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重庆綦江地质公园地质遗迹特征及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
綦江地质公园发育木化石、恐龙足迹、恐龙骨骼化石、鱼化石、沉积构造、丹霞地貌等地质遗迹景观,木化石和恐龙足迹为园区的导向型景观。木化石分布在侏罗系中统沙溪庙组(J2s)上部砂岩层中,砂岩层含钙质结核,在约300×200m2的砂岩层内共埋藏有60多根木化石,其中一半木化石为钙化作用形成。恐龙足迹集中分布在白垩系上统夹关组(K2j)砂泥岩层中,岩层发育交错层理、波痕和泥裂。在夹关组的3个层位中共发现329个恐龙足迹,其分别属于甲龙类、鸟脚类和兽脚类。园区地质遗迹分布在一套河湖相沉积层中,其形成于内陆河湖网形成之时(如木化石),并随着四川盆地周围的湖泊系统解体而发展(如恐龙足迹),最终随着河流由堆积作用为主的阶段转变为以侵蚀作用为主的阶段而减弱(如丹霞地貌)。白垩纪上统夹关组的恐龙足迹群形成于干热的环境,多类型的恐龙足迹集中分布反映了白垩纪晚期(夹关期)恐龙种群的丰富,恐龙足迹的发现为区域内寻找白垩系地层的恐龙骨骼化石提供了依据。  相似文献   
恐龙蛋化石研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱迈平 《江苏地质》2006,30(3):161-171
20世纪90年代以来,随着中国和阿根廷等地大量的恐龙蛋化石(特别是包含有胚胎化石的标本)被发掘出来,恐龙蛋的研究取得了长足进展。获得的信息说明,恐龙是高度分异的庞大多样化种群,不仅它们的体形差异巨大,而且其蛋的形态、尺寸及产卵习性也有很大差别。在形态和尺寸上,有大小如鸡蛋、柚子、篮球、铁饼及橄榄球等;产卵习性上,有一次产多枚,杂乱堆积掩埋;也有一次产两枚,精心排列成圈等。  相似文献   
探讨对虾白斑综合症(White Spot Syndrome WSS)与虾池中桡足类之间的关系,于2003年5~10月份,在暴发过对虾白斑综合症的池塘中采集桡足类样品共128个,并从冬季底泥样品分离出桡足类休眠卵样品20个,以及此种休眠卵孵化得来的桡足类幼体样品5个。利用PCR斑点杂交法以及巢式PCR法检测样品中对虾白斑综合症病毒(White Spot Syndrome Virus WSSV)携带情况。结果表明,5~10月份桡足类样品中均能检测到阳性样品,总的阳性率为56.3%;其中,5月份样品阳性率为37.5%,6,8,9,10月份各取样1次,每次样品中的阳性率均在60%以上。在20例桡足类休眠卵样品中有1例为阳性,阳性率为5%;并且实验室中孵化此种休眠卵得来的桡足类幼体样品中检测到阳性,阳性率为40%。本研究初步表明,桡足类是WSSV的携带者或传播媒介之一,且冬季池塘底泥中携带WSSV的桡足类休眠卵可萌发出带病毒的桡足类。  相似文献   
A new theropod dinosaur,Shidaisaurusjinae gen.et sp.nov.,has been described on the basis of an incomplete skeleton.The specimen was found near the base of the Upper Lufeng Formation(early Middle Jurassic)in Yunnan,China.It is the first theropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Yunnan.Shidaisaurus jinae is distinguishable from other Jurassic theropods by certain features from the braincase,axis,and pelvic girdle.The absence of any pleurocoels in the axis or in any anterior dorsal vertebrae suggests that the new Lufeng theropod is relatively primitive and more plesiomorphic than most of the Middle to Late Jurassic theropods from China.Most Chinese taxa of Jurassic theropod dinosaurs have not been well described;a further detailed study will be necessary for us to determine their phylogenetic relationships with Shidaisaurus jinae.  相似文献   
几种药物对中国对虾卵子的消毒试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文试验了几种药物对中国对虾卵子表面细菌的杀灭力以及卵子对消毒药物的耐受力。试验结果表明,利用适当浓度的药物对卵子消毒可以消除病原体的来源和传播途径,减少对虾育期各种疾病的发生而又不致于对卵子的孵化率产生显著影响。  相似文献   
