribution of P. hessei in 13 stations (including the Dakar Bango reservoir and Lake Guiers) in relation to physical, chemical and biological (phyto- and zooplanktons) factors at each station. We produced a distribution pattern for this species in the Senegal River hydrosystem. Rank correlations and principal component analysis showed that P. hessei was not correlated with conductivity but was positively correlated with pH and alkalinity, suggesting chemical effects. The clear association with two filamentous cyanobacteria (Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Anabaena sp.) did not appear to support the hypothesis of cyanobacteria inhibition but blooming conditions were never encountered during the study. Negative correlation with diatoms (especially with Fragilaria sp.) suggested that aldehyde producing diatoms had a negative effect. Negative correlations with cyclopids such as Mesocyclops supported the hypothesis of cyclopid predation to explain the decline of P. hessei. This study proposes several lines of research for future studies to test these hypotheses.  相似文献   
From 2000 to 2006, a total of 75 bivalve species were identified, varying from 29 (spring 2001) to 54 species (spring 2005) per year. Seasonal tendencies in diversity varied according the year, thus the interpretation of long-term and regional scales is essential before drawing any conclusions in other studies. Richness and diversity consistently decreased with depth and increased with sediment grain size (from low in very coarse sand to high in coarse silt). Diversity decreased progressively from 3 to 16 m depth, thus the harsher shallower environments (due to waves and tidal air exposure) showed greater diversity than the most stable areas. Communities in finer sediments were more diverse than those in coarser sand. Evenness showed patterns opposite to diversity, overall.Diversity and evenness maps (produced with multivariate universal kriging), showed that most geographic areas with greater diversity were farer from river outflows and wastewater treatment plants. Two types of geographic pattern were observed: areas with persistently greater bivalve diversity through time and areas that changed locally from year to year. This spatial analysis can be used to establish priority conservation areas for management purposes, and to analyse the persistency of regional diversity patterns. The area with most habitat heterogeneity (Sotavento) corresponded to greatest diversity.There was a positive relationship between Spisula solida and Chamelea gallina landings and bivalve diversity 2 years and 1 year later, respectively. Possibly, local fisheries, by selectively withdrawing the commercial numerically dominant species from the ecosystem, increased diversity 1 to 2 years later, as the ecological niches of the dominants are quickly filled by several other species thereby creating a more even community. On regional scales, no significant impact was found on long-term bivalve diversity in local fisheries,  相似文献   
深圳湾海域表层和柱样沉积物中的重金属分布特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
分析深圳湾表层沉积物中锌、铬、镉、镍、铅、铜等6种重金属元素的含量发现它们的浓度均值已全部超过广东省海岸带沉积物背景值。根据潜在生态危害法,在6种重金属中镉造成的污染最严重,从潜在的生态危害指数评价看镉的含量已达到很高的污染水平。从面状分布看,重金属污染危害指数值在深圳河口区最低,在蛇口段居中等水平,在深圳湾内侧的近岸水域最大。柱样沉积物的浓度变化以1950年为界划分为两部分:1950年以来的现代沉积物中有较强的人类活动干扰痕迹,表现为重金属元素的浓度增长幅度大,且浓度很高,其均值全部大于广东省海岸带的背景值;1950年以前的近代沉积物中有稍弱的人类活动干扰痕迹。研究认为沉积物粒度特征、沉积速率、人类活动与重金属在沉积物中的浓度高低有直接相关关系,并直接影响到重金属在沉积物中的污染水平。  相似文献   
利用CloudSat卫星数据处理中心(CloudSat Data Processing Center,CloudSat DPC)提供的CloudSat卫星数据、欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,ECMWF)提供的ERA5再分析资料和美国国家航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration,NASA)提供的Aqua卫星可见光云图,对冬春季发生在大西洋上四个爆发性气旋个例的云微物理参量垂直分布特征进行了分析。结果表明:爆发性气旋中心云系多为层积云或积云,中心外围云系以雨层云为主,雨层云外部往往伴随着相似高度的高层云,气旋冷锋云带内以雨层云、高层云和高积云为主,冰粒子出现的最低高度与0℃等温线高度几乎重合;冰粒子有效半径随高度的增加而减小,而冰粒子数浓度随高度增加而增大;冰水含量大值区主要位于雨层云中部;液态水主要分布在高层云和层积云底部,冬季爆发性气旋个例内的液态水含量大于春季。  相似文献   
河北汤泉地热田地温场分布及其控制因素研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
汤泉位于河北省遵化市西北部,为山前丘陵地貌,地热资源丰富。本文对汤泉地热田内分布的诸多基岩热水井进行了钻孔测温,利用测温结果对该地热田地温场分布特征及控制因素进行了研究。研究发现:钻孔温度明显受地下水流的影响,绝大部分测温井表现为对流传热特征,个别表现为传导为主的传热特征;地温异常区域位于汤泉福泉宫和疗养院一带,异常中心呈两极分布,地热异常中心50 m埋深水温为51~54℃,100 m埋深水温可达60~67℃;该地热系统中地热水系地下水在深循环过程中,在正常的大地热流背景下被围岩逐渐加热所致;由花岗岩隔水底板构造形态所形成的隐伏盆地,构成了福泉宫至疗养院一带的蓄水构造;由于断裂构造切割花岗岩体,造成深部的热流沿断裂上升,混合并加热赋存于福泉宫至疗养院一带蓄水构造中的片麻岩裂隙水,形成该地段的地热异常现象;福泉宫地区和疗养院地区片麻岩含水层裂隙发育,使得深部热量能够快速到达浅部地层,并在浅部出现局部异常高温;汤泉地热田片麻岩热储层地热流体属于含岩盐地层溶滤的陆相沉积水,主要来源于大气降水。  相似文献   
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