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高晗  韩立国  凌云  张盼  宋超  孙慧秋 《世界地质》2015,34(4):1098-1105
本文将黏弹固体骨架与各向异性多孔弹性模型相结合,并将地层黏弹性的特性考虑其中,更好地刻画了快P波和横波在地震频带的衰减现象。将多孔黏弹模型模拟结果同传统弹性模型模拟结果对比显示,多孔黏弹模型在模拟真实储层方面更具优势。  相似文献   
通过对大桥金矿成矿地质特征研究的基础上,对矿区1∶20万区域化探异常特征、1∶5万水系沉积物测量异常特征及1∶1万土壤测量异常特征进行了分析和对比,认为该区化探工作随着比例尺的增大,异常元素增多,异常强度增强,异常浓集中心更加明显,显示出主成矿元素异常和相关伴生元素的继承性和多样性。异常元素组合显示,矿区中、大比例尺化探工作圈定的异常中,金、汞、砷、锑、银等中、低温元素异常发育,成为大桥金矿重要的找矿指示元素和直接找矿指标。原生晕特征标明,金及伴生元素异常展布与矿体产状基本一致,而异常强度在顶、底板明显减弱,说明赋矿层位和岩性对矿体的分布控制作用明显。本文旨在探讨该矿床不同介质系列化探异常特征,为西秦岭区化探找金工作提供新的范例。  相似文献   
Doo Yong Choi  Chin H. Wu   《Ocean Engineering》2006,33(5-6):587-609
A new three-dimensional, non-hydrostatic free surface flow model is presented. For simulating water wave motions over uneven bottoms, the model employs an explicit project method on a Cartesian the staggered gird system to solve the complete three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations. A bi-conjugated gradient method with a pre-conditioning procedure is used to solve the resulting matrix system. The model is capable of resolving non-hydrostatic pressure by incorporating the integral method of the top-layer pressure treatment, and predicting wave propagation and interaction over irregular bottom by including a partial bottom-cell treatment. Four examples of surface wave propagation are used to demonstrate the capability of the model. Using a small of vertical layers (e.g. 2–3 layers), it is shown that the model could effectively and accurately resolve wave shoaling, non-linearity, dispersion, fission, refraction, and diffraction phenomena.  相似文献   
针对庙西南凸起馆陶组主要成藏砂体类型与油气富集程度的差异,分析油气运聚条件及其对油气成藏的影响,总结差异成藏规律。研究表明,油田区为多断阶“脊—断”接力式油气运聚模式,油气先沿馆陶组底部区域砂岩输导脊向高部位断阶区横向运移,再由“通脊”断裂将油气分配至浅层聚集成藏。增压应力的分布与强度是影响油气运移与保存的关键,控制主要成藏砂体类型与油气富集程度。增压区利于油气保存而不利于油气运移,以厚砂体成藏为主;弱增压区、亚增压区利于油气运移但不利于油气保存,主要为薄砂体成藏。构造低部位弱增压与高部位增压型断块运移与保存条件最优,油气最为富集。同一断块内部,“脊—断”条件控制不同井区的油气丰度,“通脊”断裂切至输导脊的构造位置越高、在输导脊上累计错动面积越大,该区域的油气丰度也越高。这种油气差异成藏规律有效指导了庙西南凸起馆陶组的高效评价,同时为类似地区的油气勘探提供了重要参考价值。  相似文献   
江苏是海洋大省,但并非海洋强省,2005年海洋渔业在全国处于第6位,为浙江和山东的1/3和1/5。江苏具有发展海洋渔业的有利条件,丰富的水产资源和滩涂资源适合发展海洋渔业,发达的地区经济为渔业发展提供了技术支撑。从省内区域差异来看,渔业过分集中于如东、启东等少数县市,多数县市产业优势未能充分发挥。应该大力发展海水增养业、加强养殖区域生态环境保护,积极发展相关海洋产业。  相似文献   
Submesoscale processes in marginal seas usually have complex generating mechanisms, highly dependent on the local background flow and forcing. This numerical study investigates the spatial and seasonal differences of submesoscale activities in the upper ocean of the South China Sea (SCS) and the different dynamical regimes for sub-regions. The spatial and seasonal variations of vertical vorticity, horizontal convergence, lateral buoyancy gradient, and strain rate are analyzed to compare the submesoscale phenomenon within four sub-regions, the northern region near the Luzon Strait (R1), the middle ocean basin (R2), the western SCS (R3), and the southern SCS (R4). The results suggest that the SCS submesoscale processes are highly heterogeneous in space, with different seasonalities in each sub-region. The submesoscale activities in the northern sub-regions (R1, R2) are active in winter but weak in summer, while there appears an almost seasonal anti-phase in the western region (R3) compared to R1 and R2. Interestingly, no clear