于2007年和2008年6月、8月,用大型浮游生物网对莱州湾鱼卵、仔稚鱼种类组成与数量分布进行了4个航次调查。结果表明,采集到11271粒鱼卵,隶属于4目、15科、22种(不包括2个未定名物种);仔稚鱼2942尾,隶属于4目、9科、12种(不包括2个未定名物种)。6月份是莱州湾大部分鱼类主要产卵期,鱼卵、仔稚鱼种类达25种,鱼卵优势种以斑(Clupanodon punctatus)和凤鲚(Coilia mystus)为主;仔稚鱼优势种以凤鲚、梭鱼(Mugil soiuy)和斑为主。8月份产卵的鱼类较少,仅采集到15种鱼卵、仔稚鱼,优势种均以凤鲚和鲈鱼(Lateolabrax japonicus)为主。鱼卵、仔稚鱼平面分布极不均匀,黄河、广利河和老弥河口附近海域数量较多,莱州湾中部海域数量较少。通过SPSS软件分析发现,鱼卵数量与仔稚鱼、表层铵盐含量呈显著正相关(r=0.438,0.604,P0.01),与盐度、透明度呈负相关(r=-0.343,-0.329,P0.05);仔稚鱼数量仅与鱼卵数量和表层铵盐含量呈显著正相关(r=0.438,0.536,P0.01),与其它环境因子没有明显相关关系(P0.05)。  相似文献   
由热应力引起的热破裂作用是造成恐龙化石破坏的一个重要因素。在太阳照射条件下,由于受热不均匀及日照的长久往复循环作用,使得化石表面发生热破裂作用,导致化石表面产生裂缝,加速了恐龙化石风化。采用模拟实验的方式,主要针对恐龙化石试件的物理力学受力变形特性进行研究。通过有限差分软件FLAC3D进行数值模拟,揭示日光辐射造成的恐龙化石温度差异分布对化石风化的影响。试验结果表明:恐龙化石不同部位的温度差异,是造成化石内部热应力分布不均匀的重要原因,热应力的不均匀性导致化石发生热破裂,加速了化石风化受损,因此化石保存要尽量放在恒温环境下,避免化石温度往复变化。  相似文献   
兰州-民和盆地恐龙足印化石形成的地质特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡雄飞  顾延生  李长安 《地层学杂志》2005,29(3):306-308,i010
兰州—民和盆地恐龙足印化石赋存和保存的特征表明:该区早白垩世中期的构造稳定,盆地扩张时期出现的湖沼环境是恐龙足印化石形成的最佳时期和场所,形成之后的湖进序列是良好的覆盖层。  相似文献   
Benthic, viable resting eggs of calanoid copepods were found for the first time in the Seine estuary (France) during July 2008. Vertical distribution of the resting eggs in the sediment was determined up to 10 cm depth. Hatching success of the eggs extracted from different 1-cm thick sediment layers was experimentally tested immediately after extraction and after a long refractory phase (i.e. 11 months) of storage at low temperature (4–5 °C). The hatching success of resting eggs obtained immediately after sediment incubation was lower (0.72%) than the value observed after 11 months (4.50%) with an overall hatching success of 2.37%. The marine, calanoid copepod Temora longicornis was the primary species to hatch from the eggs; however, the estuarine calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis also hatched from resting eggs. The mean abundance of eggs found in sediment (1.42 × 106 eggs m−2) was comparable to that reported for other marine and estuarine calanoid copepods. The Seine estuary sediment had a high variability of egg abundance (between 0.14 and 8.10 × 107 eggs m−3) suggesting that the hydrodynamics of this macrotidal estuary are likely responsible for this variability. Significant sediment resuspension occurs in the Seine estuary during flood periods and spring tides leading to resting eggs to contribute along the year to the nauplii recruitment of calanoid copepods. On average, around 400,000 nauplii m−3 month−1 of the main calanoid copepods can emerge from the surface layer sediment in the Seine estuary, suggesting that resting eggs could play an important role in the population dynamics of key calanoid copepods in the Seine estuary.  相似文献   
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