seasonality of submesoscale features is shown in the southern region (R4). Further analysis of Ertel potential vorticity reveals different generating mechanisms of submesoscale processes in different sub-regions. Correlation analyses also show the vertical extent of vertical velocity and the role of monsoon in generating submesoscale activities in the upper ocean of sub-regions. All these results suggest that the sub-regions have different regimes for submesoscale processes, e.g., Kuroshio intrusion (R1), monsoon modulation (R2), frontal effects (R3), topography wakes (R4).  相似文献   
猪毛菜在不同降水条件下的水分来源差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢星  陈辉  陈同同  韩璐 《冰川冻土》2015,37(5):1396-1405
通过测定大柴旦与都兰地区猪毛菜木质部水分及其不同潜在水源的稳定性氢氧同位素值,利用多源线性混合模型分析不同水分来源对猪毛菜的贡献率.研究结果表明:大柴旦地区大气降水线为y=7.565x+4.796(R2=0.908),都兰地区大气降水线为y=6.005x-7.856(R2=0.7391),说明两个地区都存在较强的蒸发作用.但是,都兰地区较大柴旦风速大,温度高,雨水蒸发速度快,造成雨水δ18O偏高,形成比大柴旦地区斜率更小的当地大气降水线.大柴旦和都兰地区的猪毛菜,在两个样地的用水策略上存在显著差异.在降水较少的大柴旦地区,猪毛菜以土壤水为主要水源.在降水较多的都兰地区,则以降水为主要水源.就其对土壤水的使用情况来看,大柴旦的猪毛菜多利用深层土壤水,而都兰地区的猪毛菜却对表层土壤水利用比例较大.两地猪毛菜在生长季的不同时期都存在对利用水源的转换现象.为适应不同地区降水量的变化,猪毛菜根据不同水源调节利用比例.降水格局的改变将导致猪毛菜的水分利用策略发生适应性的变化.  相似文献   
条形基础极限承载力数值分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩冬冬  贾敏才  刘开富  谢新宇 《岩土力学》2007,28(10):2209-2214
根据塑性力学滑移线理论,推导了条形地基在极限平衡状态下的平衡微分方程,然后利用有限差分法推出地基土在极限状态时的有限差分公式,结合边界条件编制出地基承载力计算程序,该程序求解条形地基极限状态下的滑移线区域及相应的地基极限承载力值时可以考虑基础埋深、地基土重度、土的内摩擦角、基础与地基摩擦等参数。利用程序,得到了土的内摩擦角与地基承载力系数N? 的对应表,并全面讨论了基础埋深、地基土重度、内摩擦角及基础与地基摩擦角等参数对地基承载力和滑移线形状的影响,得到了一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   
Load displacement analysis of drilled shafts can be accomplished by utilizing the “t-z” method, which models soil resistance along the length and tip of the drilled shaft as a series of springs. For non-linear soil springs, the governing differential equation that describes the soil-structure interaction may be discretized into a set of algebraic equations based upon finite difference methods. This system of algebraic equations may be solved to determine the load–displacement behavior of the drilled shaft when subjected to compression or pullout. By combining the finite difference method with Monte Carlo simulation techniques, a probabilistic load–displacement analysis can be conducted. The probabilistic analysis is advantageous compared to standard factor of safety design because uncertainties with the shaft–soil interface and tip properties can be independently quantified. This paper presents a reliability analysis of drilled shaft behavior by combining the finite difference technique for analyzing non-linear load–displacement behavior with Monte Carlo simulation method. As a result we develop probabilistic relationships for drilled shaft design for both total stress (undrained) and effective stress (drained) parameters. The results are presented in the form of factor of safety or resistance factors suitable for serviceability design of drilled shafts.  相似文献   
结合波形互相关技术的双差算法在地震定位中的应用探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文致力于探讨在数字化地震监测大规模发展后,如何更好地将大量丰富的数字化波形信息应用到地震定位领域,从而更大程度地提高地震定位精度问题。笔者认为"结合波形互相关技术的双差定位算法"是一种比较有发展前景的方法,因此分别从基本理论、发展历程、台网实用化过程以及推广使用中可能存在的问题等角度进行分析,探讨该技术在地震定位领域中的发展方向及推广使用的可能性。  相似文献   
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